The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 5: Death to the Future

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By scottystaco


Peter has been extremely tired of all of this. He just wants to go home but it seems like that won't be happening any time soon. He had lost count of the days and has no clue on the time. He doesn't want to loose faith in Tony or anyone but he is. It's been days and he's been experimented and tortured on. He's so tired of it all. He won't be surprise if they kill him but he knows they won't cause Green Goblin still wants his blood or whatever.

He claims he needs more tests to have a guess on what will happen to him when he puts Peters blood into his own but Peter feels like he's just stalling. He doesn't know whether the villain is stalling because he is scared or he truly does need more tests or because he is still formalizing his plan. Either way, Peter doesn't like it at all.

He's scared for what they will be putting him through today. His healing factor has been slowing down and now he has scars littering his body. Since his healing factor is slow, that also means more blood gets poured out of his body since there isn't anything there to stop it besides his hands trying to apply some pressure.

Peter is scared and just wants to go home. He's been praying to all gods to have them find him already.


It's Thursday September 20th, so the two teens are at school and May has her shift during the day again so she's at work. Nat, Yelena and Tony are in the vents of Oscorp with Scott, Luis, Dave and Kurt all back on comms who are all staying quiet unless they find something, not wanting them to get caught. Pepper, Happy, Laura and Clint are still helping to search but on computers and at their respective homes cause Clint is still on house arrest obviously.

Last night Nat had been thinking about contacting Steve for help but she knows that won't get anywhere with Tony. She'll just have to try and convince him but he's a very stubborn billionaire.

Osborn had came into work a little late today and when someone had asked him, he claimed it was traffic. Tony had scoffed at that but no one commented otherwise. So far, Osborn had just been stuck in his office casually looking and signing papers. He didn't even open up the locked draw yet.

It had been reaching one and Nat, Yelena and Tony were all hungry and tired. They feel like their whole bodies have gone numb with staying in the tight vents but there weren't much of things they could do to prevent their bodies going numb or that they're hungry. They were determined and didn't want to leave their spots unless Norman had decided to leave his office.

That was until it was nearing 1:30 in the afternoon and Norman was eyeing his locked draw. After waiting for thirteen seconds, both spies were counting, he had unlocked the draw and opened it. He looked at it for two seconds before pulling out a manilla folder. 

When he opens up the folder, he just stares at the papers inside possibly to decide what to do. That quickly gets disregarded as he closes the folder and puts it down while he is now opening up his computer and typing away.

Sadly, the vents don't show behind his desk so they have no clue what was in that folder and what he is now looking up but it leaves them to be very curious.

"Fri, can you see what Normans searching up on his computer?" Tony quietly whispers.

"No sir, I am afraid not. It is in a private and very secured browser, same goes with everything else on his computer. It's very high security" Friday informs.

"Great" Tony scoffs a bit too loud.

Just in that moment, Norman picks his head up and away from his computer like he had heard Tony. Nat, Yelena and Tony all hold in their breaths, waiting for what may happen.

"Mr. Stark?" Norman calls out and the three of them goes into shock. "Where are you hiding? Can you come out so we can talk like civilized people and not spy on each other?"

"Just go out there. You blew our cover, nice going Stark" Yelena rolls her eyes.

Tony doesn't say anything because he knows that she is right. He blew their cover and now the chances to find his kid are lower.

Tony zaps the vents corners with the tip of his finger once his glove had came on but just as it came on, it had quickly disappeared like it was never there.

"It doesn't look like anyone else is coming into his office so it's just him. We even turned off the cameras footage and mics for you" Luis claims.

"Thanks" Tony mutters and with that, he pops open the vent and jumps down. Nat and Yelena quickly hides from view to not be seen or heard.

"What were you doing up in my vents?" Osborn questions.

"Just doing a quick cleaning" Tony shrugs.

"So what are you actually doing here? I don't need to get security do I?" Osborn asks.

"No need to, I'm disarmed" Tony throws his hands up in the air like that would do something.

"If you just tell me why you are here, I can call this a casual business meeting apposed to you sneaking around my building" Osborn states.

"Don't you do it Tony" Nat threatens.

"Fine, what the hell did you do to the kid? Where are you hiding him Osborn?" Tony snaps.

Norman settles back a little with a confused face plastered all over him.

