The Lost Princess - A Once Up...

By itsjennamariee

91.1K 2.7K 240

Rapunzel wasn't written into the wonderful world of Storybrooke...that is until now. But like the others, her... More

The Beginning // Enchanted Forest - Part One
Emma's Arrival // Storybrooke
The Tower // Enchanted Forest
John Doe // Storybrooke
Meeting Snow White // Enchanted Forest
Missing // Storybrooke
Magic // Enchanted Forest
Innocence // Storybrooke
Escape // Enchanted Forest
The Curse // Enchanted Forest
Broken // Storybrooke
The Search Begins // Storybrooke
Red Room // Storybrooke
The Teacher // Enchanted Forest
The Family She Didn't Want // Storybrooke
Baelfire // An Enchanted Island
Saving the Town // Storybrooke
A Whole New World // Neverland
Queen // Neverland
Soulmates // Neverland
The Race to Henry // Neverland
The Captain and the Queen // Neverland
Secrets Shared // Neverland
First Love // Neverland
Revealed // Neverland
Henry's Heart // Neverland
And In The End... // Neverland
A New Evil // Storybrooke
Princess // Enchanted Forest
The Plan // Storybrooke
The Tower (Part Two) // Enchanted Forest
Rescue Mission // Enchanted Forest
The Wand // Storybrooke
I See The Light // Enchanted Forest
True Love? // Storybrooke
A Sleepless Night // Enchanted Forest
Broken Families // Storybrooke
Restored // Storybrooke
Goodbyes // Storybrooke
Six Weeks Later // Storybrooke
Forsythia (Part One) // Enchanted Forest
On Edge // Storybrooke
Evil Returns // Storybrooke
Best Laid Plans // Storybrooke
Intentions // Storybrooke
Emotionless // Storybrooke
Move // Storybrooke
Heroes and Villains (Part One) // Enchanted Forest
Heroes and Villains (Part Two) // Enchanted Forest
Darkness Coming // Storybrooke
A New Savior // Storybrooke
Magic Renewed // Camelot
Darkness Lurking // Storybrooke
Who To Trust // Camelot
A Conversation with the Darkness // Storybrooke
Freeing Merlin // Camelot
Reborn // Storybrooke
The Price // Storybrooke
Old Wounds // The Underworld
Unfinished Business // The Underworld
Love is Weakness // The Underworld
Friendship // Neverland
Trust // The Underworld
Shift // The Underworld
Let The Games Begin // The Underworld
Forgiveness // The Underworld
Rider vs. Pan (Part One) // The Underworld
Rider vs. Pan (Part Two) // The Underworld
The Only Escape // The Underworld
Last Rites // Storybrooke
Time Stops // Storybrooke
Fear Evolves // The Land of Untold Stories
The Fiddler // The Land of Untold Stories
Pasts Collide // The Land of Untold Stories

Never Ending // Storybrooke

615 26 4
By itsjennamariee

Emma, her parents and Henry visited Neal's grave to give Henry a chance to say goodbye to his father. Kyla decided to stay behind, allowing the family to grieve their loss, though both she and Hook were also close with Bae. She, Hook and Rider were sat at Granny's, thankful to have the curse broken, but still worried about Zelena and finally grieving Bae's death theirselves. 

"How are you doing with it all?" Hook asked her. He was sitting across from Rider and Kyla in the booth. 

"There's still too much happening to take it all in. How about you? You and Bae were close," she said. Hook shrugged. 

"Aye, we were. Though, I don't think he ever forgave me for leaving him in Neverland and then trying to kill his father."

Kyla laughed. 

"Wait, kill his father?" Rider asked, trying to catch up. 

"The Dark One," Hook answered dryly. 

"Yeah, you've missed the whole thing with Hook and his hunger for revenge. It's how he met all of these wonderful people," she explained. 

"But you two knew each other from...before all of this?" He asked. 

"Back some...50 years ago?" She said, shocked at how much time had passed. Then she looked to Hook, whose gaze wasn't set on anything. He was deep in thought. She could feel how distressed he was. 

Kyla shared a look with Rider, trying to mentally tell him to give them a minute. He understood almost immediately. 

"I'm going to go get a refill. You need anything?" He asked. Kyla shook her head. Hook didn't move. He kissed Kyla on the cheek and slid out of the booth, walking up to the bar. She turned and looked at Hook, hard. 

"What's up?" She asked.

"Just trying to enjoy the festivities, love," he answered, raising his glass with just a drop of rum in it. 

