Kiss the Girl

By AngelDaelCruz

274K 10.3K 1.6K

Kristina moves into New York with hopes that she can start over again, moving from city to city to escape fro... More

Chapter 1 "THE BAR"
Chapter 2 "Jessie"
Chapter 3 "Fragments"
Chapter 4 "Blue Eyes"
Chapter 5
Author's Note: 100 Reads :)
Chapter 6 "BREAKFAST"
Chapter 7 "RAIN CHECK"
Chapter 9 "THE 22ND STREET"
Chapter 10 "CONFUSION"
Chapter 11 "SUDDENLY"
Chapter 12 "RED VELVET"
Chapter 15 "STAINED GLASS"
Chapter 16 "One Step Closer Part 1"
Chapter 17 "One Step Closer Part 2"
Chapter 18 "Sí"
Chapter 19 "Falling Slowly"
Chapter 20 "BURLESQUE"
Chapter 21 "I dropped my bagel"
Chapter 22 "Dreamscape"
Chapter 24 "Think Of Me"
Chapter 25 " A Christmas Carol"
Chapter 26 "Doubt"
Chapter 27 "Christine, I love you"
Chapter 28 "Giving Up"
Chapter 29 "Stranger"
Chapter 30 "Opening Up Wounds"
Chapter 31 "A Girl Named Zita"
Chapter 32 "Be Brave"
Chapter 33 "Cut and Run"
Chapter 34 "Devil Take the Hindmost"
Chapter 35 "My Salvation"
Chapter 36 "Wise Men Say..."
Chapter 37 "Break It To Me Gently"
Chapter 38 "The Wedding"
Author's Note
Author's note

Chapter 8 "THE SONG"

7.4K 285 64
By AngelDaelCruz

This is the day that I am planning to take Kristina out on a date. I want this day to be perfect. Yesterday, when I left Kristina's apartment I immediately called my buddy AJ to tell her everything that happened, and what Kristina told me and she was not really excited for me. Maybe it's because I woke her up from her deep slumber. Well anyway, I know she only said "maybe" but for me it's already a "yes".


"AJ, buddy, open up!"

AJ opened the door with a bored look on her face.

"Good morning, buddy! It's a nice day isn't it?" I asked happily.

"Jess, what are you doing here? I'm quite busy." Said AJ who looks really irritated to see me.

I went inside and sat on AJ's couch. It seems that she really is busy. There are papers everywhere, opened folders with pictures on it, sketches, her calendar is full of circles and markings, she did not washed her dishes, her bed is not made and her multiple laptops are open as well.

AJ closed the door and turned around to look at me. I smiled widely and leaned on the backrest of her couch with both my arms resting on it.

"Okay, Jess. I know that smile and I don't like it. What do you want?"

I leaned forward and placed my elbows on my knees while my hands are on top of each other. "Remember the song you played when you asked Sam on a date?"

Immediately, AJ's face became pissed and went to her small dining table where her laptop is. She sat down and started working again.

I stood up and went to her dining table. I pulled out another chair and sat beside her.

"C'mon, buddy. I'm not here to remind you about Sam, which I know by saying her name I am reminding you of her, but this is not about Sam, this is about Kristina."

AJ paused and slowly turned her head to look at me.

"Kristina?" she asked.

"Well... yeah."

She shook her head, turned to her laptop and started typing again.

"Buddy, I need you to play that song for me so that I could memorize it."

AJ frowned and said, "And who's going to play the guitar? ME??"

"Amm... I don't know how to play the guitar."

"Forget it! Absolutely not!" AJ resisted. "What is it about that girl that you're crazy about? You like French girls?" she continued.

"Dude, she's not French! She's a Latina! Isn't it obvious? I thought you were educated enough to know things like that?" I explained.

"Whatever, Jess. I don' want to be a part of this. As you can see, I am very busy and I need to finish this by tonight."

AJ stood up and opened her door signaling me to get out.

"AJ, I need you, buddy. Please?" I pleaded.

"Jess, let's not do this, okay? I am very—"

"—Busy. I know!" I said. I stood up and walked towards AJ. "Dude, you're my best friend and I could only count on you to do this for me. You just have to play the guitar and I will do my best to sing it for her. Let that song be alive again, let me offer it to someone who is very special to me and I know who will treasure it like Sam did. Please, buddy. I really like this girl."

AJ sighed and gave me a bit of her smile.

"Fine. But you owe me one." Said AJ.

"No worries, dude! Anything you need."

I smiled as my buddy AJ grab her guitar from her bedroom and started teaching me the song she played for Sam.


(AJ's POV)

"Are you ready, Jess?"

Jessie looks so nervous and I find it a bit funny. She can't stop sweating. After 3 hours of practice, we finally decided it's time to head out to the café and surprise Kristina with the song Jessie prepared for her.

