Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

35.8K 1.6K 340

You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 2: Blending In

1K 46 2
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


'Yugi' narrowed his eyes at the screen "Kaiba" he gritted through his teeth while he stared up at the screen. It was hard not to know that man for 'Yugi'.

However, for you — you were almost in awe to see the man who created the duel disk and furthered the way of the Duel Monster world with his insane technology. 'If I am right about this, this is when he first introduces the world duel disk.' You bit your lip 'Does this mean if I participate like I said I would, I could end up changing the course of dueling history?!' This would now be on your mind out of all times to be thinking about it now. After all, it was already hard to turn back since you already ran into 'Yugi' and it seemed like there was no going back after this encounter with him.

"Greetings duelist, welcome to my tournament. You all are here under the private invitations I had sent out to each of you for Kaiba Corps very exclusive Duel Monsters tournament." Those words now added onto your problems you were already having, he sent out private invitations. This meant you were gonna have to do some hacking when you got to your hotel room. It should be easy considering you have decades worth of knowledge to be able to crack this time period's wimpy systems.

Kaiba had a cocky grin which made the little light of admiration fade all too quickly. He may have been a genius but you also recalled how he was egotistical from documents you recall back to from duel history class. "As you are all elite duelists, I added special rules for this tournament just for experts. You will first duel with these new and improved duel disks." The camera lowered to his left wrist showing this duel disk he boasted about to his audience. It struck a core to you at the sight of the design of the disk. You shook off the feeling from that to note how ugly you thought the duel disk looked. Well, it was something revolutionary for the dueling world from this device in this time period.

"Another rule I added was for every duelist must ampt out their rarest card before a duel, the loser of the duel must forfeit that rare card to the winner of their duel." You were agape from this rule, your (e/c) were glued to the screen. "That's a total disadvantage for other duelists who are trying to get themselves back up during the tournament! It can ruin a person's entire set deck! Those duelists have connections with their cards, especially the rare ones that are most precious to them. Does he have no empathy towards that if it was his Blue Eyes White Dragon?! Is he insane!?" Your shouting made the trio behind you flinch since they didn't expect you to yell at a screen that was not going to talk back to you with its own opinion or thoughts on this matter.

It certainly got 'Yugi's' attention to you as he admired how you were passionate about the cards themselves like they were things that hold meanings besides just being ordinary cards. A soft smile came upon his face as he looked at you, seeming to be fired up from Kaiba's tournament. Tea saw the way he looked at (Y/n) which tugged something in her heart but she could not understand what it tugged at. She turned her attention back to Kaiba before 'Yugi' noticed and he had done the same.

You were enraged by this rule even though it is a cool concept for this type of tournament. It was unfair since many might not get their cards back. After traveling all their way to this city it would be heartbreaking for them to go home without the card they feel their hearts connected to the most. You clenched your fist as you shot dagger stares at the screen until it showed Kaiba being now on a helicopter. The four of you turned to the helicopter that flew low to be near this area. Kaiba came forth, hanging onto the pole of the helicopter, and he looked down at the crowd that was here."Do not forget to register and pick up your duel disk because exactly one week from today, My Battle City Tournament begins!" He let out such an egotistical laugh as the helicopter left from the camera view. The tv broadcast ended after he departed and returned to what was originally playing.

You turned back to Mai whose arms were crossed and turned her attention from the screen onto you. "Well, I guess we both will see you and Yugi next week. That is if we bump into each other during the tournament before the finals." Mai went beside you while Tea and 'Yugi' turned to you "You are going to participate in the tournament as well . . . Um, What was your name?" You smiled at her "My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and you are?" It was too late to fake a name since you already and stupidly told Mai your name. "My name is Tea and this is Yugi." Tea gestured her hands over to 'Yugi' who had his eyes on you the entire time.

'Yugi' seemed to be surprised at you for being a part of this tournament. "I didn't know you dueled." You chuckled lightly at his words. You were a skilled duelist apart from being a journalist. 'Oh how Yuma would have been stoked to meet you . . . Kari would have probably asked you tons of questions . . . Yuma . . . Kari . . .' You laughed in your thoughts but now you felt the sudden sadness from not being able to see them. It was only temporary, you at least hoped so. The reality of the situation was starting to sink in. "Let us both do our best in the tournament." 'Yugi's' words snapped you from those thoughts for now. There it was again, the easing sensation from his voice alone made you feel much more relaxed again.

