Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

35.8K 1.6K 340

You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 12: The Lucky

655 28 3
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

(F/f) = Favorite Flavor


The fake Marik was in and out of consciousness and was close to getting up but he fell back down, too weak to get back on his feet.

Everyone was yelling, begging, screaming for Joey to wake up since he still had a chance to win this duel if he just woke up. 'Please get up Joey . . .' You prayed silently in your thoughts and you subconsciously grabbed Yami's hand. Remaining focus on Joey as you were anxious for him to wake up. Yami was surprised but he interlaced his hands with yours, both of you gave a light squeeze to each other's hands. Both hoping for Joey to wake up.

Jane looked up at your hands holding one another then back at Joey, her ears perked up "He's awake!" Jane exclaimed since her hearing was more advanced than a normal human being given she is a cat. Sure enough, Joey was slowly coming to and wobbly stood up and was a little confused. The announcer proclaimed Joey the winner.

"I won?"

"Yes you did, sleeping beauty!" Tristan yelled out in happiness as he jumped into Joey's arms and made Joey almost fall back. Serenity joined in on the hug as she was crying out of pure joy that he won and relief that he was okay. The tension in the air died down and everyone was in so much relief of Joey being alright. You and Yami let each other's hands when you both saw he was up and kicking.

"Don't scare us like that you big idiot!" Mai yelled at Joey with a pouty face, trying to hide the fact she was worried about him.

"Awe, Were you worried about me~" Joey teased.

Mai's cheeks grew a little red "Ha! That lightning must have done something to that small brain of yours because I was not worried for you at all. You would die a dumber death than by lightning." Mai huffed and turned her head away.

Joey made a fist "You damn little diva!" Joey growled but then he looked over to the fake Marik.

The teenager wiggled his way out of his sisters and best friends arms. Going over to him and helping him up and Tristan helped even though he was reluctant at first. "I have been told that it is proper for duelists to introduce themselves before the duel but I'll make an exception for ya case. Who are ya really man?" Joey asked the man who knew he didn't deserve this treatment but he felt like he owed it to Joey because he dueled with passion and for the right reasons while he was not.

"I am a loyal servant of . . . . my master . . . . Master Marik." He tiredly looked and pointed to Namu who was exposed with his millennium rod in his hand and holding his head in his head. Looking like he was in immense pain. "No, not you Namu." Joey was in disbelief of Namu being the one who was Marik. He came to the realization the whole meeting with him in the streets was just all a plan of his. It also made him realize that Namu was not there as a hostage when they were being jumped from his servants, no where was he found. Because he was Marik. He felt like a complete idiot for not seeing the signs and falling for the act he gave to Tea and him for being an innocent person.

"I knew it." You muttered as you narrowed your eyes at the real Marik. Marik's arms pain subsided and he bursted out laughing like a crazed maniac. Turning himself all on everyone with a smirk "Damn you and her keen senses." He sneered at you. His voice was demonic, didn't sound human at all or like how he sounded like before. Jane was in front of you and Yami put you behind him but you gently moved him aside. You were perfectly capable of standing on your own. "You were the one who sucks at hiding." You boldly said with a straight face. He gripped the millenium rod in his hand, clicking his tongue when he sent his glare over to the man in Joey's arms. "You are of no use to me anymore, you pathetic failure." His eyes scan back over to the group and make eye contact with Yami.

Marik pointed to the millennium puzzle with his grin getting wider. You were now the one who stood in front of Yami to protect him out of instinct. Your body had moved on its own when you had done that and had one arm extended out to keep Yami behind you but also in your other hand appeared your millennium dagger. Of course this startled you since this was a brand new function of your dagger now being able to manifest itself into the palm of your hand. The dagger glowed, sensing the danger emitting from Marik. "Let me guess," you cleared your throat. "I am gonna take your millenium puzzle and make it mine! Shebang?" You imitated an evil man's voice to mock him but shifted your voice back when you said that last part. Duke tried not to laugh, he almost did until Tea whacked his arm.

