The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events

117 4 0
By scottystaco

May had gotten home with food in her hands ready for her and Peter to eat. She had called Peter earlier to let him know so she suspects that Peter is already home, waiting for her.

"Peter?" She calls out.

She waits for a moment but no response comes.

"Peter?" She repeats herself, putting the food down on the dinner table. She looks around the apartment to not see him so she walks up to his door.



"Peter can I come in? Foods here" May lets him know but she ends up getting no response. Without a moment longer, she opens up his unlocked door to see the pile of his clothes he wore today at school on the floor, his backpack on his bed opened, the window opened with the curtains flapping and his light still off.

She quickly goes over to the window to peer outside but doesn't see her nephew swinging happily on his way home.

This worries her the most.

He would've let her know if he was going to be late unless something had happened while he was out. What if he got hurt? What if he's bleeding out somewhere in an alley or a rooftop? She has to find her nephew.

She quickly grabs her phone out of her pocket and clicks on his contact, calling him. She lets the phone ring as the suspense rises within her. She's waiting for Peter to pick up the phone and to apologize for being late and that he's on his way home but instead, it goes right to voicemail.

She calls him again but gets the same answer.

So she calls him again.

And again.

And again.

Until she had enough.

Once the ringing has stopped and the voicemail pops up, she decides to leave a voicemail.

"Peter where are you? Are you alright? You better not be dodging my calls. I picked up some Chinese food for us to eat. Where are you right now and why aren't you home yet? If you don't call back, I'm calling your friends and then Tony" May threatens but the worry of her voice makes it not seem so much of a threat. "I larb you, you better be playing it safe and on your way home right now."

And with that, she ends the voicemail. She lets out a sigh and rubs her forehead, hoping her nephew is alright. She makes herself comfy, or somewhat comfy, and sits on his bed to await his arrival.

That is until five minutes had passed.

And then ten minutes.

And still no call.

No message.

No nothing.

Not knowing what else to do, she calls Ned first and he picks up right away.

"Ned, is Peter with you?" She asks right away.

"No, why?" He wonders.

"Peter said he'd be home and I even called him to tell him I was on the way with food but he's still not here. I called him a bunch of times and left a voicemail. He hasn't responded, do you know if he's with Mj?" May explains.

"I don't know but most likely" Ned shrugs through the phone.

"Ok I'll call her then. Thank you Ned" May thanks him.

"Keep me updated please" Ned replies with worry for his friend. It isn't like Peter to not answer her calls and not even text back.

"Will do" May assures before hanging up and calling Mj.

"Hey May, what's up?" Mj asks as soon as she picks up the phone.

"Is Peter with you?" May repeats the question she had asked Ned.

"No he isn't. Isn't he with you?" Mj questions back.

"He was out patrolling. I called him to let him know I was on my way with food and he said he'd be home but I got here and he wasn't here. I've called multiple times but he hasn't answered and I even left a voicemail. I called Ned but he isn't with him" May exclaims.

"That isn't like him" Mj mumbles mainly to herself.

"No, it isn't. I'll call Tony, maybe he knows. I'll keep you and Ned updated" May informs her before hanging up.

She's now pacing back and forth super worried for her nephew. This isn't like him at all and if he isn't with Tony, where is he?

She clicks on Tonys contact as the phone dials.

And dials.

And dials.

Until she finally hears the phone being picked up.

"Is Peter with you? I've called him multiple times and he wouldn't answer, even left a voicemail! He said he'd be home but now it's been like twenty minutes!" May practically shouts through the phone.

"Peter isn't with me. Hold on, let me have Friday hook up with Karen" Tony states and there is movement through the phone as Tony puts May on speaker. "Friday, hook up to Karen and ask her where her and Peter are."

There's a few moments of silence when Friday speaks up.

"I have not been able to contact Karen. I've already checked his tracker and it seems to be disabled and I'm pretty sure Karen is disabled too. Would you like me to check the news feed?" Friday exclaims.

