The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness

91 3 0
By scottystaco


It was September 5th, Friday morning and again, Mj and Ned were forced to suck it up and head to school. It was already lunch but still the morning as it wasn't already twelve just yet. The two teens were on their phone when Ned came across something on social media.

People were posting #savespidey, #findspidey, #getspideyhome and more hashtags like that. People had posted photos of them wearing Spider-Man merch, signs, drawings and everything to show their support. He even saw Flash posted a photo of him wearing Spidey merch and using the hashtags which he sadly smirked about. Soon he had came across that there will be a gathering to show support to Spider-Man at Stark Tower later at seven pm.

"Mj" Ned starts, getting Mjs attention and just like that, he tells her what everyone is doing.

"Looks like we'll be heading back there after school" Mj confirms.

"I wonder if everyone else knows about this but this is so cool! He has so much people there for him" Ned states amazed.

"Yea it is cool" Mj agrees.

"What are you losers talking about? Where's the freak?" Flash asks the same question as he did yesterday.

"We told you he's sick" Ned reminds him.

"Sick of your bullshit" Mj adds.

Flash whips his head and glares at her but all she does is glare back.

"It's probably your guys fault that Spider-Man has gone missing and that's why Parkers too scared to show his face" Flash guesses incorrectly.

"And how would we have anything to do with Spider-Man going missing? You saw the news" Mj questions.

"Well Parker has his Parker Luck and that bad luck speaks for himself. He kills everyone, I'm surprised you two are still around him and not dead" Flash states.

Mj scoffs before standing up and punching Flash right in the nose.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Flash screams, now holding his barely bleeding nose.

"Geez what happened to your nose?" Mj asks with a smirk, sitting back down like she had done nothing.

"Fucking bitch" Flash curses before walking away to deal with his bloody nose.

"That was awesome!" Ned gushes while Mj just shrugs her shoulders in response.


Baldie and Caterpillar had dragged Peter once again, out of his cell. Peter has no clue how many seconds, minutes, hours or even days had passed. He felt like he's been there for days when it had only been three. He just wants to go home and be around the people he loves. He wonders if they're searching for him and if they're coming to get him hopefully soon.

This time though as he was going to be dragged, he was blind folded. He was at first annoyed so he wouldn't know where exactly which way they were going but he counted the turns and seconds it took to walk down hallways to know.


The door behind him slams shut but he still feels the guards holding him. The room seems eerie but really, the whole place was eerie so it wasn't totally new. He felt someone not too far away, staring at him. He hears their steady breathing and it creeps him out even more.

"You can let go now and come over here to be out of the way" the man orders.

And that's when he realized Green Goblin is standing in front of him, sneering at him.

The guards let's go of him but Peter keeps his balance, standing up. He wonders if he could take the blind fold off but decides not to so he doesn't risk in getting shocked or anything.

There are moments of silence where nobody says anything besides their breathing. Again, Peters spidey senses are tingling, warning him but the whole place has been triggering them already.

"Are you going to speak my dear boy?" Green Goblin taunts.

Another moment of silence passes until Peter opens his mouth.

"What do you want?" Peter asks, right before letting out a scream as his shock collar zaps him. He falls down to his knees with uneven breathes. Green Goblin, Baldie and Caterpillar are now just laughing at how defenseless he is.

"I told you I want to test out your powers before I 'borrow' them" Green Goblin states after the laughter dies down.

Peter stays quiet this time, too scared to do anything. He keeps his head down, looking down at the floor that he has been sitting on since the shock had touched his throat making it burn again.

"It's time to test your senses and healing factor" the goblin sneers right before he chucks a knife at Peter.

Peters eyes goes wide right before he rolls to his left. He's quick to get back up and jump over a second knife coming his way.

And that's when the knifes started to come at a more faster pace. One after the other, barely giving time for Peter to react.

He dodges from left to right, up and down and even jumped on the ceiling just to get shocked. As he got shocked, he fell down onto the floor, having a knife graze his arm. He winces in pain but doesn't stop dodging from all the other knifes still getting thrown his way and all doing this blind folded, scared and alone.

"Awww! Looks like we had ran out of knifes" the goblin pouts but still having a shit eating grin on his face seeing what it had done to Peter.

He had a graze on his arm, one on his leg and one on his side. Blood leaking down from each wound. Since he had ate since lunch at school, his healing factor isn't too bad. The graze on his arm is almost healed and it's starting to work on the other two wounds but the wound on his side is a bit bigger than both which worries him a bit.

