The Spill Over

Par FreakOut25x

808K 23.1K 3K

(PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS TUGGIN' & PULLIN' ON MY LITTLE HEART STRINGS) #48 in Teen Fiction as of 2.6.2016. Meet A... Plus

[1] It's Only Natural.
[2] Remember How It All Changed.
[3] Stroke Your Little Ego.
[4] There's No Giving In.
[5] Always A Good Time.
[6] In A Trance.
[7] Hold You.
[8] Looking Like You Do.
[9] Find Yourself.
[10] Just Another Crush.
[11] Don't Wanna Waste Another Day.
[12] Problem With Saying Goodbye.
[13] Like A Dream Come Alive.
[14] So Let Me Walk With You; Hold My Hand.
[15] Take A Chance.
Teaser (i)
[16] Even If The Skies Get Rough.
[17] You Have Stolen My Heart.
[18] Makes Me Start To Wonder.
[19] Can't Look Away.
[20] Don't Wanna Fight You.
[21] Making Them Drool Down Their Chinny-Chin-Chins.
[22] Can't Believe.
[23] There For You.
[24] Young Hearts, Out Our Minds.
[25] Stuck In Her Daydream.
[26] Listen To My Heartbeat.
[27] Naive With My Heart.
[28] Dream With Me.
[29] It's You And Me.
[30] You Mean Everything.
[31] What I'm Feeling Inside.
[32] Drag Me Away.
[33] Trade My Soul For A Wish.
[34] Moments To Say.
[35] We're Together Now.
[36] To The Rain.
[37] A Little Touch.
[38] Rock My World.
[40] Cottonwood Fallin'.
[41] Feel A Rush.
[42] Cheerio.
[43] Say Hello To Goodbye.
[44] Through Fragments Of Time.
[45] Hey Baby, It's Only Life.
[46] Comfortably Numb.
[47] Someday.
[48] So Close, Yet So Far.
[49] Awake.
[50] Make It Hot.
[51] Aren't You Somethin' To Admire?
[52] Takin' One Down.
[53] Running To You.
[54] All The Times We Spilled Our Coffees.
[55] Flyin' Till I'm Cryin'.
[56] Can't Risk Losing.
[57] Enough.
[58] Never Going Down.
[59] With The Boombox Blaring.
[60] Do You Hear That Love?
Valentine's Day Special

[39] Be Your Dream.

9K 312 36
Par FreakOut25x

Song of the chapter - Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. :')


"Aren't you tired of dancing?" Ashley asked as Zac lead her towards the other end of the hall, towards the dancefloor. "I mean, that's what you've been doing all evening, from the way you're looking," she commented.

Zac grinned at her. "You think?"

Ashley exhaled loudly. "You could've at least asked to see if I'm okay with dancing right now."

"Are you okay with dancing, Ash?" Zac asked her as he came to a stop and turned around.

"Do I have an option?" she asked jokingly.

Zac smirked. "Uh, not really."

Ashley shook her head before grabbing his right arm. "Let's go dance," she said.

She wants to touch me (Whoa-oh),
She wants to love me (Whoa-oh),
She'll never leave me (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh).

As she danced to the beat of one of 3oh!3's popular songs, Ashley felt like she was on cloud nine. There she was, dancing with the guy she was falling for, who also happened to be one of the hottest guys around and her best friend, at her junior homecoming; life couldn't get better for her. One song changed to another and before either of them knew it, they had been dancing with each other for about ten minutes.

Tracks like "Right Round", "Sexy Bitch" and "Boom Boom Pow" were driving the crowd crazy, and they were all dancing like they had gone insane.

"Okay, guys," the inhouse DJ spoke up as he abruptly stopped the music. "Now—"

He was cut off by the crowd booing loudly. The DJ just grinned as he waved his hands above his heads, asking the crowd to quieten down.

(A/N: play song now) 

"Dude! Party's not over yet!" a voice shouted from the crowd, and many others sent agreeing shouts.

"Party's not over yet. I stopped the music because well," the DJ smirked. "It's time for a change of mood."

"What does he mean?" Ashley asked as she glanced at Zac.

"He uh," Zac shuffled awkwardly. "He meant now it's time for slowdance . . ."

"Oh," she said softly as realization dawned in her eyes. Slow dancing with Zac again? The very thought made her weak at her knees.