Tony and May cannot believe themselves. Peter never turns off Karen and he hasn't turned off his tracker since the Vulture incident so why is it turned off now? Tony curses under his breath but May catches it through the phone. They're both silent, waiting for Friday to have more information and leaving both adults worried and afraid.

"Spider-Man has appeared on the news, having been broadcasted about green bombs being thrown out of nowhere. Two bombs had been thrown and both had hit Spider-Man. One hitting him mid-air and him crashing onto the pavement. The other one he stands between the bomb and citizens before being flown into a lamppost. Another bomb was emerged but it didn't do any damage, only caused green smoke to go everywhere and Spider-Man disappearing when it had settled" Friday explains.

Both adults breaths gets caught in their throats. May has tears stinging at her wide eyes.

"Where is he now?!" Tony demands.

"It appears no one had seen him leave or got taken and with his trackers, phone and Karen disabled, there is no way of telling" Friday declares with a hint of sadness and fear in her tone.

"Oh my god" Mays voice quivers.

"May, I have to go and make a phone call with somebody. I'll keep you in the loop" Tony states.

"No Tony" May quickly interrupts before Tony hangs up the phone. "You call whoever you are calling, make sure they're trustworthy, have them come to the tower and I'll be on my way. We are all going to figure out something. I am going to help get Peter back."

"Ok then, see you in a bit" Tony allows before he hangs up the phone.

May lowers the phone down from her ear as tears slips down onto her cheeks. She quickly wipes them away before leaving Peters room, putting the Chinese food in the fridge and head outside to her car to drive to the tower.


Worry, dread, fear and anger builds up inside of Tony. He had hung up the phone with May and now she's coming over to meet whoever Tony is going to call to get this kid back.

There are times when all people can think about is murdering someone like Tony who is ready to kill the son of a bitch who took the kid. Tony was positive someone kidnapped him. Peter wouldn't have disabled anything and would've at least texted to let his aunt know he was alright and on his way.

Tony needs to find him. He has set it as his goal and there is no changing his mind but honestly, who will?

He goes to then call one of the people he could trust and would gladly help him get Peter back.


Natasha Romanoff has been on the run from Ross because during their little civil war fight, she switched from Tony's side to Caps side. She had already signed the accords but then she 'assaulted' T'Challa, king of Wakanda.

During her run, she had a little run in with the Red Room which she thought she had destroyed. She proceeded to team up with her younger sister Yelena Belova and her so called adopted parents Melina and Alexei. Luckily they worked together and officially took down the Red Room. Now her sister is helping widows recover as Nat is planning to get Steve and his team either out of hiding or out of the raft and for him and Tony to suck it up and get along.

She's currently at the store in disguise. She had died her hair blonde and even cut it short. She's wearing the vest Yelena had gave her which she will admit, there are many useful pockets on there with a black long sleeves under and some leggings. To complete her disguise, she's wearing sunglasses so she doesn't look suspicious and who will ever recognize Natasha Romanoff with short blond hair and sunglasses anyways?

She's looking at a rack in the tiny store. There was two other people who had just left the store so now it's only her and the cashier guy. The store she's in is hidden by the police cause they sell weapons secretly. When you enter the store though, all you see are clothes and toys.

She's currently looking through the clothes for another disguise when she feels her phone vibrate in her inner vest pocket. She looks around to see that nobody is watching even though there isn't anyone else, before pulling it out.

What she sees is what she didn't expect.

Tony Stark was calling her phone.

Usually they call each other within every two weeks on Friday to catch up and see how things are going. Tony isn't mad she had switched sides and only wants to make sure she's safe from Ross. Their friendship has always been smooth because they work perfect as a team. Only with one look, they practically know what the other one is saying which always comes in handy.

Finally, she accepts the call and puts her phone up to her ear before talking in a low voice.

"Didn't expect you to call so early. Missed me so much you couldn't wait?" She teases him.

"Have you seen the news?" He wonders, going straight to the point.

"Not yet, why? What happened?" She quickly asks. There's a moment of silence and she could hear Stark sigh. She knows it's something bad cause his voice had also cracked right away. "What happened? I will not ask again."

"Peter has gone missing" he quickly informs her.