"What kid? Who are you talking about?" Osborn wonders.

"Don't act all so stupid Osborn! You took him!" Tony points his finger at him.

"Can you first tell me what the hell is going on and who you are even talking about?" Norman asks again, still super confused.

"Spider-Man. Where is he?" Tony hesitates, almost saying Peters actual name.

"Look I'm sorry Spider-Man has gone missing, I really am" Norman apologizes, relaxing his face into a more pity looking one. "He's a great hero and it's terrible what happened but I have no clue where he is. If I did, I would tell you and the authorities. I've been going to some search parties when I'm not working but as you can tell, there hasn't been any luck."

Tony startles back a bit, super confused. Norman Osborn has to be lying but what if he is telling the truth and it's not him?

"Now, instead of having the need to sneak around my company, you could always just come up here and we can have a chat though next time, you should give a heads up" Osborn tries to joke.

"I think you should get out of there. Security is riding the elevators" Scott states.

"Then I guess I'll be taking my leave. Sorry to bother you Osborn" Tony responds. "I'll uhhh be going."

He gives a small nod which Osborn returns.

"Again, I'm really sorry. I hope you find him soon" Osborn apologizes again before Tony exits out of the office.

"You really fucked this up Stark" Yelena whispers over the comms.

"We'll be coming to meet you" Nat sighs.


"How'd it go?" Clint asks.

Yelena turns to the tv screen to see Clint and Laura on the call while Pepper and Happy are back looking at holograms and computers.

"Stark ruined it, any info?" Yelena asks.

"Not yet" Laura claims.

"What did Tony do now?" Happy wonders.

"Fucked it up" Nat shrugs like it's nothing new but has an annoyed glare.

"Tony, what the hell did you do?" Pepper repeats Happy's question.

"I didn't do anything!" Tony claims.

"You said 'great' and scoffed so loudly through the vents that Osborn had heard you and knew exactly who it was! Then you jumped out of the vents and had a one to one heart discussion with the man demanding where Spider-Man is. Then Osborn goes on to say he has no clue and that he had been participating in the searches when he isn't working. So glad Stark didn't blow up any further cause Luis had said security were on their way up!" Yelena explains with a frustrated tone.

"What are we going to tell May and his friends?" Nat wonders. "We'll have to tell them the truth and you know how disappointed they'd be? All three of them are devastated and I know you are too cause hell we all are but we had a plan!"

"Ok let's not argue. We all know Tony did a stupid mistake but we have to figure out if he's lying or not" Clint chimes in.

"I mean he looked sincere and apologetic but looks can be fake" Nat shrugs.

"He seemed like he was telling the truth but I'm not too sure" Yelena also shrugs.

"But if it's not Osborn than who is it?" Scott questions.

"That's what we are still figuring out" Nat sighs.


"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real" Peter repeats to himself with his face in his knees and his hands over his ears.

"Of course it is real Peter and the thing is, it's all your fault!" Mysterio booms.

"PETER!!!" He hears his friends shout.

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real" Peter mumbles, not picking up his head.

"Oh really?" Mysterio questions.

And that's when two shrill screams interrupt Peter from his mumbling. His eyes goes wide and he looks up to see Ned and Mj getting pushed off the cliff he is currently sitting on.

He quickly gets up and rushes over to them, jumping down from the cliff. He doesn't have his web shooters on and it feels like time is slowing down. He needs to catch them but it seems like they keep getting further and further right until Peter hits the ground.


Peter let's out a small groan before slowly getting up onto his two feet. He looks around but can't find Mj or Ned and fear takes over his body. 

Instead, he sees something hovering right above him. He quickly tries to move out of the way but it's too late as the new dark void had taken over him and he's back in his school.

He feels his senses go haywire but that isn't nothing too new. That is until he feels something rip past his upper side. His hisses in pain and is fast to put his hand where he had felt the pain.

He feels a wet and sticky liquid start to touch his hand but he ignores it as he looks upon his school hallways. He has no clue where that sharp pain has came from but he has to be alert, right as the school bell rings.

Peter flinches from being startled and from the ringing sensation he hears throughout his ears. Luckily it goes away in around twenty seconds but that's when a mob full of his fellow classmates and students from higher and lower classes emerge in the hallways.

"Peter! Dude! Where have you been?" Ned questions as he practically runs towards Peter.

