Pulled from the fire by Kevin...

By Priceisrightrusher

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Okay this story is going to be based off the original story that i had and tried to fix up again and that end... More

I'm pregnant or i'm not pregnant that is the question
The little dumpster girl
Shopping and getting Boston settled her new home
Boston's first night part 2
Bostyn first night part 3 & Fawn sees the little girl
Bringing Adilynn home
Getting Addilyn settled in
Addy's first night
Heading to texas for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving with mommy
Getting ready for the holidays and Christmas at last
Swim lessons part 1
Part 2
Finding Lily's dad
Searching for Bostyn
Getting the new babies checked out
Wishing everyone merry Christmas and happy holidays
Final part
Getting admitted
Part 2
On hold
Part 3

Part 2

36 1 0
By Priceisrightrusher

Okay I'm going to go ahead and get this up before I fall the devil asleep from the day before

"Here we made some milk for the babies to eat" one of the waiters say as she brings out some milk for the babies that were in the dumpster to eat

"Thank you very much I am going to try to feed all of them" Kevin says after Fawn left to take the other girls home so Chris and Lea could watch them while her and Kevin were at the hospital with little Bostyn

"Here some of us can help feed them cause we aren't busy right now" the waiter says as he motions for some of the staff to come out to help feed the babies that were in the dumpster crying their heads off at the moment

"Thanks" Kevin says as he gets each baby out one by one, so they could be fed at least

"You are quite welcome" the waiter says as he feeds one of the babies their first meal that they had in a very long time

The babies took the milk and drank the whole glove that was given to them

"They must of been hungry right now" Kevin says as he burps one of the babies that was quite done with her glove at the moment

All of the babies let out some good burps when Fawn arrived with Bostyn cause Bostyn wanted to go home to her home

"She must be all of these babies mommy" the waiter says as she gets everything out for the babies while they waited on the ambulance to show up

"Must be" Kevin says as he tells Bostyn that her home is going to be locked from now on

The ambulance comes to take the babies to the hospital, so they could be examined, and they take little Bostyn as well

"Bostyn it is going to be okay" he says as he gets into the ambulance with her, so they could head to the hospital together

Kevin could tell that Bostyn was the little mommy to those babies, and she wanted to be their mommy. Kevin talked to her the whole way to the hospital

"Don't worry Bostyn daddy is right here, and one of your babies is here with you, and they will have a real mommy and daddy that will love them like we love you" he says to the scared little girl that he had in his arms

Kevin rocked her and hummed to her to get her to settle down, and treat her like a proper little girl like she should be

"Bostyn I know you can talk cause I have heard you talk several times" he says as they continue to head to the hospital to get her checked to see if she was okay from the rain


Kevin gets out and carries Bostyn into the emergency room, so she could be checked out and examined by one of the doctor's that were in the emergency room that night

"It looks like we are going to be here a while princess" Kevin says when he sees how busy the emergency room was that night

Kevin and Fawn get Bostyn registered, so she could wait with everyone else that was in the emergency room that night

"I think someone is getting sleepy" he says when he sees Bostyn rub her eyes a little bit that night

"Yeah i think so too" Fawn says as she moves the hair from Bostyn's face as she continues to lay on daddy that night in the emergency room before she was put in the room since she came in with the squad that night

"I won't be surprised if she is hungry a little bit" he says to Fawn

"She is" he says as Bostyn starts to chew on her shirt a little bit

Fawn goes and gets Bostyn something to eat from the vending machine that was in the emergency room while they waited

"I am wondering if the babies are okay" he says as he looks to see where the babies were in the emergency room that night

Soon he could hear the babies cry from the rooms that they were in cause they were crying out for daddy or mommy that night

"Girls I am right here for you girls" he says as he looks in the direction of where the babies were at the moment

Once Bostyn was in the room Kevin went to the one that was crying her head off the most

"Oh it's okay little one" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to calm her down like he did with Addy once they found out about her

Soon the baby started to calm down and started to go to sleep in daddy's arms

"It's okay little one" he says as he continues to rock the baby in his arms

Once the baby was asleep Kevin took her to see Bostyn

"Here Kevin give her to me" Fawn says as she holds her arms out for the baby that Kevin had in his arms

Kevin gave Fawn the baby, so Fawn could rock her since Boston wanted daddy to hold her in his arms that night

"Don't you have the prettiest blue eyes" Fawn says to the baby that she had in her arms at the moment that woke back up

The baby just coos at her as she was being held by someone else other then Boston who always held her cause she was the one who needed the most attention of all of the babies cause she was the littlest one in the whole group, and that was okay with Fawn and Kevin if she was little

"There we go it's okay you are safe and are going to be warm up too sweetheart" Fawn says as she walks with her and calms her down as well cause she was really scared of where she was and who she was with as well and she didn't like it one bit either

Fawn hums some tunes and the baby is settled down in no time

"See no more tears sweetie" Fawn says as she brings the baby back down in her arms and holds her like how a mother holds her babies

Fawn was going to find Kevin and check on the others to see how they were doing as well cause they had to name the babies if they were going to join their family later on once they were all checked out and see if they had any injuries as well cause she was worried that they were really injured from being tossed into the dumpster like a pizza, or trash, or a loaf of bread

"How are they?" Fawn asks Kevin after she was able to find him cause he was with one of the babies as well in her room and she was totally upset as well

"Not to bad right now this little missy needed some attention right now, so I'm giving it to her, and I see you have one as well who is not too happy either" Kevin tells her once he saw that she was holding a baby as well in her arms

"Yeah she is fussy I suspect colic with her" Fawn says as she held the baby and was rocking her gently to calm her down as much as she could right now and it was working a little bit but she was still fussy as could be

This story is on Tuesday's line up cause I won't have time to update every other day cause we lost a person, and all my stories are going to join a line up this week

more next week maybe hopefully like a new chapter once i get some sleep

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