Semper - Fred Weasley

By enaja1811

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Two redheads One love In good times and bad In health and sickness At least that's what they thought... a Fre... More

Author's note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
The Wedding - How It Looks Like
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII


519 14 0
By enaja1811

George took Penny’s arm and Fred linked his arm with Lee, ready to apparate to the newly engaged couple’s new home.

It was the Monday after lunch at the Burrow that the two had announced their engagement and it was safe to say that everyone was beyond happy.

Molly was on the verge of fainting, especially when Lee asked her to help him with the planning, since George had as much patience and talent as his twin, Lee refused to plan with him.

Of course, George would approve any decision, but the younger twin couldn’t care less as long as Lee is the man who would end up waiting for him at the end of the aisle.

They landed in an open field and took on their surroundings.

It was similar to that of the Burrow, lots of space, lots of nature and lots of peace.

In front of them was a long driveway and at the end of it was a rather small two-storey house with spots of ivy climbing up the light beige stone facade, some of them reached all up to the dark grey roof tiles.

A white fence bordered the property and the golden October sun shone with its full force on the various plants, that could be found in the garden and the little shed in the same colors as the house, that was right between them.

„Wow, Georgie, Lee, that’s beautiful and so cozy.“ Penny beamed after taking in the sight and they made their way to the house together.

„Thank you. It’s been a real stroke of luck. Lee’s parents knew the owner, his wife passed away a few years ago and he’s too old to take care of himself and the house, so he was looking for people who would buy the house he had lived a happy life in for many years.", Lee began.

"And that’s where we came in, I mean, who's better to bring a breath of fresh air somewhere than us?“ George wiggled his eyebrows after telling the story of how they got the house.

Lee unlocked the door and let the other three in before he followed.

The inside of the house was just as cozy as it looked from the outside, the rooms weren’t very big, but that gave them a special character.

The living room had a fireplace and a large window front with a door to the terrace and garden.

A bathroom and an office, the kitchen with dining area were also on the lower floor, upstairs were three more rooms and a larger bathroom.

It was perfect and it was enough.

„Alright, the boxes are already here, you know where to put everything, so I’d say get to work.“, George said and the others nodded.

„Penny?“ Lee called the girl as she knelt in front of boxes in the kitchen to unpack them.

„Hmm?“ she looked up at him.

„When you’re done here, would you help me with the decorations, you know, flowers and candles and some pictures? I have an idea, but I don’t think I have the feminine side to implement it tastefully.“, he grinned and looked at Penny pleadingly.

„Of course, I’ll help you, Lee.“ she agreed and opened the first box and the door of the cupboard where the dishes were supposed to go and levitated them with her wand out of the box and into the cupboard.

She repeated it and in no time all the cupboards, shelves and drawers in the kitchen were filled.

Since she couldn’t find Lee anywhere, she decided to go to work herself and start with the decorating in the kitchen.

She placed some flowers on the windowsill behind the sink and with the help of a bit of magic, she hung a board over the cooking island onto which she spread various herbs so that they could be used fresh when cooking.

She placed placemats on the small table, as well as a candle.

Then she drew her wand and pointed it at the blank wall, recipes for various simple dishes appeared all over the wall for easy reading while cooking.

With a smile she admired her work, simple but effective.

„Whoa.“ she turned to see George standing in the doorway, gaping at the kitchen.

„Did you do all that?“ he asked and Penny nodded.

„Yes, but, if you don’t like it, we can change it again.“, she answered and looked at him.

„No, no, that’s brilliant. Especially the recipes,“ he smiled.

„Lee, Freddie, come into the kitchen,“ he yelled.

Shortly after, the other two entered the kitchen and marveled at Penny’s work.

„Thank you, that’s great. I knew I could count on you, if you could do so much here with just a little decoration, what will happen in the other rooms then.“ Lee grinned at the girl.

Fred walked over to her after George and Lee left.

„One day it will be our house that we will furnish and decorate.“ he whispered before kissing her temple and she watched him smiling as he left the kitchen again.

Fred and Penny were in bed together after a long day, George and Lee’s entire house was set up, all of the furniture was arranged and with Penny’s help it was decorated tastefully and had a feminine character which the two already loved.

Penny had her head on Fred’s chest, his hands were caressing her hair and her foot was stroking up and down his leg.

„I’m genuinely happy for them both,“ said Penny.

„Me too. They deserve it and I’m glad they get so much support, unfortunately it’s not always easy being a gay couple these days.“

Fred was always concerned about his twin brother’s well-being.

He still remembered like it was yesterday when George came out to him.

How could he have been mad at him or even disappointed?

