Star-Crossed (Golden Guard x...

By MarvellousStuff

35.2K 1.2K 1.7K

(Completed) Gifted with abilities that fit no coven, and a butt-load of unluckiness, you are determined to be... More

Chapter 1- The Inciting Incident
Chapter 2- The Mage of Mischief
Chapter 3- The First Mission
Chapter 4- The Promise
Chapter 5- A Dance
Chapter 6- The Fall
Chapter 7- The Meeting
Chapter 8- Another Excuse
Chapter 9- Back In Black
Chapter 10- Recovery?
Chapter 11- Sunset Stroll
Chapter 12- Panic! At The Petrification Ceremony
Chapter 13- The Date (Part 1)
Chapter 14- The Date (part 2)
Chapter 15- Work, Work, Work
Chapter 16- A Lie
Chapter 18- Not Perfect
Chapter 19- Redemption; Act 1
Chapter 20- Redemption; Act 2
Chapter 21- Choke
Chapter 22- Down By The Singing Sea
Chapter 23- Drink and Discover
Chapter 24- Alas, Fear
Chapter 25- Realm Walkers
Chapter 26- The End of the Beginning

Chapter 17- Just a Tiny Catastrophe

876 38 96
By MarvellousStuff


You fully jumped at the noise, Corvus flapping from his perch on your shoulder indignantly.

You were in the palace library, trying to find a book on your magic.

"Are you ok dear?" the librarian, a small white-haired witch with large spectacles asked.

"Ah, yes. Just a, uh, chill... I'm actually looking for a book... but I dunno where to find it," you replied, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

"I see. What's it about then, dear?" 

"Erm, well, I'm like... the Mage of Mischief or summat; so I'm looking for a book on my magic. Happen to have one?" You said.

The woman nodded, brow furrowed. "I think I do. Follow me, love."

She toddled along through the tall aisles of books, old and worn. They smelt amazing, you found, and very comforting too.

She stopped by a ladder, squinting up it.

"Now, this section is for myths. I don't mean to be rude; but you were considered a myth. So, dear, up that ladder you should find a large book entitled 'Disruptive Magic and What Wields Them' I believe there is a section about you." she explained, pointing up the steep ladder.

You grimaced at the sight. A ladder. Then turned to the woman, smiling politely.

"Thank you for your help, miss."

She smiled back and turned away, toddling once again away to her desk. 

You peered up the ladder, taking a deep breath.

You wrapped the wooden frame with your knuckles for luck, crossing your fingers and begging for safety. 

As you began your ascent, you felt every tiny wobble that the ladder gave.

Corvus perched on the top rung, waiting for you.

"Hullo, buddy," you whispered, reaching him.

You scanned the books until you came across the one you were looking for.

You let out a small wheeze. It was enormous!!

Carefully sliding it out, you rested it cautiously against the shelf.

"Now to get dow-" you didn't manage to finish your sentence, as the awkward shift of weight from your outstretched arms caused the ladder to begin toppling backward. 

You tried leaning forward, but it did nothing. 

Everything began to go in slow motion as you careered backward onto the aisle behind you.

Your back collided roughly with the shelves, and they in turn began to sway from left to right.

The book you had located had plummeted quickly to the ground, landing with a loud THUD.

You spun around and held onto the shelf as the ladder gave way, leaving you gripping onto the aisle for dear life.

"Heeeelp!" you squealed as it began to lean at a dangerous angle.

Your cry was met with no answer apart from Corvus' panicked screeching as the shelf itself began to topple over too. (Please note these shelves are over 18 feet in height)

"No- no- no-! FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!" you screamed as the shelf fell fast to land on top of the next.

It was like dominoes. But on the largest scale possible.

The books fell like rain down onto the floor, the few library-dwellers racing out of the way.

There were crashes from everywhere as you continued to plunder down each aisle in turn.