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need

"Can I have this dance?" Zac asked softly as he held out his left hand to Ashley.

Ashley nodded, looking dazed as placed her palm in that of Zac and put her left arm on his shoulder. Zac snaked his right hand around Ashley's waist as he looked at her in the eye.

I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful
'cause I'm counting on
A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning, yeah.

I want to stand with you on
a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me.

Ashley sighed softly as she let go of Zac's hand and placed it around his torso instead.

"Hand's hurting," she explained in a whisper as she saw him glance questioningly at her.

Zac just nodded and smiled at her as he placed his free arm around her shoulder before staring over her head, towards the wall behind her. He was trying his best to restrain from kissing Ashley's soft, pink lips. That's when he spotted a person around, who was the last person that he wanted around Ashley; Cody. He unconsciously tugged Ashley closer to himself as his body stiffened.

Ashley looked up at him, only to find him glaring at something, or rather, someone behind her. "Zac," she whispered as she nudged his neck with her hand. "What happened?"

Zac looked down at her, his expression softening. "Shields is there, dancing behind you with some chick," he said in a low voice. "More like grinding . . ."

"Oh," Ashley said softly. She immediately stepped closer to Zac and tightened her hold around him; she felt really safe with, and around Zac. She loved having him so close to her. Her heartbeat quickened and her knees went a tiny bit weak as Ashley felt Zac tighten his hold around her waist. Hesitantly, she stepped closer and rested her head on his torso, while they both slowly swayed to the music.

Looking down at her, Zac couldn't help but smile like a fool; he too loved the close proximity between himself and Ashley.

"Ash?" Zac spoke up. "I've got something to tell you."

"Yeah?" Ashley raised her eyebrows as she raised her vision to lock eyes with Zac. "What is it?"

"I . . . I'm not sure how to tell you this, but . . ." he trailed off as he began to mentally curse himself. What made him want to confess to Ashley about his feelings for her in the first place, he wondered.

"You?" Ashley looked at him curiously as she stopped swaying along with him and took a small step backwards, which gave her a better view of his face.

"I think you're the best looking girl out here, this evening," Zac said hurriedly before he could let out his most precious secret. "You're looking too . . . breathtaking," he finished with a sigh. "Honestly, Ash, you knocked my breath away, the moment you stepped out of the bathroom."

"I uh, what?" Ashley gaped at him, unable to believe her ears. "Really?"

"Yeah, you did," he said as he stared at the ground.

"Thanks," Ashley murmured, She was wishing and praying with all her willpower, that Zac wouldn't notice her tomato red face in the dim lighting, as she felt it go incredibly warm.

"You're welcome," Zac grinned as he gave her a small, quick hug before pulling away.

"Zac, my feet are sore now," Ashley exhaled loudly. "I think I'll go sit for a while."

"D'you want me to come along?" Zac asked her worriedly as he threw a glance at her feet.

"No, it's fine. I've gotta go to the restroom too, anyway. So yeah . . ."

Zac shrugged. "Sure. Don't talk to Cody, though," he warned. "You know he's just a twit."

"I won't," Ashley promised in a solemn tone before she walked away.


"You both . . . just date already!" Gabriella exclaimed as Ashley walked up in her direction. "I mean, come on . . ."

"Shh, Gab, not now!" Ashley exclaimed, throwing Sean a worried glance.

Sean raised his eyebrows. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Ashley stopped in her tracks, gaped at him, then at Gabriella before turning back to gape at Sean. "Wh- What secret?" she finally asked nervously.


Ashley didn't know what to say. She didn't want to admit out loud her feelings for Zac to many people; especially not to Zac's room-mate and best friend, Sean. She swallowed as her breathing became heavy.

"Ash, it's clear to the whole world that you and Zac like each other as more than friends," Sean pointed out as Gabriella nodded vigorously.

The brunette opened and closed her mouth, as she tried to say something and no words came out.

"Ash . . . say something."

"Okay," she muttered stupidly before sinking into the empty chair next to Sean.

"So, you're into him?" Sean asked once again.

Ashley nodded weakly. "I guess."

"Why are you so worried about it?" Sean asked, slinging an arm around the brunette.

Gabriella leaned forward to look at Ashley. "Yeah. Even I'm curious."

