Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

GabeTheFallen tarafından

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... Daha Fazla

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Fight or Flight

481 12 7
GabeTheFallen tarafından

3rd POV:

Death: "The Monarchs...? Are coming back?", he crossed his arms.

Sonya: "I take it you don't believe me, bones?", she smirked.

Death raised an eyebrow behind his skull like mask, the sense of familiarity was just getting stronger for him.

Death: "A little, but as far i know Belloc Rosenblack... the previous Monarch of Shadows, sealed them away."

The leather clad woman just sighed before shaking her head.

Sonya: "The geezer just postponed the inevitable, and if the Monarchs are gonna invade the human world... you KNOW who's gonna be in the frontlines, right?", she asked, already knowing the answer Death is gonna give.

Sonya suddenly frowned, feeling that Absalom was about to wake up and take over once more. Taking a few steps backwards she jumped trough a tunnel like portal.

Death didn't even bother to go after her, he could always go after her, after all, Absalom needs to be put down for good... even if the vessel dies alongside him.

Death: "...Duncan... hope you will forgive me.", he simply stated.




Duncan's POV:

Duncan: "Aaachooo~...damn, who the bloody hell is talking about me?"

Zarathos: 'Maybe one of those thirsty noble women who haven't gotten any vitamin D in years?'

I could practicaly feel his smug smirk, damn perverts...

After i dried myself, i started to search the mansion for Ashley... she STILL has my leather jacket, gotta take it back.

I managed to sneak around and went upstairs, damn the security is trash around here, that or Jacques is so confident that he is untouchable, well is about time someone knocked some sense into him.

I stopped for a second and closed my eyes, sharpening my senses i could feel... hmm, three souls nearby... two are coming towards me, clearly Ashley and Weiss. Glad that i recognize their auras.

I runned down the hallway, as i was about to turn around the corner, i was met by Weiss and Ashley, they looked like they were in a hurry... but Weiss looked more... demoralized, as for Ashley she looked pissed.

Ashley threw my jacket on my face... girl, if you are angry, don't take out your anger on me or my jacket.

Putting on my jacket, i saw Weiss running ahead of us.

Duncan: "Mind filling me in?"

Ashley: "Had a run with Weiss's mother..."

Duncan: "This isn't all, isn't it?"

Ashley: "Yeah, turns out that Jacques made a metaphorical deal with the devil."

Duncan: "This devil got a name?", i smirked.

Ashley: "Arthur Watts, now we gotta hurry!"

We took off running, aiming straight towards the dinning room.

We caught up with Weiss in no time.

We busted the doors open, i took out one of my revolvers, SIN, and aimed at Jacques.

Duncan: "Hands in the air! You have the right to remain an impotent muppet!", i ordered the good for nothing bastard.

All of the people inside the dinning room went on alert once they saw that i had a gun, except Ironwood and Winter. The other council memebers rose up from their seats enraged, while Robyn, well, she stared wide eyed at me.

Ashley facepalmed at my bold and unproffesional aproach.

Lucky for me, Weiss walked foreward not allowing me to blast a hole in Jacques head.

Zarathos: 'Tempting...'

Maybe later.

Zarathos: 'Oh, come on.'

Weiss: "What he wants to say is that we have proof that Jacques Schnee has rigged the ellection.", she placed her scroll on the table.

From within the scroll a hologram showed up, there we saw Jacques with someone that i recognize from Tyrian's memories, Arthur Watts.

Council Woman: "Is that... Arthur Watts?!", she asked in shock and disbelief.

Council Man: "That's impossible! Doctor Watts died in the Paladin incident years ago!"

Dude... some people just don't stay dead, deal with it.

Jacques: "W-w-what is this?!", he tried to lift himself from his chair, i pushed him back.

Duncan: "Nah-ah-ah, Weiss, play it!"

Weiss: "With pleasure!", she pressed the play button.

As the video started i grabbed some popcorn, i was ready to take a bite, but Ashley gave me a stern look, meaning to take this seriously, i groaned as i  threw the popcorn to God's retirement knows where.


Jacques: "That bastard's causing me more money with this emargo! And lay off every employee in Mantle if i wasn't trying to get that damn vote for this council seat!", he angrily slammed his fist on the armchair he was sittting.

Watts was slowly walking behind Jacques having a chesire like smile before taking a seat in front of him.

Watts: "What if i said you could have your cake? And eat it too?"

Jacques: "What did you have in mind?", he asked intrigued by the proposition.