"Try again," she said sternly.

Hook sighed. "I'm afraid a secret I've kept has hurt your family."

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

Without hesitation, he told her the truth. "The reason Henry and I were at the docks was because I was trying to get him back to New York."

"Why?" She asked, afraid she was being let out of the plans once again.

"Zelena," he sneered. "She...this is humiliating, she poisoned me in order to take Emma's magic away. My lips, actually."

"She wanted you to kiss Emma?" She asked.

"You're telling me you had no idea?" He asked.

"No, of course I've known. I've known since Neverland. You two are about as subtle as my sister and her husband," she teased.

"Well, whatever Emma felt for me I'm sure is gone now," he sad, sadly.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Did she threaten Henry? Is that why you were at the docks?"


Kyla shrugged. "You were doing your best to save Henry. Been there, done that. Give her some time to work through her pride, I'm sure she'll get over it."

"She is a hard woman, isn't she?" He chuckled. 

"That she is. But hey, she definitely won't want to kiss you now," she said, winking at him. 

"That's not helpful whatsoever," he sneered. 

"Yeah, but it's funny. Listen, this will all be over soon. Once Emma's back, we can come up with a way to get Rumple back and then put a stop to Zelena. He's the only thing standing in our way of defeating her. Then, you and Emma can have a grown up conversation about your feelings and we can all get back to normal." 

"I suppose you're right," Hook said, straightening himself from his slumped position. 

"Why did you keep it a secret?" She asked. "I mean, you could've at least told me." 

"Would you have kept it a secret from your family?" He asked. 

"If you had asked me to, yeah. Snow and I are finally close, but you and I go further back. You've helped me more than you know."

"I feel the same way," he said. 

"So, no more secrets. Friends don't keep secrets." 

"You're really pushing this whole family and friends thing aren't you?" He asked with a chuckle. 

She looked back at Rider, who was now talking with some of the dwarves at the bar counter. "It's easier with him."

"He makes you kinder," he said, she could feel his teasing coming. 

"No," she said. "But, he makes me see that things aren't so bleak all the time. Kind of like what Emma does for you." 

"Except, yours still wants you around." 

Kyla rolled her eyes. "Don't be a child," she said. "Emma will come around." 

Hook took the last sip from his glass. "I'm glad you've found someone that makes you happy. Out of everyone here, you deserve it." 

Kyla was taken back by his sudden kindness. It was genuine. "Thanks, Hook," was all she could say. 

"Are you sure you're doing alright?" He asked, seeming to want to interrogate her. 

"Why are you asking?" She asked. 

"I know you haven't been sleeping," he said. 

Kyla raised an eyebrow. "How could you possibly know that?" 

"Please," he said, sitting back, the cockiness back completely. "I know Rapunzel better than anyone." 

She rolled her eyes. "How sad is that," she muttered. 

"If you need to talk-"

"Thanks," she said, "but really, I'm fine. Once this is all over, I'll be fine." 

Hook stared at her. He didn't believe her. He'd seen this side of her before, the anxious side...the helpless side. 

"You know you're just as powerful without your magic as you are with it, right?" He asked. She shrugged.

Her phone began to ring, which made her jump slightly. She looked down to see David's name appear on the screen. 

"What's up?" She said as she answered it. 

He was breathless and a bit panicked, but she made out what he was trying to explain. 

Mary Margaret was in labor. 

Kyla's eyes went wide as she looked to Hook. 

"What?" He asked. 

"We'll be right there," she said into the phone, hanging up immediately. "We've got to go." 

Rider was walking over to them just then, a drink in his hand. 

"Everything okay?" He asked. 

"My sister's in labor," she said. 

They froze, knowing what that would mean:

Zelena was going after her. 

The three got to the hospital just as Emma and Regina were casting a protection spell around Snow's hospital room. Hook froze, seeing Emma for the first time since his secret was revealed. Kyla touched his back as a sign of support, then walked past them to go to her sister. She opened the door, seeing Snow lying on the hospital bed with David pacing around the room. Rider decided to stay outside of the room for privacy. 

"Hey," Kyla said, running to her bed. "How are you feeling?"

"You really have to ask?" Snow tried to joke, but her words were strained. 

"It's going to be okay," Kyla said. 

"Is it?" She asked, the panic plaguing her voice. David came over and grabbed her hand. 

"Our baby is going to be fine. It's never going to leave your arms," he promised. 