Her mouth hangs a little open in shock. Fiery shows in her eyes. But not just fiery, she's super worried and wants to get the son of a bitch that had kidnapped her little baby spider.

She's only met him once, not including the fight before she had left to go on the run. Tony insisted he had to give her some sort of protection which was a tracker. Though it didn't work out cause she had to get rid of her suit and dump her phone in the ocean. Yelena actually slipped money in her vest and it was actually a ton of money. It was enough for her to buy a phone to contact Tony and others but also enough to help her get away or in her case, rescue her friends. Of course she had used it to buy food but that was mainly it.

Anyways, when she had met Peter she instantly had the urge to care about him. She didn't show it to anyone but she knew Peter could tell. It's not her fault though, everyone loves the kid once they meet him. She quickly recovers and without responding to Tony, she goes over to the dude at the cashier.

"I'm going to need the best gun you got and ammo" Nat demands.

"What the fuck? Where the hell are you? I want to kill the son of a bitch too but we don't-" Tony bombers.

"I'll meet you at your place in an hour" Nat tells Tony right before she gets handed the gun and hangs up the phone.


Natasha had hung up on Tony and he's in shock. He didn't expect her to demand a gun at where ever she is cause the kid is missing.

But then it all clicks. Natasha Romanoff the Black Widow, cares about Peter Parker.

Tony feels a small smile form. Nat never cares about anyone except Clint, her sister and whoever else she cares about. Tony wouldn't have ever figured out a fifteen year old kid broke down Black Widows barriers so quickly cause even himself doesn't know all about her.


May had arrived at the tower and her, Tony and Pepper are in the kitchen. As soon as Pepper saw the news, she drove quickly to the tower and Tony told her what he knows but he didn't tell her who he called. He didn't even tell May who he called. He was debating on calling Happy when he finally did and now he had joined them as well. He was even going to call Rhodey when he remembered he's busy with the military so he sent a text. Rhodey responded after ten minutes and said he'd try to hurry up the mission but Tony told him he's got it. If Rhodey believed him or not, he never said.

In reality, he doesn't got it. He's a mess whether he admits it or not. So far, he has collected himself but after his call with Natasha, he broke down. He even yelled for no reason at all and to nobody directly. Dum-E even rolled in action and beeped at him but he just yelled to go away. He apologized once he had calm down and collected himself before going upstairs to meet everyone.

May had already broke down. She had tried to collect herself but loose tears would magically escape her eyes. Happy looks the same miserable self but there is sadness for the boy. Pepper looks the most collected out of everyone. Tony doesn't believe the act and feels like she had to reapply her makeup.


The private elevator had dinged and everyone turns around from the kitchen counter either standing or on their spiny stools.

The doors open to reveal Natasha Romanoff.

"I like the new style" Pepper greets her as she walks over to where everyone is at.

"Thanks. I just got a new gun and ammo for this" she smirks.

"Yea I was on the phone with you. Thought you were planning on killing me for a moment" Tony states.

"Well even toilet paper can be used to kill if you get my drift. Hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff but you can call me Nat. You must be Peters aunt, am I right?" She greets herself to May.

"Yes I am, thank you for helping out. I know how much of a risk this may be" May thanks her.

"It's no problem, don't worry about it" Nat brushes it off.

"Where have you been?" Happy wonders.

"I met up with my family and we took down the Red Room cause Clint and I obviously didn't fully destroy it" she answers.

"I'm sorry" Happy apologizes.

"So do you guys know who took him?" Nat brings up the reason as to why she's there.

"Not a clue" Tony sighs.

"Can I see the news video of him? I didn't have time to look at it" Nat asks.

"Yes, Friday?" Pepper asks the AI.

In a quick blink of an eye, the small tv in the kitchen turns on and plays the video of what happened leading to Peters kidnapping. It only lasts a few seconds before the video ends and the news people start talking about it but by then, the tv gets switched off.

"He looked like he heard someone. They were hidden well to throw those bombs and from the public, they knew what they were doing..." Nat trials off, thinking.