I remember the day I played it for Sam. Damn it, Jess! Why this song?

We stood in front of the café while Jessie is trying to calm her nerves.

"Dude, you go in first and start playing the guitar and then I'll be right behind you singing." Jessie said nervously.

"Jess, you're shaking. Stop it! Open the door for me. I'll go ahead."  I am nervous too because I don't like the idea of people staring at me.


"You owe me big time, Jessie Andrews."

I took a deep breath and went inside the café. Bloody hell. I immediately saw Kristina holding a stainless pitcher and she looks confused. I took a deep breath for the last time and started playing the intro of the song. I can sense that everyone inside the café is looking at me.

As I was about to play the melody of the first stanza, Jessie went inside and started singing.

Kristina's face lit up and smiled at Jessie. Everybody inside the café was looking at Jessie and Kristina as if they are watching a soap opera.

I followed Jessie everywhere she went because Kristina was also moving trying to serve the customers. I saw Lizzy who was trying not to laugh at Jessie's singing and my aunt was scratching her head.

Jessie was trying to make Kristina face her, however, the girl was too shy. One customer even said, "Just stop what you're doing and listen. It's the sweetest thing."

Ginny went to Kristina and made her face Jessie. She smiled bashfully and hid her face using her hands. Jessie grabbed Kristina's hands and held them tightly enough for her not to move again. The café came alive with music and claps.

I looked at Kristina and suddenly Sam's face popped into my head. I remembered her sweet smile as her face turns red, everything was in slow motion and I remembered how she mouthed the words "I love you" as I sang her this exact same song.

I snapped backed into reality when I noticed that Kristina glanced at me for a bit. Blimey, look at her. My heart started pounding. I brushed it off and focused playing on my guitar. And then there she goes again... she glanced at me for the second time. I'm losing my focus.

Suddenly everyone started singing along with Jessie. The customers are clapping and started waving their hands in the air. I looked at Jessie and her face is turning red. She's really enjoying this moment. I smiled 'cause this is the first time Jessie made an effort to ask a girl out on a date. Suddenly, Kristina glanced at me for the third time. What is happening? This is really awkward.

As the song went to an end, everybody clapped their hands and waited for Jessie to say something.

Jessie still holding Kristina's hands, looking so shy said "Amm... Thank you everyone for singing along with me and to my buddy AJ here who agreed to do this." Said Jessie to the people inside the cafe, "Well, Kristina. Amm... I know you said "maybe" but... I sang that song for you 'cause you're very special to me and I meant what I said that I really want to get to know you. I'm not afraid to show my feelings for you and I want to be part of your life. This is new to me and I've never felt this way to anyone before. I want to take care of you and just be there for you whenever you need me. So again, Kristina, will you go out on a date with me?"

The customers smiled and yelled, "Say yes!"

"Ahh... N-now?" asked Kristina.

"Yup!" answered Jessie.

"C'mon, Kristina. Say yes! I'll cover for you!" Yelled Ginny.

Then, Kristina glanced at me for the fourth time and shook her head. I am beginning to be puzzled by her glances. Why is she doing that?

"Well?" Jessie asked nervously.

Kristina looked at Jessie and smiled. "Yes."

The customers and the staff clapped their hands and started bawling. They all looked so happy for Jessie. At last, her efforts finally paid off. The girl said yes.

"C'mon! Let's go!" said Jessie excitingly while pulling Kristina hands heading out to the door.

Jessie and Kristina waved goodbye to all of us.

The customers started eating and ordering from the staff liked nothing happened. I was left standing there staring at the door of the café.

"Well... that happened." Said my aunt who approached me together with Lizzy, Ginny and Madison.

"So when I said I would cover for Kristina... I meant that as a joke. So... someone should really cover for her. I got my hands full." Said Ginny.

Then they all looked at me with their puppy dog eyes.

I realized that I was the one they wanted to cover for Kristina. Great...

My aunt hugged me on my waist and said, "I love you my dear sweet hard working niece. Would you do it for your dear old Aunt Carol?"

Oh bugger! As if I have a choice??


(Kristina's POV)

I asked Jessie if I could change my clothes 'cause I don't want to go out wearing my uniform. So I went home to my apartment to get changed and told Jessie to wait for me. I wore my dark green shirt, topped with my brown cardigan, skinny jeans and my flats and my trusty old scarf. I really took my time to get ready and look nice for Jessie. She made a big gesture today.

When I was done, I rushed to Jessie who was waiting for me outside my apartment building. I apologized for making her wait but she just smiled and reached out for my hands.

"It's okay. You look great, by the way." said Jessie.

I reached out for her hand as well.

"Thanks. So where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

Jessie saw a cab and immediately waved at the driver signaling him to stop. Then we hopped in inside.

"Where to?" asked the driver.