Peter looks at him with a confused look. He looks down at himself to see the liquid gone, him with a backpack and dressed for school.

"This isn't real" Peter whispers, shaking his head.

"Are you ok? Do I need to bring you to the nurse?" Ned wonders, getting worried.

"Hey" Mj greets, approaching the two best friends.

Peter whips his head from looking at his clothes to looking at Mj.

"This isn't real" Peter repeats but a lot more quieter, making it harder for Mj and Ned to hear.

And that's when everyone stops dead in the hallways, turning their heads to look into Peters soul. Peter notices them all staring and it freaks him out because not only are they staring but they aren't saying a single thing. That's when he notices Flash shoving his way through the crowd and closer to Peter.

"Penis Parker! Faked your own kidnapping just to randomly come back to school" Flash mocks.

"What?" He asks confused. "Nononononono...I'm not here."

"What do you mean you aren't here penis? Course you're here! Wanna test it?" Flash threatens and that's when he sends a punch right to Peters eye.

He stumbles back a bit, being caught by Mj.

"Just leave Flash before I give you a black eye as well" Mj threatens back.

Flash scoffs but before anyone could say anything else, Peter quickly pushes past everyone and runs out of the school with Mj and Ned chasing and yelling after him.

As he bursts through the doors, he's met by a bunch of paparazzis and flashing cameras. He stumbles a few steps backwards where he's met with Mj and Ned.

"What is going on dude?" Ned wonders, gaping at the paparazzi.

"I-I don't know" he stutters out.

"How's it like being Spider-Man?!" A paparazzi shouts.

"How come Tony Stark never told the public about you?" Another paparazzi yells as more and more questions keeps getting yelled out.

Peter feels like his head is going to explode. He feels his eyes starting to ring and a wet liquid trickle down the side of his face.

"KID?! Let me through! Move it before I go around and sue you all!" Peter hears Tony shout through all of the paparazzis.

"M-Mr. Stark?!" Peter yells back.

"Peter-" Ned tries to say something but Peter ignores him and runs down the stairs, through the paparazzis.

Tony does the same, pushing past random paparazzis before he sees Peter. They both stare at each other for what seems like forever as the cameras flashes around them.

"Kid" Tony breathes out.

They both let out a small smile before Peter runs to him, engulfing him into a hug. Tears are streaming down Peters face. Tony's head is resting on Peters head which is currently on his chest. Both of them are hugging each other, ignoring the paparazzis and everything else that's going on.

Until Tony lets out a startled scream along with a gunshot going off and Peter getting pushed to the side. Tony staggers to the floor while everyone is freaking out. Peter is now yelling Tony's name, racing over to him as he's bent down overlooking all the blood that's coming from the man.

"I'm sorry sir. I'm so sorry Mr. Stark. I'm so sorry" Peter cries.


Peter falls to the floor with another loud ringing noise flowing through his ears ever since the first one had went off.

He feels himself drifting away until he feels a punch to his face.

As his eyes were just flicking open to shut, they abruptly open back up just to see that he's back in wherever the hell he is with Mysterio hovering over him.


Tony doesn't believe that Osborn isn't in on this but he doesn't have anymore proof. All he has is what Nat and Yelena had gained and what he had sorta gained when he went with them but Osborn being the man he is, denied all of it.

Tony doesn't know if he's telling the truth or not. He obviously wants Osborn to lie so he can find his kid but if he is lying, then where is he? Somebody would've reported hearing suspicious things going down in that workplace so it's not at his company.

If it's not Osborn though and he is telling the truth, than where would he be? No matter what, no one knows where but with Osborn it's at least a lead. Who else would take him and why?

"Wanda and Sam also got cleared from the base. If you trust Clint and Scott, you should suggest in trusting them. I'm not saying to trust the other two as they are still off in who knows where but maybe give Wanda and Sam a chance. You know they hadn't done anything wrong" Nat announces as she walks into his lab.

"You people need to stop barging into MY lab! Maximoff worked for Hydra and had it all out for me so do you really think I should trust her? Then about Wilson, he's all buddy-buddy with the murderer and his boyfriend so that's also out. I also don't really trust Lang and Barton" Tony brushes it off.