Watts: "Ironwood never recognized my genius. After everything i did, he still disgraced me. I simply wish to return the favor."

Jacques: "What's in it for me?"

Watts: "A seat on the council. All i need is your Log-in credentials to Atlas network. You promise to make Ironwood's life a living nightmare, and i will guarantee you victory for the seat by giving Mantle's voter... a more direct aproach."


Ironwood: "That is enough.", he said coldly as he rose from his seat.

Jacques: "Tha-! T-that! I-i can explain! T-that. Isn't real.", he stuttered out like an idiot.

Yeah, and my soul isn't damned, you wish pal. Guess the other council memebers have some braincells.

Council Man: "JACQUES! TAKE. YOUR. SEAT!", he ordered angrily.

Jacques tried to run AGAIN, but i summoned my chains tying the bastard to the chair.

Duncan: "Going somewhere you bloody wanker?", i asked as i tightened the chains.

The fuck?! Again that spike in demonic energy and lust... it suddenly appeared and disappared, is my mind playing tricks?

As the commotion about Jacques's trial was ensuing, i was starring outside the window in the distance, but i was not the only one, Ashley as well, it feels like...

Zarathos: 'Like dozens of rifts into Hell have opened and the dwellers of bellow started to crawl out... this feels like...'

Mephisto's legion, or whatever was left of it. What the bloody hell is Blackheart doing?

Ok, my bullshit senses are tingling, something is coming.

Duncan: "3..."

Winter: "What is he doing?"

Duncan: "2..."

Ashley: "Oh, dear lord.", she facepalmed.

Duncan: "1..."

Just then everyone's scrolls started ringing. Winter took out her scroll and widened her eyes in shock.

Winter: "This is bad! The heat in Mantle has been disabled!", she angrily marched towards Jacques.

Let's see, without the heat the people of Mantle are gonna freeze to death, this will cause a mass panic in which the Grimm will be attracted... well if this isn't a plan for an invasion then i don't know what it is.

Team RWBY suddenly bursted inside, bearing some news about our little situation.

Annnnd the good news just keep coming, looks like the Grimm already started to set course for Mantle, just great.

Duncan: "We need to start the evacuation, people of Mantle won't hold out for much long!"

Ashley: "Waaay ahead of you bonehead!"

Winter: "Wait! Before you go! Take this.", she threw us something.

As i looked in the palm of my hand, i saw...

Duncan: "An earpiece?"

Winter: "It will make your communication more easy! Now let's move out!", she went to prepare an bullhead.

I just nodded in apreciation as i put on the earpiece before bolting outside, summoning my demonic bike, the Hellcycle, it was already transformed into it's hellish form. I mounted the Hellcycle and started riding, from the healights a fireball was launched opening a portal, as i passed through the portal i ended up in Mantle who looked overrun by Grimm... time record i guess.

Time to get to work, letting out an animalisctic growl my eyes started to glow a bright red color, all the negative energy started to attract the Grimm towards me, good, now they are focused on me. I won't transform for now, the people have enough to fear already.

I started to ride around, whiping out my chain and cutting any Grimm that stood in my way, most of them looked to be Sabyr.

Suddenly my earpiece started ringing.


Winter: "Duncan, this is Winter, we managed to establish an evacuation point in the middle of Mantle. Any people you may come across point them in that direction. What is your current location?"

Dunca: "Roger that! I seem to be in the southern side, talk to you later ice queen and stay safe! Over!"


As i ended my conversation, i resumed my Grimm extermination protocol.

I saw a kid and a mother cornered by a Sabyr, who was ready to pounce on the boy, i revved the bike and ran over the Grimm turning it into ashes.

Mother: "U-uh, thank you!"

Duncan: "Go to the center of the city. They got an evac point there!"

The mother just nodded as she took the kid on her arms, i glanced behind me seeind a few dozen Grimm and a... elephant Grimm?

It's a fucking Goliath, perfect, looking around i saw that no one was around besides the bloody useless Atlas security robots.

I glared in the direction of the Goliath as i let ou an unholy roar, my flesh burning, leaving only a flaming charred skull bathed in hellfire.

Duncan: "You are going down, ABOMINATION!", i pointed a skeletal finger at the Grimm.

As i dismounted my bike, i grabbed my chain, hellfire surging through it, the Goliath was ready to ram through me, but i whipped my chain diagonaly cutting the hulking Grimm in half.

Putting aside my chains, i summoned my dual scythes, Harbinger, taking advantage of the chaos ensued by the fall of the Goliath, i dashed towards the remaining Grimm around.

