Straight To My Head || Harry...

By coco1522ox

42.8K 693 300

Originally I was just going to do one oneshot. But I have so many ideas, I'm going to turn it into a collecti... More

After The War.
Not Strong Enough.
I Loved Her First. Pt 1.
I Loved Her First. Pt 2.
The Next Generation.
Time To Talk.
Just A Dream.
The Birth Of A Potter.
Secret Love.
Ten Years Later. Pt 1.
Ten Years Later (pt 2)
Harry's Birthday.
Angel With A Shotgun
Playing With Fire. Pt 1
Playing With Fire, Pt 2.
Soul Mates Pt. 1
Soul Mates Pt 2.
Determined To Live.
The Reunion - Pt. 1
The Reunion - Pt. 2
Listen To Your Heart.
Because I Love You.
Love Will Find A Way.
Love Will Find A Way. Pt 2.
Love Will Find A Way Pt 3.
The Wedding.


418 6 1
By coco1522ox

Summary: Hermione and Ginny are finally graduating Hogwarts. Ginny invites Harry to attend the graduation ball, but being in his first year of Auror training, he's unable. Alone and pissed off, Ginny is forced to attend alone while watching Hermione and Ron act like a love struck couple. Will her night turn around? 


"Wasn't that just fantastic!" Hermione grinned as she led Ginny out of the great hall. 

"If end of year exams are what you class as fantastic, then Ron is failing you as a boyfriend." Ginny smirked. 

Hermione's cheeks turned pink as she shook her head in amusement. Ginny snorted a laugh at her best friend. While she wasn't as excited about the idea of examinations as Hermione, Ginny was pleased that the year was over. In just two days time, Ginny and Hermione would be graduating. Seven years, plus the extra year Hermione had lost due to the war, of spells, potions and all manor of magical lessons. Now, it was all over. 

And as excited as Ginny was to start the next stage of her life, it paled in comparison to the excitement she felt knowing she was going to be able to see her boyfriend again. She hadn't seen Harry since his last visit almost three months ago. Even that wasn't enough for Ginny. She's only been able to see him for a couple of hours during a Hogsmede visit, before he was called back to training. 

Instead of returning to Hogwarts after the war, like Hermione, Harry and Ron had chosen to take a different path. Instead of completing their final year, the two had joined the Auror training program at the Ministry of Magic. Ginny missed him terribly, but she was also incredibly proud of her boyfriend. To her, he wasn't Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He wasn't Harry Potter, the boy who saved the wizarding world by defeating the most evil dark wizard of all time. He wasn't Harry Potter, the poor orphan boy who was raised by abusive relatives. 

No, to Ginny, he was simply Harry Potter, the boy who'd stolen her heart and loved her just as fiercely. He was someone who was a friend to all he met. He was brave, loyal and compassionate. And most importantly, he was hers. 

"I can't believe we're finally graduating." Hermione breathed out, smiling softly. She had a dream-like look on her face, like she was already planning something extraordinary. 

"You excited to see Ron again?" Ginny asked, brow raised in question. 

Hermione's cheeks turned pink again. "Yes. I assume you're also excited to see Harry again?" 

Ginny nodded eagerly. "I'm already counting down the minutes until Friday." 

"Is he coming to the graduation ball?" Hermione asked. 

"I asked him in my last letter, but he hasn't responded yet." Ginny sighed. 

"He's probably busy with all the training. He did say in his last letter that it was intense." Hermione said gently. 

Ginny knew that. She knew that Harry's responses would take time. But with graduation getting closer and closer, Ginny started to worry that he wouldn't respond in time. Or that he'd miss it completely. She shook her head, ignoring her doubts. Harry wouldn't let her down. Unless he didn't want to come, he just didn't know how to tell her. 

"Yeah." Ginny mumbled. 

Hermione stopped walking and placed a friendly hand on Ginny's arm. She offered her a small smile. 

"Ginny, Harry would never do anything to intentionally let you down or hurt you." Hermione said. "Just because he hasn't responded to your letter, doesn't mean that he won't make it. We both know Harry, and I for one, can't imagine him missing such an important day." 

Ginny held onto Hermione's hand, squeezing softly. She was eternally grateful for the wisdom of her closest friend. She was also grateful for her rational thinking. 

"Thanks, Hermione." Ginny smiled. "You're right. He'll be here." 


When Ginny finally reached the dormitory that evening, she was surprised, and elated, to see an owl sat on her bed. In its beak was a single piece of folded parchment. She recognised the owl as one of the Ministry's, which meant the letter must be from Harry. 