"Wanda was scared. Your missiles had bombed her hometown while she was still a kid. They were both scared kids. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into. They didn't know the powers they were gonna obtain. They didn't know that all of this was going to be brought to them. Now about Sam, he realized his mistake. He just wanted to protect his friend who wanted to protect his friend as well. Scott didn't know what he was getting into besides that he may end up in the Raft. Then Clint, he just wanted to retire to spend more time with his family. They thought they were doing what was right like your team had thought" Nat claims like Tony never heard the explanation before.

"Are you always going to bug me about this? I'm trying to find Peter" Tony states.

"By sulking?" Nat questions, holding in a smirk.

"What if it was Osborn and he was lying? What if he was telling the truth and now we're back to square one. What happened to uhhh Green Springs? The old pirate dealt with it?" Tony changes the topic a bit.

"Yes, his team had swept them out. They were in fact experimenting on actual humans" Nat concludes before silence washes over.

"How come you guys never thought about people who hates Tony Stark but never really showed it, building up to their villain story? Stark, do you have any people who hate you because you had stole their girlfriend or something?" Yelena asks, walking into the lab.

"Seriously! Stop barging into my lab!" Tony shouts, rolling his eyes.

"Answer the question Stark. If we want to find this spider boy, we have to think of people who we won't ever think of" Yelena tries again.

"Not that I could think of" Tony denies.

"Think harder then. We need all possibilities" Yelena argues.

"I pissed a ton of people off. I don't think I ever stole a girlfriend, project, best friend or anything though" Tony answers.

"Back to square one it is then" Yelena sighs before sniffing around the lab. "You smell like shit."

"Thanks" Tony sarcastically thanks her.

"My pleasure" Yelena smirks before suddenly leaving the room.

"Your sister's weird" Tony informs.

"Just think about it. They'd come around to help and we could really use that. Only one call away you know and if you don't want to call, I will" Nat basically threatens before leaving just like Yelena had.


The month is almost over as it's September 21st on a Friday afternoon. May had arrived at the hospital for work only for a friend and worker to inform her that she got mail. When she was handed the mail, it was an envelope with only a "To May Parker" on the front and nothing else.

When May had received it she was a bit confused. She never received mail at work and especially one without an address, sticker, zip code, nothing. She first assumed maybe it was a patient who stopped by or made her something from their bed since the hospital has been a bit packed with Spider-Man going missing. Sure the cops are stopping whatever they see but they don't cover everything as much as Peter does.

May misses her nephew a lot and thinks about him hours on end. Nobody has found anything and it's been making her mad. They have an AI, the Tony Stark, spies and everything else you could ask for but they still haven't found Peter and it breaks her heart.

Wiping a stray tear off of her face, she focuses back on the envelope. She hesitates for a moment right before opening it and what she saw had her creeped out.


"We got Mays text. Is she here yet with Happy?" Nat asks Pepper as her and Yelena walks out of the elevator from in the tower.

"Not yet. Tony is on his way up though so at least he's getting out of the lab" Pepper states.

"She sounded a bit freaked even through text. Maybe she found a lead or something?" Yelena suggests.

"We could only hope" Pepper sighs sadly.


The elevator dings and they all turn their attention to it only to see Tony walk through it.

"I love the attention right now but where's May and Happy? Are they here yet?" Tony wonders.

"She only texted twenty minutes ago and Happy had only left not too long ago. They'll be here soon" Pepper informs.

"Well I'm impatient and could be using this time to find Peter. Anyone informed his little friend and girlfriend?" Tony questions.

"They're in school. We shouldn't disrupt their learning" Pepper dismisses.

"Oh! Ahahaha" Yelena chuckles to herself.

"What did you do Yelena?" Nat asks with a questioning gaze.

"Well it's not like learnings fun when your friend is kidnapped so I may have texted them. They deserve to know plus I doubt they're actually paying attention to their boring lectures" Yelena answers right when the elevator dings.

Everyone turns their attention to the elevator trying to move around to see if it's May and Happy but instead Mj and Ned appears through the doorway before walking in. Tony lets out an annoyed sigh with a huge eye roll.

"Our bad we aren't May. She'll be here in two, Ned took a peak" Mj states.

"What do you mean Ted took a peak?" Tony questions.

"I looked through surveillance cameras" Ned shrugs like it's the easiest thing ever.

"Ok well since they'll be here soon I think we should prepare" Yelena announces her thoughts.