"Amazing how your healing works with having not been does your healing factor work exactly?" The Green Goblin questions but Peter doesn't answer. After waiting another second and still no answer, the goblin clicks his remote which resulted in Peter getting a painful shock through his collar. He lets out a painful scream before recovering. "Well?"

"It works with me having been properly fed and slept" Peter mumbles, looking down.

"Ok well we don't want that happening" the goblin points out.

"But sir, we have to feed him so he doesn't die on us" Baldie reminds him.

"Right, right so we'll give him small portions of food everyday. Why don't you two drag him back to his cell and take his blindfold off when you get there. Then you can retrieve his food that Otto will be preparing" Green Goblin explains.

Both guards nods their heads before making their way to Peter, pulling him back up to his feet before dragging him away.


Peter looks at his food a bit disappointedly. He knew he wasn't going to be fed much but this will do so little to hold his already starving body. He looks down at his plate which contains bread, a glass of water and rice. It's so plain and simple and what is he even doing? He should be grateful that they're even feeding him at all.

He picks up his plastic fork before diving in to eat the rice. Once he was finished with that, he ate the bread and drank a little bit of his water from being so thirsty.

He leans his head against the wall hoping that Tony is coming to save him and that he'll be home very soon. He's scared about what the goblin and his fellow villains will make him do next. He already hates it more than anything.

He looks down to see that his arm has been healed, his leg wound was just about finished and now his healing is trying to heal his side which hurts from the knife. It's not anything he isn't used to but he had trouble sleeping last night due to a nightmare about the illusion Mysterio had put him through.

He wonders if everyone is actually dead or not but he sure hopes not. He can't get those livid illusions out of his mind. It's his fault that Ben died and if everyone else is also dead, is it his fault too? Every time he closes his eyes he sees May being hung, Mj getting a knife stabbed through her and Tony and Neds lifeless eyes with blood all over them. He feels tears starting to make their way down his face but he couldn't care less as there isn't anybody else around him to see or even to comfort him.


Mj and Ned didn't actually make it to the tower as Mjs dad and Neds family had wanted to join everyone at the event taking place outside of the tower to show their support. Both teenagers had texted May to let her know what's going on at seven which is approaching very soon and so she had told everyone but Tony since he was still down in his lab.

"Hopefully this will make Tony get out of his lab to make him see that everyone's trying to at least help and show support" Pepper sighs.

"Even with their help they can't do much but it's nice to know he has their support" Nat hums in acknowledgment.

"Mj said that everyone will be at the front of the tower so we'll head over there when it's around then" May informs.

"Yeah...I saw Tony earlier and he's more of a mess than yesterday" Happy claims.

"You know, why didn't we go off Peters enemies and start with that? See which ones would've taken Peter?" Yelena wonders.

"He has only really fought one big villain which was the Vulture but he's in jail. He also came to his senses and realized what he did was wrong. Plus Peter saved him" May exclaims.

"Peter saved a bird trying to kill him?" Yelena questions.

"That's Peter for you" Pepper smiles.

"I need to meet this kid" Yelena states.

"Soon" Happy nods his head.

"Soon" Yelena repeats.


It's seven and Mj and her father are with Ned and his family gathered with a huge crowd outside the front of Stark Tower. There's news broadcasters and everyone there with Spider-Man merch and signs.

Mj and Ned turn to each other as they both give a small shake of their heads indicating that there is no news on Peter. Neds family and Delmar had asked their kids why Peter and May isn't coming so they said they same excuse they have been telling everyone, Peter is sick.

Pepper, May, Nat, Happy and Yelena are all gathered by the windows still in the comms. They are looking through the windows to see everyone's support. Tony is on his way up after another threatening comment Pepper had to make.

"What? What now? If it isn't any news on Peter I will be going back down into my lab" Tony states before he stops in his steps. "What the hell is that noise?"

"Come look" Pepper ushers her boyfriend over to the windows.

Once he gets there, he looks down at all the people down below with Spider-Man merch and signs. There are news people and even helicopters broadcasting the movement.

"Fri, turn on the news" Tony tells her, without looking away from the windows.

"This is the Daily Bugle reporting live! We are here live outside of Stark Tower in Manhattan, New York City! All different people from around New York had came together to show their support in finding Spider-Man!" A news lady announces.

That's when they hear music starting to play from outside but it's too low for them to hear but luckily, the news is on so they hear it through the tv.