This is gonna take a while... but i believe that things are about get worst, i can feel thousands of demonic signatures coming towards Mantle, and one seems... titanic.



Ashley's POV:

As Duncan took of on his Hellcycle, i took my own way of transportation, i just created a portal with the Yamato.

But before i passed through the portal, i saw Blake glaring in the direction Duncan went before giving me a small glare. Something feels... off.

Byakko: 'Better keep your guard up, who knows what awaits us.'

Aknowledging Byakko's advice, i stepped trough the portal, looking around i would say i'm in the Northern side, this place is already overrun by the Grimm.

I swiftly unsheathed the Yamato, twirling the katana in my hand a few times, i gripped the katana in reverse and stabbed an incoming Sabyr that wanted to attack me.

Ashley: "If you keep howling, it doesn't count as sneak attack."

I took my stance with the Yamato, my eyes glowing a dark blue color with slits, before me dozens of Grimm ready to attack me, heh, not for long. I couldn't help but smirk a little as i kept my poker face.

The first Sabyr punced towards me, but i simply stabbed him in the head while it was mid-air with the tip of my sword. I backflipped and sliced the head right off of a Grimm trying to sneak behind me.

I dashed in the middle of the pack and did an 360 turn slicing a few Grimm in the process.

Byakko: 'I advise using another element, maybe wind? The Getsuga might be too destructive inside the city.'

Hmm, i'm not sure about that, i'm not keen on using Wind too much, it might be more controlled, but, something tells me not to show all the tricks that i have up my sleeve. For all i know, Fire and Wind, these two elements are the ones that the White Tiger governs over. I'm more reliant on Fire because i learned from Duncan to control it better, but Wind, not so much.

Suddenly the earpice started ringing, i answered.


Winter: "Ashley, this is Winter. We established an evac point in the middle of Mantle. Any people you may come across, point them in that direction. What is your location?"

Ashley: "Understood, at the moment i'm clearing the northern side of Grimm. Keep in touch. Over and out!"


As i finnished my conversation with Winter, i took a good look around me and saw that most of the Grimm seem to look in one direction, that was until and unholy roar startled them and most of the Grimm started running away, that must be Duncan.

I wonder, how can the Grimm be attracted and afraid of him at the same time?

Suddenly i heard heavier steps, and ahead of me i saw and Grimm who resembled a lot an elephant, an Goliath, huh.

I raised my katana above my head as black energy swirled around it, then with an downwards slash i launched a nameless Getsuga turning the Goliath and the Grimm that were too close to him into mist, The Getsuga disappeared in time not causing any damage to the buildings.

Letting out a small sigh, i noticed many people were hiding in some alleys behind me, here we go.

Byakko: '...somrthing big is aproaching.'



3rd POV:

As the city of Mantle began to be overran by Grimm, the huntsmen and Ace Ops already dropped from Atlas in order to help with the evacuations.

But things didn't seem to go so easy, many riots already began inside Mantle, because of the cold, the civilians started to make fires in the middle of streets so that they won't die of frost. Their choices were to die by freezing over or being eaten by Grimm, pick your poison fellas.

The Atlas Security Robots tried to guide the civilians to the evac points, but they were met with hostily, the people started to attack the robots turning them into scraps. The confusion and fear only attracted even more Grimm.

Team RWBY and JNPR already split in order to cover more ground.

Ren, Jaune and Yang could be seen fighting Grimm in the east side of Mantle.

Jaune blocked an incoming Grimm Sabyr with his shiled before stabbing it in the neck with it's sword.

Ren used his dual Pistols, Storm Flower, sending a barrage of bullets before enterring blade mode for close quarter combat. Managing to maneuver himself between Grimm with quite ease.

Yang took more aggresive aproach, rushing towards the pack of Grimm she punched a few times a few Grimm before using her gauntlets to get out within the thick of the problems, the Grimm got a little confused as a beeping sound was heard, Yang managed to plant some small bombs with her gauntlets on the Grimm bodies, smirking she then detonated the bombs killing the Grimm.

Jaune then help guide the civilians to the evac point while Ren and Yang kept watch in case of more incoming Grimm, things started to move smoothly.

Jaune: "This should be the last, we have to move onto the next district.", he said joining Ren and Yang.

But Yang had other worries, whe kept looking around, as if searching for someone.

Yang: "Uhhh, guys. Have any of you seen Blake?",she asked Ren and Jaune.