"Don't look so down, it's okay to be nervous. Though I have a feeling that you will do just fine in the tournament." 'Yugi' placed a hand on your shoulder. Tea watched the man treat you with kindness as he always has done with anyone but something to this was different the way he interacted with you. It was with such care and comfort even though he only just met you. It was something anyone would notice just by looking at you two.

Mai locked arms with yours and let out a hardy laugh"We should be getting going. Don't want us ladies to lose out on our beauty sleep now do you?" She slowly dragged you on over to your duel runner "Toodles you two!" She chirped and forced the helmet on your head. Implying to haul ass and you rode both of you off down the street and whip around a corner and out of sight.


Tea and Yami watched as the two of you rode off into the endless night. It was first discovered he was a pharaoh back in ancient Egyptian and played an ancient game that was similar to Duel Monster. His 5,000 year old destiny brought him to this moment in his time to destroy the evil he fought once before but instead of sealing it; he must destroy this evil once and for all.

"Something wrong Yami?" Yugi's spirit stood beside him and looked over to him as he saw the Pharaoh stare off to the spot you once were at. Yami turned to Yugi's spirit and shook his head "No, it's nothing." He told him as the two of them could only see each other's spirit forms as well as hear them. Yugi felt this wave of eagerness that he felt from Yami but he decided to not ask about the feeling. He knew Yami was going through enough as it is with his own identity crisis at this moment. Yugi didn't want to push him any further than he had today, setting him up to find out about his past with Tea and all.

Yugi left Yami's side as Tea waved her hands in Yami's face "Hello! Earth to Yami!" she called out to him and it evidently snapped him out of his daze "Finally. I was calling you for a while now. Is everything alright?" Yami nodded to assure her he was alright as he placed his hands in his pockets. Tea and Yami started to walk down the sidewalk.

'(Y/n) . . . I sure do hope we meet again . . . And when we do . . . I hope I can understand this feeling that is occuring when I am in your presence . . . Along with why my heart aches just from you leaving . . .' He lingered to that thought as he looked up at the same night sky that the two of you were under this very night.


You finally got to the hotel which was fancy but it was cheap. At least compared to hotels in Heartland City it was since this is a completely different time so of course it would be cheaper. Luckily you had money to afford this place. Since you didn't bring any clothes, you made an excuse to Mai. Lying with the excuse of this tournament invitation was a spur of the moment of coming here so you forgot to bring any. Mai was kind enough to let you borrow a pair of her clothes but she grilled you to buy clothes tomorrow and her a new set since she is gonna let you keep these pajamas which was nice of her.

Kicking your shoes off to the side by the entrance, throwing your bag over on the nightstand, and threw yourself onto your bed. Your energy was drained from this long day of time travel and the reality of your situation. You hugged a pillow "How long will I be here for? How will I even get back? What do I do after the tournament is over?" You held the pillow close to your chest. These questions brought you almost to the brink of tears because you were alone in the end of all this at the end of the day. "How much will I have to deceive these nice people? Will my very existence change the course of history?" A low meow crept from the side of you. It was Jane. "You won't change history and I will make sure that does not happen my lady. Unfortunately, I do not know how to send you back as I too came here with you." Jane walked over to the bed and jumped into the bed.

Stepping her way over on her four paws to your side she put her forehead against yours "I will try my best to help you to the best of my capability. So please do not cry anymore. It will all be okay. I am here with you, my lady."You didn't even notice you were crying until she said something. Jane's light purrs crept into your ears to comfort you.

You broke down into more tears into the pillow as Jane sat beside you while you cried. The tears just kept coming out. Normally, people in your situation would worry for their parents but you did not have any. You weren't aware of them at least since you were a foster kid your whole life and were never adopted. The people you had close in your life were Tsukumo's and Yuma's friends. There wasn't anyone else besides them but your heart ached from being apart from them although the most unbearable thought about it all was the possibility of never going back to them.

"Why are you weeping?"

A man's voice spoke which made you sit up quickly with Jane and faced the source of this voice. Your lips part in agape to the man in front of you. If it even was a man. This person was a neon blue apparition. His body was covered in green markings and blue gems, his pointy ears had dangling earrings pierced into them, and his hair was a curled up Mohawk. He stared blankly down at the two of you since he appeared to be floating in the air. "You are upset, why is that? Is it because of Yuma and Kari?" His question made you gasp and crawl up to him "How do you know Yuma and Kari?!" He flinched from how close you came up to him out of desperation. It was unexpected from you to him.

