When worlds collide - Loki X...

By PoeticMay

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You, and the avengers travel back to New York 2012 to gather the stones. While in New York something goes ter... More

Authors note
Moving forward- chapter 1 ४
Hey big brother - chapter 2 ४
Stars and stripes - chapter 3 ४
Avengers assemble - chapter 4 ४
New york - chapter 5 ४
You're coming with us - chapter 6 ४
Stand trial - Chapter 7 ४
Deck of cards - chapter 8 ४
Down memory lane - chapter 9 ४
Destined for failure - chapter 10 ४
You're a monster - chapter 11 ४
Ragnarok - chapter 12 ४
The variant - chapter 13 ४
Lamentis-1 - chapter 14 ४
Jeg saler min ganger - chapter 15 ४
Love is a dagger - chapter 16 ४
Now or never - chapter 17 ४
Sacrifice - chapter 18 ४
A pawn - chapter 19 ४
Im not angry - chapter 20 ४
The void - chapter 21 ४
Alioth - chapter 22 ४
Reindeer games - chapter 23 ४
Im not crazy - chapter 24 ४
Forgiveness isn't easy - chapter 25 ४
*heaven in hiding - chapter 26 ४ *
Making things right - chapter 27 ४
Theres no other way - chapter 28 ४
Remember to forget - chapter 29 ४
*Infinite - chapter 30 ४*
Don't do anything stupid - chapter 31 ४
The offer - chapter 32 ४
You and him - chapter 33 ४
*delayed gratification- chapter 34 ४*
Promises - chapter 35 ४
Project IS - chapter 36 ४
Goodmorning Soldier - chapter 37 ४
I knew him - chapter 38 ४
Giving up - chapter 39 ४
Ctrl. Alt. Delete - chapter 40 ४
A way out - chapter 41 ४
Just like old times - chapter 42 ४
Brat - chapter 43 ४
Agree to disagree - chapter 44 ४
The meaning of a name - chapter 45 ४
You're drunk - chapter 46 ४
Wakanda skies - chapter 47 ४
You are free - chapter 48 ४
Min elskede - chapter 49 ४
Saying goodbye - chapter 50 ४
Secrets - chapter 51 ४
Bachelorette party - chapter 52 ४
A night to remember - chapter 53 ४
Road trip - chapter 54 ४
*Invincible - chapter 55 *४
A bad feeling - chapter 56 ४
The start of forever - chapter 57 ४
The first dance - chapter 58 ४
*Wedding night - chapter 59 ४*
An unexpected gift - chapter 60 ४
Down on my knees - chapter 61 ४
End the war - chapter 62 ४
Civil war - chapter 63 ४
Balancing the scales - chapter 64 ४
Whatever it takes ४
The flood - chapter 66 ४
Reaching out for hope - chapter 67 ४
Secrets out - chapter 68 ४
*The new beginning - chapter 69 ४
*true colors - chapter 70*
Djevlen - chapter 71
My choice - chapter 72
In sickness and in health - chapter 73
Happiness - chapter 74
A normal life - chapter 76
Aurthor note

Reaching out - chapter 75

261 11 1
By PoeticMay

1.5 year in Lom Norway

You sit in a rocking chair with Frigga and Edward in your arms. The three of you are sound asleep. It seems like time is passing so quickly. You can't believe they're already 6 months old. You enjoy every second of sleep you can get. Loki walks in from the shower, he stands quietly watching as you sleep with the children snuggled up closely beside you. He slowly takes them from you arms careful not to wake you up, laying them down in their bascinets.
He grabs a blanket covering you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead letting you rest.

"Loki?" You slowly open up you eyes as he walks off.

He turns around. "Sleep y/n you need it"

"I need to be with you" you whisper as you reach your hand out. He scoffs as he walks over to you.

"Are you gonna send those anytime soon?" He questions referring to the letters you wrote weeks ago, still laying perfectly wrapped on the counter.

"I'm scared" you admit.

He picks you up placing you gently on the couch, rubbing your back. "What for?"

"That they'll hate me" you say sadly.

