A Heroic Villain

By ChrisWolfblood

56K 2.9K 151

(PLACEHOLDER BOOK IMAGE) All her life changed in one choice that wasn't even her own. Darkness was suffocatin... More

-A villain is born-
-Complicated Life-
-League and Frappes-
-Grave and Sludge-
-Quirk test-
-Costume and Goal-
-Villain VS Heroes-
-New living quarter-
-Mountain zone part.1-
-Mountain zone part.2-
-A well deserve break-
-Last day off-
-Sports festival part.1-
-Sports festival part.2-
-Sports festival part.3-
-Sports festival: 1 vs 1-
-Sports festival: first fight-
-Sports festival: second fight-
-Sports festival: third fight-
-Sports festival: finals-
-Break day-
-Break cut short-
-Trust in those that failed you-
-Hero Names-
-Nomination Hell-
-Hero Killer: Stain-
-messed up hand club-
-The dreaded filler chapter?-
-Forced stop-
-Study Time-
-Test Exercises!!-
-The lodge-
-School trip 2nd day-
-Test of courage and betrayal-
-First of consequences-
-Re-homed again-
-Room Showcase-
-Special moves-
-Guilt and late night talks-
-Boom goes the firework-
-Exam Start!-
-Fight on-
-Rescue training-
-Exam finale-
-Late night secrets-
-Big Three-
-Failed demand to train together-
-Eight Bullets-
-Unfortunate Realization-
-'calm' before the true storm-
-Goodnight Sir-
-We are here-
-Deadly A/N you can still look at.... Pretty please?-
-Down time with training-
-Culture Festival-
-Musical Choices-

-Aizawa vs Yaoyorozu & Kinzoku-

694 43 1
By ChrisWolfblood

"Oy question." Kuroka said, jogging ahead of Momo as they were making their way through their assigned testing ground, trying to near the exit. "I know I told you to make stuff but why it that that you are making those things?"

"They're Russian dolls called 'Matryoshkas'. These were the first things I created and are the easiest for me."

"I see, well for the time being, if your quirk acts weirdly tell me right away."

"Just as expected of you Kuroka."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"Not only did you quickly think of the needed strategy against Aizawa-sensei but your ability to make decisions on the spot and them being the good ones."

"It's nothing abnormal for me."

"Oh... Just normal is it? Shoto also been a recommended student of U.A. made me think that we should have all rolled out with the same kick-off performance but concerning practical skills as heroes.... I'm the only one of the two who hasn't left behind any noteworthy results."

"You can't compare yourself to others Momo."

"Kuroka, in the cavalry battle, all I did was follow his lead and I was eliminated from the tournament when I was at my wit's end against you..."

"Momo I'm sor--your dolls, they are gone..."



"I'M SORR--" "If you're really sorry then fly into action straight away." Aizawa cut Momo off, hanging upside down between the girls.

Kuroka swung her hand backward, trying to catch the trapping weapon her teacher wore as a scarf but missed as he dropped in a crouch before she touched any part of it.

"In a situation like this, you should first prioritize evasion since the initiative's been taken from you."

"MOMO RUN!!" She yelled.

"Ah..." In the blink of an eye, Kuroka's arm was tied up and by it, she was yanked backwards. "So that's your plan? If that's so, then too convenient!"

She put her other arm down to not fall on her back as she was pulled and flipped over her arm, stepping on the scarf still tightly tied around her arm.

She pulled on it but it wouldn't break before her eye went wide.

"What the..."

"It might have steel alloy in it but without your quirk you can't do anything with it."

"Tsch." She spat, grabbing the scarf and ran at him, aiming a kick at his head but he blocked it with a length of scarf that was then wrapped around her leg.


She was hanging from telephone pole wires the next moment, her second arm tied to her other hand with her leg pulled back, making her body arch as her free leg hang.

"You!! I will get out of here the moment you stop using your quirk!" Kuroka promised!

"I was planning on capturing you in any case. You're always the one to attack.

"Capturing me? I can free myself easily!"

"I'd like to see you try Kinzoku, with your hands immobilized you quirk cannot manipulate the metal plus cloth and carbon fiber keeps the metal safe from your skin contact, as your teacher I know all your weaknesses and as a hero I work to counter them."

"That's nasty."

"This is different from when you fought the other hero killer. I'm a villain who knows about the quirks and quantity of heroes, and has prepared perfect counters against them. I am more then sure he would have been unable to teach you your quirk, impressive for self-taught use but I know the ins and outs of it. Your strategy's allotment of responsibility is quite lop-sided isn't it?"

"I know...." She groaned to herself.