You noticed the pattern of these villains going after Yami's puzzle for this so-called invincible power you have yet to see. It was becoming a routine for you at this point. "You evil punks seriously need to get new lines. It's getting old." Marik clenched his teeth as he was growing more agitated from you mocking him and not taking his threats seriously. "You will regret ever saying that you wench!" He sneered before he winced in pain. Your dagger was flashing a much brighter light "It senses even more danger nearby." You told Yami who noticed it too who placed a hand on your shoulder, letting you know he was there with you. Marik had a hand over his forehead and his servant watched in horror as his master was screaming in such agony from the pain he was feeling throughout his head. Launching his head back as he cried out into the dark night.

"No, master Marik. . ." His voice was broken as he could not do a single thing, he barely even had strength to keep himself from passing out. His eyes moved over to you who wielded the dagger "Can it be . . . Does it actually exists?" he softly asked himself but no one heard him. He shut his eyes and turned away from watching his master to turn to Joey "You're all in grave danger . . . I can no longer keep his evil side in its slumber for much longer . . ."He looked at his master once more "Forgive me Marik . . ." He reached out to Marik with his trembling hands ". . . I truly have . . . failed . . . you . . ." He soon succumbed to his lightheadedness and fell unconscious in Joey and Tristan's arms.

Once he fell into a deep slumber, Marik stopped screaming. His hair was shot up as if he just went super saiyan but not with the cool power up and instead only had this dark and menacing aura now affiliated around him. A glowing eye on his forehead when he lowered his head back to face everyone once again. "Geez now who is this guy?" You grumbled under your breath. "You are no longer Marik . . . Just who are you!" Yami demanded from this new entity that stood before everyone. He turned to Yami who stood a little to the side but still behind you just to get a good look at this evil man. "Why, I am the true Marik. I am here to finish the job that imbecile couldn't get done to truly live the life I deserve." he introduced himself.

His eyes fell over on the unconscious subordinate "You did your best to keep me at bay Odion but you were far too weak from my superior power. You were even almost capable of handling the power of the Egyptian God card, however, only a select few can behold such extraordinary power . . . Like you Kaiba." Kaiba scoffed at Marik "I control Obelisk with my own capability as the strongest duelist, not because of some stupid Egyptain fairy tale." Kaiba spat at Marik. It only made him snicker "You cannot deny your past, your history, you will learn that the hard way one day Kaiba." Kaiba rolled his eyes at Marik who only spoke nonsense in his ears. Kaiba was a realistic man who doesn't believe in fate or destiny, let alone enjoying the idea of his own future being decided for him when it is his and his alone. That kind of mindset infuriates him to the core which is probably why he hates Yugi's ideology of the heart of the cards and the way he talks about his fate and crap. Yet he had no problem with your dagger and its abilities like make it make sense Kaiba.

Tristan clenched his teeth "He was that real Marik's pal. Stop talking trash about someone else's friend!" Tristan sneered at Marik who was unphased by Tristan's threat. Joey had kept Serenity behind him to not be in sight of this crazy bastard. "You will join him all soon enough in the endless darkness." Marik held his millenium rod in his hand, you gasped when he pointed it to Joey, Tristan, Serenity, and Odion. "No!" They were too far from you and you clenched your dagger tightly in your hand'My weapon is not enough!' I can't reach them, I need to protect them!' You could feel this sudden flow of strength come through this source on your shoulder 'I need power to protect them! Please give me the power!' You begged the dagger to listen to your thoughts cry.

Marik took a step forward to them but only to be forced to take many steps back as a bright golden light surrounded the four of them, a very illuminating shield. But it wasn't just them, they were around everyone. Kaiba brothers, Kaiba's guards, all of your friends. He whipped around to see the source of it all "You" he growled with such venom in his voice. You had a shield over you and Yami "I won't let you harm any of them you monster!" Marik gripped his millennium rod tighter in his hand as he was pissed off. "Your pathetic shield can't protect you forever! Your fate is sealed!" You started to feel your strength starting to leave you "You still don't know how to handle the daggers capabilities just yet. You're using way too much of your energy, My lady!" Jane saw your nose slowly drip blood and your knees were just about to give out. Marik's glare lessened and he was now laughing at you as you wiped away your nose with your sleeve "You had me for a second there." He walked away from Joey, Tristan, Odion, and Serenity. Heading down the stairs from the area to head to the doorway.