With a newfound spring in her step, Ginny hurried over to her bed and pulled the letter from the owl's beak. Hermione entered the dorm behind her, heading straight for her own bed. Ginny stroked the owl's head before watching the bird fly off into the dusky sky. Glancing down at the letter, she instantly recognised the hasty scrawl belonging to Harry. 

"Is that from Harry?" Hermione asked from her bed. 

Ginny nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah." 

She dropped down on her bed, folding her legs underneath her, and opened up the letter. 


Congratulations on graduating. How were the exams? Believe it or not, I actually miss it! Not as much as I miss you, though. Are you excited for the graduation ball? I bet you'll look incredible. 

Ginny's brows furrowed in confusion. Her heart began to race. 

I don't really know how to say this, but I don't think I'll be able to attend. I asked for a temporary leave, but Robbards said Friday is test day. I don't know what they're testing us on, but I need to be prepared. 

Ginny's heart dropped to her stomach. Harry wasn't coming. He was going to miss one of the most important days of her life. 

I'm so sorry, Gin. The last thing I wanted to do was let you down. I was so excited to watch you graduate and celebrate with you and all our friends. Mostly, I was excited to see you. But this just means I'll have to wait a few extra days to congratulate you and give you your present. 

I can't wait to see your beautiful face again, and hear all about the graduation. 

I love you. 



Ginny dropped the letter on her bed and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her robes. While she understood why Harry was unable to attend, she was also disappointed. Honestly, she didn't even care about the ball. All she really wanted, was to spend the evening with Harry. She didn't care where they were, or what was going on, she just wanted to be with him. Now, she'd have to go alone. 

"Ginny?" Hermione's voice swiftly reminded Ginny that she wasn't alone. "What happened?" 

Ginny shook her head and wiped at her eyes again. "He's not coming." 

"What?" Hermione gasped. "Why?" 

"Something about a test of his own. His boss won't give him the time off. So, he's not coming." Ginny shrugged. 

Hermione walked over to Ginny with a sympathetic look on her face. She wrapped an arm around Ginny's shoulders and pulled her into a tight embrace. Ginny let her head drop on Hermione's shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry, Ginny." Hermione said softly. "I know how much you were looking forward to seeing him." 

Ginny shook her head. "It's okay." 

"We go home soon." Hermione said. "You'll see him again next week." 

"If he's not too busy." Ginny sighed. 

"When does his training finish?" 

"I don't know. I don't even think he knows at this point." 

Hermione ran her hand up and down Ginny's arm. Ginny appreciated the gesture of comfort, but right now, she just wanted to be alone. She gently pulled herself out of Hermione's grip and headed towards the bathroom to get changed for bed. Once she was dressed into her pyjamas, she headed back into the dorm room and climbed into bed. Hermione was already back on her own bed, so Ginny pulled her curtains closed and let her head rest on her pillow. Only then, did she allow her tears to slip from her eyes. 

Today was the day. Today, along with all their peers, Ginny and Hermione graduated from their final year at Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ginny wanted to be excited. She wanted to join in the celebrations with her friends. She wanted to feel happy and excited. But she couldn't. No matter how much she tried, Ginny couldn't bring herself to celebrate. Not while her heart was hurting. Not while she knew the one person she so longed to see, wouldn't be attending. 

Ginny glanced at the clock, dressed in her graduation dress. In just thirty minutes, she'd be celebrating with all her friends and family. Ginny would admit that she was excited to see her parents and brothers again. But it was also a reminder that one very important person would be missing. 

"Just a few more days." Ginny whispered to herself. 

The evening hadn't even started, and already Ginny couldn't wait for it to be over. She wasn't in the celebrating mood. She didn't want to spend all night dancing and laughing with her friends. She didn't want to sit there alone and watch her friends all loved up with their significant others. 

If it wasn't for Hermione, Ginny would have spent the entire evening in her dorm room. But, Hermione had convinced her to spend the evening with her friends. The older witch had convinced her that she'd still have a good time, even with Harry missing. So, Ginny begrudgingly agreed to join them. 

Hermione walked into the dorm, dressed in a long, deep purple gown. Her hair was twisted into a fancy knot at the back of her head, keeping her unruly curls out of her face. Her feet were covered by the dress, but Ginny knew she was wearing a pair of strappy purple heels underneath. She wore a light, natural face of make-up, highlighting her eyes and high cheekbones. She looked beautiful, and Ginny had no doubt that Ron would be floored when he saw his girlfriend. It only made Ginny wish that little bit more, that Harry would be able to see her in her silver, floor length dress. The soft, silky material hugged her figure, the diamante straps clung to her shoulders, and a slit in the dress ran from her midthigh to her feet.

