The Cries of an Outlander Lass

By thunder-reader

37.3K 957 28

What if Claire was not the only one that when through the stones. What if her younger sister Isabella went wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note

Chapter 6

2K 60 3
By thunder-reader

"Claire," I question as Dougal wants to know why she has talked the way that she has.

"I'm trying to save your life."

Dougal's face changes from angry to questioning. I can tell Claire has come to care for these men as friends. Even with everything that has gone on, even with Angus. She nor I would never want to see them up on poles like the men we saw the other day. I splash some more water on my face to cool off. The sound of a horse stops them.

"Madam," a male voice enters our conversation, "A pleasure to see you again," it is the man from the village only this time he is wearing a British uniform and has nine other men with him, "Once again I ask. Are you alright?"

Oh crap. I notice that he is only addressing Claire at the moment. I was still kneeling down at the river when Claire and Dougal were speaking. I glance up and see that Dougal is pretty much blocking me, "Good to see you again officer."

"Lieutenant Jeremy Foster, of His Majesties Army," he then turns his gaze to Dougal, "and this time I intend to see to the lady's well-being."

Dougal moves to the higher ground to be on the same level as Foster. Doing this leaves me open to everyone's view, "The lady and lass are guests of the Clan MacKenzie and are non of your concern."

"And you are?"

"War Chief and brother of Colum MacKenzie, Laird of the MacKenzie Clan. Of the land on which ye stand."

They go around and around till it is decided that even though we are guests, Foster's commander would like to speak with us. At this point, I am noticed when I stood up with the help of Claire, "Thank you," I mutter to her. Jeremy Foster looks at me before putting it together that Claire and I are related.

"Wherever the lass and lady go, I go."

 He notices my arm is still in its sling, "Can you ride well?"

"Yes, thank you, Lieutenant," I answer. He helps me up the steep hill; however, when I slip he changes his tune.

"My Commander would not allow me to impose such a difficult ride on a hurt lady," he continues us towards the horses, "I must insist that you ride with someone."

"I mean no disrespect to your men," I whisper so only he can hear, "But I will only ride with either you or Mr. MacKenzie." 

I know he will not want me to ride with Dougal so that makes him my riding partner. He leads me over to his horse and gently helps me mount it. I give a small nod to Claire and Dougal so they know I am alright. One of the soldiers leads my horse as we start out. Foster and I lead the group at a slower pace than I know that they would normally travel at.  However, we finally make it and I can see that even though it is a Scottish village that Dougal will very much feel like an outsider. Foster helps me dismount before leading us towards a house. Dougal moves next to me  and lets Claire in front of him so that he has eyes on both of us. But once inside the bottom room of some type of Tavern or Inn Foster comes over to me. He places his arm behind me and guides me to and up some stairs. Claire and Dougal follow closely Foster opens a door and I let Claire enter first before I follow and hide behind Foster and he introduces us.

"Sir, may I introduce Mistress Claire Beauchamp and her sister Miss Isabella. This is-"

"Come in, come in, come in," an officer stands and quickly makes his way over to us, "An enjoyable surprise. A most enjoyable surprise," his eyes staying on my sister, "It has been far too long since I last gazed upon a lovely English rose," by this time he is right in front of Claire. She gives a small curtsy and he kisses her hand.

The commander continues talking with her, walking her to the table, about the venison that was on it. It was at this time that he noticed me in my hiding place behind Foster, "This is Miss Isabella, sister of Mistress Beauchamp," Foster reintroduces me stepping to one side so that everyone can see me.

"My poor dear, someone get the lady a chair she is hurt," the commander orders. One is placed next to Claire. However, when he moves to guide me I sidestep to put myself behind Foster. Making it clear that I did not trust him, "Lieutenant help the lady," the commander doesn't miss a beat and continues on, "Two English roses in one day. Hope the travel did not trouble you, Miss Isabella?"

"No, sir. Lieutenant Foster took great care in our journey due to my injury."

"Pray tell, how did you become injured," he asks staring straight at Dougal. It was understood that my next words could either damn Dougal and the other men, or let them live.

I could feel all the eyes of the room on me, "I was thrown from my horse when it was spooked. Mr. MacKenzie has taken great pains to make sure that it does not happen again."

Satisfied with my answer he turns to Foster and Dougal, "Now then, you were doing to introduce me to this fine gentleman."

"May I present Dougal MacKenzie. War Chief and brother to Laird MacKenzie," Foster starts, "Sir you have the honor of meeting Brigadier General Sir Oliver Lord Thomas. Knight of the bath and Commanding Officer of the Northern British Army."

That is a long title. I stay quiet most of the time even when Lord Thomas asked what was under Dougal's kelt. That almost started WW 3. Dougal at that point has had enough of our hosts and leaves us to go downstairs. We settle into the meal that was before us. After a bit I grew tired of the officers around me. They would say things about the Scots and would flatter Claire needlessly.  Needing some space I turn to my sister whispering, "J'ai besoin d'air. Je ne devrai pas être longue" (I need some air. I won't have to be long.)

"Miss Isabella, I did not know you could speak French," an officer at the table stated. This quiets the table as everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Je parle anglais, français et un peu d'allemand." (I speak English, French, and a bit of German.)

"Really," General Thomas sits up in his seat, "How did you come about to learn German?"

I look to Claire as if asking permission. She gives a small nod, "My sister is a widow. When her husband was alive one of his friends would come to house and the men would entertain themselves. One day I was in a parlor and they caught me trying to teach myself German. So my brother-in-law's friend began to teach me the little that he knew," using this attention to my advantage, "Ich brauche etwas Luft. Wenn Sie mich entschuldigen würden." (I need some air. If you would excuse me.)

"Of course," General Thomas agrees, "Lieutenant Foster, please escort the lady"

Hello, my wonderful readers please feel free to leave comments and/ or ideas that you might want to see happen in the story. If used I will include the username that I got the idea from. No offensive language, please. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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