"Your item is curious indeed, I will take that off your hands and I will wield everything you care for pharaoh. I will hold unlimited power with the god cards in my hands and your puzzle by the end of this tournament." Marik cackled as he left in through the doors and was gone from the dueling area. His laughter echoed the halls and grew softer and softer the more he descended further away.

You shifted your attention to the four up on the arena still "Are you guys o-" Your body shot a sharp pain throughout your body causing you to fall to your knees and the shields shattered into golden particles when you met the floor. The dagger no longer glowed but you were coughing up a storm. Jane was in front of you "My lady!" she cried out to you. You were trying to speak but your coughing was not able to get any words out. Your entire body was aching from head to toe and you felt like if you moved too much from this spot you would suffer from even more pain. 'I spent too much of my physical energy to make those shields. I can make a weapon just fine but the shields take up even more of my energy.' Your nose was starting to bleed from both of your nostrils. 'Jane was right, I used too much without thinking again . . . I have no control over this damn thing and here I keep trying to play hero when I can barely do anything right . . . Let alone still find my purpose for being here . . . I haven't done a damn thing besides being so useless against this evil magic crap . . . Marik was right to laugh at me . . .' You were clutching your shirt around your chest. You felt so frustrated from all of this. Blood droplets started to scatter on the floor from your nose. The amount of blood was quite a lot compared to a normal nose bleed. Coming down your nose quite fast.

Mai was the first to be by your side with Tea right beside her Yami was on the other and Jane stayed right there in front of you. "(Y/n) doesn't look so good." Tea stated the obvious. "Use this" Mai quickly took off her gloves to be used for the nosebleed you were having. Leaving you to try to breathe through your mouth through all of this ridiculous coughing. Your cough was starting to seize bit by bit but it wasn't entirely gone. Tea noticed you were sweating a little and placed a hand on your forehead "She's burning up, she needs to go to the infirmary." Yami looked at you with worry again. You wished you didn't always have to keep this man worrying about you.

"I'll take her." Yami volunteered.

"No Yug, I'll take her." Joey said from behind Jane.

Mai looked up at him "Joey?" she was surprised by his sudden willingness to help you out.

Joey looked at Yami "You help Duke and Tristan with Odion." Yami was about to deny his friend but before he could, Joey butted in "Yug. Please." with Joey saying it in such a serious tone he couldn't tell him no. Yami caved in and nodded to Joey. Yami got up from your side to head over to the other boys to help Odion. "Can you girls go with him too? Help them out too and all?" He asked the girls, Serenity was already with the boys.

Mai huffed "Since when did you become king huh?" Joey frowned and was gonna scold her but she laughed as she could tell he was going to scold her. She waved to him to skidaddle and went with Tea to the boys.

Joey crouched down and he had his arms stretched behind him "It will be less painful if I carried you like this." He smiled at you over his shoulder. You looked at him then his back, using the rest of your body's strength to crawl over to have him carry you up on his back, piggy back style. Stuffing the dagger in your boot once again.


You had one arm gently around Joey's neck and was holding Mai's now bloody white gloves to your nose. Joey was the first to book it out of the arena with you before the others. There was nothing but silence by him and muffled coughs from you because you didn't want to be too loud since you were by his ear. Joey was looking ahead at the halls "(Y/n) . . . I know having a millennium item isn't easy . . . Yug and Yami had a hard time gathering the courage to tell us about the spirit and the fate those two have to bear . . . It wasn't easy for them to tell us, afraid to let us know of their existence, afraid of leaning on his friends too much for being mixed up in all this mess, Yami being afraid we wouldn't accept him . . ." Joey was talking softly but loud enough for you to hear through the sound of your coughing. You were listening to him talk though and you wanted to hear what he had to say.