"Prepare for what?" Ned wonders.

"I don't know it just seems like a thing to prepare for whether to be happy, angry or upset. By Stark himself, he'll be between the last two and only happy if she found a lead" Yelena shrugs.

"Let's not prance on each other. I know we're all impatient but she'll be here in twenty seconds as she and Happy are riding the elevator" Nat cuts in and right as she said, the elevator dings and opens up to reveal May and Happy.

They both walk through with May looking very nervous and Happy having no clue what had happened just as clueless as everyone else. Everyone's holding their breath waiting for May to say something but doesn't want to push either despite wanting to know badly.

"I made some tea. Why don't we all sit down at the table and discuss" Pepper suggests without leaving room for argument. There isn't no need for argument though because everyone listens and sits down at the table with Pepper placing the tray of cups and teas down.

Once everyone has their tea and takes a sip or two, May finally speaks after her own sip. Before she does speak though, she places the envelope with shaky hands on the table with it ripped open but not revealing what is inside that made her freak out.

"No address, sticker, zip code...nothing was put onto the envelope to know who specifically had sent it" May takes a wavering breath but no one pushes. With shaky hands she takes what was inside the envelope which appears to be a photo and a note.

She places both the papers down and everyone's face besides the two spies had was disgusted and disturbed. Nat and Yelena had blank stares, refusing to show their emotions unlike everyone else who had shown their horror.

In the photo there was Peter all bloodied, scratched up and tears pouring down his face with his mouth opened looking like he was screaming. He was standing with his arms out looking scared but also confused at the same time. Everyone felt like they were holding their breath as they were staring at Peter through the photo. It had upset and angered everyone. 

Everyone had darted their eyes to the photo and the note. 

The note had read...

Is it weird that I like the sound of screaming?

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tony screams, standing up from his chair just for it to fall backwards but no one is too alarmed by his reaction. They feel the same but they're also used to his reactions. "THERE HAS TO BE AT LEAST SOME SORT OF TRACE!! HE-HE CAN'T JUST...WE NEED TO FIND HIM!!"

"Tony we will but first you need to stop yelling and sit your butt back down" Pepper interrupts his yelling.


"There's nothing Tony. No finger prints, no hairs, no nothing. I checked millions of times on the way here" Mays shaky voice tells him and it makes him back track a bit.

He feels like he has no right to act this way. This was Mays nephew. He wasn't related to Peter. He was just his mentor. But...but he had treated the kid like a son he never had.

"We'll find Peter, we will. Let's all go back to work and find him. Jones, Leeds, you may stay here as we already know you aren't going to be leaving easily" Yelena brushes the two teenagers off before she gets up in her seat. "We'll find him and we'll make sure to bring him home."


It's September 22nd on a Saturday...what time was it? Tony didn't exactly know what time it was because he had simply not went to bed. He's been staring at monitors and the envelope with the note and picture all night. May was right with the no traces on it so there was no satisfaction within his night with that and no leads. Nat had told Clint, Laura, Scott and his friends about what was delivered to May and they are trying their best to help but they can only help so much from their homes away from the city.

"Sir, Rhodey had arrived and called a meeting. He's in the meeting room waiting for everyone to show" Fri interrupts his thoughts.

"Yep, coming. Wait... Platypus came back from his mission?" Tony questions.

"Yes and he's waiting in the meeting room saying it's urgent" Friday answers.

"Right, I'm heading there right now" Tony states as he's already marching to the elevator.


Nat is super pissed off with herself. How can she be an idiot? How could she believe an obvious lie? Nat hates herself for going along with it so easily when it was all a lie. How could she be so blind?

"What's got you in your pissy pants Natasha?" Yelena walks into the comms to see only her sister. Pepper, Happy, May, Mj and Ned are all probably still asleep since it's still early in the morning.

Nat lets out a slow and steady breath. She's on the couch with her laptop open trying to search for Peter but also having so many thoughts racing in her mind about her stupidness. Yelena nods at her silence before sitting down next to her.

"Or we could play the quiet game?" Yelena tries to joke.

"I made a stupid decision" Nat practically mumbles.

"Don't we all?" Yelena continues to joke before realizing how serious her sister is. "Come on, you can tell me. I won't bite."