Ashley shrugged. "Guess I've issues," she muttered in a low voice as she tried to push away the memories that made her hurt for days. Why was something that happened a couple of years back hurting her so much, even now?

"But, Ash, Zac fee—" Sean began, but was interrupted by Daniel, who sat down along with a trio with a loud groan.

"Remind me why'd I agree to date Victoria again?" Daniel interrupted Sean as he walked towards the tr

"Because you're into her?" Gabriella pointed out the obvious.

Daniel groaned. "Yeah, but she's still acting all pissy because I had dyed my hair maroon, accidently, which is now black again. Ugh."

Sean laughed. "It's okay, mate. We all go through that stuff with our girls."

"Hey!" Gabriella protested as she smacked Sean hard on his arm.

"Incoming," Ashley muttered jokingly as she looked towards the right of Daniel.

Victoria strutted up to the four teenagers with her heels clicking on the floor. "Daniel," she cocked her head. "I thought you'd gone to get a drink."

"Yeah, I did, but I spotted these three . . ."

"Oh," Victoria said before happily plopping herself along with the rest of her friends. "Ash, did you see the way Zac looked at you? He looked so . . . lovestruck," she finished with a wink.

"Oh, shut up," Ashley muttered. "I'm gonna go get a drink . . ." she trailed off as she stood up. "See y'all."


Jade's eyes followed Ashley across the room, while she enviously stared at the brunette. The redhead swallowed. Since when had she turned into such a jealous girl, she wondered.

'How can I hate her cause of Heath?' she wondered. 'It's not like it's even her fault . . .'

She sighed.

'Oh, yeah, because the guy I've fallen so hard for has feelings for her, that too without her even trying,' she thought bitterly as envy came over her again.

Biting her lip, she turned away as tears stung her eyes. Stumbling over her heels, Jade made her way out of the building, not watching where she was going.

"I'm sorry!" Jade exclaimed hysterically as she crashed into someone. "I didn't mean to— oh it's you . . ."

"Yes, it's me," Jayden said with a smile. "Sorry for making you crash into me, Jade. I noticed it was you, so I was just coming to say hi."

"Oh," she sniffled.

"Why are you crying?" he asked as an edge of concern came into his tone. "Are you okay?"

"Nah, not okay. I'm just pathetic. I look pathetic. Everything about me is pathetic," Jade wailed, not caring that she was letting out all of her secrets to Jayden, who spoke to more than half of the school.

"Oh, shut up Jade. You're looking beautiful; you always do. You're sweet, you're smart and fun," Jayden smiled. "What's not to like?"

Jade shrugged. "Heath doesn't think the same."

"Well, then he's the one losing out," Jayden replied immediately before pulling the short girl into a warm hug.


"Ash?" Zac called out worriedly as he spotted the brunette after searching around for a while. He frowned when he noticed her talking to Cody. Briskly marching up to the duo, he stood between them. "Ash?"

"Yeah, Zac?" Ashley giggled. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Zac said slowly as he gave her a suspicious look. "Hang on," he muttered before he furiously turned to look at Cody. "I thought I asked you to stay the fuck away from her, didn't I, Shields?"

Cody laughed. "Since when did I start listening to you, Bradford?"

"Stay. The. Hell. Away. From. Her." Zac glared at the arrogant boy in front of him.

"Why?" Cody challenged. He was pretty furious at Zac for having beaten him up, a couple of weeks back.

"She's my date, that's why.

"Zac," Ashley spurred. "What's happened? Are we playing hide and seek? Why are you hiding me from, uh, Dora?"

Zac snorted. "Hang on, I'll explain you everything in a minute," he said softly as he glanced at Ashley to see her looking at him curiously.

She shrugged. "Okay," she said as she took in the scene around, with her eyes unfocused; she was clearly drunk.

"She doesn't even remember your name," Zac said somewhat triumphantly, as he turned to look at Cody.

Cody smirked as he raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry, man. She's all yours. There are many other girls out there, so it's alright."

"Go!" Zac barked at Cody, who sauntered away.

"What? Are we racing Zac?" Ashley asked in a high pitched voice as she pushed herself away from the wall. "Okay," she mumbled before she took off her heels. "You have to first say 'ready', 'set' and then 'go', don't you know? Silly you . . . you don't even know the right thing to say," she mumbled drunkenly.

"Okay, you're clearly drunk," Zac bit his lip to stop himself from laughing out Ashley's antics.