  "Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what a spider can!" The group of musicians and singers starts to sing before the crowd joins in. "Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves just like flies! Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!"

"This is crazy" Yelena murmurs with a big smile on her face.

"Is he string? Listen bud: he's got radioactive blood. Can he swing from a thread? Take a look, overhead!" The crowd continues when the five adults in the comms room joins in, "Hey there, there goes the Spider-Man!"

The five adults then stops, not knowing the rest of the lyrics as they had never heard the theme song but everyone outside still continues, "In the chill of night at the scene of a crime like a streak of light he arrives, just in time! Spider-Man, Spider-Man! Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Wealth and fame, he's ignored. Action is his reward. To him, life is a great big bang-up! Whenever there's a hang-up, you'll find the Spider-Man!"

Everyone outside cheers as they're still holding up their posters and screaming that they'll help find Spider-Man. They even go up to the news lady from the Daily Bugle to tell everyone what Spider-Man has done to save them or their loved ones despite J. Jonah Jameson calling him a menace. The six adults all have huge smiles on their faces, proud of what Peter has done to help the city. But in the end, it just wants to make them find Peter faster than ever. To get their loved one back safely.


It's September 6th and everyone is down in Tony's messy and destroyed lab and I mean everyone since it's a Saturday afternoon. May had finished her work shift, having her second one later by the nighttime so Happy had picked her, Mj and Ned up from their homes. Nat had the idea of moving into Tony's lab cause it's more spacious and more tools and devices to help find Peter so of course, everyone agreed.

Tony had thrown plenty of things around so there were random things still on the floor or thrown messily on top of tables by Dum-E and U. Friday had also been helping with the search by hacking into things but like Ned, finding nothing.

Everyone's fed up but not giving up nevertheless. Pepper had been making sure everyone still eats their three meals with additional snacks so no one passes out. She doesn't really have control over the sleeping portion but knows everyone besides Tony is good with that since they all look somewhat rested. Tony had only gotten two hours of sleep last night and wouldn't go back to bed, drowning in coffee once again. He just brushes it off whenever someone tells him he should get some rest and eat even though Pepper had forced him to eat.

They've all been upset, miserable, tired and determined but still no luck had came their way. They can only wonder what Peter is going through but wouldn't be there to stop it until they found his location or at least who got to him, whether it was one villain or more, preferably one.


Peter got no rest that night of how many days he's been stuck in wherever he is. He had been stuck in a terrible illusion so he wouldn't be able to get a nights rest even though the cell and cold floor and walls were uncomfortable anyways.

In that illusion, he was tricked that none of this ever happened and that he was safe at the tower, having dinner and a lab night with Tony. It was perfect and fun until gruesome things started to happen leaving Peter to scream in fear and agony.

He was kept in the illusion for hours and he had what felt like multiple panic attacks in there when it had only been two. Different disturbing illusions kept making their way and Peter eyes had felt like they were burning along with his throat from his screaming and crying.

Peter now just has his back to his cell wall, knees bent to his chest and his forehead up against his knees. He's too scared to look up and risk seeing another illusion, the guards or one of the villains.

His whole assumption that he has made up which may or may not be true is that it seems so far everyone in the building is working for the Green Goblin. They follow his rules without questions asked or just not asking questions in front of himself to prevent anything. But it almost seems like the Green Goblin is like a Marionette and everyone else is his puppets.

Peter discards the idea from moving further as he doesn't want to be thinking of his torturers right now. He looks over to his plate that is now empty of his rice and bread. His water is only a little half drank because he tends to save it knowing he'll need it later.

He lets out a sigh, bumping his head back onto the wall and looks up at the crusty ceiling. He just wants to go home to everyone and act like none of this had ever happened but when does he ever get his way?


The door to the room from outside of his cell opens up and out appears no other then Doc Ock and the Green Goblin. Peter feels his body tense but can't do anything about it, scared for what they are going to do.

"Our fellow friend Doc Ock had made a pretty cool device if you ask me" the goblin cackles.

"It's called-" Doc Ock tries to say something.

"I don't care what it is called as long as it does the thing I want it to do!" The goblin interrupts making Doc Ock go silent. "It sadly only has one level but luckily if it works, it'll be painful!"

Peter keeps flickering his eyes at the two villains before him. Doc Ock looks some what pitiful but also annoyed that the Green Goblin had just cut him off, not wanting him to speak. Clearly back to his thought earlier, the Green Goblin is the Marionette of this whole show.

