Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

35.8K 1.6K 340

You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady

2.6K 52 6
By _Weeb_Writer_


Yami is 22 and You are 21.

You lived in Heartland CIty (Yugioh Zexal).

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

Will contain triggering content in this chapter: suicide and blood.



A woman cried out, hugging a few millennium items in her hands. She was on her knees, holding the items close to her chest. Her face was slightly covered from the falling locks of her hair. A golden dagger laid beside her with a Millenium eye insignia on its handle. On her left was a black cat who meowed as it looked up to her with a sorrowful look within its emerald eyes. Having a purple collar with a small Horus eye charm.

"Why did you leave me behind!?" She took a sharp breath in between her sobs as her wailing cries continued to grow louder. Echoing throughout the slightly dimmed stoned room.

Carvings could be seen across the rooms walls but it was hard to see from the dim lighting.

Her tears stained the floor. Her breathing became heavier and quicker. Laying the millenium items down as she hastily grabbed the dagger beside her, lifting it up high in the air. Its sharp end gleamed from the torches that were across the room.

She fell silent after having sobbed for what seemed to be for a long period of time.

Screaming something out that was inaudible before she dragged the dagger across her very own throat.

Her blood sprinkled out across the floor, falling to her side. Dropping the dagger and the Millenium items while doing so.

Her blood soon pooled around her Whispering something that couldn't be heard as she reached out to the Millenium puzzle.

Her hand dropped as she dragged her bloody hands across the Millenium puzzle and laid there lifeless. The cat rubbed its head against the woman's as it let out a meow of sorrow to its now deceased owner.


You woke up with a sharp gasp before coughing after having done that gasp. Holding your throat as you coughed while reaching over to grab the glass of water off your night stand. Sitting up, you drank the half glass of water, and a sigh of long relief left your lips. Holding the empty glass in between your hands. " . . . Same dream again . . ." You muttered as you stared down at your reflection on the glass. A little sweat ran down your (s/c).

"Patricia, turn on lights" You told your apartment's system (this tech system is called "Patricia") that turned on the lights of your apartment. You set the glass down back on the nightstand as you rub your (e/c) with your other free hand "Patricia, what is the current time?" You ask through a yawn. Smacking your lips as you are slowly processing waking up "The current time is 9:30 AM." the apartment system replied. Your eyes grow wide at the time "Awe Shit!" You scrambled out of bed, falling from the comforters wrapped around your foot. Landing on the floor with a big 'oof' as you impact on the floor. Enduring the pain, you kicked the comforters off and raced to your dresser. Picking out a quick outfit; a simple navy blue sleeveless button up tee, a black skinny jeans, and placed white tennis shoes near the door with ankle socks.

You heard a small click but ignored it due to sheer internal panic while trying to stuff your notes and other essentials into your black bag.

After rushing a shower, brushing hair along with your teeth, and quickly changing into your outfit for the day. Running out of your apartment door, making sure to lock it 'I can make it! I'm gonna make it!' You internally screamed in your head as you tried to slip on your crop cut black jacket as you ran down the stairs. Heading on over to your violet duel runner with a black helmet. It was an old model but you fixed it up whenever you had time off from your job. Hopping on, you drove off to head over to the Tsukumo residents.

20 minutes later, you made it.

Luckily traffic during this particular morning wasn't entirely bad.

You took in a deep breath as you got off your duel runner and set the helmet on the seat. You were greeted by an elder lady with round perky cheeks who was sweeping the walkway of her house "Oh" she perked at the sight of you and gave a sweet closed eyed smile "Good morning (Y/n), Kari is inside. Yuma will be excited to see you too. He has been so eager to duel you again, maybe you both can before he heads off to school." She cooed with a giggle. You laughed lightly to her words "You mean he is ready to lose against me again Mrs. Haru." You boast as you walk past her to head inside their home. Spotting Kari's auburn head in the living room you were walking over to, she spun around to you with a light huff "Finally! You're here (Y/n)! This article is not going to be finished by the deadline tomorrow morning if you keep me on edge like this!" Kari had on her duel gazer on her left eye which was white but with an orange glass gazer but hers was slimmer unlike Yuma's which was a thicker white outline mixed with a few yellow streaks and a little blue but his gazer's glass was green.