His heavy footsteps clicked and clacked on the floor that sent echoes of his steps in both hallways directions. ". . . If it weren't for Yug and his puzzle's spirit we would have been in more devastating places than where we are now . . ." He sighs as he takes a turn in the halls with Jane tailing right beside him " . . . Yug had trouble communicating with Yami once but they came together and were able to be the awesome partners they are now . . . I cannot thank them enough for being there when we needed them the most and I want to prove that through my dueling skills. . . Just like you have been there for all of us . . . I also wanted to thank ya personally for protecting my friends and my little sister . . . What I'm tryin to say is, your awesome powers are something we all accept from you if you are worried we didn't appreciate them and you don't have to be afraid to lean on us more . . ." Joey looked over his shoulder wearing that goofy grin on his face.

"We are friends after all (Y/n)."

You were dumbfounded by the speech he gave to you with such passion behind it. Not a single word of his was even a lie. He meant it with all of his heart. Here you were thinking of so many negative things but Joey showed you the more positive things that came out of your helping hand. Serenity and him were related alright, they have so many positive aspects of people they meet. "Oi! You were able to stop coughing!" Joey chirped. He noticed it before you even did yourself and you were the person coughing. Joey glanced at his left and saw that both of you managed to make it to the infirmary. He whipped his head from you to head into the room, he turned himself around and sat you down on one of the beds there. He went over to the cabinets and rummaged through it to find some medical gauze, heading over to the mini fridge on the counter to find an ice pack there. Joey went up to you and he tore some of the gauze into decent size for your nose and he placed the ice pack on your head. Holding it there as he was standing still. "Thank you Joey." You thanked him in a weird voice because of the gauzes stuck up in your nose to try to stop the nosebleed while holding the bridge of your nose. It was something you were finally able to say after not being able to talk for that short while. Jane was sitting on your lap during all this.

Joey chuckled and an idea popped in his head "You know what ya need? A popsicle! That sure to cool ya down! I'll sneak into the kitchen to see if they have any there." Joey whipped his head around looking for something. He ran back over to the gauze and he made sure to keep the ice pack aligned on your forehead before wrapping a ton of gauze firmly around your head. You didn't have the energy to argue about his nursing skills. "Don't cha move (Y/n)! You'll be feeling better in no time with Doctor Joey on the case!" he giggled and ran out of the room. Leaving you with Jane and your mummified ice pack head.

"Yuma and him are so alike." You managed to crack up a small laugh just thinking about it. Yuma did this to you once when you were once sick and still came over to work with Kari over this one story that was leaving you to stay up for multiple nights overworking to the point you developed a fever and were sick. He never had taken care of anyone before and he was the only one home when you came over. Yuma was so terrible at being a nurse and Kari came home eventually and scolded him for his terrible nursing on you. The two of them ended up calling ill from school and from work to take care of you. You reminisced for a while and petted Jane while you were lost in your memories of those two.

Gosh you keep missing those two so much the more you hang out with everyone here in this time period.

Jane leaned her kitty face into your palm "You have grown so much with the dagger my lady. I want you to know I am proud of you and grateful for you protecting us all from that evil man." You scratched her chin with a soft smile pursing your lips "I wouldn't want anyone hurt when I could do something about it Jane. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to them. They have been so welcoming and kind to us and I feel we are on the verge of finding out more things with their help." Jane purred and rested her head permanently against your palm. It didn't last long as she jumped out of her skin when everyone came running into your room. Tristan and Duke stared at you for a minute before bursting out laughing because of how ridiculous you looked with the ice pack wrapped to your head. Mai was fuming with rage that steam was coming out of her ears, Joey came in as if on cue with a popsicle in his hand. A carefree smile on his face and he went over to you and gave you the popsicle before Mai grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Shaking the living shit out of him and scolded him for how you were left alone but also in such a state from this dumb blonde teen.