"Send them"

"But I don't want to loose this"

"We have a house waiting for us back home.. every night you have the same dream elskede" he says kindly. It's true.. for the past month you've been dreaming about moving back home. Setting up your life back there.

"What if something goes wrong again?" You ask.

"Then we'll figure it out.. together" he replies, kissing you gently.

"Fine.. don't wake them up while I'm gone okay?" You plead. Loki had a hard time keeping his hands of the children. He was so caring and playfully around them.

"I'll let them rest, now go send them" he assures you.

You walk over grabbing onto the stack of letters you've written to each one of them. As soon as you've delivered them at the post office, you know it's the end. As soon as you did you revealed your secret. reaches out a hand. That means the life you have here as you know it has come to an end. But a new life for your and you family can finally begin. A life back home. You had rewritten them almost every day. And finally you found a way to put your thoughts ands feelings into words

As you get back home you start packing up the life you've been living. The life in peace. Not knowing what might wait for you once you get back home. But as you hold onto Lokis hand, looking as you children sleep peacefully in each of your arms. You know a life with them would be perfect regardless of where you are. Family is for infinity.

Tony is sitting by his desk, as Pepper walks down the stairs.

"Why are you not asleep?" Pepper questions rubbing her eyes.

"I got a letter" he says coldly, tears rolling down from his cheeks.. he hands it to her. As soon as she sees it she drops it on the floor.

"Oh my god"

"Yeah.. she's alive" Tony sobs.

"Read it" she says bowing down to grab the letter. Tony quickly gets up grabbing it before her.

"Be careful, can't have you giving birth right here on the floor" he smiles. "I'll read it"

Pepper slowly sits down beside him, resting her hand on her stomach.. she's 7 months pregnant.

Dear Tony

Where should I start.. An apology is probably in order after everything I've put you through. So here it goes. I'm truly deeply sorry for all the pain and suffering I've put you through these past two years. I've never done anything selfish my entire life. So for once I thought I would. I know I hurt you the most. And believe me I've spent every waken and sleeping moment thinking about you. But ever since I went away there's been peace. For the past 18 months I've been living in Norway with Loki. We've been off the grid... until now. As you're reading this we've probably already left, starting our new life back home. 6 months ago I gave birth to two beautiful healthy babies. Frigga Natalia and Edward James Stark Laufesyon.  Frig and Eddie for short..So moral of the story Not dead.. A mother. And deeply sorry for all the pain I've caused you. Tony I know you've been living with a guilt I could never take of your shoulders. But I got my family, and you got yours. And that's all that's ever mattered to me. Your safety and happiness, that just wasn't in the cards for us when I was around. I thought I was doing the right thing.. and thats always been protecting the one thing I can't live without thats you. Now that's my children and my husband. And I can't let them live in a world without knowing their crazy uncle Tony. So if it's not too late, I really need my big brother by now.. If you can find it within your heart to forgive me, you know where to find me.

Ps. Congratulations, I've enjoyed Lokis stories about your life.. I can't wait to meet my niece. Give pepper and Morgan all my love.

- love and hugs Y/n Stark.

Tony gently folds the letter as he holds onto pepper, breaking down crying. "She's okay" he sobs.

"She's okay" pepper smiles.

"Wanda I've got a letter for you" Vision says, handing her the perfectly wrapped letter.

"A letter?" She asks.

"It was here when I went to get the piece of paper you like to read this morning"

Wanda slowly opens it, she sits in silence reading through it.

Hey Wanda.

It's me, I know you might find this A bit weird, honestly so do I. You were one of the hardest to leave behind, but I had a feeling you wouldn't be alone. And I truly hope vision has kept you safe and happy. I made a choice 18 months ago, one that wasn't easy for me, but probably harder for you. But something tells me deep inside you knew I wasn't gone. I'm glad you kept Loki and Nat on their toes. God I've missed you. But here I am, writing to you with tears in my eyes. Hoping you can find a way to forgive me for leaving you behind. I have some people I would like for you to meet. I've attached the address on the other side of the letter. If my plan worked you should be living peacefully back home, i truly hope so, or else someone might get a confusing letter about now. And please give mr robot man a hug from me, if he does those things.