Without a warning and another second to spare, Peter hears a really loud ringing noise. His painful screams rips through the noise but the ringing is still stronger and louder. All of a sudden, his hands are latched onto his ears but it doesn't help reduce the pain.

Peter falls onto his side, feeling something wet leaking onto his hands. Tears are making their ways to the floor along with his chocking sobs. All he could hear is that damned ringing noise that apparently no one else hears besides him.


It's been two weeks.

Two whole entire weeks since he's been gone.

It's September 19th on a Wednesday morning.

Mj and Ned are at school while May is at work. Happy, Pepper, Yelena, Nat and Tony are all on the couches in the comms, about to FaceTime Clint and Scott on the big tv.

Tony has been dreading this. He doesn't have so much against them but the thought of just doing this is killing him. They should have Peter back already but no, he had let his kid down. Tony had been more of a mess than he already was and it became harder to get him to eat, sleep and leave the lab. 

Yelena and Nat have been having mutual feelings. They both hate the thought of a kid being tortured and experimented on as they both had to deal with the Red Room and all the horror. Yelena wanted Nat to explain more about Peter and it has just made Yelena hate this even more. Peter is an innocent and happy kid who has no right to have to deal with this nevertheless, no kid should ever have to deal with this.

Happy had been upset but is way better at hiding his feelings. He misses driving the kid around and listening to him blabbering about patrol, his friends, school, lab night, anything. Pepper on the other hand, breaks down before bed. She tries to hide her feelings but everyone can tell with her puffy eyes and her stray tears.

Natasha had texted Clint who had texted Scott who than made a group chat with the three of them to prepare for this video call. Nat had let the two men know how everyone is coping so they don't accidentally say the wrong things or something like that. Scott said his friends are more than happy to help and join in on the case while Clint said Laura will be helping when she's not dealing with the kids and things.

"I can't believe we are doing this" Tony mumbles into his hands on the couch. In the commons, there are two big couches in front of the tv with a chair next to each of them. Nat, Yelena and Pepper are on one couch while Tony and Happy are on the other.

"Kind of have to if it's happening" Yelena mutters.

Tony ignores her and keeps silent. No one had really said much besides if anyone got any information. Now Pepper is almost done setting up the video call and they are about to talk to two people who they haven't talked with in forever and have never met one of them officially.

A few seconds goes by when the calls are connected. One side of the tv shows Clint and Laura while on the other side it shows Scott and his three friends.

"Is that the bird shit you've been talking about?" Yelena asks, turning to Nat.

"Yes, that is Clint and Laura Barton. On the other side is Scott Lang and his three friends. Everyone this is my sister Yelena and to you four" Nat introduces while she gestures to Scott and his friends. "I'm Natasha, thank you for helping us."

"It's no problem. I can see the resemblance between you sisters by your attitudes" Clint jokes.

"Right! So I'm Scott and these are my friends Luis, Dave and Kurt! You could trust them" Scott smiles, pointing to each friend.

"Ok wrap this up! You know who I am, this is Happy and that's Pepper. Now that the introductions are over, we need to discuss on who might've took the kid. We have no leads whatsoever so we have to go with who we think could have done it" Tony interrupts the greetings.

"Did you guys ever consider Hydra? They're always coming and going?" Luis suggests.

"We got rid of them for good. They're never coming back" Tony dismisses the idea.

"Since he only fought one big villain and that villain is in jail and is now hoping to change, we should discuss your villains. I mean he's close to you all, especially Stark so why wouldn't one of your bad guys come back and take him as an advantage?" Yelena exclaims.

"Obadiah Stane?" Kurt questions.

"Dead, have you never seen the news all those years ago?" Tony scoffs.

"I would suggest my villains but the Yellowjacket and Ghost who wasn't really all evil, is also dead" Scott claims.

"Whiplash who Tony had fought is also dead" Pepper adds.

"And then Aldrich Killian is who knows where but hasn't done any harm. An explosion did hit him though" Happy states.

"Eh, he's not coming back andJustin Hammer wouldn't kidnap him either" Tony waves it off.

"Ok so we got nobody" Yelena concludes.

"So that idea is out" Nat agrees with Yelena.

"Have you guys been patrolling the streets?" Dave wonders.

"Natasha and I have been, yes. Happy and his aunt has been looking out as they drive in the car from and to Queens. Then his friend and girlfriend have been sneaking around Queens thinking we don't notice but we do. May told them not to cause it's dangerous blah blah blah" Yelena finishes off with her tongue sticking out at the screen.