"I've checked the security cameras but they all glitched out before working again but by then, it shows nothing of Peter. No one had spotted a thing, not even the cameras" Tony claims.

"I think we need the whole team" Nat suggests.

"I have no clue where Vision went, he went offline. Banner and Thor have been off world somewhere. Rhodey is on a military mission thing but he's going to try and get back as fast as he can. T'Challa wants to help but there are too many things going on in Wakanda right now. I haven't called Fury though, maybe I should. Him and the rest of Shield which is Maria and Coulsons team, will help us" Tony explains.

"I meant the rogues" Nat corrects.

"Are you being serious right now? Is she being serious?!" Tony spats in disbelief.

"When have I never been serious? You two need to stop acting like babies and come back to work together" Nat demands.

"He made his choice" Tony states.

"So did I, so did you, so did everyone but we all made the wrong choice. We should've handled it like adults. We should've handled it way better than we did but we didn't. They aren't dangerous as what everyone is making them seem, they were doing what they thought was right but in reality, none of that is right. The Avengers shouldn't be controlled yes, but we didn't all have to fight about it" Nat exclaims.

"We are not getting his help. We want to save the kid, not do anymore harm" Tony declares.

"You are unbelievable, they could help and you know that" Nat protests.

"No I don't know that! Cap dropped a terminal on the kid, giant dude smacked him onto the ground, Wilson got his drone and flew him out the window, Barnes used his metal arm, so no I don't!" Tony argues.

"They did that because we were all in a literal fight. They didn't know whose under the mask, they didn't know he's only a teenager. You put him in that fight Tony. You knew they would fight back and you put him in that fight. They could help. We don't know who took him, how many people, if it's an organization, hell if it's Hydra, we don't know a thing!" Nat reasons.

Tony takes a deep breath in and out.

"We aren't calling them or anything. Plus, everyone besides Roger and Barnes are in the raft. How the hell would we even get them out? Secondly, I don't need the kid hurt more than he probably is" Tony speaks back up.

"Fine call Fury. Don't tell me once you realize I'm right. I'll help you but you really need to stop being so stubborn" Nat tells him.

"I will call the pirate" Tony nods before walking towards the elevator.

Once he was out of sight and heading down to the lab, the remaining adults were left in silence when Pepper was about to speak up.

"Don't apologize Pepper, you know how he is" Nat interrupts.

"Did that all really happen in Germany?" May asks hesitantly.

Everyone turns her way, forgetting May didn't know much about Germany. The public only said the airport was destroyed and Peter didn't bring it up and she didn't want to pressure him with that.

"It did, yes" Happy nods his head.

"Well I still think if you know that they could help us, that would be very helpful but like Tony said, they can't if they're locked up" May says.

"I was planning on getting them out. Take down their systems and get them out. Tony will come to his senses soon hopefully and if not, we have to rely on ourselves, Fury and his team" Nat sums it up.

"But do you think having Steve and his team here is the best option? I mean I completely agree with you Nat but you know how Tony is. We don't want another fight to break out when we should be focusing on finding Peter" Pepper worries.

"And you're right about that. I just don't get why they can't act like adults and settle it as grown men instead of children. Instead of worrying about that, let's find Peter" Nat settles.


Tony walks up to his desk in his lab but doesn't bother to sit down. He orders Friday to call Fury and lets the phone dial until the pirate finally picks up.

"Did you see the news?" Tony asks as soon as the phone stops dialing.

"Yes I've seen the news. We already looked into footages but it was all glitched and taken down so we couldn't find him anywhere. What about you?" Fury wonders.

"Nothing either. Nat's here, we want you to help and rescue spidey. You, Maria and whoever else you got there" Tony states.

"And we will help you. We can't have heroes going missing and letting villains get their powers or something terrible. Spider-Man is a strong hero and it looks like he doesn't even know his own potential. If villains somehow obtains his powers, it'll be a hard fight for sure" Fury explains.

"Yea, he's a strong one alright" Tony agrees.

"Keep me updated and I'll do the same. When one of us finds him, we'll come to the tower and we'll go and get him together" Fury settles.

"Deal" Tony accepts.