"It's commendable that you gave so much consideration to the girl's thoughts but wouldn't it have been better to discuss things with her a little more furrow?


"How much longer until I reach the escape gate?!" Momo worriedly thought along with the other thought fusing through her head, all the doubt pilling up.

"Is there a shorter route I could take?"

"Is this the right thing to do?!"

"Is Kuroka okay?"

"Is this the right thing to do?"

"It'd sacrifice some precious time, but should I create an item for moving faster?"

"Is this the right thing to do?"

"Am I just going to run away like this?"

"Where am I.... Where am I running too?"

"Damn, this is no good why?!! Why can't I think of anything... It this all right?!!"

Her anxious thoughts were cut in half by the man she was trying to avoid at all cost.

"I've observed your loss of self-confidence since the sports festival." Aizawa said.

"Wha-- Then, then that means he already got Kuroka?!"

She felt her hand yanked backed as the end of the capture weapon wrapped around it.

"Ohh, I'm hitting a sore spot? So you wanna put me up with the trouble of a fight or have you already given up?"

"I have no chance against a teacher!!"


"Yeah, he taught me to survive and punish those undeserving of their title, false heroes, most of them are but I feel like my of 1-A could be good heroes, even you Momo, doesn't matter if you lost or won the fight, what matters is how you act when in face of danger... In the U.S.J. You stood and fought with all your strength, that's what matters, actions when someone needs yours help."


"Why you, always pushing me on, it almost makes me want to believe yo-- My quirk! It has not be erased?! Why?! Doesn't matter!! I am sorry Kuroka I can't listen to you!"

"Creation!" She created a tube around her arm to free it from the capture weapon, grabbing a pole and spun around it, running back towards her teammate and passed Aizawa.


"Dammit!!" Kuroka was hanging, unable to use her quirk on the metal so close to her.

She twisted her body and hooked her free leg around the wire but didn't snap it, glaring at the caltrops left behind by Aizawa, she'd be stabbed by them if she were to fall with her quirk still inactive so she used her new hold to pull herself up and loop her other leg around the wire too.

She winced as she bit in the inside of her cheek really hard, her arms were losing feeling but the rest of her body still felt pain normally.

Her head hung back as blood pooled in the roof of her mouth before it flowed out as she lifted her head, down her chin and neck.

"Come on." She bit herself again, concentrating.

She spat out more blood but through gritted teeth before opening her parting her lip with a small bloody razor sharp metal piece in between her teeth.

She pulled herself up and tried to cut the capture weapon with it, it left a small cut which made her try more.

"KUROKA!!" She looked to the side. "KUROKA?!!"

"MOMO?!* She said through closed teeth, unhooking her legs and hanging again like Aizawa left her.

"I'm so sorry, I.... I'm always so--" "Hurry up! Aizawa is coming!!"

She looked away from the teacher at a hesitating Momo.

"Momo!! You've got something up your sleeves right? You should have said it earlier! You need to stop thinking of your ideas as lesser because you think I or even Shoto is better then you, maybe in the physical strength we beat you but you've got the brains!! Use them!!"

"But even your plan fell flat.... So 'my' plans would jus--" "Just do it already!! I'm telling you you were more qualified then either of us!! Then anyone in this class!! You've got two votes for the class president election as I heard!! I talked with that brain dead Shoto!! He was one of your damned votes because he acknowledges your strength and the other was Kyoka (making this up ey) because of how brilliant your mind is! I would have vote for you too because you excel at this sorta thing!"

"Are you two done!" Aizawa asked.

"Kuroka, close your eyes!!" Momo said as everyone looked at the dolls she threw in the air but the villain listened, a bright flash of light came, still blinding even with her eyes closed.

She felt the capture weapon holding her loosen and she was let down.

"I do! I do have an ace-in-the-hole operation to prevail against Aizawa-sensei!"

Kuroka grinned.

"There it is, the Momo I love, so confident." She said, not really listening to her own words as she grabbed the metal blade from her mouth between her fingers. "Lets get this over with Momo!"



"So, an ace-in-the-hole operation?"

"Right! Actually I'd already thought of one from the start!"

"Then go for it!" But she shoved her backwards as Aizawa hit downward with his capture weapon.

She threw her hand out but the metal piece she held didn't go flying.

"He took my quirk again!"

"Kuroka come on, lets hide! Both of us! It looks as though sensei's eyes have become a little less steady."

"Must be from the wounds back at the U.S.J. right? You wanna use that in your plan?" Kurkoa asked, running next to Momo, glancing over her shoulder at their teacher running after them along a telephone line.