Kari looked like she was on her 5th cup of coffee as she was refilling her cup when you arrived."Well, I forgot to set my alarm last night. Sorry." You went to sit beside her as you took out your duel gazer which was sharp like Yuma's but it was a purple glass of the gazer and a black thick narrow outline. Once you had it on there were multiple holographs that contained a few documents. You went through your bag and grabbed the few notes you wrote personally down to crack down on this case that you were working on with Kari to expose these particular hackers that were hacking into different trading card companies and holding their new releasing cards hostage until there was a ransom paid. It was going to be major news in Heartland City.

Something fell out of your bag while you were focused on writing for the article on the holographic keyboard you had as you were on one side of the couch with your notes scattered on the other side of the couch. Kari was at her desk which was in a similar scatter like yours as she was typing away like a mad woman. Yuma let out a yell from his room and loud steps and scuffle could be heard from upstairs. It seems he was running late today as well but in his case it was for school. The pink and purple haired middle schooler came running down as he was buttoning up his uniform's top buttons and looked over with his magenta eyes "Oh. Hey (Y/n)." He greeted you then he turned to his older sister with a squint of annoyance "Why didn't you wake me up today!? I have an important duel today during my duel period! I can't afford to be late today!" Kari gave a 'tsk' to him and he growled at her response "Don't 'tsk' me!" Kari finally turned away from her work to look at Yuma "Then don't rely on me to wake you up ya dingus! You should be able to wake yourself up considering you're in middle school!" she spat at him harshly. Yuma flinched at her response but he just pouted afterwards then went to grab some food from the fridge while you tried to hold in your laugh at the two siblings.

For some reason, whenever You see Yuma these days he always has this little light blue orb next to him. It is something you have been able to see ever since he started his first year in middle school. The orb was never there before and yet it is still beside him and you are afraid to tell him anything about it because you do not want to seem crazy or freak the poor kid out. Yuma rummaged through the fridge for a bit and got what he wanted. He went over to the two of you to tell both of you that he was leaving. Only he had stopped when he noticed something shiny over by your bag, he went and picked it up with a look of pure amazement. Yuma tapped your shoulder, You turned your attention to him as his eyes had stars while holding up the thing he picked up "This fell from your bag and it looks so cool! Are you gonna write a scoop about this next?!" He gushed as he found the item super cool.

The item Yuma showed you made your heart almost stop and you tried your best to not let your facial expression show how freaked out you were by the object. It was the dagger from your dream. It had the same millennium eye on the handle and by the way Yuma was holding it, it seemed to be heavier than it looked as it appeared to have some weight to it. 'What the heck?! That's impossible for it to be here. It was just a dream, right? Then how can this even be?' Yuma tilted his head, the stars in his eyes gone, as he was confused and also concerned since you didn't seem to answer him. You took it from his hands and put it back in your bag, trying your best to keep composure of this.

For some reason, with this dream you always cannot remember it entirely clearly. Only remembering three things: those golden items, the dagger, and the sad cat. It all fogs up afterwards. It always makes you feel sad when you try to remember it as if it was a sad memory but you couldn't figure out why it made you feel so sad.

You figured you would remember every detail by now with this occurring endlessly throughout your life for as long as you can remember.

"Yeah I was planning to write about it but I still need to get permission from the museum director of their further ideas on this item. For now, I am holding onto it as they want me to try to discover more about it." It was a lie but it was an understandable one to say the least.

The dagger would make a good scoop which you tried not to say too loud for Kari to hear. She would have grilled you to see it more and find this information with you if you spoke too loud about it. Kari was like a detective on a case that would not stop investigating until she got down to the bottom of whatever the case was about. Yuma blinked and glanced at the light blue orb beside him but turned back to you with a smile, shrugging it off. Yuma waved "bye" to You and he ran out the door. Not before you went over to him to give him an old fashion noogie that made him laugh but also had him struggle to get out of your grasp, you let him go and he bolted out to be on time for school.