"Sam and Wanda was never let loose from out of the Raft. Steve went and got them out and what I've heard were people working for the Raft, guessing they knew I was there eavesdropping  or something. He got them out a bit after Clint and Scott was released. How could I be so stupid though? There were so many potholes with that information like why they would release them in the first place, especially Wanda. Now I lost track of Steve and Bucky and have no clue to where they are so they could possibly help us find Peter" Nat explains.

"You wanted some good news through all of this bad so you let your mind believe it. It's perfectly normal and ok Natasha" Yelena shrugs without being unfazed with what Nat had just told her.

"This is so stupid" Nat lets out a dry and small laugh. Yelena looks at her suspiciously and a bit confused.

"Why? What is?" She questions.

"I hold in my problems and now I'm just spilling them out onto you" Nat humors her own self.

"I don't see anything wrong. Now when I have a problem, I'll come nag you" Yelena nudges Nat while also peaking over at the computer screen to see if she found any leads about Peter but it doesn't look like anything.

"Rhodey had requested that everyone needs to meet him in the meeting room. It's urgent and yes, he had arrived from his mission" Friday announces.

"Thank god. I hate sentimental things but seriously, need to talk? You have a sister right here who can definitely live with some drama" Yelena points out.

"Same goes to you" Nat smiles.


Rhodey got back from his mission and was on the rooftop, landing a military jet. The mission had been a success but it went longer than he wanted it to. As soon as he heard the news about Peter, all he wanted to do was help the kid. He wanted to find him but he couldn't as he was too wrapped up in his military mission.

He carries his bags from off of the jet to be greeted by Happy only for the two men to greet each other in hello's. 

"I missed a lot" Rhodey sighs.

"You had but you're here now and we're more then welcomed in need for help" Happy responds.

"Then I guess we should be heading down. First I want to drop my stuff off in my room though" Rhodey chuckles.


The two men walk into Rhodeys room, chatting away like good old times. Rhodey sets his bag down and goes to open it to put away his gun.

But when he unzipps his bag he stares down at it in mildly confusion.

"What?" Happy wonders.

Rhodey doesn't say anything but continues to stare into his bag. Happy has had enough so he peers over Rhodeys shoulder.

There in his bag is a note.

A note saying...

Ghosts have been humans. Demons never have. That's the difference between being scared and being threatened. Just like the little spider and by the way, he's very...unique.

"That's the second one" Happy slowly tells Rhodey.

Rhodey looks up at him in confusion before Happy explains.

"Yesterday May got an envelope at work with a photo of Peter and a note saying "is it weird I like the sounds of screaming". This is the second one" Happy claims.

"Do you know from who? Like who this kidnapper is?" Rhodey questions with disbelief.

"No there wasn't any trace and I doubt this one would have a trace either" Happy shakes his head.

"Fri, call a meeting for everyone to come. Tell them it's urgent and they better be heading to the meeting room now" Rhodey tells Fri.

"Do you also want me to inform Miss. Jones and Mr. Leeds along with Ms. Parker?" Fri wonders.

"Yes, they deserve to know and are apart of this" Rhodey allows.


Rhodey and Happy are in the meeting room, waiting for everyone's arrival. They're both sitting down at the table, Rhodey being at the head and Happy on the side to his left. Not even five minutes passes by when everyone enters and sits down. May, Mj, Pepper and Ned look like they all had just woken up. Nat and Yelena looked mostly put together and a bit tired and then we have Tony...he looks like...a sleep deprived, haven't really eaten, sad and frustrated man.

Tony sits on Rhodeys right with Pepper next to him. May takes the seat next to Happy while Ned and Mj take the seats next to her. Yelena takes a seat at the other head of the table and Nat takes a seat next to Pepper.

Everyone's looking at Rhodey, waiting for him to say something. They're all wondering what this meeting is about, except for Happy that is since he already knows. They wonder if something happened during his mission. He looks at the three unfamiliar people at the end of the table which Yelena takes it as a sign. He's never met Mj and Ned and had only heard stories from what Peter had told him so this was his first time actually seeing what they look like but the blonde girl...he had no clue who that was.

"I'm Yelena Belova, Natashas sister and I'm here to help find Parker. Now would you stop with this anticipation and tell us why'd you call this meeting?" Yelena speaks up.