"No! For the moment we must escape from his line of sight! If only we have enough time then it'll be our victory!"

"Time, always time.... To escape his sight it seems impossible! We can't even use our quirks!"

"From now on just do as I say! Keep trying to confirm whether you can use your quirk!" (I just remembered a detail on Kuroka's costume, the metal spikes that would be stabbing in her thighs as she runs without her quirk active to bend them like cloth.... Lets just ignore that yeah? Good.)

"Wha-- Alright!" She grinned big.

And the moment Momo must have thought of came, she felt the metal piece press between her fingers like playdoo.

She did a half turn with her arms thrown out, all the metal parts of houses, the roads, cars, lamps, all bent together to put a blockade between them and their teacher.

"I reached as far as I could with my quirk, this was as much as I could do with as little time I got so do tell me the rest of the plan quick while we got ti-.." She cut herself off as her whole being turned white from shock (As it be done in anime) before turning away as Momo was recreating the capture weapon. "Aizawa's weapon?" Kuroka asked, cheeks red and not from the blood she spit out or the bruise forming from her bites.

"Yes tho because I'm not privy to its materials or manufacturing process, I can't create the exact same stuff. Instead, I've incorporated a certain 'other' material. This is my own spin on it. Seeing as we're in a residential area, we have to contain damage to the town as much as we can."

"My quirk is not well suited for that, I would need to touch the metal to reshape it to its original form."

"I know."

"Go on with your explanation please."

"Well that binding weapon he uses moves so swiftly it's hard to grasp, so here's what I am thinking." She leaned closer to whisper in her ear, not wanting to risk Aizawa somehow hearing her as she whispered. "And with that our chances of success should be higher than trying the run from sensei! This battle will be decided in a split second.... Is that okay?" Momo smiled a bit uncertain compared to her huge, slightly scary grin, on the other girl's face.

"That's perfect for me, no complaints whatsoever, I told you you had brains."


Aizawa jumped off a roof he was perched on, swinging his weapon at the clothed figures emerging from behind the metal protection.

"Cloth? Really? You're getting huge demerits for that."

But as the capture weapon pulled only a mannequin part was caught as Momo was near a small catapult with the new sort of weapon on it.

In her stress she missed the lever once but quickly slammed it down as he tried to escape.

As the other scarf unrolled, thrown in the air and around Aizawa, Momo took a slight breath of relief.

"Kuroka!! Now!!"

"You got it!" She barely grabbed a stray piece of the scarf and yanked slightly on the metal with her quirk.

"Against you sensei." Aizawa saw the whole length of the scarf start to rapidly coil even if Kuroka was again unable to use her quirk as he looked at her, the metal in the scarf was still wrapping up and tightening. "I was extremely uneasy... Relying on a quick attack for the finisher! My quirk needs me to know the molecular make up of what I create right? Well I made my own! A simple tug on this metal will cause a chain reaction in the structure of it breaking on a molecular level, causing it to coil up in  a tight ball without a quirk needed so Kuroka's was used only to accelerate the process and a distraction!"

"Well if that wasn't something else."

 Aizawa fell out of the air as the copycat scarf held him tightly, Kuroka hurried over and cuffed his hands.

"Was it really that easy?" Kuroka asked, believing Momo's plan would be good but not THIS good.

"No... I mean....When I tried to launch the catapult's volley... I slipped up. Sensei noticed and took some distance and in the opening that gave him, he should have been able to prevent what came next but.... Sensei, you deliberately made it seem as though you were caught in our trap."

"I was just keeping an eye on Kinzoku right next to you. I was able to see you, but Kinzoku was concealed by the cloth. I thought I was going to get her metal needles thrown at me or something other metallic as we are near those things. And I thought retreating back was my best option so I guess that all went according to your plans, then."

"So it was really a matter of if we had time or not.... Good work." She gave Momo a thumbs up but she saw her with her hand over her mouth ready to cry. "Hey! What's with that face? Are you feeling sick? Hungry? Nauseated? I can perform acupuncture with my metal needles, back alley version but I promise it works."

"N-no, it, it's nothing I'm fine." Momo laughed which each other others worry.

"Advisory: the first team to clean the exam in under twenty minute is team Yaoyorozu and Kinzoku!!"

"Oh wow they are broadcasting that? A moral booster, we are faster then the rest have been until now, come here." Kuroka grabbed Momo's arm before pulling her in a hug.

The other girl didn't have time to hug back before she was let go.

"Ah, I stained your costume." Kuroka held her hands under her chin as blood dripped into them from her mouth.

"A-ah god lets get you to Recovery Girl!"

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