Not really knowing what to do, you continued to grip on the shelves for sweet mercy.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" you exclaimed as they finally slammed to the ground.

You could feel the bruises before they had even appeared.

You rolled onto your back, coughing at the large amount of dust that had been thrown into the air.

Then, the worst possible thing happened. 

Down came the original bookshelf.

Right onto you.

Your further screams were muffled as you were rained on by a torrent of wild books.

Then everything went black.

You spluttered awake.

Trying to move, you wriggled about, with no success.

You were lying, trapped, with a bookshelf behind your back and a bookshelf in front of you. And dozens of ancient tombs digging into every one of your body parts.

You groaned in pain, before releasing a sharp breath of air at the realisation that you were trapped.

"Help! Please, I'm s-stuck!" you wheezed, trying to writhe out of it. "Please? Is anybody out there?"

You felt blood. You felt bruises. You felt so much pain it was unbearable.

Your breath came in short, sharp breathes, disrupted by your cries of anguish. 

No one could hear you. No one was coming to help.

You squeezed your eyes shut. "C'mon. C'mon-!" 

You pushed with all your might against your opposing forces.

Through your pain, and your panic, you felt a sense of surprise as your strength kicked in, the shelves beginning to lift.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, you gave a massive shove.

It was enough.

The shelf tipped in a smooth arc, giving you time to throw yourself out of it's smash ratio.

You crumpled onto your knees, spitting out blood.

You looked up to see the old woman staring at you in utter disbelief.

"Now dear, that was something," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And quite frankly I do believe that what you just did, is not achievable for just anyone. Especially your age. Were you aware... that you were capable of that?"

She stared at you for a moment. "You weren't, were you?"

You shook your head slowly, mouth agape. 

"I think, we should get that book." she nodded, looking at the rubble.

You sat at a dimly lit table, the woman sitting across from you with the large book.

She hadn't bothered to call in anyone to fix the destruction, focusing more on you.

She was scanning the index of the book.

"Aha! Let's see..." she muttered, flipping through the pages.

"Could you perhaps read it to me? I'm not amazing at reading yet..." you said, dabbing at your injuries with a cloth that she had given you.

She nodded, finding the right page.

She gave it a quick scan. "What do you already know about yourself?"

"I know I'm... the Mage of Mischief, and that my magic disobeys... the divide between, like, good and bad. And that the world doesn't like that; henceforth why it constantly tries to kill me." you explained.

She nodded again. "Well, that's basically all it's saying. And, no mention of how you just did... that."

You frowned. "Does it mention a way to... fix me?"

She looked up at you with a moment of confusion, then she smiled.

"Dear, you do not need fixing." she sighed.

"But, but then what if something really bad happens- and it kills me? I'm only sixteen and in the past year I've had three near-death experiences already!" you stammer, looking at her incredulously.

She shook her head. "Near-death, love, that's all they are. And remember; your magic disobeys the divide between everything!"

It dawned on you. "So all those times... I would've been a goner, but my magic stopped it?"

She nodded, smiling softly.

"Oh. My. What does this mean? If it disobeys all divides... like... heaven and hell? Love and hate? Good and evil?!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide.

She shrugged. 

"You know that metaphor, where there's the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other? For you, you would just have some creature standing on your head, with devil's horns and angel's wings." she said.

Your mouth was a perfect 'o'.

"Woah." you breathed.

"Yes. Now dear. I need to get this mess cleaned up. So off you go! Come back next week, and I might have found out how you did that impossible thing. Utterly impossible." she said firmly, closing the book and standing up.

You stood up too, arm outstretched. "That's brilliant. Y/n's the name, by the way."

She shook your hand. "Heather."

HELLOOOOOOOO! i based that lil bit where u get crushed offa the bit in spiderman homecoming where he gets crushed by the building haha! 

hope u enjoyed- bit of a filler chap but it'll be relevant to the plot later on i swear.

ty for reading! ly guys- BYEEEEE!!!!

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