Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

35.8K 1.6K 340

You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging

751 41 29
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

(F/s) = Favorite Soda


"I can't tell if you were being serious or joking." Yugi bluntly told the old spirit as he crossed his arms. Looking smug over to Yami who watched you turn the corner of the street and out of sight.

Yami only chuckles to himself and Yugi who got no answer.

"What kind of response is that? Pharaoh? Pharaoooh?" Yugi tugged his partners sleeve that didn't seem to manage to budge him out of this mesmerizing trance he was in.

Tea tilted her head because the pharaoh was laughing about something she didn't understand or know. She bit the inside of her cheek and walked to his side but it was only to be standing next to Yugi again.

Yugi looked around and then at Tea who seemed to hide away her slightly disappointed look on her face. Quickly putting up a kind expression to her friend. "He seems to find (Y/n) interesting, huh?" Tea let out a light hearted laugh. "I think he is interested in her dueling style. That is probably it." Yugi guessed with a shrug before he started to walk off with Tea down the sidewalk to head on home.


You went to make a quick stop at the store to grab a soda for tonight to drink from the gas station near the hotel. Going up to the cold freezer to grab (f/s) when you hear footsteps come up from behind you but don't come too close. You shift your (e/c) to the glass door of the freezer door you opened. You notice it was the guy with glasses from the registration place. Something didn't sit right with you when you spotted him.

The snicker back at the store maybe wasn't a part of your imagination after all.

"My lady! Your bag! The dagger warns us, we are in danger!" Jane blurted out from your left and you noticed the light glow that came from it being emitted on the freezer door. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' You thought to yourself and you closed the door again. Walking to your right to go down another aisle to pretend you were looking at another product to possibly buy.

What a surprise?

He "coincidentally" followed you to the same aisle but stood at the end, pretending to do the same thing as you were.

'Fucking pervert' You grumbled in your head as you kept pretending to look at items. "There are others with him." Jane informed you, which made you take a quick peek over to the guy. He was discussing something with a group of guys with him but they were wearing black cloaks with a millenium eye above the hood.

The moment you took a peek one of them made eye contact with you. It felt like that one Spider-Man meme of them pointing at each other in this exact moment.

It was at this moment both parties knew, they fucked up.

"Run my lady!" Jane did not need to tell you twice as you dropped the soda and ran out of the store. Earning a yell from the cashier since the soda exploded once it fell and made a huge spill across the floor. They were gonna have to clean it up later but rather the soda be the sacrifice than you.

Multiple footsteps were heard from behind you but they were still distant. You grabbed your helmet and put it on quickly before you got on your bike, the other guys gathered themselves into two different cars. Jane hopped on the bike, sitting behind you "I apologize ahead of time if you fall off Jane." Jane meowed confused before you took off in a flash and yelled meowed with the sudden take off.

You wanted to speed up but didn't want to get stopped by the cops "Are they following us Jane!" Jane was clawing the seat with her nails that held onto the seat for dear life. Jane turned in fear to look behind you and they were tailing. "They are tailing us, my lady!" Jane turned her head back forward when she informed you.

"Just who the fuck are these guys?!" You decided to swerve around a few cars to make it past the light before it turned red. You looked back yourself to see the cars come to halt because of the light.

However, you only saw one of the cars.

"Where is the other car?" You turned your head back around to face the road and you saw the other car that was being driven by the guy from the store drifting from the corner. They had gone around to catch up to you. He wore a wicked grin on his face as his eyes were those of a mad man.

"Just give us your rare card!" He yelled from the window he rolled down to scream at you from now being driving next to you. You threw him the middle finger which pissed him off.

No, because fuck this creep.


He tried to ram the car into your bike but you kept swerving out the way before he hit you. You saw an alleyway coming up onto your right "I got no other choice." You told yourself and took your chances to speed up ahead of the car to drift to the alleyway to lose them off your tail. Leaving the car with skid marks from your tires and dust.

Poor Jane was meowing out of fright from your swerve, almost falling off but pulled herself back up onto the seat when you drove fine again.

You were in a two way path of the alleyway and the closest exit was ahead of you, you were making your way to it but a car screeched in front of the exit. The other car was there and they took notice of you "For fucks sake" You rode your bike backwards to start heading down the other pathway that had a turn. The other guys were screaming after you.

"Oh come on!" You exclaimed as you were facing a dead end.

A large brick wall blocked you from escaping from these cultists. You could hear they were catching up to you.

"Give the rare hunters your rare card! We won't hurt cha lady!" One of the men snickered which sent a chill down your neck.

"Take up your weapon!"

The woman's voice made you flinch and you looked behind you. Jane croaked her head to her left, confused why you are looking this direction.

"You have to fight!"

