Love At First Bite)(bottom Dr...

By banshee-screams

64.4K 1.9K 211

What if Draco sneeked out of the Slytherin dorm room for some peace and quiet in the woods and some time to j... More

#1 unaware
#2 unknown pirson
#3 Bite~
#4 Mate?
#5 Bloody hell
#6 Dracrys
#7 owhooo
#8 short
#9 🦊running with a fox🦊
#11 not falling for your tricks!
#12 not falling for your tricks p.t 2
#13 What am I?...
#14 Nightmare
#15 He is mine!
#16 HE'S MINE!. 2
#18 What...
#19 Yes!
✨#20✨ It's a...
#21 Oh my mirlan!
#22 Sheard scream
#23 Muggle house

#17 ...

1.5K 51 6
By banshee-screams


Before I even knew what was happening I was being pinned down on my bed with a lustful never mind NAKED! Harry on top of me his eyes wire glowing a really dark red colour I knew there was no way in mirlan's name I would get out of this situation tonight.

Harry pulled off my shirt and throw it to the other side of the room he started kissing my neck and grinding against me making me wimper in sipris I have never done this before so yes to say I am a virgin and sceard to say how this will turn out Harry pinned both my hands above my head as he kissed his way down my neck "Aah~ Ha-rry w-wait~" I sed trying to tell him that I'm a virgin
"Don't worry love~...I'll be gentle with you tonight~" Harry wisperd in my ear making me Siver I could feel him smirk as I closed my eyes


I woke up on top of Harry's chest his arms around my waist preventing me from getting up I looked at the time it was still urly but even if I could get up my butt hurts like hell I look at Harry's chest he had two red marks on his collar bone and a tattoo on his chest and some how I hade the same one on my cheek I layd back down onto his chest I buried my head in his neck and closed my eyes but before I could fall asleep a knock on the door got my attention and woke Harry up "Whom is it?" I yelled looking at the door "It's Harmiony your father wants to know if you'll come down to breakfast now" Harmiony yelled from the other side of the door "Tell him well be there in a minute" I yelled back at her she yelled a quick ok before walking away I looked back at Harry who had a smirk on his face oh how I Whould love to just smack that smirk right off of his stupidly hot face "Good morning butyful" Harry sed as I glerd at him suddenly Harry rolled offer taking me with him and now I find myself being pinned down again Harry kissed me then just layd with his head on my chest...
"Harry we have to get dressed and down to breakfast now" I sed and Harry just humed in response "please~" I sed making Harry look up at me "Fine but I'm still tired" Harry sed looking up at me with a poute on his face... HE THINKS HE'S TIRED!
I glerd at him witch made him laugh in response he kissed me then got up but before I could get up he picked me up "HARRY!" I shouted out in sipris but all Harry did was carried me to the shower...

Sorry guys it took so long for me to update I had some personal stuff to tack cear of and the next chapter might take a little longer than expected but I promise to Updated! AND MAKE THINGS VERY INTERESTING!

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