"That's what we thought last time," Snow said. David and Kyla shared a look. 

"I know, but this time..." David trailed off, looking behind him and looking at both Regina and Emma, "...we have someone else on our side."

"Two, actually," Kyla said. 

Snow looked at Kyla, shocked that she was trying to be a voice of hope in that moment, but she knew it's what Snow needed. 

"We're going to protect you," David said. 

"First, we have to figure out where Rumple is," Kyla said. She motioned for Rider to come into the room. 

"Is it okay?" He asked. David nodded. 

"Kyla," David said, grabbing her arm, "I know your powers have been in and out since we've been back, but you and Rumple are connected whether you like it or not. If anyone is going to be able to find him, it's you."

Kyla stared at David for a moment, then looked to Rider. 

"Are you okay with this?" 

Rider chuckled. "Let's save your family." 

Kyla turned back to David. "Give me the wand," she said. 

"That's not a good idea." 

Kyla lowered her voice. "If Zelena ends up coming here and finds you have the wand, we've lost."

"And if she discovers you with the wand, we've lost," David reminded her. 

"She won't," she said. 

"How can you be so sure?" He asked. 

"Because I know Emma is going to find her, and you're wanting to send Hook with her, which is a marvelous idea, might I add, so Zelena is going to be too focused on her. She knows she's the key," Kyla explained. 

"Other than the baby," Rider added. 

"How did you..."

"You think I haven't tapped back into my powers since our memories came back?" She asked.

"Got it," David conceded, reaching into his pocket and handing her the wand. 

"Thank you," she said, turning to leave the room, but David grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 

"Just..." he said, pausing for a moment, "be careful."

She looked up at him, then nodded. "You, too."

She grabbed Rider's hand and they left the room, walking right passed Emma. David was walking out of the room to make the suggestion that Hook should help Emma, which Kyla heard her fading voice argue against. 

"What's the plan?" Rider asked upon leaving the hospital. 

"We have to get to the stables," she said. 

"Stables?" He asked. 

"Where I live," she answered. "It's the only place I can think clearly." 

It was in this moment that she wished she had brought her truck with her. She wondered why they decided to walk everywhere, it wasn't a faster option. More heroic feeling, she guessed. 

They reached the open field of the stables, and she finally let go of his hand, walking right toward the center. 

Rider took the silent cue, and kept his distance, watching her as she knelt down and closed her eyes. 

With a few deep breaths, she concentrated on heartbeats first. She knew a few by heart, her sister's, David's, Rumple's...even Pan's she knew all too well. 

After hearing a few different ones, she locked in. Rumple's heart. It was an abnormally fast-paced heartbeat. Under Zelena's control, it was no different. Once she was able to recognize it, she listened closer. At once point, she was able to hear a single word from Rumple's mind, Henry's name. Her hope was if she concentrated hard enough, she'd be able to hear him again. Better yet, he'd be able to sense her. 

He was, after all, the closest thing she had to a father. 

With more concentration, she could hear the sound of waves, rushing wind and the Wicked Witch's distant cackle. Nothing more. 

She sucked in a deep breath, feeling the panic of whoever was with them in the moment,  then exhaled the breath, finally hearing the squeak of a word. 


He knew! He could feel her too. 

Another breath. In. Out. 

She then heard footsteps. It sounded like the crunching of leaves. The air started to feel damper, as if she was in a cloud covering. 


The Farm? They knew they were there. She closed her eyes tighter. She could feel them moving, but her head was starting to hurt. She wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer. 


Her eyes popped open. 

They were too late. 

Rider ran over to her, seeing her eyes open. He tried to help her up, but she stumbled from the dizziness. 

"Zelena has the baby," she said, then her phone rang. "David," she said, answering it. 

"Zelena has the baby," he said. 

"I know. They're still at the farm, in a shed, I think," she said, better honed in on their location. 

'You're sure," he said, not so much questioning her as stating it. 

"I am. What did Emma find out?" She asked. While they were talking, Rider and Kyla were already making their way to the farmhouse. 

"She lost her magic," he said, flatly. Kyla stopped in her tracks.

"We lost," she breathed. "You're telling me this was all for nothing!" 

"We might have another way," he reassured her, "but we won't know without you and Rider. Meet us there." 

"Already on the way," she said, hanging on, taking Rider's hand and running. 

They approached the farmhouse at the same time as the others, Robin Hood and Henry along for the ride. 

"What's the plan?" Kyla asked. They all looked back at Regina. "Seriously?" She said, frustrated. 