You head back to the couch to continue your work with Kari who mutters stuff about her brother being annoying. You knew she loved him but in her own special sibling way so the two of them arguing was nothing too surprising of them.


The sun was setting as you stretched out your arms in the air while popping your back in the process with the help of the couch's arm rest. "I think we are done for today. I will send the finalized draft over to our boss. You can head home (Y/n)." Kari said as she took off her gazer with a smile to you. Feeling like she was in a good mind set since there was less to stress about anymore after you both are done before the deadline. "Alright, I will. Make sure you get some sleep or you'll go crazy." You mused which made Kari roll her eyes but nod to your advice. You pack your stuff up into your bag and you look at the dagger in your bag for a few long seconds before closing it after placing your duel gazer in there.

You told Kari and Mrs. Haru "Bye" before you left the Tsukumo house on your duel runner. Yuma was not home yet and probably was out dueling somewhere, knowing him.

On the way to your apartment you saw Yuma with his middle school friends: Tori Meadows, Bronk Stone, Rio Kastle and her brother Shark Kastle. Yuma noticed you too which drew his friends attention to you as well. They shout "Hey (Y/n)!" which made you smile underneath your helmet and you waved back to them. Turning back to have your eyes on the road. Your eyes widened under your visor as you saw a black cat with a familiar purple collar and Horus eye charm in the middle of the road.

Stomping for your foot to hit the break of your duel runner while you as silence rang in your ear though you can hear Yuma, Bronk, Shark, Rio, and Tori that called out to you in an inaudible echo. You couldn't make out what they were saying to you. The moment you hit the break and came to a screeching halt there was an awful shockwave of pain that ran through your entire body.

Just as you came to a screeching halt, the sunset that was showering its ray of multiple colors across Heartland CIty was nowhere to be seen.

It was suddenly night time.

You lifted up your visor as you were panting heavily. Your heart was racing from the rush and the thought of running over an animal made you freak the fuck out. Just thinking about the poor animal dead on the road made you wanna cry but you laid your (e/c) over to the front of your bike.

No cat.

Only the sound of honking cars grabbed your attention to snap back to reality. You were in the middle of the road with multiple headlights beaming onto you.

"S-Sorry!" You shouted to the cars as you put your visor back on and revved up your duel runner to ride off in the gap between two cars that managed to fit the bikes size.

You rode on but when you came to a stop by a building, you quickly took off your helmet. You got off your bike with your helmet in your hand. Turning in circles as you were taking in your surroundings in horror.

This place was not Heartland City.

It was an entirely different place!

Your head started to spin as you tried to contemplate this reality. You saw a little newspaper stand and went to it to grab a newspaper to the headline to give you some idea of something, anything!

It was an entirely different YEAR.

YOU were in a different time period.

The time seemed familiar in some sort of history for you but you could not recollect why it was important or even familiar.

You shoved the paper into your bag "What the actual fuck" This was the time for you to freak out but before you could a meow came from your right. In that direction was that mangy black cat with the purple collar and Horus eye charm. It stared at you with its emerald eyes "YOU" You glared at the four legged creature which you picked up and shook it like a mad woman "I don't know how you did it but this is all your fault!" You started to get a few stares at you from people who were walking by on the sidewalk. The cat growled at you shaking the living shit out of the poor thing "My lady, You must calm down!" It spoke with a female voice.

That single motion of it speaking made you stop shaking it and drop it from the pure shock of it talking. Luckily, the cat landed on all fours but still found it rude of you for dropping the cat.

"No one is able to see me besides you, my lady. Unless you give them permission to do so." The cat informed the dumbfounded you that stared down at her in pure bewilderment. This also meant that people were only seeing you shake nothing but air, your cheeks flushed a light red from feeling embarrassment of the thought of how stupid you appeared to those who saw you do what you did. You picked up the cat once more to set it on the seat of your duel runner "Who or what even are you." You interrogated with your arms crossed but lowered your voice this time to get less stares. Seems you got stares already from the "odd" bike you had.