"Wow man, spideys got a girlfriend and you can't manage to keep one even after marriage" Luis jokes, hitting Scott on the back with no force.

"That's cold Luis though you can't really say that if you have never had a solid relationship" Scott fires back.

"My girlfriend in highschool counts!" Luis protests.

"Lasted a week, it was their freshmen year" Scott informs everyone.

"Back on track, what if he isn't even in the city? I mean we checked everywhere and still haven't found him. It's been two weeks! No, a little more than two weeks! Like two weeks and what? Two days? We have to find him" Tony gets everyone back on track.

"Let's branch out our possible villains. We could have never met this villain before, hell it could be a new villain so why don't Nat and Yelena do some stake out on suspects?" Clint chimes in.

"That could work. We just need to know who exactly could be our suspect" Nat nods her head.

"Let's think who would want a mutated little boy and go from there" Yelena adds.

"Oscorp, I mean Osborn has always been a weird man and known for their experiments with bugs. We also have Green Springs that creates gamma mutates. Then we have Roxxon Energy Corruption but they are more of a oil company so that wouldn't make sense so Oscorp and Green Springs. Honestly all three of those assumptions have been dealt with illegal things, stealing cough *Osborn* cough and just crimes like those. Friday look at Oscorp and Green Springs if anything suspicious has been happening like lack of attendance, things to do with spiders, I don't know anything" Tony rambles.

"Both attendance shows perfectly to both office and meetings. There are no current experiments, tests or projects that have anything to do with spiders or cross blood with the human body" Friday answers.

"Then one of them is obviously hiding something" Tony responds.

"I can help the two super spies!" Luis claims. "So you know how Scotty and I are friends right? Well being his friend I had helped him steal the Ant Man suit from Hank! I was on the computer doing my thing while he was doing his thing by sneaking into his house! I pulled up cameras and disabled everything that would get Scotty caught."

"And then he did get caught" Yelena chuckles.

"That was when he was putting his suit back and the cops were already waiting for him cause Hank called them on him" Luis informs.

"We could help too. We are very good at disabling things and whatnot" Dave shrugs.

"Then we need you three hooked up on the comms while Yelena and I are sneaking around. Since you guys all live in San Francisco, we'll ship four comms out to Scott's house and it'll arrive by the end of the day. You here that Tony?" Nat plans.

"Yea, yea. Fri get the jet ready and Happy go supply them with four comms. Have Fri control the jet so none of us has to leave" Tony states.

"Will do" Happy nods his head in confirmation.

"Have any of you tried macaroni and cheese with hot sauce? Extremely good. Stark had some! Tell them it was to die for" Yelena switches the topic as her mind drifts to food.

"It was kinda good but-" Tony tries to go back to the main topic.

"See! I told you!" Yelena interrupts.

"Let's go back to our main focus" Tony quickly cuts back in.

"If you find anything important, make sure to give us a call. Meanwhile, I'm going to rewatch the video and see if I catch anything you may have missed" Clint says.

"Dad!!!" Lila shouts through the FaceTime call.

"I'll go deal with it" Laura sighs, already leaving.

"I'll see if Peters friends got anything cause I don't want to bother May while she's working" Pepper claims.

"Wait Natasha, aren't you still on the run?" Kurt questions.

"Yes and that's why I have been wearing disguises. Look, call back if you find anything and we will do the same. While we wait for you guys to get your comms, Yelena and I will just be patrolling the streets for now" Nat explains and with that, the call hangs up and everyone goes to do what they were assigned.


Today Midtown High was having a school assembly formed by a bunch of students so no one, not even the staff, knows what is going to be said besides those group of students. So far, Mj and Ned hadn't found any information or clues as to where Peter may be and it's tearing them apart. They just want him back safe and sound.

Flash hasn't really been bothering them probably because Mj had punched him in the nose. The whole school has been talking about Spider-Man though and it only makes Mj and Ned try and search harder.

They've been keeping in contact with May but they haven't found anything either. They were also given Peppers number so if they found something while May is at work, she could text them to let them know. 

Anyways, they're in the auditorium. Everyone's chatting about what these groups of students are going to say and do. Not even their friends know what's going on. That's when the lights gets turned off and the only lights on are the ones on the stage. Five students then makes their way onto the stage as the curtains disperse.