"Good luck in finding your spideyson Stark" Fury replies and before Tony could say anything, Fury hangs up.

Tony stands there a bit shock. How does the pirate of all people know he sees Spider-Man as a son when Fury doesn't even know the kids identity? Before he can go any further in depth, his mind goes back to thinking on how to find Peter.

In an instant, he pulls up several holograms, radios, news, etc. that will say something of a Spider-Man sighting. He pulls up security footages to see if there is a minor error in the glitches that he can get past to see who took his kid and where they might've went.

He's going to try everything and anything to find his kid.

No, no, no. Back track that, Mays kid but secretly Tony thinks of him as his kid too.


"I've tried all security footages of him but they all come out glitchy and when they reappear, there are no sightings of Peter" Ned informs Mj, showing her his computer screen.

Ned had called Mj and invited her over since no ones home at his house at the moment. He also wants to desperately find his best friend as Mj does too. May had called them both but haven't called either since. 

"This is so unfair. Why would a villain just take him?!" Mj shouts, getting fed up.

"Because he has powers, he's Spider-Man, he knows the Avengers, etc" Ned lists.

"I know but it's so unfair" Mj mumbles, tears stinging at her eyes.

"We'll get him back or you know, the Avengers will but he'll come back" Ned assures.

"The Avengers broke up" Mj reminds him.

"Ok and he still has the remainders to get him back. You know Tony wouldn't let some villain take Peter and get away with it" Ned claims.

"You're right, you're right" Mj repeats, nodding her head. "Did you find anything so far?"

"Not yet but we will. Peter's smart enough that he had to leave tracks...right?" Ned questions.

"He was knocked out. I don't think an unconscious person could leave behind tracks" Mj denies.

"Right" Ned responds, typing away on his computer to try and find anything that will help them get Peter back.


"Just got information from Laura" Nat announces, containing all three adults attentions.

Tony has been locked up in his lab to find something that could lead them to Peter while Happy, Pepper, May and Nat have been trying to find Peter through Friday and holograms upstairs.

"What did Laura text you?" Happy wonders.

"Clint and Scott are going to be under house arrest in about two weeks. If Peter is still gone, they could help us search at their own houses with their computers and things. I know Scott knows some people so if Scott mentions this to them, they'd most likely be able to help. I'm not so sure about Sam and Wanda though but I think they're gonna be released as well. Sam in two weeks and Wanda a bit longer. Knowing Steve, he's going to get them and help them hide cause Wanda will have more security than an ankle bracelet and Sam being friends with Steve. If I can find them, they could help but knowing Tony, it'd be difficult" Nat explains.

"That's great news but why all of the sudden the government is willing to let them go?" May asks.

"Their time in the raft is limited and the Accords seems to be failing right now. Fury said he'd help get rid of them so I'm guessing that's his doing cause I don't think Tony has been too worried with the Accords right now" Nat informs them.

"The more help the merrier. We could keep this on the down low from Tony for now" Pepper agrees. "Has anyone found anything?"

"Not yet. I just talked with Ned and Mj but they haven't found anything either" May deflates.

"Whose Ned and Mj?" Nat wonders.

"His best friend and girlfriend. Ned knows how to hack into things so he's been doing that probably since I asked him if Peter was with him" May claims.

"Well I'm glad they're helping" Nat responds, giving May a small smile.

"Do we know who else that could help us?" Happy brings up.

"I have a sister but she's busy helping Widows be free of mind controlled. I'll give her a call though" Nat answers, already walking away from everyone to call her sister.

It's nice to Nat that they have found each other again, reunited after years. Through ups and downs, they're still sisters and found ways to settle things.

She enters the bathroom that's in the hallway of the comms and elevator. She has her phone out, already dialing Yelenas number. She waits a moment before clicking call and putting the phone to her ear.





"I'm sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Feel free to leave a message and I'll think about listening to it" Yelenas voice fills through the phone.

"Yelena" Nat greets.

"Aww you hadn't been an idiot to fall for it Natasha" Yelena pouts.

"Have you seen the news?" Nat ignores her.