The cat sat properly and bowed her head to you "I am your loyal servant, I am Jane." Jane lifted her head to look up at you "You are here for a reason and it is my sworn duty to help you discover that. Your destiny." You were now even more confused from Jane. It was not even an answer from her either. "So you mean to tell me you have no idea what this so-called "destiny" is that I have to do but you brought me to this wherever this place is which I am guessing was done from magic that leapt me back into time. Am I on the right track?" Jane nods at your statement and this gives you an idea and you rummage through your bag to show the dagger to her. You made sure to go up closer to her in order to hide the fact you were carrying 1. A dagger aka a weapon and 2. People already thought you were crazy earlier so this was to be less suspicious.

You explain the dream in detail the best you can with the dream always being foggy "Does this have something to do with it or even a clue?" Jane stared at the dagger as she was thinking. In the end, Jane's eyes went back to you "I do not know much as I feel it has a greater purpose but I can say that this millennium dagger is a part of something larger than we can comprehend." She looked back at the dagger's sheath with small hieroglyphics. "However, from what I am able to read it is able to change into anything you desire but its sole purpose of its design was to be able to break through anything. I don't know how I know but it is all I can read, the rest is marked off so it is unreadable." You put the dagger in your bag again and impressed how she was able to read the hieroglyphics.

Jane meowed over to the right of you before she faded away right when you were about to ask how she was able to read hieroglyphics. It left you puzzled until you heard a voice cooed from behind you "Ooh sweet ride." You turned around to see a thick long blonde woman whose red lips pursed a smile. She was carrying a small brown duffle bag with her fingerless white gloves. Wearing a white tank top that was covered by her lavender vest which complimented her dark purple skirt. It also matched her lavender eyes that stared at you "You look lost. It seems you are here for the dueling tournament too but have no clue where the heck to go." She seemed to be around 24 which was something you were glad about since she was a woman near your age.

'A tournament huh. It seems to be held with people coming from other countries and cities to duel in this tournament. This is my chance to try to blend in and maybe get some information but also have a place to stay for the meantime while I'm stuck here.' You thought to yourself and simply smiled to this woman "I am. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). You are?" The woman crossed her arms as she was pleased with your reply "I'm Mai Valentine, I am also here for the tournament. They have yet to announce when it will start but I am trying to get to my hotel that I will be staying at in the meantime for this event." Mai made a pouty face "But I have no ride and taking the train has been killing my back to get me this far. The taxi prices are crazy here but I do not want to walk." She whined to you of her struggles which made you feel some sort of sympathy.

Although, you knew this was just a scheme of her trying to just hitch a ride but having someone to talk to for just this simple moment made you forget about the reason you are here or think about anything that will have you go into an anxiety frenze. "Alright but you have to tell me the directions to the place because I keep getting lost trying to find a hotel myself to finally crash before this tournament." Mai's eyes perked up to you when you said those words. You put on your helmet but you couldn't give Mai one since you didn't have another helmet on you. You got on and Mai followed and had her hands on your waist since it is safer for her that way to ride with you.

Revving up your duel runner, you went on the road again. Listening to Mai's directions but she gasped at the sight of someone, tapping you seconds later "Can you make a quick stop here real quick? I know that girl." You nodded to her and pulled up to a short haired brunette and blue eyes who wore almost all pink with her jacket and skirt matching with the exception of her yellow sleeveless top. She seemed surprised to see Mai but also you too. Mai got off and you followed in pursuit and placed your helmet on your duel runner. "Tea, you look awfully cute today. On a date~?" Mai teased the teen girl named Tea. Tea crossed her arms then shook her head "No Mai, Yugi and I are just friends." That name sounded familiar. Very familiar actually. "Oh? Is he who you are waiting for?" Mai questioned the poor girl"Yes, he just needed to use the restroom."Tea told her. You left the two girls alone to discuss with each other as you walked over to the building's sign.

"Domino City Museum".