- love y/n.

"Who's it from darling?" Vision questions.

"It's y/n.. she's alive" Wanda says gladly. Handing him the letter. "She's home.."

"What do you mean she's alive?" Vision asks confused.

"Shes okay..she's coming home" she says a wide smile grows on her lips.

Vision reaches out cupping her face, kissing her lips tenderly. "Go" he whispers.

Natasha had been waiting patiently for your letter for the past month, ever since Loki told her you had started writing them. It was hard for her not reaching out, but she made a promise one she intended to keep.

As soon as she wakes up that morning she rushes to the mailbox, just like she had any other morning. But this time it was here. She doesn't bother to go inside she rips it out.

Dear Nat.

How could I ever thank you for all the trouble you went through keeping my little secret. Times up. I've now successfully sent out all the letters that needed to be sent. I do how ever have one last request from you, as I'm making my way home. Please check up on Tony. I have a feeling he'll be needing it. And please let the remaining avengers know that I am safe and well. I do however hope that even though the secret it out, we can keep my existence on a need to know basis. My plan worked, safety and peace have been restored. I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. But god I've missed you. So please come visit as soon as you have the chance. I think that once you read this I'll be exactly where I'm supposed to be.

- thousands of hugs and kisses y/n

"Hey Bucky there's a letter for you" Sara calls out.

He was helping Sam and his sister work on their boat. He didn't want to admit it to himself but he was kinda crazy about her. Sam would definitely kill him if he found out he was crushing on his sister.

"A letter? So people do still know how to write those things.. who's it from" he chuckles.

"I don't recognize the name.. Do you know a y/n?" She asks.

Buckys heart stops for a second as he looks back at Sam. "What?"

"What did you say?" Sam asks, as he rips the letter out of her hand, giving it to Bucky, who slowly opens it up. "What does it say?" He asks eagerly.

"Shut up" Bucky hisses.

Hey there Buck.

Wow that feels weird. I guess I'm the last person you'd want to hear from by now. That's why I chose a letter.. that way you can at any time throw it out, or burn it. I know you like to be dramatic. And apparently so do I. I mean faking your own death that's a pretty fucked up thing to do. God I'm terrible at this. I'm sorry Bucky. Mostly for any pain I've caused you. Which is a lot. And partly for leaving without saying goodbye. The love I have for you cannot be put down into words believe me I've tried for the past six months. You are my best friend, and even though you'll never admit it, I have a feeling I was yours. That's why I'm glad you weren't there when I died. And more glad you weren't there when I came back to life and decided to stay dead. But now I'm back, and I understand if you never want to see me again. Attached to the letter is an address, that's my new home. It's the home of my family. There's especially one person I would love for you too meet. Edward James.. my son, named after the two strongest men I've ever known. He also has a sister, she's a bit more dramatic, I think you'll get along with her. And I've heard some things about a woman.. I would love to hear everything about her. Guess I was the one who took all the stupidity with me. I truly so hope you've been annoying Sam for me.. I love you Bucky. Please give him a high five or whatever crap the two of you do for me. I love you so much James.. Please forgive me for breaking your heart.

- Till the end of the line y/n.

"Bucky" Sam yells.

"What?" He mumbles.

"Are you crying buck?"

"No absolutely not" Bucky scowls as he wipes away a tear. "I have to go."

"Go where, what did it say" Sam asks, yelling after him as Bucky leaves. He throws him the letter before driving off.

As you walk into your house after the most difficult journey of you life. Traveling across the earth with two infants isn't the simplest thing in the world. But here you are. In your old safe home. The one you once intended to grow old in. And now here you are.

You throw the bags on the floor before throwing yourself onto your bed. Followed by Loki, who cuddles up next to you, with Edward and Frigga in between you. As they giggle playfully. Frigga grabbing around your fingers. Edward is fast alseep on Lokis chest.

"We made it" Loki smiles.

"We made it" you repeat, as you let you eyes close. One hand resting in his, the other holding tightly onto Friggas. You're home.

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