You looked at your bag and took out the dagger that was glowing more once you had it in your hand. It was pulsing with warmth but it sent you this rushing sensation that made you feel some sort of strength flourish into you just by gripping onto the handle.

You got off your duel runner and walked up to the wall. "My lady, What are you doing?!" Jane called out to you from the bike. She was sitting behind you when you were driving. "The only thing I can do Jane. I cannot afford for that card to be taken and I am not going to be a human sacrifice to those guys!" You lifted the dagger with both your hands on the handle. 'Please let me be able to smash through' You mentally prayed that it was going to help do something.

After all, Jane did say it was able to break through anything and form into anything the desired.

"M-My lady?!" Jane looked at you then at the wall as she was hesitant on what you were going to do.

You just hoped it would work for you.


The voice may have said to fight but you were gonna do the opposite.

Which was get the fuck out of there instead of fighting the creepy men.

With a heavy swing back you let out a battle cry as you swung the dagger that glowed a rush of gold to form into a large golden sledge hammer that shimmered with the evening sunset that pierced high over between the buildings.

The brick wall crumbled down as soon as you swung the hammer at it. A dust screen clouded around you as a result of breaking the wall. Through it, you could see the empty street.

"You did it my lady!"Jane exclaimed with glee as this meant you both could escape.

"H-Holy shit" You breathlessly exhaled and looked at the weapon you held in your hand. It had no weight to you even for its immense large size that looked almost like for a giant. You whacked a few of the bricks out of your way and then the hammer went back to being a dagger like it was before. It didn't glow this time.

The voices of the men were closer but coughing from the dust smoke screen that was in the air between you and the men.

"Where is she?!"

"Anyone got a sight of that woman?!"

They were calling out to each other to know if they still had their eyes on you.

You didn't have time to think about the dagger for longer, you got on your bike and rode the fuck out of there before they could find you.

"Oh no - NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!"

Jane cried out when you drifted a turn. Jane officially hated your bike and regrets riding with you. A little.


It was in the middle of the night now.

When you had made it back to the hotel you made sure to drive around some more around the building to make sure you were not being followed.

You were now standing in front of Mai's hotel room door with a shopping bag in your hand. Lifting your hand up to knock on the door when Mai had sprung the door open, surprised to see you standing there. Her lavender eyes went from the bag then back onto you who was in a baggy white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. A amused smile pursed her red lips "Is that for me?" she couldn't even hide the little thoughtful excitement in her tone of voice. Mai tried to play it cool but it was no use as it was written all over her face.

Usually you would try to be playful and move the bag once she tried to grab it to goof around but you didn't feel up to it. "Hon, is something wrong? You look upset." Mai crossed her arms with her tone shifting to a more concerning one. You didn't notice that you were quiet for a while and just stood there with probably the most obvious sad look on your face.

She was right on the money there, you were not alright.

You were feeling uneasy after what occurred.

"I . . . I don't want to be alone tonight . . . " You admitted after standing there for a minute. Mai took the bag but tossed it off to the side of the room's random chair. "Come inside, Hon." Mai gently tugged your arm to bring you into her room. She closed the door behind you. Jane was also there near your feet and squeezed herself into Mai's room before she closed it on her.

Guiding you over to her bed to sit down to talk, Jane hopped on the bed and sat at the edge of it. You told her about the rare card hunters that attacked you this evening over room service she ordered for the two of you. You didn't order room service before because it will add onto your hotel tab that you didn't want to add up on while you stayed here.

Mai let you stay in her room for tonight because she wouldn't want to be by herself either after that if she were in your shoes.

The two of you shared the bed and watched movies on the TV to take your mind off of the hunters to be more comfortable. You two were also drinking some champagne so you were a little drunk and laughing with Mai at the TV quite a lot.

Eventually Mai passed out beside you as you laid beside her. The TV was playing in the background to block out the light buzz you were starting to feel after drinking two bottles of champagne with Mai. You informed Astral how you were doing with your deck you brought with you to Mai's place since you promised to update him of your well-being everyday.

Jane came over to the two of you and she snuggled herself underneath the blanket in between you and Mai. The black cat had laid her head to face you "Are you feeling better, my lady?" Jane whispered to you to not wake Mai up. Mai couldn't hear her but you were going to talk to Jane so it needed to be this voice level. Otherwise Mai will wake up from her slumber.

You gave Jane a tired smile while your (e/c) were half closed since you were slowly going to drift off "I do feel better . . . I was cool today with the dagger huh?" You laughed softly even though it was a tired one. You felt pleased when you thought back on it. It was something you could use to protect those you cared for.

". . . Having Mai and you, Jane, makes me feel better . . . I'm glad . . . to have you and Mai as my friends . . ." You drifted off after saying that to Jane.

Jane stared at you, watching you sleep like an innocent child, she seemed almost concerned.

Jane went and snuggled closer to you and drifted off herself as well.

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