"Happy informed me what happened yesterday and it happened again. I found this sticky note in my bag with this creepy handwriting" Rhodey starts to explain before putting the note down on the table for all to see. "The kidnapper or kidnappers are planning something even further. It looks like they're going to move to their next step or something. We have to find them faster but Tony, don't stay up all night and starve yourself to do so, it's written all over your face. Friday has been sending some updates so I'm all caught up now. Now, it's just a moment of time before we find him and we need to be prepared so make sure to eat and sleep." He eyes Tony before looking back to everyone else. "We'll find him."

"What does this note even mean? What are they talking about how he is unique though? Like they already knew about his powers" May brings up.

Everyone stays quiet not knowing why either. That is until Tony thinks of something.

"He's strong" Tony shrugs. "Hell he could lift more than Rogers. I-I mean he lifted a building that weighed more tons that Cap himself could lift! That's it! They want his powers! I mean it's the only thing out there! Sure he's unique in other ways but villains only care about the powers heroes hold. Why else would they kidnap him?! Oh my god...they could kill him..." Tony trails off with fear peering through his eyes. "His spider dna is literally like half his blood! They could kill the kid..."

No one says anything as they let that information sink in. Tony's right and they all know it. If the spider dna is really half if not more than his own blood, he can die. He'd loose his blood! Everyone is sharing the same fear at the moment. No one wants to find him dead with half his blood lost because a villain had snatched it. They need to find him and quickly.

"Have you checked his room?" Mj quietly asks May but everyone hears her.

"No why?" May wonders.

Everyone turns Mjs way, wanting to know what she has to say. They're all confused on why she had asked that out of nowhere.

"Well if we're getting these notes than there's no doubt that Peter hadn't" Mj explains.

"And that would explain why he'd act all weird at school!" Ned blurts out.

Everyone's heads snapped from Mj to Neds and he quickly gets embarrassed by his outburst.

"Carry on Ned" Nat urges.

"Well I uhhh mean he'd open his locker and sometimes his whole body would freeze. I would ask him why but he always told me to not worry about it" Ned claims.

"I doubt he got all of them from school. Sometimes he would be weird before school even started or on the weekends" Mj adds.

"So he's been keeping it a secret" Nat pin points.

"What if he thought it was a prank by a classmate?" Happy suggests.

"He's too smart for that" Tony waves it off.

"Plus the notes are creepy. I don't think students would be saying creepy things through notes" Pepper chimes in.

"I'll check his room" May states.

"I'll come" Mj insists.

"Me too" Ned nods his head.

"And of course I'll be driving you three" Happy confirms.

"Can we order a pizza or something before? It's around lunch time and I don't know about you but I'm starving!" Yelena suggests.

"Pizzas fine. Friday?" Pepper asks.

"I had already placed the order for pizzas. Three boxes of plain and three with pepperoni" Friday jumps right in.

"Thank you" Pepper thanks the AI.


Peter feels pain shooting through his entire body. His body is getting weak and it's only been...Peter doesn't know how many days it has been but it has felt like a lifetime. He just wants to go home already. He's sick and tired, mentally and physically.

They've been making him punch and kick things for what may have been hours which includes punching bags, bricks and cement. It hurts like hell and it had also made his fists bleed. That's how he knows his body is growing weaker and weaker. He only gets fed rice and bread and that's not even enough for a normal human, that's definitely not enough for a superhuman.

He hears himself panting with sweat all over his body. He's still in his ripped up suit with dried blood covering him. He doesn't know how much longer he'll be able to last here and he hates that thought. He hadn't even lived a full life. He's only fifteen and he's fighting death.

He feels his throat getting clogged with something which results him having a coughing fit. He's bent over his stomach, elbow covering his mouth and coughing out dryness. That was until he found some new and wet blood spots sputtering onto his elbow. Luckily it wasn't a ton but that's definitely not a good sign.

"GET BACK TO WORK!!" Caterpillar shouts at him.

"Before we get the boss" Baldie threatens with a snarl.

Peter feels his entire body shiver. He physically feels like he can't move anymore but he doesn't want them to get the Goblin. Who knows what he'll do and what if he sends him to Mysterio for more illusions or Doc Ock for more needles? Peter doesn't want that so he just has to deal with the pain.