Like Hermione, Ginny had her hair twisted into a stylish updo, showing off the graceful curve of her neck. She'd done her make-up to look natural and simple. However, for the first time in her life, Ginny finished off her look with a deep red lip, something her mother would never allow normally. But, just because Harry couldn't be here to witness her glam, didn't mean that Ginny was going to miss out on the opportunity to go all out. 

"Oh, Ginny." Hermione gasped. "You look beautiful!" 

"Thanks, Hermione. So do you." Ginny smiled back at her friend. 

"I'll be sure to get plenty of photo's so that Harry can see you all glammed up." Hermione winked at her. 

Ginny nodded her head with a grin. That was the plan. Ginny never dressed like this. It wasn't something that usually bothered her. But now that she had it all on, Ginny felt different. She felt beautiful, and she wanted nothing more than to show off her look to Harry. 

"You ready?" Hermione asked, linking her arm in Ginny's. 

"As I'll ever be." Ginny nodded again. 

The two girls walked down to the common room, where they found the rest of their fellow students preparing to leave. Ten minutes later, Ginny walked down to the Great Hall, her arm still linked in Hermione's, ready to celebrate. 

When they arrived at the Great Hall, Ginny glanced around the newly decorated hall. Instead of rows of house tables, their were circular tables, dressed in white table cloths and decorated with flowers and candles. It reminded Ginny of the Yule Ball during her third year of Hogwarts. She smiled at the memory. While she had wanted to go with Harry, she still had a great evening with one of her dearest friends, Neville Longbottom. The enchanted ceiling was designed with soft twinkling lights with a clear, starry background. Streamers and banners were elegantly placed around the room, congratulating the graduating students. 

The rest of the school's students had returned home the day before, leaving the hall for the seventh year's and their families. Ginny spotted the hoard of red hair instantly. She'd also heard them instantly. Ginny couldn't help it, her eyes scanned for the familiar head of messy, black hair and emerald eyes. But, as she expected, he wasn't there. However, Ginny couldn't contain her grin as she watched her mother frantically brush off invisible dirt from Ron's robes. Her grin stretched even further when she spotted her brother, Charlie, standing behind them. Ginny hadn't seen Charlie in what felt like forever. Dragging Hermione along with her, Ginny hurried over to the table. 

"Look at you, Sis!" Charlie grinned as Ginny approached. 

Ginny was pulled into a suffocating hug, but she didn't mind. She'd missed it. She wrapped her arms around her brother, closing her eyes as she squeezed him tightly. 

"I missed you so much." Ginny mumbled into his shoulder. 

"I missed you, too, kiddo." Charlie chuckled. 

She pulled away, only to be pulled into another suffocating hug, this time by her mother. 

"Ginny, we're so proud of you." Mrs Weasley said, squeezing tightly. 

"Thanks, Mum." Ginny smiled softly as she pulled away. 

Ginny hugged her father next, along with each of her brothers. She gave George an extra squeeze and hugged him a little tighter than the others. The Weasley family had faced unthinkable devastation during the war just over a year ago. Fred, Ginny's older brother and George's twin, had lost his life. It was a loss that Ginny didn't think she'd ever recover from. It was also one of the reason's Ginny had attended this party. To honour him. 

Ginny and Hermione found their seats at the table, joining the Weasley's, and sat down. Ginny was sat between George and Charlie. The table was already alive with chatter and laughter. Ginny and Hermione told them all about their final year, revealing how different it was to school life before the war. They answered all the Weasley's questions and in return, asked them what they'd missed during their final term. Eventually, Professor McGonagall, the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, stood behind the podium and gathered everyone's attention. 

"Welcome, to all our guests." McGonagall said, smiling at her audience. "And thank you for joining us in celebrating our seventh year's." 

The room filled with applause. 

"I'd like to start off by congratulating all our students on completing their education here at Hogwarts. I know this year has been difficult, for a number of reasons, but I know I speak on behalf of all the staff when I say, we're proud to witness you all take the next steps in your life." McGonagall paused, looking around the room. "And now, I invite you all to enjoy a wonderful evening." 

McGonagall stepped off the podium as all the students and guests applauded once again. Within minutes, the tables filled with a variety of different foods and beverages. Ginny, along with Hermione and the rest of the Weasley's, filled their plates and wasted no time tucking into the delicious looking food. They continued talking about the last year, filling in what the others had missed. Ginny was surprised to find that she was actually enjoying herself, despite missing Harry. 

Once the food was finished and the tables were cleared, the music started and the dancefloor filled with students, parents, friends and family, and the party began. Ginny was instantly pulled onto the dancefloor by her brothers, being twirled around between them all. Even Percy joined her for a dance.  