"Because I am Yuma's friend and partner. I am Astral." He introduced himself. It all made sense to you now, he was that little blue orb that you always used to see beside Yuma all the time. "If you are that spirit Yuma's friends say that he always argues with, then how are you here and how come I am able to hear and even see you?" Astral pondered on those questions before he pointed to your bag. It glowed and you pulled out the millennium dagger but also your duel deck which shined with a few cards. When you pulled those cards out they were XYZ monsters but they also had some kind of numbers alongside some duel monster cards which were not a part of your deck before. "These cards belong to Yuma and I. When Yuma and his friends ran over to you when you tried to stop your bike, a portal with glowing light took you away. It not only took you but it also seems to have taken some of their cards. However, it is the real one since one exists here with you; another copy is able to exist in the future with Yuma. Yet it is just as powerful there as it will be here." Astral explained to you when you looked at the cards "These cards hold something else. It is as if they have a pulse of their own." You mentioned as you hold them close to your chest.

Astral floated to be in front of you"I believe it is their hearts you are feeling in these cards. Their passion and love for you are in these cards. Reaching out to connect to you. Trying to bring you back in a sense." Jane went up to the edge of the bed beside you and faced Astral "Is it possible that you are able to go back to Yuma?" You shifted your attention back onto Astral once again. He nodded. You felt joy from hearing those words "I was able to test that theory while you were mangling this cat earlier. If I am to return to Yuma it takes focus but I am able to jump back and forth since my memories are tied in with the cards. I am able to be here because of them and as their owner, you are able to see me and hear me." You felt a stab in the heart from him confirming he witnessed you shake the living shit out of Jane earlier. You set the cards back into your deck and put Jane in your lap. Jane didn't mind it either. "This is Jane." You introduced her to Astral.

You explained to Astral about the reason you are here and how Jane is connected to it. Even showing him the dagger and explaining the dream. Astral was understanding of this since he is on his own journey to find his memories that lead to his own destiny himself. His case was simple but time consuming, find all 99 number cards that contain his memories which will lead him to his goal. Meanwhile with you, it was not as simple as his was.

Rubbing off your tear stained cheeks and taking out your tablet to start getting to work on hacking into Kaiba's tournament invitations and duel disk registration. "My only lead is the king of games himself. He has the same millennium eye just like the dagger but on his puzzle. I need to get closer to him for answers and this tournament is the only way I can since he is participating in it. It is the only way I will be able to talk to him as a start." You switched your profile pic from this guy named "Paul" and were able to encrypt yourself into the tournament. Taking out your deck once again "I wish I can use my duel disk but I cannot for this dueling tournament. I am going to have to try not to use those number cards and XYZ summon. It didn't exist yet. I cannot risk playing a number card with your very existence being left on the line if I summon it during a duel since one of the rules requires you to give up your rarest card to the winner if you lose. I don't want Yuma to lose you and I don't want to lose my only connection to him through you either." You placed your hand above the deck.

"It is the only way." Jane agreed. Astral leaned on the wall "I can provide assistance during duels if you wish (Y/n). Unless you only wish for me to be a mere messenger to notify him and his friends of your well-being." Astral offered this since it was what he only could do. There was nothing much else his spirit could do for you. You nod to Astral "I will like both of those things but only help when it is necessary. I am capable of handling myself in a duel. You know that by the many duels I have done against Yuma. I am grateful for the assistance but I would like for you to stick around whenever you can but still be able to keep Yuma company. I don't want him to get jealous or worry too much. If it is alright with you, of course. I will report once a day to them and maybe I can call upon you through the cards if I ever need something." You started to feel less down as you were before. Those negative thoughts of the unknown future path was starting to not feel as intense as it used to.

Talking about it and having a way to communicate with your friends in your time was something of a miracle. Being able to have this minor thing meant the world to you as you are able to still be in touch with them through all this. "It is no problem at all. I hope we can become good friends over time (Y/n)." Astral says in a nonchalant way but it was intended to cheer you up. He is still trying to understand human emotions and their way of thinking considering he is a being not from this world himself. It must have been harder for him to be here.