"About Spider-Man getting taken? Yes, I have. You want your little sister to help you find him?" Yelena already knows.

"Looks like you already know" Nat smirks.

"Well I have some free time" Yelena states.

"I already know that's a lie. How's helping the Widows?" Nat wonders.

"It's been a rough start but so far good overall. I've got some people helping me out so that's always good. You know Natasha, we should get some macaroni and hot sauce some time. I had it the other night, it was crazy" Yelena chuckles.

"How about you come to Stark tower tomorrow in Manhattan, New York City? It's already getting late so tomorrow sounds fine" Nat invites.

"Alrighty then, cya soon Natasha" Yelena agrees.

"Bye and thank you Yelena" Nat thanks before hanging up.


Nat had left the comms and went into the bathroom, down the hall. The three adults remaining, turned and looked at each other.

"I didn't know she had a sister" Pepper points out.

"Neither did I" Happy claims.

"She's a woman filled with mysteries from what I've heard" May states.

"That is true" Pepper hums in agreement.

They turn back to their work, looking through everything when Nat finally comes back.

"She'll be coming tomorrow" Nat announces.

"Thank you Nat, it means a lot" May thanks her.

"Like I've said, it's no problem" Nat brushes her off.


Peter started to hear a light dripping noise.

He feels light headed.

He feels cold.

He tries to open his eyes but it feels like bricks.

But that's when he heard a voice.

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water sprout" a low voice hisses through the other noises that are surrounding.

Peter feels his eyes open wide. He quickly sits up but doesn't see anybody besides a dim room and a cell blocking him from the rest of the room.

"Down came the goblin and washed the spider out!" The voice laughs.

Peter backs himself up against the wall in his cell.

He feels his body panicking.

His spidey senses are on full alert.

Warning him about danger.

The voice continues to laugh.

It seems like it's echoing throughout the walls of the room.

That's when he sees someone step out of a dark corner.

In a green suit with a creepy mask.

He tries to talk but feels like he can't.

The figure just watches him, laughing about Peters misery and confusion.

In Peters mind, the figure looks like an elf but this elf is an evil elf. Not an elf that would help Santa make toys but an elf that wants to destroy.

Kind of like the Grinch yet the Grinch turned good. Maybe Krampus even though he isn't green, he sure is evil.

But that figure had called himself a goblin.

But why did this creature kidnap Peter?

So many thoughts are spiraling through Peters head but one thing he knows for sure is he's scared, he's alone, he doesn't know where he is but he remembers what had happened that brought him here.

He feels frozen.

But that's when he realizes his mask is off.

His suit is on but his mask is gone.

"Wh-where's my mask?" He stammers.

"Is that all you care about Peter Parker?" The goblin snickers.

"What do you want with me? Who are you?!" Peter shouts but the goblin continues to laugh.

"This is why only fools are heroes because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice" the goblin smirks under his own mask.

"What do you want?" Peter repeats.

"My fantasies are much darker than you think!" He continues to laugh. "You have something I want so I must take it from you but first! I need to conduct some tests so I know what to prepare for."

"What are you talking about you evil elf?" Peter questions, wanting to know answers.

"You'll find out very soon and I'm not an elf! I'm the Green Goblin you dumb fool!" The goblin shuts down.

"You're a myth" Peter spats.

"Am I dear boy? If you think I'm a myth you should look again, I'm very much real. We are who we choose to be, these powers are our gifts, not our curses" the goblin corrects.

Peter feels himself getting smaller if it was already possible. The goblin stares at him through the cell and the dimmed lights. Peter doesn't even need to see the face under the mask to know that the stare is filled with hatred, madness, insanity and the realness of this all.


So sorry for late update!

Upcoming chapters will include some type torture. Will be ⚠️TW⚠️ at the beginning of some chapters. There will be mentions of guns, knifes, blood, shock collar, needles, bad stuff happening in the illusions, death, bloody wounds, panic attack, waterboarding, and curse words. Nothing will be too in depth but we're still gonna warn you all. But I believe there will be at least 1 curse word every chapter may be more.

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