I am Yu

By Radical_Honesty

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After witnessing the fall of society and the death of his entire family a young hero with a great burden deci... More

I am Yu
This is Yu
Hellish Training and an offer
One For All
Unexpected Encounter
First Impressions
Night and Day
Leaders and Teams
Phase 2
Finishing Touches
The chosen ones
Confidence and Arrogance
Love and Punishment
A promise to keep
Internal Strife
Confession and Conflict
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A Mother's Truth.
Best Day Ever.
Recreation and Responsibility
Best laid plans
Dance Battle !!
Time to pick some Names
A Visitor.
Let it flow ! School festival !
Struggling with Power
Dark dealings
Tribute to the Fallen
All Good Things
The Climax
A new beginning
Montage time !!
Fun and Sun
The Assault
Unbridled Fury
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 1
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 3
Fame and Misfortune.
A Solemn Duty
Risk Management
True Heroes
Potential Unleashed
The Final Step
A Brighter Future

Fight on Heroes !!

193 4 0
By Radical_Honesty

(Yu pov)

The day had finally arrived and this was the start of the Vytal Tournament. The teams were getting really fired up and were eager to use every skill along with their new powers to win.


(Ruby pov)

We were in the common room waiting to head the the arena for the first match. But we were waiting for Yu to give us a last minute pep talk as he wanted to tell us something before we got started.

Yang : Man i can't wait to get to the action

She smashed a fist into her palm and let off a small explosion but before we could talk further Yu came walking down the stairs and stood in front of us.

Yu : Now i'm sure you are all eager to get going but before we do i just need to ask you to be careful as you are all very strong and to do otherwise would probably injure the other competitors.

Ruby : Are we really that much stronger now ?

Yu : Yes indeed you are especially people like Yang, Jaune and Nora.

Weiss : Why them especially ?

Yu : Well it comes from the quirks i gave to you, Yang is a brawler and as such she has immense power with which to punch but that also helps with the explosion quirk. Seeing as she has such strong arms that are used to impacts her quirk will be easier for her to use and as such be more powerful.

Yang : Really ?

Yu : Yes if anyone who didn't have a resistance like you tried to use Explosion they would have to start small and work their way up before their arms would be able to handle the backlash from the quirk.

We all nodded as we were listening as what he said did make sense, But i did wonder why Jaune and Nora though.

Yu : Now onto Nora She has a natural affinity for electrical energy and it enhances her body to super human levels so her quirk Electrification is perfect for her.

Nora looked proud and flexed her muscles while the rest of us laughed a bit.

Yu : And finally Jaune he was trained by me to wield one of the most powerful quirks in existence long before beacon started and to do that i had to get his body ready to receive it After all, One for All is a hurricane of pure force an unprepared body can't fully inherit it if you tried you arms and legs would shoot off.

We all felt a cold sweat go down our spines when we heard him say that like it was not a problem.

Jaune : You mean i could have exploded ???

Yu : No don't worry, That's why i concentrated on building you up before i transferred the quirk to you, So that would be less likely to happen.

Jaune : Whew, Wait what do you mean "Less likely" ?

Yu : Any way i just want you to be careful.

All : Right !

Yu : But keeping that in mind i want you to do your best and go beyond..

All : PLUS ULTRA !!!

(End of flashback)

(Yu pov)

I smiled thinking back to when they said that i could only imagine what fun we would have had if we had been in U.A together but this was still good.

The Professors had just finished welcoming the spectators and viewers to the tournament and the first match was Team RWBY Vs. Team ABRN from Haven Academy the buzzer sounded and the battle began.

I was watching with great interest as the team from Haven was coordinating attacks and attempting to divide Team RWBY but their plans were not going to work as any one of RWBY could easily defeat them with little difficulty but ABRN were skilled.


Yang immediately went on the offensive and began to hurl explosions at a girl who looked to be wearing some kind of Kung Fu outfit i think her name was Arslan but she was quickly out matched when she threw her rope dart type weapon towards Yang, who blasted herself up into the air and then forward to land directly in front of her opponent and then Yang followed up with a double handed Blast at point blank range which sent Arslan flying back and almost completely depleting her Aura.

Port : That was an incredible move by our own Miss Yang Xiao Long, but unfortunately for Miss Altan her aura has fallen into the red so she is eliminated.

The crowd cheered so loud that they gave Uncle Mic a run for his money in the noise department, Yang looked up to me in the stand's and i blew her a kiss followed by a wink, She smiled widely and then ran off to see if anyone else needed any assistance.

Blake was facing a girl named Reese Chloris and the girl looked to be riding a hoverboard of sorts which i won't lie did look cool and might be fun to try one day if i could just get the blueprints of it i could make one with Creation.

Blake looked up to me and quickly put her opponent on the defensive with quick but powerful strikes from Dark Shadow who was slashing at Reese with it's claws. She then looked like she was talking to Reese but whatever she was told seemed to make Blake really angry as Dark Shadow grew slightly larger and grabbed Reese and threw her out of the ring into the barrier.