Hearing this Jaune and Ren gaine puzzled looks, looking around they only saw the desolate streets.

Ren: "Weird, she was with us when we arrived in Mantle."

Jaune: "Try contacting her, maybe she got lost?", he sheepishly raised his shoulders

Yang concerned took out her scroll ready to call Blake, but the sound of rapid footsteps coming from and alleyway made them rise up their weapons.

Soon from the alleyway Duncan reveiled himself, but something felt off.

Yang: "Huh?! Matchstick? What are you doing here?", she slowly aproached Duncan.

Duncan a little confused looked around until his eyed landed in Yang, Ren and Jaune, he cleared his throat a little while mantaining a poker face.

Duncan: "Ah, Xiao Long, i've cleared my side so i've come to aid you huntsmen.", his tone was quite stern.

Ren and Jaune exchanged perplexed looks before directing their attention at Yang, who furrowed her brows and crossed her arms.

Yang: "Ooookay, so say, have you seen Blake around? She suddenly disappeared on us.", she went back to her usual self.

Duncan: "The Belladona girl? Not to worry, i know her location, just follow me.", he turned heels.

As Duncan took lead, Ren and Jaune adopted more serious expressions, they nodded to themselves, but when they looked at Yang, her fists were clenched and her eyes red, Yang gritted her teeth as she looked at Duncan.

Yang: "Hey... Duncan, wanna hear a joke?", she cracked her knuckles.

Duncan: "Hmm, in this times humour helps relieve tension, go ahead... entertain me.", he had an condescending smirk.

This all they needed to hear for them to stop, Yang, Jaune and Ren kept their guard up, Duncan stopped himself as well, but didn't turn around.

Yang: "Knock, knock?"

Duncan: "Who's the-"

But Duncan didn't even had time to finish his sentence, Yang let out a warcry as she activated her semblance before punching Duncan in the back of his head sending him into a building, Yang then triggered her gauntlets detonating a small bomb she planted as she punched Duncan. Ren and Jaune didn't even looked surprised, they only kept their weapons ready.

As from the smoke were Duncan was sent, a disturbing hissing sound could be heard, from the smoke emerged what appeared to be Duncan, but his face looked red and mutilated, his teeth sharp as a basilisk, his arms longer and crooked with claws.

???: "How... did you mortal... find me?", his voice was highpitched accompanied by a hiss akin to a snake.

Yang: "Ok, first of all, terrible impression, second of all... you should've let the devil in.", she reloaded her shotgun guntlets.

The wanna be Duncan started to shed his skin, letting out a shriek revealing his true demonic form.

Jaune let out a small yelp seeing this, Ren tightened his grip on his pistols.

Yang: "And here i thought that the Grimm are the ugly ones, you a demon?"

The Shapeshifter demon let out a sinister chuckle.

Shapeshifter: "It does not matter, for you will be soon corpses from wich i will feast upon!"

Yang used her gauntlets to propel herself, ready to punch the Shapeshifter, Ren provided long range support while Jaune provided more defense. Shapeshifter weaved avoiding an incoming Yang, seeing Jaune, Shapeshifter brought his claws downwards, Jaune used his shield to defend himself, but impact made his body tremble at the impact, he gritted his teeth feeling the immense pain surging through his arms.

The Shapeshifter felt something penetrate his skin, looking in the distance the demon saw Ren aiming at him, pushing Jaune aside, the Shapeshifter demon made a dash for Ren only for Yang to come and stop him in his tracks, maneuvering around the demon using her gauntlets, she started planting miniature grenades with every punch delivered. Feeling annoyed the demon, with a swift motion caught Yang by the head before smashing her onto the the ground and throwing her towards Jaune like a ragdoll, making the both of them fall backwards.

Seeing this Ren kept shooting and maintaining distance, trying to distract the demon from Yang and Jaune.

Yang smirked a little as she detonated her grenades, the demon let out a shriek of pain, creating a small explosion and a smokescreen.

Ren then quickly regrouped with Jaune who was healing Yang.

Ren: "I think we should go, that thing seems way out of our league.", he helped Yang stand up.

Yang: "Nah, it should be dead by now."

But the smokescreen soon disapeared, revealing a bloodied, injured and angry demon, that was still alive.

Jaune: "You were saying!", he quickly raised up his shield.

Yang only groaned, but raised an eyebrow seeing the demon limping, exchanging looks with Jaune and Ren they prepared for the next round.

The Shapeshifter dashed towards Jaune, who already prepared his shield, but this time he was sent flying backwards. The demon seemed to fight more agressive then before.