The five students are three boys and two girls, Matt, Alex, Chelsea, John and Becca. All five of them are popular as the boys play football and the two girls are in cheer. Chelsea and Matt are both captains of their teams while Becca and John are the co-captains and Alex is the assistant cause he is apart of the football team and their close friend. Chelsea and Matt are dating and same goes with Becca and John. Alex is dating a different girl that is currently not on the stage but is also apart of the cheer team. They're all seniors so they are soon to be graduates, typical high school movie dating style.

"Attention everyone!" Matt interrupts the talking with his microphone which they all have in their hands. "If you don't know, my name is Matt."

"I'm Chelsea" Chelsea introduces.

"Becca" Becca states.

"John" John replies.

"And I'm Alex" Alex finishes it off.

"We all know that Spider-Man has been missing for two weeks now." Matt starts.

"And sure there has been gatherings, events and even people searching that doesn't include the rest of the Avengers who aren't on the run but no one has got any clue on where he may be" Chelsea continues.

"So we are setting up a more of an official search" Becca determinedly states.

"Because we can't really do after school hours being with students who are in sports or clubs..." John trials off.

"We will be holding these searches on the weekend. From noon to however long you want to continue the search for" Alex picks up.

"We have created a Twitter account if you want to follow for more information but that's basically all the information we have" Matt concludes.

"Spider-Man has saved thousands of people from harm. If one of us went missing, Spider-Man would take that upon himself to find us so now we are going to do that for him" Chelsea protests.

"Right now, Zara is broadcasting this onto our Twitter page which is called Midtown Spidey" Becca claims.

"Feel free to tag us in photos or videos of you helping with the search either when our search starts or on the week days. We want to help find Spider-Man and so we will" John assures.

"Now, whose with us?!" Alex asks which makes a bunch of students starts screaming out that they are with them on the search.

Mj and Ned turns to each other. If this isn't enough to find Peter...they don't even want to go there.

They will find him and if it isn't them, it'd be either the Avengers, the cops or civilians but someone will find him.


"So glad these vents aren't that small. I wasn't really in the mood to fit my ass into a tiny vent" Yelena mutters through the vents that Nat and her are currently traveling in.

The comms had arrived in San Francisco and Kurt, Dave, Luis and even Scott are hooked up to them. They are all on their computers checking out main frames, cameras, where people are and things like that to the Green Springs company.

Nat and Yelena had gotten into their vent system. When Nat had texted Clint about it to brag. He rightfully got upset cause he loves to hide in vents and now Nat had promised him that next mission that involves vents and he is off house arrest, he could come.

They aren't that far into the building because they had only just got in. Nat is in front of Yelena despite her protests.

"How come I get your butt in my face and not the other way around?" Yelena huffs.

"Be quiet Yelena" Nat shushes her.

Yelena rolls her eyes but shuts up to not blow their cover. This is extremely important because this could help them get Peter back.

"If you keep going straight, you'll get to a point where you'll have to either turn right or left. You need to turn left and then a right which is pretty close to that left turn. If you keep going down, then you'll be in the labs" Dave instructs.

"This reminds me of that one time when I was in high school. All the students were pulling a prank because it was April 1st about how there were people in the vents. The-" Luis begins.

"Look man, we love your stories and all but we need to find this lab. I am all ears to hear this story but I kind of have to be paying attention to the workers down below if you get what I'm saying" Yelena interrupts.

"Right, my bad. Sorry" Luis apologizes.

The two spies quickly gets to the intersection and take a left. Barely crawling past it, they take the right that Dave had instructed. They continue their path down the vents when they get to a vent opening.

Nat peers down and just like Dave had said, she spots the lab. Nat crawls over the vent, careful to not make noise and got to the other side of it so both her and Yelena could peer down.

"There are only three men in there by the looks of the camera. It seems like they're talking about something so try and figure out what it is" Scott claims.

"And make sure you're quiet" Kurt reminds.

Both Nat and Yelena ignores him and focuses their attention to the three men and their surroundings. It looks like a normal lab with computers, desks, papers, chairs and everything else you'd normally expect. Nat gets out her phone and quickly starts to record.

"Boss wants it done soon" one of the men speaks up.

"It's going to take time. At least another week" the second man responds.

"We are trying our best but he just won't corporate" the third man sighs.

Yelena and Nat looks up at each other with the same expression.

"Well tell him if he won't corporate, boss will have not just ours but his head too" the first man snarls. 

"And we'll tell him but this takes time. We need it to be perfected before the next move" the third man argues.

"It'll be done soon" the second man confirms.

The first man nods his head before walking away and closing the door after him.

"This is crazy" the first man huffs.

