Semper - Fred Weasley

By enaja1811

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Two redheads One love In good times and bad In health and sickness At least that's what they thought... a Fre... More

Author's note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
The Wedding - How It Looks Like
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII

Chapter XL

469 10 0
By enaja1811

The couple talked all night about Penny’s disease, about the treatment, about what’s next and how they want to tell their families.

Penny was reluctant to go public with it, but after Fred explained to her that at some point in the treatment she couldn’t hide it anyway and that everyone will be there for her, she agreed.

And so they decided to break the news at the next dinner at the Burrow.

„I’d like to tell Georgie and Hermione beforehand. And I asked Dad to tell Sirius,“ she had said, and Fred had nodded.

George and Hermione walked into the flat that Saturday afternoon, both clearly confused as to why Penny and Fred had called them over.

They met a Penny who was on the verge of her nerves when Fred opened the door and let them in.

George and Hermione exchanged a worried look as they sat across from Penny while Fred set the table with tea and biscuits.

„So, what’s so important that you can’t wait until tomorrow, that you want to tell us alone?“ George broke the silence that was laying heavy in the air.

Fred sat down next to Penny and took her hand, which he squeezed supportively, signaling her to be there for her.

„There’s something I have to tell you, but you’ve probably figured that out for yourself by now. I would ask you to listen before you say anything. And please, no tears and no pity,“ she began, looking at her two friends whose eyes grew more concerned by the second.

„You kinda scaring me here Penny.“ George tried to laugh, but it only came out as a nervous chuckle.

And with one last help-seeking look at Fred, who encouraged her with a nod, she began to tell the story.

Penny was strong, everyone knew it, but when she saw her best friends sitting in front of her while she talked about it, it was hard to even look at their shocked faces and she didn’t want to imagine what tomorrow would be like, if she had to repeat everything in front of nearly the whole family.

George was on the verge of tears but kept his composure as Hermione kept biting her lower lip, which was shaking violently.

„So, yeah… I think that’s it.“ Penny exhaled as she waited for a reaction.

„I don’t know what to say.“ Hermione spoke first and amazed them with her statement.

„I think I’m at loss for words for the first time in my life.“

„You don’t have to say anything. You should just know. And I don’t want pity or sad looks, and I don’t want to be treated like I’m fragile either. Just be like always, okay?“, she smiled and eventually the two nodded reluctantly.

„Great. Now, anyone up for a game and firewhisky?“ the red head girl looked at the two expectantly.

What she didn’t know was that next to her Fred was nodding slowly to reassure George and Hermione that it was okay.

„Sure. Why not?“, the younger twin replied and looked at Hermione who looked apologetically at Penny.

„I’m sorry Penny, I‘m going to meet with Luna tonight,“ she checked her watch before finishing her sentence.

„But, of course, I can also cancel if I’m supposed to stay here.“, and Penny looked at her in disbelief.

„What? No! There’s no way you’re canceling, then go ahead, get out of here, “ she laughed as she pretended to shoo Hermione out of the flat.

„And say hello to Luna.“ the curly-haired girl hugged her best friend tightly as she apologized again for not being able to stay.

„And, Penny, I’m so sorry you-„, but she was cut short.

„Nah, not another word! Off you go!“ Hermione nodded and with a smile she left.

Penny turned on her heel and made her way into the kitchen, where she picked out some muggle restaurant flyers.

„Chinese, Italian or Leaky Cauldron?“ she called and waited for the twins to answer.

She leaned against the kitchen counter and drummed her fingers on the surface as she waited for the two to make up their minds.

She heard the murmurs that indicated their disagreement, each trying to convince the other of their choice.

After what felt like hours to Penny, the answer finally came.

„Chinese,“ Fred’s voice echoed through the flat. „The usual.“

Penny nodded and started ordering.

„Is she alright?“ George took the chance to ask his brother while his wife was busy in the kitchen.

„She says so, at least,“ he chewed on the inside of his cheek and thought about it.

„I don’t think so, ", he sighed.

"But she wants to be strong, she doesn’t want to show weakness and we should respect that.“

George nodded. „And what about you?“ he asked.

„What what about you?“

„Come on, Freddie. Your wife has a potentially deadly illness, so I’m asking you once again, how are you?“ he looked at him and when Fred couldn’t avoid his gaze and their eyes met, George took a deep breath.

„I thought so,“ he slid forward in his chair and playfully punched Fred in the knee.

„She’ll be okay. And if you want to talk, you know where to find me.“, more words weren’t necessary, George knew, a single look into his twin’s eyes and he felt it all.