Serenity was trying to calm down Mai from shaking the life out of her brother while Tea was laughing with the boys about how you looked. Yami face palmed while shaking his head with disappointment in Joey for his terrible medical skills. He walked over to you as you unwrapped the (f/f) popsicle out of its plastic packaging to start eating it. Hearing everyone's laughter fill the room made you feel even more better as it comforted you so much with their company. Yami unwrapped the gauze around your head to then sit on the edge to keep the ice pack on top of your head himself. You took out the gauzes in your nose since your nosebleed finally stopped, throwing them in the nearby trash can by the bed. "How is Odion doing?" You asked Yami while the room was full of ruckus. "He has been through quite the predicament with mental stress. It has taken a toll on him and he will be remaining unconscious for the time being. Odion will pull through but he needs major rest." Yami explained Odion's condition and checked your forehead with his hand. "Your fever has gone down a lot compared to a few minutes ago." Yami was at ease knowing you were physically getting well. Mai tossed Joey over to another bed and went over to you "You owe me new gloves when we go shopping with the girls after all this dueling." Mai smiled as you were holding her bloody white gloves in your hand, she made you giggle. "I will keep you up to that promise." Mai's smile grew softer. She was glad you were still joking with her even after what happened back up at the arena.

Joey was being held back by Tristan and Serenity before he started something with Mai. Everyone was sitting around and talking about Joey's duel with the remaining time left you all had with one another during this recess period before the other duel was to be announced. Oh how you yearned for this moment of peace and happiness between everyone to remain still for just a few more minutes. They called everyone over the intercom to come back to the arena for the final duel for the night of the first finals duels. You were feeling a little better by the time it was time to head back. You had finished your popsicle by this time and fever was down just enough for you to be able to stand on your own but you leaned on Mai who lent you her shoulder for you to hold on to when you walked to the arena.

Yami was mopping behind the two of you because he wanted to be the one for you to lean on but Mai had beat him to it. Joey and Yugi's spirit teased the old man for his little pouty attitude. They made sure to stay far behind yall so the two of you overheard them teasing Yami. You all made it back to the arena and the lottery began again. The numbers bounced around the bowl and out came a number ball from the dragon's mouth. "Number 4, Mai Valentine is the finalist who will be dueling that last duel for the night." Mokuba announced and you heard Mai chuckle to herself. "Looks like it will be my time to shine. I get to show you how this girl duels." Mai said with so much pride and confidence to this with a hair flip and her chin held up high. "Don't get too happy if you end up dueling me Mai. You'll owe me a free meal if I win." Mai scoffed dramatically "You have to actually win the duel Hon to get a reward from yours truly." She joked with you.

The bowl spun the balls around and the two of you looked at the bowl in eagerness. Hoping it was your number would come up so you could have a fun duel against a friend. The dragon sucked a number and popped out a number from its mouth after what felt like ages for it to choose a number. Mokuba picked up the number and he froze as he stared at it. "N - Number 5 . . . . Marik Ishtar will be Mai Valentine's opponent for the final duel of the night . . . ." Mokuba barely was able to keep his composure and be able to say it loud enough for everyone to hear what he just said. 'Thats . . . That's not my number . . . No . . . She can't . . . Mai . . .' You were shocked to the core when your number wasn't called but it was by that evil man. Mai let go of your arm and made you lean over on Joey. Yami was now standing where Mai was before.

Mai smiled at the two of you after taking a deep breath and exhaling through her nose. "It's going to be fine. I am tougher than I look, Hon." She assured the two of you and she turned to start heading to the arena before she turned right back around with her cheeks a little red to pat both you and Joey on the head.

"F-For good luck since you know . . . You both gave luck to each other on the winning duels . . ." Mai stammered.

Before Joey could make fun of her for doing what he did with you and Serenity she turned her heel quickly to avoid the teasing and embarrassment Joey would have bickered to her nonstop about what she did. You watched her go up to that duel arena.

Marik soon showed up after a while to take his place on the opposite post of Mai.

They both activated their duel disk.

"Let's duel!"


Okay, extending this tournament's finals from being all taking place from a single night like it was in the anime to be another day or days for a better stretched out story.

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