As she danced with George, Ginny looked to her left to see Ron and Hermione, wrapped in each others embrace. They were talking quietly between themselves, but Hermione's cheeks were tinged with pink and she was smiling up at him. Ron looked at Hermione like she was the only woman in the room, and Ginny tried desperately to ignore the pang of jealousy that settled in her chest. When the song finished, and another song started, this one slower, Ginny was passed over to Charlie, who pulled her into a hug before twirling her around the dancefloor. 

"I can't believe there's no more Weasley's walking the halls of Hogwarts anymore." Charlie smirked. 

"After Ron, Fred and George, I imagine the teachers aren't too upset about that." Ginny chuckled. 

Charlie laughed, nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, I can't disagree with you there." 

Ginny looked around again. "I am going to miss it here, though." 

"Ever thought of becoming a professor here? Maybe you could teach Quidditch." Charlie said thoughtfully. 

Ginny shook her head. "I don't think so. Besides, I haven't got the patience to deal with students." 

"Fair enough." Charlie nodded. "Still want to play professionally?" 

Ginny nodded her head. Out of all her brothers, Charlie had been the only one to support her dreams of being a professional quidditch player. Even though he'd spent most of her childhood teasing her about it. Once he realised that Ginny was serious, Charlie had quickly become her biggest supporter. 

"Hopefully." Ginny sighed. 

"Well, from what I've heard, you've got the talent, sis." Charlie nodded. "Go for it." 

"Thanks, Charlie." Ginny smiled. 

Charlie smiled at her. Something seemed to have caught his eye behind Ginny, because his smile quickly turned into a wide grin. Ginny's brows furrowed together in confusion, but before she could ask Charlie what he was smiling at, he twirled her under his arm, letting go of her hand. Ginny twirled, but when she returned to her original position, Charlie was gone. Ginny gasped as her eyes landed on the figure who'd taken his place. 

"May I have this dance?" Harry grinned down at her, holding out an upturned hand to her. 

Ginny couldn't contain her smile as she slid her hand into Harry's. His other hand grasped her waist, pulling her closer to him. Ginny placed at hand on his shoulder. She was scared to blink. She was almost scared to breathe. What if this was all a dream? What if she woke up in her dormitory and none of this was real? What if Harry wasn't really standing right in front of her. 

"You look amazing, Gin." Harry said softly, smiling down at her. 

"Is this real? Are you really here?" Ginny whispered. She didn't dare take her eyes off his face. 

"It's real, Ginny." Harry smiled. "I thought I'd surprise you." 

"Well, it worked, consider me surprised." Ginny nodded. She hadn't stopped grinning the entire time. 

"Good." Harry whispered. 

"But, I don't understand?" Ginny said, shaking her head. "I thought you had a test today?" 

"I did, this morning." Harry nodded. "But I couldn't miss this." 

"I'm so happy you're here, Harry." Ginny whispered, resting her cheek on his chest. 

Harry's face lowered so that his lips brushed against her ear. She shivered when she felt his warm breath down her neck. 

"Me too." Harry whispered. "Especially after seeing you in this dress." 

Ginny pulled away slightly and looked down at herself. "You like it?" 

"I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life." Harry assured her. "Of course, I think you're beautiful no matter what you're wearing, but this is just.. wow." 

Ginny felt her cheeks heat up at his compliment. "Thank you." 

"I'm so proud of you, Ginny." Harry smiled. 

"For what?" Ginny raised a brow. Her hand moved to his neck, her fingers idly playing with the hair on his nape. 

"For a lot of things, but right now, I'm proud of you for coming back and finishing school, especially after what we went through." Harry said. 

"I didn't really have much say in the matter. Mum refused to even think about letting me skip my final year." Ginny smirked. 

"I think you would have come back anyway." Harry said. "If there's one thing I know about Ginny Weasley, it's that she never leaves things unfinished." 

Ginny's face split into a wide grin. "True." 

"But, damn, if I didn't miss you like mad this year." Harry said, letting his forehead drop against hers. 

Ginny closed her eyes, breathing in his scent and soaking up the warmth radiating from Harry. "I missed you too." 

"At least we have the summer to spend time together." Harry said softly. 

Ginny's eyes flew open and looked up at Harry in surprise. "The whole summer?" 

Harry nodded. "The whole summer. Stage one of training is over. Stage two starts in the Autumn." 

Ginny couldn't help herself. She threw her arms around Harry's neck. His chest vibrated against her as he laughed, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. Ginny then pulled back slightly, just enough that she could see his face. His eyes twinkled in the dim lighting. His smile made her feel warm inside. With her arms still wrapped tightly around his neck, Harry lowered his face again until his lips covered hers, claiming her with a kiss. Ginny melted into him instantly, kissing him back. Finally, her heart fell full again. 