A person is not defined by who they love, but by their character, by their nature, by their actions.

Have you ever asked a little kid what they think about it? A child will most likely just shrug their shoulders, because it is completely normal for them, as well as any skin color, unfortunately it is society that still has a lot to learn.“

That was just one of the things Fred had said to him.

„Mmhh, you’re right. It must have been hard for Dad and Sirius, in the muggle world even more so than in the Wizarding world, luckily wizards are more tolerant,“ she replied.

„Another topic, what are we going to do with George’s old room? After all, the whole flat is ours now.“ Fred sat up at the headboard of the bed and Penny followed him.

„I didn’t think about that. You’re right.“

„What about an office? Two big desks for each of us.“ he asked and Penny thought for a moment.

The last few days she had thought a lot about babies, the thought of having her own family with Fred would not let her go and the longer she thought about it, the stronger the desire to start a family with him got.

„Or… What about a nursery?“, she whispered, almost shy and Fred had trouble understanding her and so at first he thought he had misheard.

„A nursery? Why do we need that?“ he looked at her questioningly and suddenly his eyes shone with excitement.

„Oh my God… You’re not… are you?“, and Penny realized what he must have been thinking.

„Oh no, no, no. I’m not pregnant, oh Freddie, sorry if I gave you hope. But I’ve been thinking about it lately and I want to have a baby and obviously, I want you to be the father of my babies, Fred.“, she smiled at him and Fred immediately tightened his grip on her, holding her closer.

„I would love to be the father of your babies then,“ he smirked, slowly lowering his hands down Penny’s chest while nibbling on her earlobe and Penny chuckled.

„Oh, I didn’t know you wanted to start right away.“ she tilted her head to give Fred better access to her neck.

„We can always use protection, but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of baby making practice, is there?“ he cheekily wiggled his eyebrows and Penny laughed before sitting up and straddling his lap and immediately connecting their lips.

Fred’s hands traveled down her back where they found their way under her shirt and slowly pulled it over her head.

Penny wasn’t wearing a bra, giving Fred free access to her breasts, which he kneaded and caressed until he suddenly stopped and frowned.

„What’s wrong?“ Penny asked, looking at him uncertainly.

„I – I don’t know. There’s something hard in your breast like a pea or something.“ he said and started to squeeze the point a little harder and Penny shook her head laughing.

„I’ve got a pea in my chest?“ she looked at him laughing, but her laughter died when Fred didn’t laughed but instead continued to look at her breast.

„Freddie?“ she took his face in both hands.

„Show me,“ and he nodded and took her finger and carefully placed it where his had been.

Penny’s gaze turned serious and focused as she, too, felt what Fred was talking about.

There was something in her right breast, something hard that definitely wasn’t there before and didn’t belong there.

„What’s that?“ Fred asked worried, the ginger wasn’t stupid, he heard about some diseases that can cause something like this and so did Penny as her thoughts were racing.

„I’m sure it’s nothing.“ she tried to smile convincingly.

„You should get that checked,“ Fred said seriously, and Penny swallowed hard but nodded.

„Would you like to talk about it?“ he handed her his shirt and she pulled it back over her head.

„There’s nothing to talk about. It’s nothing,“ she answered, turning away from him.

Fred took a deep breath.

„Penny…“ he began, but was quickly interrupted by his wife.

„No! I said it’s nothing! It’s all right. Now let me sleep, I’m exhausted.“ she grabbed her wand from the bedside table and the candles in the room went out.

Fred didn’t move and she knew he was still watching her in the soft light the moon casted in the room.

Penny focused on getting her breathing calm and regularly so Fred would think she was sleeping and eventually he gave up and she felt him roll onto his side of the bed.

But neither of them would sleep tonight.

And as a new day broke over Diagon Alley, the two red heads lay in bed side by side in silence.

No one wanted to say anything and bring up yesterday’s topic again.

How could they be talking about babies and then worrying about Penny’s health.

Huffing, Penny got up, pulled on her dressing gown and without a look or a word to Fred, she left the bedroom and made her way to the kitchen where she began making coffee and preparing breakfast.

Fred looked after her, desperate to say something, to call for her.

He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hands over his face before he got up and went to the bathroom first.

After finishing his morning toilet, he joined Penny in the kitchen, who was sitting at the table reading the latest issue of The Daily Prophet.

„I can ask George to run the shop alone today and accompany you to St. Mungo’s.“ Fred broke the silence.

„What am I supposed to do at St. Mungo’s?“ Penny looked at him over the edge of the newspaper.

„Er, getting checked for what we felt in your breast yesterday,“ he said the obvious.