Again Ren used ranged attack to his advantage, but the demon simply dashed towards him, the demon used his claws to slash Ren almost destroying his aura, but Yang quickly intervened, she went for a quick jab to the abdomen with her gauntlets, but the Shapeshifter was faster, catching her arm, the demon slammed her against a house then he threw her aside.

The demon reverted back his focus on Ren, only to be impaled from behind by Jaune, quicky Ren jumped on top of the demon and used his blades to impale him in the head, but it simply didn't want to die.

Ren and Jaune kept the demon in place as much as they could, but they were soon thrown aside.

The Shapeshifter slowly started to aproach his prey, but noticed someone missing, suddenly he was interrupted by a beeping sound, small grenades already been planted in that short while by Yang in his exposed ribcage, with a click, miniature explosions followed.

Finally they could breath freely, Yang dropped on her ass as she tried to catch her breath.

Yang: "Damn that bastard was hard to kill!"

Jaune: "Guys, doesn't Duncan and Ashley... deal with these kind of things  all the time?", just the thought made him shudder.

Ren: "This only makes the skill that they have aquired more formidable."

Yang: "Damn right you are! And last time i checked, Grimm don't just impersonate oth-"

But Yang was quickly interrputed by a hissing sound, Yang, Jaune and Ren looked in horror as the Shapeshifter's corpse seemed to move, but the demon only let out a small shriek as his body fell apart.

Suddenly a sonic boom was heard, followed by a shockwave going throught the entirety of Mantle, soon followed by an unholy demonic roar.

Not taking any chances, Yang took out her scroll.


Yang: "This is Yang, if anyone can hear me... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"

Duncan: "Ah! Firecracker! This is Duncan, that was me just dealing with a pretty nasty demon."

Yang: "Matchstick?... How do i know it really is you?!"

Duncan: "Ohhhh, let me guess, you encountered a red skinned demon with an ugly mug and long ass arms, aaannnnddd pretented that it was me?"

Yang: "Yeah, that's pretty much what happened, wait! Does that mean demons started to invade Mantle as well?"

Duncan: "Maybe, probably, possibly, absolutly!"

Yang: "Ugh! Just what we needed, it took us an eternety to kill it!"

Duncan: "Hey, if it makes you feel better, the weak spot for a Shapeshifter like that is their chest, where the heart is supposed to be."

Yang: "Well that's pretty much what we did."

Duncan: "Good, for now focus on evacuation and stay out of trouble, and do NOT split apart, always stay in groups."

Yang: "Finnnneee~, dad"

Duncan: "Eh? What am i gonna do with you. Over and out!"


Yang chuckled as she closed her scroll.

Yang: "Let's move out boys!"

As such Yang, Ren and Jaune started to look for any civilians, Grimm or God forbid, Demons.

In the northern side of Mantle, Ashley just finished dealing with Grimm, only to be replaced by demons, the small Imp like demons seemed not any trouble, but the one who just appeared was something else.

His grotesque muscled covered in thick armor like plates, protected by an exoskeleton, this demon had no eyes, fangs sharp as a shark, claws strong enough to cut through steel like butter, his right apendage simply evolved into a blade, standing at leaast 5 meters, a Blade Demon.

Ashley: "I will end this quick", she put her hand on the Yamato's handle.

But Ashley had an spectator, from afar, from the top of the buidlings, Blake was watching carefuly how Ashley was desposing of demons.

And Blake would lie if she didn't feel intimidated, each strike was precise and deadly, not even a move was wasted, all the while maximing the carnage ensued. Blake audibly gulped, soon having to fight Ashley, but she had to wait for the opportunity.

Blake blinked once, only for her eyes to widen in surprise as was nothing left of the hulking demon that was standing before Ashley, just blood and guts on the asphalt.

LUST: 'Ohhhh~, don't tell me the kitty witty is afraid~?', she taunted.

Blake only shook her head, steading herself, she had her target in mind.

LUST: 'Don't forget, only once Duncan has left Mantle and lord Blackheart trapped him in another dimension, then you have a shot at killing the bitch~, kukuku.'


Suddenly the roars and howls of Grimm and demons were overshadowed by something bigger...


... something massive...


... his mere shadow seemed to swallow Mantle, gaining everyones attention, only horror and dread, shook through out people's spines...


...his size was enough to give the people the impression that it could touch the sky...


... and there it was, from within the ashes, from within the darkest pits of Hell, it stood a champion...

This chapter's meme:

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