"Brooklyn. Coney Island." Said Jessie.


"Coney Island?" I asked.

"You'll love it there." Said Jessie excitingly.

Thirty eight minutes later we're in Coney Island. I've never heard of this place before. It's an amusement park with all the rides you could never imagine existed. It's amazing.

"C'mon! Let's ride them all!" said Jessie grabbing my hand heading to our first ride.

We went to ride what they call "Cyclone Roller Coaster", it's so thrilling to ride these things. It gives you that rush and intense feeling. I am not afraid of heights but I thing Jessie was. She was trying to look brave but I can see it in her eyes that she's nervous.

After the roller coaster I saw another ride that I wanted to try and another and another. We tried all the rides that I pointed to.

We sat on an empty bench and ate the corndog we ordered. I like it here. I think I wanna go back and bring my Mama and my brothers the next time around. I'm sure they'll have fun. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Jessie.

"Nothing. I just missed my Mama and my two older brothers. They would love it here."

"Y-you have brothers? I didn't know that." Said Jessie.

"Don't worry. My brothers are friendly, I think."

Jessie bit her lower lip and said, "Well, I would like to meet them someday."

I looked at Jessie and smiled. She is really sweet. I didn't know that she has this side of being sensitive and all.

Jessie noticed me staring at her and then she said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I looked away and tried to hide my smile.

"Kristina, I hope you would remember this day. Because this is the day that I saw you looked at me in a different way."

"You're a good person, Jessie and I would definitely remember this day. Thank you for putting 'fun' back into my life."

"You're welcome." Said Jessie smiling back at me.

"By the way. What's the title of that song you and AJ performed for me?" I suddenly asked.

"It's called 'To Be with You' by Mr. Big." Answered Jessie, "But I have a confession to make."

I looked at Jessie and wondered what her confession is.

"Actually, it was AJ's song for Sam."

"Sam? Her ex-girlfriend? I asked.

"Yeah. One day, AJ went to the café and sang that exact same song to Sam. It was the day she said she loved AJ. My best friend was so happy back then. Sam used to work at the café and The Riff... but then she left."

"Why did she left AJ?"

"She was discovered at The Riff by this gay big time Broadway producer. At first AJ was so happy for Sam but then she was beginning to forget about their dates and would be too busy to give my best friend time. They would always fight and make up. Until one day she just left without saying a word. Later on we heard that she was cast as the main character in one of that producer's musicals and never looked backed."

Now I'm seeing the bigger picture here. She just left. How could she just leave without saying goodbye or wrote AJ a letter or something? AJ must have been so devastated. Maybe that's why she looked uncomfortable playing that song. It must have brought back some painful memories.

"But the good thing is, AJ is becoming sociable again. I don't know why but something or someone might be the reason she going out of her shell again." Said Jessie.

"Ahh... yeah. I guess. Amm let's go ride the roller coaster again!"

"Again? Oh dear."

Coney Island closed at eight o'clock. We just finished our wonderful dinner at Doña Zita an authentic Mexican Restaurant in Brooklyn. Jessie said we'll have a one last stop and then we'll be heading home. The cab stopped at the Central Park.

"We're here." Said Jessie taking my hand to escort me out in the cab.

"What are we doing here?"

We walked straight into a bench and sat on it.

"This is a special place for me and AJ. We would come here if we wanted to talk about things. You know, the usual stuff."

"So why would you take me here if it's a special place for you and your best friend?" I asked.

"Because you're a part of my life now. Besides, AJ and I agreed that we would bring our special someone here if you think that person is the one for you."

And then it hit me. This was the exact same spot where AJ took me that night. We sat here in this bench, she suggested that we should go to the park that night and that almost kiss or whatever... it happened here. This was the park. Oh God. What does it mean? I'm over thinking this aren't I?

I lowered my face and placed my left hand over my forehead. I have to shake this off. It doesn't mean anything.

"Jessie, can we go home now? I'm a little tired."

"Sure. No problem."

Later on we reached my building.

"So here we are." Said Jessie.

"Thank you for this wonderful day, Jessie. I had fun and thank you for bringing me to your special place."

"Anytime. I guess I'll be heading home now." said Jessie while slowly moving her body.

Jessie was looking at me with a funny look on her face. I think she's waiting for a kiss. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her right cheek.

I smiled at her as I caressed her face and I said, "Goodnight."

I can sense that she was dancing or doing something as I turned my back at her. I went straight ahead to my apartment with a smile on my face. This was a fun day indeed.

As I lay down my bed, I received a text from Jessie. It says "Have a good night sleep. Thank you for saying yes. I had a lovely time."

When I was about to reply I remembered the song Jessie sang to me this morning... and AJ with her guitar. I immediately downloaded the song to my phone and listened to it all night till I fell asleep.


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