ā˜ÆļøŽ š—»š—¶š—»š—·š—®š—“š—¼ š™Ÿš™–š™®š™– š˜°...

cyclondoojay ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾

46.8K 667 383

I guess just the title says all š—˜š—»š—·š—¼š˜† šŸŒŠāš”šŸ’™ ''š šØššš„š¬: #13Ā° Jaya [12/01/2022] #3Ā° ninjagojaya [12/10... ą¤…ą¤§ą¤æą¤•

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coming back together
to have you back to me again
The storm project
statics of gray and glitchy memories
true or not, something is happening in my head
her love, his memories

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1.2K 14 12
cyclondoojay ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾

I had to start doing this oneshot, otherwise I could have cried thinking that all this really happened. (I just say for how it went, I always feel bad, but if this had really happened, and it had happened to Jay instead of Nya... I would have cried every second and every minute of every day of every month.. but yes, I love to hurt myself by writing all this apparently)

he had landed hard over the roof, but without any injuries, and without losing balance. soon he turns around to face the people who were congratulating him

"Jay!" Kai laughed proudly as he walked behind his sister Nya and Cole
"I knew you will did it!" Cole continued to compliment him

when everyone stopped in front of him, Nya looked at her boyfriend proudly "Jay!" a cheerful little chuckle escape from her mouth "you were amazing!" but when she rushed to hug him tightly, he pushed back

nya gasped

"ah.. it will take some time to get used to. but.. we will make you go back as before, don't worry" Kai advanced with a confident smile, posing next to Nya

"as before?" his obviously confused voice

"to normal! you know, the old you!" Nya added, that smile of satisfaction had not gone away

"normal?" his voice still very confused between the calm of the master of lightning

"what's wrong?" but this time, her smile is replaced by a frown of confusion and worry "is everything okay?" Nya tried to stretch out her hand towards his

but Jay was drawn by the majestic sky, being illuminated himself

"can you hear them?" Jay asked, amazed by the things the clouds seemed to tell him

"hear what?" Nya asked him, a little upset by the current situation

"they are.. " he continued, enchanted to look at the clouds "they are so strong.." he lowered his gaze, looking back at Nya's face "the thunders .."

"the keepers were right, now they are calling him" wu recalled

Jay's form moved in a thousand small discharges of electricity. he looked sorry, as he focused on resuming that form

"Jay!" Nya, almost, whispered worriedly, fearing what was happening

"you have to excuse me.. it's very difficult to maintain this form.." he looked strange at his own body

"what do you mean by form? that's who you are" Nya said

"yeah.. that's what I was before..." Jay nodded with a gentle smile printed on his now blue face and with yellow tribals on it

Nya looked at him sorry, not actually knowing what to do

"now I have to go" Jay started walking towards the end of the roof

"I will keep you all in a special place in my memories" Jay said with all the calm in the world, continuing to walk his way

Cole followed him with his eyes "memories? Where are you going? don't even think you can leave us!" Nya watched him leave. she clenched her fists, and started following him, without giving up

"Jay! Stop! listen me please!" Nya stood in front of his body, trying to stop him "there is something that prevents you from being yourself" she walked backwards, while he had no intention of stopping "now.. you have to concentrate- you have to fight it.. you need to go back to the way you was before!" but as soon as Nya stops, Jay teleports past her body, as if nothing had happened

the last technique she had to stop him, was to take him by his hand, but as soon as she touch his hand, she feel a strong lacinder pain, making her complaining of pain through clenched teeth

but he kept walking

"Jay! please no! I need you!" Nya half-screamed in despair, hoping he would stop

and actually, he stopped

he turned to her, saw her trembling body, trying not to cry

she was too afraid of losing him.. again.. especially after thinking that he was dead, along with his brother, cole, zane and the little master wu, thanks to the colossus controlled by the powers of Garmadon

Jay approached her, Nya stood still in front of him, as she looked into his eyes, now, deeply fluo yellow

she hoped so much that even a small part of him would remain in his form, and that he was struggling to return to himself

Nya lets out the tears, and Jay raises his hand to her cheek, attracted by that little bit of water

initially she was afraid of being able to feel pain a second time in those few minutes, but as soon as Jay put his hand in continuous friction, she felt only a minimum of static under her skin, but it was neither annoying nor painful

leaned on his hand, she also grabbed his other free hand, seeking a minimum of comfort in all this

but as soon as she could catch her breath, Jay had detached himself from her, removing his hand from her cheek

she felt the sparkling and warm feeling go away from her cheek.. she began to like that thing

Nya sadly watched Jay continue walking to the edge of the roof

she felt a small and funny shock crumble in her hand, while everything about him went away so fast

"Jay, I beg you. fight it! remember who you are!" master wu's voice sounded frustrated and sad

Jay teleported to the roof step, and then turned around again

"I know who I am"

"I'm Jay"

"I'm the thunders"

"we are the same thing"

Nya had the need to get the word back, not wanting to say goodbye to him

"Jay... I-" the dull face, which no longer transmitted the energy of her boyfriend, agitated her a little

"I love you, Jay" was exactly the first time that she really declared herself with words, and not with deeds

but unfortunately that person who identified as Jay by the voice, was no longer his Yin.. or at least, it wouldn't have been for much longer

but he answered her anyway

"I know Nya, I've always known this" Jay confided to her a loving smile, which only she received.. but it wasn't the same exact impact "I love you too"

but then he headed to the rest of the group

"Thank you.. it was nice to be a family as long as it lasted" and as a last goodbye, he said these simple phrases. but no one really answered, they didn't think all this was really happening

but the realization immediately blows in the face of everyone, as soon as he turned around, giving his back to everyone

he knelt slightly at the bottom, as if to give himself a push

and Nya knew he was, really, about to leave

"No! no no no no no! Come back! JAY!" she watched his silhouette fade into the sky

she could see his splendor for one last time, as with a simple command, he freed the entire city from the clouds that made it dark, taking away with him, the dangerous bolt that threatened to hit the citizens

and with a last smile, he teletransposes himself forward, and then, faster than light, disappears along with the last lightning bolts that dissolved in the sky...

well, I had nothing better to do.. so.
and yes, I changed some things and others I left them as they were, but I think no one cares about this ahahahaha

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Little Bruiseshipping One-Shots eli ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾


39.3K 883 10
EDIT 5.14.24: These are now being revised on AO3! Just a few one-shots of my favorite ship from Ninjago. Don't expect these to be good as I consider...
733 17 7
ā Love is a Devil āž - jjk various x reader ONESHOTS! Started April 15 2024 Ended: continuing āž½ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā„ I'll try taking requests but please b...
Jaya Week 2022 Hydro Sempai ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾


5.1K 138 8
Jaya one-shots for jaya week 2022.
Ninjago one shots (Jaya) Leagueofjay ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾


8.8K 69 44
Just a bunch of short stories/ head canons of Ninjago. Mostly Jaya. All fanart is my own unless stated otherwise. This will also be a collection of b...