"I love you, Harry Potter." Ginny whispered against his lips. 

"I love you, too, Ginny Weasley." Harry smiled. "And I can't wait for what the future has in store for us next." 

Ginny felt her insides turn to mush when Harry said 'us'. He wasn't thinking about his future, or even hers. He was thinking about their future together, their life together. It meant more to Ginny than he'd ever know. 

"Hopefully a long, happy life where I never have to spend another day without you." Ginny grinned. 

"Ginny, you read my mind." Harry smiled before capturing her lips once more. 

Ginny spent the rest of her graduation ball lost in Harry's embrace. Even when he was forced to leave Ginny's arms and talk to her family, Harry's arm remained firmly around her waist. It was like letting go of her would mean he'd lose her. Like, if he didn't have her within reach, she'd disappear. Ginny didn't mind though, she didn't want him to let go. She didn't want to leave the comfort of his embrace or the warmth of his body pressed firmly against hers. 

What had started as a tedious evening of being lonely, had turned into one of the best nights of Ginny's life. Now, she didn't mind that Ron and Hermione were so wrapped up in each other that they hardly noticed anyone else. She didn't mind that people around her were laughing and joking. She didn't mind that her mother was fussing over her children all evening. Harry was here. And she couldn't love him more for it. 

While everyone seemed distracted by their conversations, Ginny felt Harry's hand grip her hip tighter. He leant into her, lowering his mouth to her ear again. 

"Fancy one last walk around the lake?" Harry whispered. 

Ginny smiled up at him. "I'd love to." 

Ginny allowed Harry to escort her out of the great hall and through the corridors. A few students and guests lingered, but Ginny paid them no attention as she walked hand in hand with Harry. When they arrived outside, Ginny took in a deep breath, inhaling the warm, night air into her lungs. They continued down to the lake, the moonlight reflecting brightly in the dark water. Ginny looked out to the water, sighing in contentment. 

"I'm going to miss this view." Ginny sighed. "It's so beautiful." 

"Yes, it is." Harry said. 

But when Ginny turned to face Harry again, he wasn't looking at the scenery in front of them. He was looking directly at her. Ginny felt her cheeks heat up again. She turned her body to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck again. Harry's hands found her waist again before kissing her lips softly. 

"Mm." Ginny hummed. "I think I missed this more." 

"I definitely missed this more than the view of the lake." Harry nodded. 

Ginny grinned up at him again. 

"So, what are you plans now that you're finished with school?" Harry asked, taking her hand again. 

They began a slow walk around the waters edge. Ginny decided that now was the perfect time to share the secret she'd been keeping from Harry, and her family, for almost two months now. 

"Well, I was going to wait until we got home to tell you this, but I have a meeting with Gwenog Jones in a couple of weeks." Ginny said. 

"Gwenog Jones? As in the coach of the Holyhead Harpies?" Harry looked down at her with wide eyes. 

Ginny nodded. "Yeah, she came to watch one of our matches here at Hogwarts at the beginning of the year. She sent me an owl a couple of months ago inviting me to try out for the team." 

Harry stopped walking and turned to face her. For a brief second, Ginny feared that Harry would be mad at her for keeping it a secret for so long. But, she couldn't have been more wrong. Harry's face split into the widest grin Ginny had ever seen. 

"That's amazing, Ginny!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you." 

"Thanks." Ginny grinned. "I'm excited, but also really nervous." 

"Why are you nervous?" Harry asked. "You're an amazing player, Ginny. And I promise I'm not just saying that because I'm in love with you. You have real talent. The Harpies will be lucky to have you on their team." 

"I hope they think so, too." Ginny sighed. "It's been one of my biggest dreams for as long as I can remember." 

Harry placed a hand on either side of her face. He brushed his lips against hers. "And I have every bit of faith that your dream is about to come true. But, out of curiosity, what's your other dreams?" 

"What do you mean?" Ginny leant back slightly. 

"You said it's one of your biggest dreams." Harry said. "What are the others?" 

Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. "That's easy, my only other biggest dream is to spend the rest of my life with you, start a family and grow old together." 

Harry grinned down at her. "And you know what? I have every bit of faith that that dream will come true, too." 

"Really?" Ginny whispered. 

"I hope so, because it's my biggest dream too." Harry nodded. 

Ginny pushed her lips forcefully to his, pulling him closer to her. Harry held her tightly, and Ginny had absolutely no doubt that both of their dreams were going to come true. 



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