„Oh, there was nothing, it’s already gone.“ she laughed and read on.

„Okay?! And what was it?“ he poured himself a coffee and buttered his toast.

„I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter because it’s gone. So don’t worry, Freddie. Go to work,“ she tried to convince Fred, but he knew his Penny  long enough to know that she wasn’t telling the truth.

„Why are you lying to me?“ he asked and Penny put the toast she was about to bite in back on the plate.

„I don’t know what you’re talking about,“ she answered without looking at Fred.

„Penny, you can’t fool me, I can see you’re lying to me and I don’t understand why?“ she shook her head.

„I’m not lying, it’s nothing,“ she said again.

„Then look me in the eye and say that again,“ he ordered, but she didn’t look up.

„Penny, look me in the eye,“ he repeated.

And suddenly Penny jumped up from her chair and banged the newspaper on the table.

„What do you want from me, Frederick? You’re accusing me of lying? Fuck off. I said everything’s fine!“ she yelled at him before storming out of the kitchen and slamming the bathroom door behind her.

The ginger cursed loudly and then got up, he went into the bedroom to put on his work clothes, left the flat without saying goodbye and stomped down the stairs into the shop.

„What are you doing here so early?“ Fred asked his twin when he saw George already sitting at the desk in their shared office.

„I could ask you the same, mate,“ he replied looking at his brother and his eyes widened as he saw him.

„Whoa, what’s got your knickers in a twist?“ he asked.

„Nothing,“ Fred grumbled and turned around.
„I’ll open the shop,“ he called to George as he walked away, and the younger twin knew better than not to force him to talk.

So he decided to let the matter rest for now and try again later.

Penny heard the flat’s door slam shut, signaling that Fred was gone.

She sobbed vigorously as she leaned over the sink, resting her hands on it, her head hanging low.

She knew she had to go to St. Mungo’s, but the fear was stronger, the fear of what she would be told there.

Because what no one else knew, her maternal grandmother succumbed to this disease.

She had no idea who to talk to, she knew she needed to talk to Fred, he was her husband after all and he would be there for her.

But she felt weak and she didn’t want to feel weak anymore, she promised herself that long before.

She had no idea how many hours passed before she gathered her courage and got dressed, before clutching her wand and apparating to St. Mungo’s.

„Hello, what can I do for you?“ asked a young woman who was sitting at the reception and greeted her warmly.

„Er- I,“ Penny stuttered, looking around uncertainly.

„I don’t know exactly. I have something in my breast that I would like to get checked.“, she finally said and the woman smiled understandingly.

„Of course, dear. Come with me.“ the lady  rose from her chair and came out from behind the reception desk, Penny following her through the corridors of the hospital.

On the first floor, directly next to the Creature-Induced Injuries corridor, there was the wing for Muggle injuries and diseases.

The lady opened the door and led Penny into a waiting area where she was supposed to wait.

Penny’s hands were sweaty and her heart was pounding in her chest, she didn’t know how much time passed as she sat there waiting for someone to pick her up.

And at that moment she regretted not having Fred by her side and before she could burst into tears again, someone spoke to her.

„Good morning Miss…“ the Healer smiled at Penny.

„Oh, uh, Weasley... but it's.. Mrs.“ she stuttered nervously.

„Mrs. Weasley, nice to meet you, my name is Mary Perkins and I will examine you now. Please follow me.“, and Penny got up and followed the woman in the light green robe.

They entered a room that looked exactly like a Muggle hospital and Penny sat down on the treatment table that was in the middle of the room.

„I heard it’s about your breast,“ she said, looking down at her clipboard, and Penny nodded.

„Well well, then please take off your jumper and bra.“, she smiled and put on examination gloves.

After Penny took off everything, she sat there with her bare chest in front of Healer Perkins and suddenly felt very small and helpless.

„You don’t have to be afraid, Mrs. Weasley. I’m going to palpate both of your breasts  before I examine them with magic as well, is that alright?“ Penny nodded and she began.

She closed her eyes and dreamed herself to another place, she prayed that it was all just a dream, an illusion and that in fact nothing could be felt or seen.

After a while, Perkins cleared his throat and Penny opened her eyes.

„You can get dressed again,“ she said.

„Am I alright?“ Penny’s voice trembled.

„Well, Mrs. Weasley…“

AN: I'm sorry it took me so long..
That wasn't particularly easy for me to write, nor were the following chapters.
So here's a first warning. In the following chapters, I bring up a topic that might be triggering for some readers. I have personal experience with the topic and I think it is important to talk about it.
Stay safe <3

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