Undiscovered Truths

De SunrisexCamren

9.6K 701 340

Everyone has skeletons in their closets Mais

Loss Of A Father
Mock Honeymoon
Old Faces
A Mysterious Stalker
Warm Welcome
Private Investigator
When Their Journey Began...
Problems Can Be Resolved
Work With, Having It
Unwanted Discovery
In The Fire
Downpour Before The Storm
Out Of The Dark
Everything Becomes Clear
Taking Some Time Apart
Karaoke Bar
An Unforgettable Past
Nothing In Mind But You
Family Beach Day
Not An Easy Game
Complete Family Once Again
Couples Therapy
Shocking Discovery
Wrong Kind Of Love
A Disturbing Obsession
A Major Break Through
Legal Team
Taken To Court

In Question

213 19 14
De SunrisexCamren

Camila walks down the stairs the next morning and into the kitchen to see her wife scrolling through her phone and drinking coffee.

"Hey," Camila says.

Lauren looks up at her wife, a grim look on her face. "Hey, Camila," She says.

"What's with that look?" Camila asks. She moves and grabs her mug.

Lauren sets her mug and phone down on the island counter. "Camila... I was watching the early morning news and there was a story on there that caught my attention so I started researching more," Lauren says.

Camila stands across her wife as she furrows her eyebrows. "What was the story about?" She asks.

"Camila... Shawn was killed last night," Lauren says.

The brunette sets her mug down and leans against the counter when she feels like she's about to pass out.

Lauren rounds the counter and catches her wife in her arms when Camila stumbles.

"He... Oh my God!" Camila cries into her wife's shoulder.

Lauren wraps her arms tight around Camila, letting the brunette cry.

After crying more, Camila pulls away as she grips Lauren's shirt.

"He did awful things to me but... He used to be my best friend and he didn't deserve to die," Camila says.

"I know he didn't," Lauren says.

"Are there any suspects?" Camila asks.

"No, but some of his other victims have spoken out and the cops are questioning them and their parents," Lauren says.

"Do you think they will be questioning me?" Camila asks.

"Most likely yes. And since he was killed here in Miami and you are his only victim from here then we should probably expect them coming at some point," Lauren says.

Once that left her mouth, the doorbell rings as both girls look over and then back at each other.

"That's probably the cops," Lauren says.

"Let's go open it," Camila says.

They grab their mugs and set them on the coffee table in the living room before walking over to the front door.

Lauren unlocks it and opens the door to see a police detective and two officers behind him.

"Good morning. I am Detective Rose and I'm here to speak with Mrs. Camila Cabello. Are you her?" Detective Ramos says to Lauren.

"No, I am," Camila steps out from behind the green-eyed girl.

"Who are you then, ma'am?" Detective Rose looks back over at Lauren. 

"I'm her wife, Lauren Cabello Jauregui," The green-eyed girl says.

"Well Mrs. Jauregui, Mrs. Cabello, can we come in and ask you a couple of questions?" Detective Rose says.

"Of course, come in," Lauren says.

She opens the door wider and the detective and police officers enter as Camila leads them into the living room.

Lauren closes the door and walks into the living room with Camila as both girls take a seat across from them.

"I'm guessing you guys have already heard about the murder of Shawn Mendes?" Detective Rose says, pulling his pen and notepad out.

"Yes, we have," Lauren says.

"Mrs. Cabello, we've looked into the old records and we saw that you were one of Mr. Mendes's victims," Detective Rose looks at Camila.

"Yes. I'm guessing you know the story?" Camila says.

"Yes, I do. We've been questioning Mr. Mendes's victims and so far we have nothing but he was killed here in Miami and you were his only victim from here so..." Detective Rose trails off.

"I know but I don't have anything to do with his murder," Camila says.

"We got camera footage from the nearby karaoke bar and saw that you two had an encounter there one night. He came on to you and your friend caused a scandal by punching Mr. Mendes," Detective Rose says.

"Yes all of that happened but I didn't kill him," Camila says.

"Last night we also pulled up camera footage because Mr. Mendes was at the same karaoke bar and a woman sat next to him, they talked, shared drinks until they left together," Detective Rose says.

"I wasn't at the karaoke bar last night," Camila says.

"Do you have an alibi?" Detective Rose asks.

"Yes, I am. Camila was with me last night," Lauren says.

"Where and what were you doing?" Detective Rose says.

"We were here and I don't think we need to tell you what we were doing," Lauren says.