With dry and heavy breaths and bleeding fists, he goes back to punching and kicking on the punching bag not wanting to deal with more bricks and cement. He knows the goblin wants his spider dna to go into himself so he's glad that he hadn't started that yet. He's trying to make Peter go through all of his tests beforehand but who knows how long that will last. Peter wants it to last as long as it takes until Tony gets him because then the goblin wouldn't absorb his power and...kill him in the process.

Peter knows all about it as he's been thinking about every possibility there is. He knows he's most likely gonna get out of this dead but if Tony comes to save him, there's a chance he'll make it out of this alive to see everyone again. He really hopes Tony comes quickly. He doesn't know how long he'll last and he doesn't know all of their plans. He can only wait and be scared of what's to come with a hint of hope that they'll find him quick enough.


May, Happy, Mj and Ned are all heading to May and Peters apartment. No one had said anything during the drive to Queens. They all have their own minds racing as thoughts pass by either quickly leaving or staying for awhile.

They all wish one thing though and that is that they could've prevented it. They could've stopped it. They shouldn't have ignored Peters assurances that there was nothing wrong and that he was fine because it had led him into getting kidnapped. They wished they were better at being there for him and protecting him.

Everyone wishes that. They all wish that but sadly, they have to face the consequences. Their only leads are the notes and the one photo but it's untraceable. The villain is smart. They were smart to make sure their form didn't show up on the news and instead they made their bombs of fog cover everything up. They were smart to not leave tracks and traceable things around. This villain or villains are smart and that was another thing to fear.

Happy finally pulls the car to a stop in front of the apartment. At first no one makes a move to get out until a couple of seconds of silence passes by before May makes a move. She's first out of the car with Mj and Ned getting out as well. Happy is staying in the car while they go into the apartment to keep guard of possible threats.

As the three of them make it up the rickety stairwell, their nerves grows. They don't really know what to expect. They just want to find him but in order to do that, they have to snoop around his room. It's an invasion of privacy but it's the least of their concerns at the moment. It's practically life or...they don't even want to think of it.

They finally reach the apartment door. Their anticipation has grew to this point. Their stomachs are feeling uneasy but they don't know why. Is it because they're going to their best friend, boyfriend and nephews bedroom that hasn't been lived in for awhile? Or is that because they're sneaking into his room and going through his room? Or is it the fear that's growing whether or not they're going to find notes or not.

They won't know until they go into his room and wait for the inevitable. May opens the door to the apartment with her key before the three of them walks in and heads straight to Peters room. Of course May has been living here and sleeping here since Peter was gone but she never went into his room as it always felt so wrong. It felt wrong to walk in there only to find no human life in there but that's what she is doing right now.

The only thing is, is that she isn't alone. She's with Mj and Ned and a bit of herself is regretting bringing them. Sure they should be here but it makes her worry that it's too much for them. She had assured them plenty of times but they kept insisting they should come so she finally gave in since she could relate to what they're feeling. 

Before the three of them knew it, they were opening the door into Peters room and walking in. Taking in the sight of the clean room. It feels depressing without Peter in his own bedroom. His presence being gone is a whole mood of depression. He's so lively and now it's just different without him. 

The thoughts quickly disperse as they remember why they're in his room. They need to see if he's been getting these creepy notes or not so...they had started their search and found something that made their breaths feel like it got taken away.

May, Ned and Mj have been searching Peters room for a few minutes. They had pulled down the attic, his desk, his bed, all of his draws, his closet and anywhere else he could hide notes if he gotten any but they couldn't find anything. They feel like it's not helping to find their answers yet it basically is. If they don't find notes, he simply hadn't gotten any.

That's when Mj thought of something. She remembered Peter showing her this incase of an emergency and she has to hide something in Peters room quickly. She doesn't know why Peter thought of that but she just went with the idea of it being a dream he had. But now she knows it was more. He had showed her this spot only maybe around a month and a half ago before school had ever started.

She rushes to the closet while May and Ned look at her confused. She grabs the little stool out from his closet and stands a top of it. The spot she's looking for is a small hole pushed all the way at the top of his closet in the top right corner. She peeks her head over the top shelf and moves things around before she spots the small hole containing a small box. She feels like she's never acted faster as she reaches for the box and yanks it out. She hops off the tiny stool and turns to Ned and May with hopeful eyes.

"I think I found it" she announces.


Sorry for all the long chapters and late upload we were rlly busy yesterday and it slipped my mind.

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