

76.3K 2.1K 253

She's a mystery The mystery of how she is part of the Petrova bloodline. I don't own TVD just Holly and her s... Еще

New cast
Twenty one
Twenty two
Second Book
Should I?


7K 136 24

Four months earlier, Holly remembers being at a party and fighting with her sister because of what she did. Breaking her friend's heart because he was thinking of their future. She rolled her eyes as she walked away from the party and called her parents. "Mom, can you get me. I shouldn't have left." She said as she heard a noise. "Thank you." She hung up the phone and turned around to see a handsome guy. "Hi."

"Hello." He said.

"Um...I'm Holly."

Stefan smiled as he got in front of her. "You won't remember seeing me."

Holly blinked and heard the sound of a horn. She turned and smiled as her parents arrived. She walked over to them and got in. "What happened, Holly?"

"Matt started thinking of the future and that didn't settle right with Elena." She tells her mom as they left. "I told her that she should think of what she wants in the future, but that didn't really settle right with her."

Miranda knew there was always a difference between the twins. Holly was always thinking about the future as Elena didn't want to hear anything about it. Holly looked in front of them and screamed. "Daddy!"

Grayson dodged the oncoming vehicle and went over the Wickery bridge. Holly screamed as they hit the water. Grayson looked at his wife and then to his daughter. He watched as Miranda stopped struggling as she had already passed. Looking back he saw his daughter as she mouthed 'I love you' to him. He saw a figure coming into the water and saw a guy. He went to save him, but he shook his head looking back at Holly.

Stefan knew that the man was sacrificing himself to save his daughter. He nodded as he went to the back to see Holly. He pulled her out and swam back to the surface as Grayson Gilbert passed away knowing that his baby girl was safe and sound.
Holly woke up and sighed as she doesn't remember much from that night. Just fighting with Elena, then calling her parents, then losing them both. Elena blamed her for their deaths causing Holly to be a bit closed off causing Bonnie and Caroline to worry about her. She focused on the hobbies she used to do. Went to cheer camp hoping that will get her mind off of things. Jenna looked into the blonde's room smiling. "Holly?"

"Hey." She said as she grabbed her jacket. "Sorry I'm in a daze."

"Holly, I know you are going through a lot, but what happened to your parents wasn't your fault." She said. "Accidents happen."

"Then why must she think I did. I remember a car coming at us and the next, everything went black." She says. "She's always blamed me for things that I have nothing to do with."

"Holly, just know that Jeremy and I don't see that. Elena is just jealous because everyone is worried about you. You don't act like the same Holly."

In that time, Jeremy walked over to her and kissed her head. Holly smiled till she saw Elena. Grabbing her water, she kissed her aunt's cheek then her brother's before leaving. Elena looked at them. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Jeremy says as he left.

"What did I do?"

"You blamed her for something she didn't do." Jenna stated. "When are you going to see that?"

Elena didn't say anything as she changed the subject.
At school, Caroline saw her favorite Gilbert and walked over to her. "She still blaming you."

"It's Elena, Caroline." She said as the blonde hugged her. "She'll do anything to make people hate me."

Caroline smiled till she saw someone that will capture the blonde's attention. She turned Holly around just to see him. She smiled as he walked by causing him to smile at her. "It's love at first sight." Caroline said as the two started heading for class. "I see a June wedding or July."

"Caroline, don't get your hopes up." Holly tells her. "Elena will make sure she will be picked first or at least make me look bad."

Caroline went to say something, but she sighed as Holly walked into the restroom. Stefan followed them, but stopped as he heard crying. He wondered what was wrong.

Inside, Holly wiped her tears and looked at herself in the mirror. "I shouldn't let her words bother me." She said. "It's time to finally show her that she can't hurt me anymore."

When Holly walked out, she bumped into someone and looked up to see the new guy. "Hi." She said.

"Are you okay?" He asked seeing the tears.

"Yeah." She said as she wiped her tears. "Just being blamed for something I have nothing to do with." Holly realized what she didn't do. "I'm so sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Holly Gilbert."

"Stefan Salvatore."

Elena walked out of the boys bathroom to see Holly with the new guy walking away. "He will be mine, Holly. Just one bad thing and he will see you like I see you. A bitch."
In class, Holly was writing her notes when the door opened. She looked up and smiled as she saw Stefan. "Why are you late?"

"I'm new."

The blonde Gilbert tried her best not to laugh as he sat down beside her. Elena took this as her chance to gain his attention, but failed. Even Bonnie's text was telling her that the hottie was into Holly making her look to see that he was actually staring at Holly and her staring at him. "What?" Elena mumbled confused.
Later that day, Holly was walking not knowing that Stefan went to the cemetery to get over his curiosity of Elena. He hated how she talked about Holly and knew that Elena will do anything to get with him. He saw Holly and smiled. "Holly."

The blonde looked at him and smiled. "Hi."

"I was wondering if we can hang out."

"Sure." She said. "Just a little warning, my sister will not like this. It's a long story."

"I understand." He said. "Come on, let's walk."

Holly smiled as she walked with Stefan. They talked about anything that was helping them know one another. The two looked at one another before heading to the grill to eat.
"He told me that I remind him of someone." Elena complained. "And that it will never happen."

"Well, I know it will happen between Holly and Stefan because that was love at first sight."

Elena couldn't believe Caroline. Caroline actually thinks Stefan likes Holly. They heard the door opening and looked to see Stefan with Holly talking and laughing. They didn't see the glare on Elena's face as they went to the table and sat down. "I told you there will be a June or July wedding."

"I want to see if he is perfect for Holly." Bonnie said causing her to leave.

Elena couldn't believe what she was hearing. Their friends was taking Holly's side and not her's. Stefan saw them sitting down across from them causing Holly to smile at them. Stefan put his arm behind Holly's chair as he answered question till Elena walked over. "Why are you with my sister when you can have someone so much better? She killed our parents, ruined my relationship..."

"I did no such thing." Holly said as she got in her sister's face. "We went over a bridge and I don't know how I'm alive. The second one, you ruined it yourself." She shoved Elena back. "Stop trying to make it look like I did something wrong and see what the hell you are doing before you finally push it."

Stefan watched as Holly left. "See."

"No." Stefan stood up. "I'm going to go see if she is okay." He tells Bonnie and Caroline.


Elena couldn't believe that her friends told him to go after her sister. "Why..."

"Because you are trying to ruin Holly's name when everyone knows that Holly is nothing like you put her out to be." Caroline says. "I don't understand how I am friends with you."

Bonnie watched Caroline walk back over to the others. "I don't know, but if you continue this. I will pick Holly over you."

Elena couldn't believe what just happened.

"What?" She said as she looked at him. "My sister doesn't want you to know me and she has made that clear as day."

"I don't care." He said. "How about we go see a movie instead of going to the party at the falls? I want to know you and only you."

Holly smiled as she nodded. "I would love too."

"Let's get you home and tomorrow, we will go watch a movie after school."

Holly nodded as she walked away with Stefan talking about anything that didn't involve Elena. Stefan looked at Holly with one thing on his mind. Why is there a twin?

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