Detective Rose nods and writes down on his notepad. "Do you two have any information you can share with us?" He asks.

"No, we don't," Camila says.

"Well," Detective Rose sighs. He closes his notepad and puts it and his pen away. "Thank you for sharing some of your time," Detective Rose says.

He stands up and shakes both girls' hands as Camila and Lauren lead Detective Rose and the two police officers out.

Lauren closes the door and turns to her wife. "Are you okay?" She asks.

"I will be," Camila says.

"It's a good thing my parents took the kids for the weekend," Lauren says.

"Yeah I would have not wanted them to see that," Camila says.

"Want breakfast?" Lauren asks.

"No, I'm good with my coffee," Camila shakes her head. She walks into the living room and grabs her mug. "Why haven't you been at work?" Camila walks back over.

"It's been a crazy few days I don't know if I can afford to go to work without something else happening," Lauren says.

"How's the baby?" Camila runs a hand along her wife's stomach.

"I don't know, I have an appointment today," Lauren says.

"At Malik Edenbrook?" Camila asks.

"Sadly. It's with Ally. I was thinking that if I want a doctor to check on my baby and take responsibility for my pregnancy, I want it to be her," Lauren says.

"That's good," Camila nods.

"Do you want to come?" Lauren asks.

Camila sets her mug down on the stand beside the door and pulls her wife against her. "What time?" She asks.

"At one," Lauren answers.

"Do you think... We have time... To do what we were doing last night?"  Camila says.

"We weren't doing anything last night," Lauren says.

"Well... Why are you lying?" Camila playfully pouts.

Lauren giggles and leans down pecking the brunette's lips. "To keep you from going to the station," She says.

"So we can't..." Camila trails off, rubbing her crotch against Lauren's center, "Do it?"

"No, but maybe when we get back," Lauren says.

"Lauren... It's hard to say this and equally hard to hear it but... You don't think Grace..." Camila trails off.

The green-eyed girl gets out of Camila's arms and walks a little away from her. "She wouldn't..." Lauren swallows hard.

"You said it yourself. We don't know how far she will go just so no one can even have an interest in me and what if she found out about Shawn, about what he did to me all those years ago and what he could've done that night at the karaoke bar," Camila says.

"How would she know?" Lauren asks.

Camila furrows her eyebrows and stares straight into her wife's eyes. "She was at the karaoke bar that night," She says.

Lauren lets out a sob as she presses her rolled-up hand against her lips.

"No... She... It could've been anyone else. Any of his victims," Lauren says.

"Lauren... We can't rule her out just because she's our daughter," Camila closes the distance between them.

"What do you want me to do? Go down to the police station and tell them that my daughter could possibly be the one that murdered Shawn," Lauren says.

"Not right now. But what if the police figure it out and it is her? Or what if we figure it out?" Camila says.

Lauren sighs and enters her wife's embrace as she lays her head on Camila's shoulder.

"It's going to be okay," Camila whispers.

She rubs Lauren's back soothingly before pulling away slightly.

"We should get going to the hospital," Camila says.

"Yeah..." Lauren nods.

After getting ready, the two head off to the hospital and once they park, they enter.

"Dr. Cabello. We weren't expecting you in today," The receptionist speaks.

"I'm not on the clock. I'm here for an appointment with Dr. Brooke," Lauren looks at her.

The receptionist types into her computer before looking back at Lauren. "You can go right through," The receptionist says.

"Thank you, Ellie," Lauren says.

"Nice to see you, Mrs. Cabello," Ellie smiles at Camila.

The brunette returns the receptionist's smile before following her wife towards the elevator.

Lauren presses the button and when the door opens, they enter as the green-eyed girl presses the floor number button.

"I don't know why but I feel like people hit on you all the time," Lauren chuckles.

Camila turns to her wife and softly pins her against the elevator wall.

"You can't deny I'm un-naturally sexy," Camila says.

"Oh, I know you are..." Lauren speaks softly.

Camila tilts her up slightly and presses a feather-light kiss on her wife's lips. "Just feel pride that you lassoed me down," She whispers.

"Oh, I do... But, please, stop. There are cameras in these elevators," Lauren whispers.

Camila chuckles and pecks her wife's lips before stepping a respectful distance away.

The elevator stops and the doors open as both girls step out and start walking down the hallway.

And they were getting close to the room number when they hear a voice behind them that makes both girls freeze.

"Dr. Cabello and Mrs. Cabello."

Lauren and Camila turn around and see Zayn standing there with a smirk on his lips.

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