"We can't turn to the cops. We work here and now we just have to deal" the second man states.

"I guess we should go back to work then" the first man sighs and with that the two men walk out of the room so Yelena and Nat takes it as a sign to leave.


"Why do you two always assist in coming here and Friday, stop letting them in!" Tony shouts at his AI in his lab. He sighs before turning around in his spiny chair to look at Ned and Mj. "Aren't you two suppose to be in school?"

"It's almost four, school ended awhile ago. Where's May?" Mj asks.

"On her way with Happy. Did you see Pepper up there? She would know not to let you two into my lab" Tony questions.

"It doesn't matter if we did or did not. Any information cause we can't find any" Mj ignores.

"Not yet. The two spies are out there right now looking into two corporations that are my suspects cause of things" Tony shrugs.

"Which corporations and what things?" Ned wonders.

"Oscop and Green Springs. Both act in illegal things, Oscorp has stolen things, both do experiments, Green Springs work with gamma radiation which have a thing to do with mutates if you took a look at the Hulk and must I go on?" Tony lists.

"You know, Peter got his spider bite at Oscorp. What if Mr. Osborn found out?" Ned questions.

"Normans a bit stupid. I mean he's been out there for a year and now he realizes? It could be though but we'll see what Romanoff and Belova finds when they come back. Now I suggest you two go upstairs and hangout with Pepper" Tony waves them off while Mj rolls her eyes.


Nat and Yelena are back in the vents but this time, they are at Oscorp. They had headed to the lab but nothing was really going on and being said that has anything to do with what they're looking for so now they are headed to Osborns office where Kurt said he is.

They get to the small vent opening above Osborns office and like before, Nat and Yelena are on opposite sides and looking down. Nat has her phone out and started to record.

All they see is Osborn in his office chair, looking at a bunch of papers when a girl with blonde hair walks in.

"Mr. Osborn-" the girl starts.

"Just give me the folder you're holding" he dismisses.

The girl looks a bit confused but hands him his folder. He opens it up to take a look and his whole face holds a grimace.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" Osborn mumbles.

"What is it sir?" The girl wonders.

"Just something I have been working on. I got the results to some of it that we had started. Stacy, leave the room" Osborn instructs.

"Ok then, bye sir" Stacy replies, leaving the room.

Once she's gone, Norman gets a key and unlocks his bottom draw.

"Jesus Christ. Can never leave me alone even after you have been dead for years Richard" Norman mutters. He pulls out a notebook and starts to write in it before a huge smile comes across his annoyed face. "I got it!"

Norman quickly puts everything away into his draw and closes it shut, locking it. With that, he gets up and leaves his office so Nat ends the video.

"I disabled the cameras so you can go into his office and find out what's in that draw" Luis's voice comes through the comms.

"I'll do it. You can stay up here and pull me back up" Yelena plans.

"Fine but be quiet" Nat warns her.

"Well no shit" Yelena scoffs.

She takes out two bobby pins that were in her hair and gives one to Nat. Together, they unscrew the vent before Yelena silently drops down.

"Would've been cool if it were in a superhero landing" Nat mocks through the comms.

"Blewgh, ew" Yelena fake gags.

"No one seems to be approaching the office so you have time" Dave informs.

"Nice to know" Yelena hums.

She reaches the desk and crouches down. She then proceeds to use her bobby pin and opens up the draw cause Norman had kept his key.

She pulls the draw open to see a bunch of  papers, folders and even that notebook. She takes out her phone and starts to take a bunch of photos when she comes across a file named Richard Parker.  

"Woahhh. I hadn't bothered to look up the kids parents but I should had. Did you guys know Richard Parker worked here and same with his wife Mary but Richard had came up with the spider that bit Peter" Yelena gasps.

"You should hurry up with those photos. Norman is going back into the elevator to come up to his office" Scott cuts through.

"Good thing I was quick with taking all those photos then" Yelena amuses before putting everything back and having Nat help lift her into the vent just in time as the door to his office opens up.


Everyone is in the commons. May and Happy had arrived and they had joined Pepper, Mj and Ned. Tony was in his lab but is now in the comms room for this meeting and now everyone is together. Nat and Yelena had got back and are standing in front of them all with Clint, Laura, Scott, Dave, Kurt and Luis on the FaceTime call.

"Did you guys find Peter?" Ned wonders.

"We're getting there. It was very close the two corporations but we had found something in both. Green Springs are holding experiments on someone but we have no clue on who that someone is whether it's Peter or not" Nat explains.