"I hope we can become good friends too Astral" You said with confidence again. It was something that you can confidently say without any feeling of hesitation behind it like you have been doing all day. "I am gonna shower. It's been a long day." You told the two creatures in your room as you got up from your bed with the clothes Mai lent you to head in to shower.

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day, picking up your duel disk and shopping.


Mai was passing by your hotel door with a bowl of ice since the kitchen was closed and she had to go get ice herself for her drink. She heard you talk to yourself but she could not quite make out what you were saying.

"She's a weird one." she mumbled to herself as she made her way to her room.

Mai shook her head "Why do I always end up befriending the weird ones whenever I end up in tournaments with those teenagers?" She asked herself before she entered her room.


Yami was in his soul room as he sat on his stone throne. His chin on his hand, his elbow on the arm rest, and his legs crossed. Yugi was asleep and he was left alone with his own thoughts. The two of them needed to go tomorrow to grab their duel disk after Yugi was finished with school. Being in his endless thoughts of the events that transpired this evening.


Yami flinched at the sudden shouting, it was a woman. It sounded like someone he knew but he couldn't pinpoint on who it could have been. He got up from his throne and he walked out of his throne room to the door which led to the labyrinth puzzle that led to his room. A puzzle used against Shadi when he entered his puzzle to integrate him for being the thief of Pegasus's millennium eye being stolen.

He ventured forth into the labyrinth of his mind as he tread cautiously in order to hear the cries of this voice. His amethyst eyes scanned around the dozens of landscaping doors that went up and down, horizontally and vertically.

"There isn't enough time!"

'It is coming from this direction.' Yami turned his heel to the set of stairs behind him. The stairs seemed to be too far for him to reach to the top. It was as if it was stretching farther and farther away from each step he took. It shouldn't be possible considering this was his own mind, was it because he felt this unnerving feeling from this voice? Is it because he felt something bad may occur once he found the source of it?

"You have to hurry!"

His cautious steps turned into them bolting in such haste towards the voice. Yami ran for what seemed to be ages up on those stairs. He tried to catch his breath as he was standing before a door that was unfamiliar to him. It was not a room he recognizes nor had he conjured up himself in his mind. This room was new and out of place compared to how his other doors appeared.

With this door in particular, it was radiant to say the least. Decorated with the finest jewels of multitude of colors upon the stone door. In the middle of the door was something carved into a shape of some sort of dagger. It would have been where a dagger would have fitted perfectly if there was one. In the craving's place was nothing but the hollow shape that awaited for something of its shape to be placed in.

There was no door handle to open it but he when he approached the door closer, pressing his ear against the door. He heard soft muffled cries from the woman.

". . . How could you do this to us . . ." she paused with sobs.

"After the promise we made . . . How did it all come to this . . . .?"


Not a sound emitted from the other side for quite some time which led the pharaoh spirit to lean his ear off the bejeweled door. Turning his back to the door with a complexed expression dawning upon his fair face as he descended down the long chipped and beaten looking staircase.

"No . . . No . . . . No . . ."

Yami turned his head slightly to the door that had started to speak again but this time it was another woman's voice.


A sudden screaming cry came from the door that was louder than a normal humane scream. It was the woman's voice that cried but her voice boomed throughout the labyrinth. Yami had his hands on his ears as the painful scream muffled with the sound of sobs were too loud for him to comprehend. It shook to the point that the entire place was shaking beneath his feet.

Yami ran back up to the door without hesitation to the voice that was in so much pain. "Hang on!" He tried to push it with all the strength he had. Yanking even his uniform jacket off to the side in order to not produce sweat on it from pushing with all his might to open the door. It was not budging no matter how much effort he put into it. Yami stood back as he looked at the door that just was screaming and he heard something else that was just briefly noticeable to hear. He looked down and saw the floor start to briefly crumble beneath his feet.

Yami backed away from the door but he looked at the door with fright and panic in his eyes. Before he could even take another step back, the floor shattered into crumbling pieces beneath his feet. Yami started to fall into the void of his mind while he reached out his hand to the door.

The door that continued to scream, it's scream that was getting farther and farther from his hearing as he descended further into the dark abyss.

"Wait!" Yami reached out his hand to the crying door that soon was out of his line of sight.

"I have to help them! I have to help them!!!!" Yami cried out.

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