"My mom used light magic to help get memories back!" Henry pointed out. 

Kyla looked at him. "Okay, okay that's fair," she said, then directing her attention to Regina. "We'll worry about the dagger," she said. 

"You believe in me?" Regina asked. 

"I kind of have no choice, right?" Kyla said with a shrug as they all entered the shed. 

The plan was simple. Robin Hood was to retrieve Regina's heart. David was to retrieve the baby. Emma and Hook were to distract Rumple while Kyla and Rider retrieved the dagger. And Regina, she was the distraction for Zelena until it was time to take her down. 

Rumple and Kyla locked eyes with each other. For just a second, hope filled his eyes, but it was taken away as Rumple swiped his hand through the air to send Kyla back flying. 

"Get the dagger, and the Dark One will be on your side," Rumple instructed. 

"That's what we're trying to do!" Kyla yelled from behind them. Rider began to run over to her, but she hopped back up, running to him instead and handing him the wand. "It's all you," she said. 

"What am I supposed to do?" Rider asked. 

Kyla stared at the wand, then at him. "Believe." 

Suddenly, the room became infested with flying monkeys. Another distraction from the real problem. 

Zelena was giving somewhat of a manifesto as she held Regina in the air, choking her. While Zelena was distracted, Robin Hook snuck behind her grabbing Regina's heart. 

Then, Kyla noticed Rider's wand begin to spark light. He was subtle with it, though, not to draw too much attention. Her eyes went wide as the dagger was thrust from Zelena's hand into Rider's. Then, Rider and Regina made eye contact, both nodding at each other. 

"What are you doing?" Zelena asked, panic in her voice. 

"Changing," Regina said. She put her hands out, one hand generating light magic from the wand, the other producing it with her own might. As the two combined, Regina knocked Zelena back, releasing her from her hold. She walked over to her, and ripped Zelena's amulet right from her neck. Immediately, the flying monkeys changed back into the Storybrook residents they had once been. 

Kyla ran over to Rider, taking the dagger from him and hugging him tightly. 

"You did it," she said. 

He was breathless and unable to speak. 

David immediately ran over to the baby, picking him up in his arms. 

"David, the baby, is he okay?" Emma asked. 

David smiled, looking at his son. "Yeah, he can handle anything."

Kyla exhaled, finally releasing the tension she had been holding this whole time. 

As they all made their way to the opening of the shed, Regina spoke down to Zelena. 

"You failed," she said, as the amulet lost its last bit of light. "You're not going anywhere." 

"I beg to differ," Rumple's voice came from the darkness. He walked slowly over to Zelena, who was powerless on the ground. He used his magic to slide her closer to him. "I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done to me."

Regina looked at Kyla, who looked down, noticing the dagger in her hand.

"What are you waiting for?" Zelena cried. "Just do it!" 

"With pleasure," Rumple sneered. 

"No!" Kyla yelled, holding the dagger up. Rumple's hand flew to the air; he was unable to control it. "Enough." 

"This ends now," Regina said, closing the gap between them. Robin Hood followed closely behind her. 

"After everything this witch has done, you're going to protect her?" Rumple asked them. 

"Good magic stopped her," Kyla reminded him. 

"It doesn't exact vengeance," Regina added. 

"She killed my son!" Rumple said through a strained voice. Kyla put the dagger down by her side at the mention of Bae. 

"How many lives have we taken trying to get what we want?" Regina asked him, and only him. 

"You can't be serious," Rumple said. 

Regina looked up at the heroes standing behind them, then back at Kyla, who nodded at her. 

"Heroes don't kill." 

Kyla felt herself smile. Regina was changed. She was family. 

And with that, the story of the Wicked Witch came to an end. Snow and David were finally able to celebrate the birth of their newborn son, Regina was allowed some time with Robin Hood, and a moment or two with her son, and Emma and Hook were coming back to terms with their feelings, though Kyla felt something short of strain from Emma's side. She was struggling with a decision. 

As for Kyla, she and Rider were finally able to breathe and spent the night walking, talking and truly getting to know one another. She was desperate to tell him of all her tales she'd encountered, but didn't want to dump it on him too soon. But she knew she could tell him anything. 

But, of course, the story is never truly over. 

Somehow, someway, Zelena escaped her cell from the sheriff's station. And a portal opened exactly where they had defeated her. 

Kyla could feel Rider questioning his placement with the heroes. 

Would these events ever end? 

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