"They said that they had that person for awhile and their boss wants it to be done soon by whatever that may mean and that the person isn't cooperating" Yelena adds.

"But than Osborn had some things as well to hint that they may have something to do with this" Nat points out.

"Richard and Mary Parker had both worked in Oscorp. Though Richard was the one who had created the radioactive spider. He had used his blood in that experimentation so the spider would only work on someone who shared the same blood" Yelena claims.

"That person being Peter. You don't think Osborn had set up that field trip just for Peter to get bit, do you?" Mj questions.

"Peters been Spider-Man for a whole year, why now?" May wonders.

"So the bastard doesn't have cops on his tail! A spider gets loose and lost in HIS company and then Spider-Man appears? He was trying to not be suspicious! It has to be him!" Tony exclaims.

"But what about the experimentations in Green Springs?" Happy asks.

"They could be using willing components to come test out their experimentations? You know how many people are dying to have powers?" Clint suggests.

"If they are running tests on innocent people, you have to inform the authorities" Laura states.

"Friday, get ahold of that please" Pepper asks.

"Will do. I had contacted the Pirate" Friday answers.

"But how do we know if it really is Osborn and not Green Springs?" Scott wonders.

"We'll find out when the Pirate goes over there with his crew to look for human experimentations" Tony settles.

"That isn't the only thing I had found in his files. He has a documentation of Peter before the spider bite. It showed a photo of him, his allergies, his medical records, everything. It seems like he's been watching him for awhile and it seemed like he was the one who had killed his parents. His files don't say everything but that's what I came to conclude" Yelena explains.

"The plane crash was always known to be hijacked but I never knew Osborn was behind it" May says.

"The thing is if Norman has him, where is he hiding him? It for sure isn't in Oscorp or else the employees would comment on hearing things or something" Kurt questions.

"They still have to be in the city in order for Norman to still go to his company and meetings so he's close by" Dave adds.

"We just have to find out exactly where" Scott agrees.

"And we will. Midtown High now has students who are forming a group to go search on the weekends, students may be searching the streets after school, we have random people on the streets doing that as well, my dad has been keeping an eye out around his shop and there are even cops. Someone will find out exactly where he is" Mj pursuits.

"Hm, you are a very loyal girlfriend. I see why you accepted her to date your nephew" Yelena hums. "She kind of reminds me of Natasha. I mean won't step down without a fight kind of girl. Real question, do you like people cause I have a feeling you don't. I don't like people either."

"Mj? Liking people? You should see her at school" Ned practically laughs.

"I smile and talk with everyone" Mj sarcastically argues.

"You are really obsessed with getting off topic" Tony chimes in.

"Like you don't?" Yelena snaps back.

"Alright, let's break it up. We definitely don't need another war fight among us. Clint, had you find anything through the video?" Nat interrupts.

"No so I sent my ki...never mind" Clint stops himself.

"Our kids are at Lilas friends house hanging out with her and her siblings. What do you mean you sent our kids?!" Laura shouts.

"Nowhere! I sent them nowhere! What kind of father am I? Sending my kids out to find some villain" Clint scoffs.

"We are having a serious talk. I can't believe you" Laura sighs.

"To be fair Cooper and Lilas friends older brother are old enough to help a little! I told them to stay by their house and to not go far and to keep their locations on" Clint defends.

"Not very helpful when the kids location and trackers got turned off. Even the one I had put inside of him" Tony mutters.

"You put a tracker INSIDE of Peter?!" May yells.

"What? No!" Tony lies.

"Oooooo dramaaa" Yelena whistles.

"Ok I did but that's only because I was trying to make sure if this does ever happen, then I would be able to go and save him!" Tony throws his hands in the air.

"Everyone calm down. We won't find him with everyone yelling at each other!" Pepper screams over everyone making everyone go quiet. "We need more proof Osborn had took Peter."

"No offense but I think this is more than enough proof" Yelena shrugs.

"I'll even go and confront the man myself" Tony points out.

"No you will not be doing that Tony! Do you want things to get worse? If he knows we are onto him, he could possibly move Peter into another state or something!" Pepper shuts down.

"How about Yelena, Tony and I will go to his company. We will follow him around and if he goes somewhere suspicious, we call for back up. We could go tomorrow since it's getting late" Nat plans.

"Sounds good to me" Tony agrees.


Ugh we have school tmr so updates will be posted sometime in the afternoon it will depend cause of sports. Hope you all have/had a great Labor Day weekend!

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