"I'm not drunk," Ashley pouted. "I didn't have any alcohol. I just had a bit of punch," she slurred.

"The punch was spiked," Zac said softly as he put his arm around her. "Let's get you back."

He gaped at her as she pushed him away. "What?"

"I wanna dance," she grumbled. "Not go home and just . . . sleep. That would be boring."

"Not boring," Zac rolled his eyes. "It would be sensible."

Ashley smiled at him as she slightly swayed on her feet. "I'm going to dance," she said as she bent down and picked up her heels. "See ya, grandpa!" he exclaimed before she spun on a foot to make her way towards the dance floor. She'd hardly taken more than a couple of steps ahead, when she stumbled.

Zac was by her side within the blink of an eye. "You're going back to Oakridge, and that's final," he whispered to the drunk girl in his arms.

Ashley hiccoughed. "Okay," she murmured as Zac helped her to her feet. She cocked her head as she gazed at Zac. "You're lookin' hot tonight, Zac," she said slowly, not realizing what she'd let slip out of her mouth. "Really hot . . . the smokin' kinds, sexy even. You're the best looking guy out here, pro—hic promise."

"Thanks," Zac said softly as he caught hold of her hand and lead her out, towards the door.


The next morning, Ashley woke up to a slight throbbing in her head. Groggily, she sat up and looked around, shocked to have woken up to an empty room.

Gabriella was missing.

Scanning the room quickly to see if her friend had left her a note, she winced on feeling a sudden stabbing feeling in her forehead.

"Shit," she groaned as she threw herself back on her bed and burried herself in the pillows and the bed covers, trying to ease the pain. Reaching out to the bedside stand, she groped around and mentally did a victory dance once she found it. Hitting speed dial, Ashley connected to a much dialed number.

"Hey," Zac answered in a husky voice. "Morning, babe."

Even though she was in the warmth of her bed covers, Ashley shivered on hearing Zac's voice. 'Babe,' she thought. "Morning, Zac," she said sleepily. "Is Gab in your room?"

"No," Zac replied immediately as a worried tone came into his voice. "Is Sean in your room?"

"No . . ." Ashley replied slowly.

"Where the fuck are they?" Zac exclaimed loudly, making Ashley wince again.

"Not so loud, Zac," Ashley groaned. "Talk softly."

"Aw, babe, are you hungover?" he asked softly.

"I guess, I don't know," Ashley grumbled. "This feels like utter shit and y'know what's the best part? I didn't even have any alcohol last night."

"I'm coming over," Zac decided immediately as he leapt out of his bed. "You just relax, kay?"

"Mmkay," Ashley mumbled. "I'll leave the door open. Just come in or whatever."


Zac eased open the door and crept into the room. "Ash?" he called out in a whisper. Switching on th lights, he smiled slightly as he saw the brown mop of hair between the blankets and pillows. Stepping over Ashley's heels which were lying on the floor from the previous night, Zac made his way towards the occupied bed.

Feeling a dip in the bed, Ashley peeped out from between the covers. "Zac?" she croaked out. "You're early."

"Well, you sounded like shit, so . . ." Zac grinned. "How's the head?"

"Like crap . . . I'm never gonna get drunk. It's not fun," she mumbled with a pout.

Zac laughed as he fondled her head. "I've got some Advil . . ." he trailed off as the brunette sat up.

"Oh?" she said before burying her head into her knees.

"You need to have it work it to work, babe," Zac coaxed her.

"I don't like meds, Zac."

"You're such a kid," he teased. "Don't like medicines?"

Ashley shook her head. "I don't care. Did you see Sean and Gab anywhere? It's not like her to leave without telling either of us."

Zac frowned. "I don't know. Idiots," he muttered under his breath as he held out the tablet to Ashley.

Ashley apprehensively stared at the tablet before looking up at Zac.

"It doesn't bite," he said with a chuckle. "It's pretty safe."

Ashley exhaled loudly before grabbing the tablet and the glass of water that Zac silently handed to her.


"Not in the common room, the school building's shut because it's a sunday, not on the beach," Zac listed off rapidly. "Where the fuck are they?"

"They aren't even answering their phones," Ashley grumbled.

Where were they?


I hope you liked this chapter, guys. Don't forget to vote/comment/fan. Love each and every one of you.<3

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