Oobleck : A magnificent display from young Miss Belladonna who has just eliminated Miss Chloris with a ring out.

I then took the opportunity to check on Ruby and Weiss but they had immobilized their opponents by freezing them up to their neck's in ice. They then hit them hard enough to deplete the auras of the last two from Haven.

Port : And the winner is Team RWBY.


I wandered into the fairground after the fight to find Team RWBY and saw them celebrating their victory when suddenly Blake's stomach let out the loudest growl i have ever heard it was then that i couldn't hold in my laughter and when they heard it they turned to face me with Blake looking quite embarrassed.

Yu : Well done on an excellent win ladies and as a reward let me buy you lunch.

Yang and Blake immediately jumped on me and gave me the biggest hug, After that we found a vendor who made us all some noodles with Blake's being covered in fish.

Yu : Well dig in Kitty cat and that goes for the rest of you too.

Blake looked at me and smirked before we all proceeded to devour the noodles, As we were eating Team JNPR came over to join us and they were apparently going to fight next. After we had finished our meal which was very satisfying Nora as is her tradition burped so loud that she created an echo.

Ruby : So you think you're ready ?

Nora : Yeah, With all our training under Maria and our new powers we can't lose.

Jaune : I agree, We've got this in the bag.

Yu : Just remember Jaune don't go over your limit, As you might seriously hurt someone that includes yourself.

Jaune : I remember, Is that how it always goes with this quirk ?

Yu : Well the last wielder actually had it worse than you the first time he activated it.

Everyone looked at me with wide eye's as they couldn't believe it so i opened the A.S.S and retrieved my tablet device when i had all my priceless memories saved and showed them.

They all flinched when they saw that Uncle Deku broke one of his arms and both of his legs.

Jaune : Holy hell, That was insane.

Yu : No, That was the U.A entrance exam. Far more dangerous than Beacon's initiation.

They all sweat dropped and then started to ask questions about the video.

Nora : So who was that kid he was sooo cute.

Yu : That was my Uncle Deku, And yes plenty of girls thought he was adorable. But what most people respected was his truly Heroic heart. Including the girl he saved, She went on to be his future wife.

Pyrrha : I can see why.

Yu : But when you're ready you will be able to do things like that with no downsides at all Jaune, That is the power of One for All.

Nora had star's in her eye's imagining the power that Jaune would be capable of and was quite star struck.

Nora : So cool.

[PA system]

Port : [Would Team JNPR report to the battlegrounds immediately]

Oobleck : [Like they were supposed to several minutes ago]

But for now they had to leave and prepare for their match so we wished them luck not that they would need it. So me and RWBY went to the stadium to cheer for them.

Yu : Blake, What did that girl say to you in the fight ?

Blake : She saw me looking at you and stated her intentions to make advances on you.

Yang : I'll kill her.

Yu : Now, Now that's not needed after all i have already found the loves of my life.

I gave Blake and Yang a kiss on the lips and they blushed deeply with happy smiles on their faces which seemed to calm them down, We then headed to the Arena to watch the next round.


No sooner had the fight started JNPR had Vacuo's Team BRNZ on the defensive Jaune immediately delivered a strike to Roy Stallion that sent him flying, It was then that BRNZ's sniper started to shoot at Jaune but he thankfully blocked it which gave Pyrrha a chance to throw a flaming javelin with her quirk into the trees incinerating them and exposing the sniper's location.

Port : Well what an incredible show, What will May Zedong do now that she has lost her cover ??

She wasn't given time to come up with a plan as Ren appeared right in front of her and delivered a palm strike combined with Air Cannon to her mid-section sending her out of the ring.

Oobleck : That's very unfortunate for Miss Zedong from Team BRNZ she is out.

Nora charged her muscles with Electrification and leapt into the air and brought her hammer down on top of Nolan Porfirio and he was eliminated as his aura was now empty.

Brawnz Ni went in for close combat with Pyrrha but she engulfed herself and him in a massive fireball and his aura was swiftly drained and he was eliminated.

Port : Truly hot stuff from Pyrrha Niko's, I'm sure her opponent is feeling the 'Burn'

The Audience groaned in annoyance but Yang was rolling on the floor laughing.

Yang : He's my new favorite teacher HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA

And then there was one so Jaune put his weapon away and used One for All to rush in close to Roy Stallion and punch him so fast that no-one was able to see it clearly, All they heard was.

Jaune : SMASH

Stallion went flying out of the ring and the match was won By Team JNPR.

Oobleck : Another stunning win by the students of Beacon.

After JNPR had finished celebrating we saw Team SSSN defeat Team NDGO and i must admit if Sun Wukong did not break the law as easy as breathing he would definitely make a fine Hero.

After that we left the Arena to congratulate our friends.

(Meanwhile in a Vale Bar)

Bartender : Hey these kids are great this year huh ?

He was talking to a rather drunk man who was watching wide eye'd as though he had seen something very strange. But was shaken out of it as he saw an Airship fly by on the way to beacon So he paid for his drinks and stumbled down the street in pursuit of the ship all the while wondering.

??? : 'What powers were those' ?

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