"Domino city. . . No way . . . It can't be the time period I think I am in. If I am right then . . . then the tournament Mai mentioned." You muttered to yourself in a low tone so no one would over hear you while you stepped back from the sign. You turned around to head back to Mai, only to bump into someone. It was a hard impact as it made not only you fall but also the other person you bumped into fall as well. Duel Monster cards were scattered across the floor which you assumed they belonged to the person you bumped into.

"I am so sorry!" You said as you scrambled together the cards near you. Feeling guilty for making the person fall and making a mess. You picked up the last card that was face down near you and you froze. It was The Dark Magician card. A shiver went down your spine as you slowly turned to the person you had bumped into. It was someone around your age, he was in a sleeveless black tank top with blue pants, multiple cufflets bracelets which were on his wrist and one on his left forearm. One of the most notable things about his attire was this chain that had an upside down golden pyramid attached to it which had a millennium eye facing you. Looking just like the eye on your dagger. Your (e/c) eyes made their way up to meet a sharp but gentle amethyst pair of eyes that stared at you.

A single tear left his left eye even though he did not appear to be sad based upon his gentle appearance. His hair was crazy and had a unique star-like shape with tricolors of black, blonde, and a shade of purple in the ends. You felt something warm trickle down only on the right side of your cheek.

It was odd but mostly awkward as you both wiped the tear away as you two seemed to be confused as to why you both were crying.

''. . I. . .I'm really in the same timeline as the infamous Yugi Muto . . .' You thought to yourself as you were debating to freak out from fangirling for meeting the King Of Games or try to play it off by not knowing who he is.

"It's . . ." He paused as he stared at you ". . . Um, it's quite alright." His deep voice seemed to sooth the tension you felt with such ease. Something of his voice felt so familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "You guys alright?! That looked like a pretty bad fall." Tea asked as she jogged over with Mai to the two of you. Mai noticed how you both seemed to have wiped away some tears which made her raise an eyebrow "Are you both seriously okay?" The question targeted both of you. You looked at Yugi but from the newspaper photo of him winning the Duelist Kingdom, it didn't look exactly like him but still had similar features but also noticeable differences.

'Yugi' got up himself and held out his hand to you "Can you stand (Y/n)?" he asked in a gentle tone which you sheepishly responded with a nod. Taking his hand in a trance-like state as you couldn't stop looking at him. As if the more you looked at him you felt the answers would just pour out of it even though it didn't. 'Yugi' looked at you now with concern as he no longer held your hand. "Have you met each other before?" Mai asked yet another question that grabbed your attention finally. Clearing your throat "No, I don't believe we have." You didn't technically lie because you knew him through dueling history from the duel academy you attended when you were younger.

"Then how did you know her name Yugi?" Tea furrowed her brows as she looked at the man. 'Yugi' let out a small 'hum' to her words. It was as if he didn't notice he had said it himself either which shifted his expression to being a puzzled one. Responding only with a shrug which confused the two girl friends even more with the two of them looking at each other and shrug at one another. You held out the set of cards you helped collect to 'Yugi'. He seemed to have almost forgotten to obtain from you, so he took them and put them with his collecting amount to set the deck in his purple belts card holder.

The item around his neck was something you knew you needed to persist on asking him. You were about to say something but were cut off from Jane "No, my lady. You must keep quiet for now. We must gain their trust before asking outlandish questions. Until then, we must not pursue them at this time." You glanced over to the cat who pleaded with you through her large green eyes. She sat on the set of stairs behind 'Yugi'. After a short consideration of not having anything to really speak about without even knowing the answers of stuff yourself, you bit the inside of your cheek as you decided to keep your mouth shut.

"Thank you, for helping me pick up my cards." This 'Yugi' expressed his gratitude. It was something you were not expecting but smiled nonetheless.

Suddenly you heard a static sound that made you turn to the big jumbotron across the street. It seemed that all of the ones nearby were also doing the same thing. There was interference but before you went into panic, a man appeared on the screen.

Not just any man.

Seto Kaiba.

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