A short time later Penny came back into the living room with a bottle of firewhisky and three glasses, which she put on the table and Fred immediately started to pour them their drinks.

The night flew by, between good conversations, firewhisky, rounds of exploding snap, lots of laughter and more firewhisky until Fred and Penny were finally in bed.

„I enjoyed that.“ she snuggled her head into the crook of Fred’s neck and inhaled his scent.

His unique scent that feels like home and that Penny would recognize anywhere.

It brought her peace and comfort and she wished nothing more than to be surrounded by it for the rest of her life, because that would mean Fred would always be by her side.

„Me too. It was just like it used to be, don’t you think? Just you, Georgie and me,“ he said with a hint of sadness in his voice that didn’t go unnoticed.

Fred was lying on his back, one arm under his head and the other hand twisting a strand of Penny’s hair around his fingers.

And he felt completely at ease with the love of his life in his arms, but…

„Are you okay, Freddie?“ she tilted her head up a bit to see him.

„Sure, don’t worry.“, he didn’t know why he wasn’t telling her the truth at that moment.

Because the truth was, he wasn’t okay.

He wasn’t even close to being okay.

Truth was, he had never been so scared in his life, not even the battle and his near-death experience made him feel the fear he now had for Penny.

And he didn’t know how to deal with it.

Penny had enough to deal with on her own and he had to support her.

The last thing she needed is for Fred to burden her with his feelings as well.

It was probably wrong, he probably should have played his cards straight, after all, honesty was one of the most important things in a relationship and marriage.

But does it even count as a lie?

He just wanted to protect Penny.

A little white lie never hurt anyone, right?

What he didn’t know yet was how wrong he was, and if  he could, future Fred would travel back to that moment and give the present Fred a good kick in the balls.

„If you say so.“ she mumbled and gave him a small peck on the cheek, then slid back down and made herself comfortable.

„Good night, Fred. I love you.“

„Good night, Peppy. I love you too.“


„Are you ready?“ Fred looked down at Penny as they stood hand in hand in front of the Burrow.

„Yep. Let’s do it.“ she nodded and Fred opened the door.

They were immediately greeted by the familiar smell of the Burrow and they smiled as the babbling of voices from the living room reached them.

„Penny! Freddie! Ooh it’s so nice to see you. Come in, come in. Take off your jackets and make yourself comfortable. Dinner will be ready soon.“ Molly hugged her son and daughter-in-law in , it didn’t matter how often one went there or how long they hadn’t seen each other, a welcome from Molly Weasley was always warm and motherly, and it left no doubt to the pure love she felt for her children and the ones she considered her own.

The two made their way over to where the others were, where a big round of greetings ensued, which – to no surprise - took some time, seeing as the Weasley family is not particularly small.

„Penny?“ Arthur asked through the other conversations going on at the dining table, but the redheaded girl was stabbing her food without noticing him.

„Penny?“ he asked again and at this point the other conversations stopped and the attention was now on the girl, who still didn’t notice anything until Fred gave her a little nudge under the table, causing her to stab the fork into the plate with so much force, breaking it in two.

Penny jumped up, as did Fred and Molly.

„Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I – I’m.. oh god, sorry! I was in thought. I'm so sorry.“ she said while trying to pick up the shards with her hands, which Fred was able to stop in time before she seriously hurt herself.

„It’s not that bad, Penny. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this quickly. It does happen. If anything, it’s Fred’s fault, he scared you so badly,“ Molly reassured Penny with a scolding look at her son, while she removed the shards with the help of her wand.

„Speaking of thoughts, dear, something’s bothering you, would you like to tell us?“ the other Weasley‘s looked at their mother, a little amazed at how openly she was speaking out about what the others think but no one dared to bring up.

Remus and Sirius exchanged a worried look, as did Fred and George, all four of them knowing what was coming next.

It was inevitable and sooner or later she had to come out and speak up.

„Sorry again. Er-, but I in fact like to say something,“ she began, grabbing Fred’s hand, which was reassuringly caressing her thigh.

And with that she told it all again.

To say the others were shocked was an understatement.

Molly busted into tears as did Fleur while the men tried to keep their composure.

Even though Penny kept assuring them that she didn’t want any pity or tears, it was very difficult, especially for the other two women.

Everyone promised their support.

Of course, because that’s how you do it in a family.

And Penny was completely overwhelmed and it also took a load off her shoulders because she knew she wasn’t alone.

AN: I'm alive haha, sorry it took me that long..
Stay safe <3

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