Galing kay -platinumcopyshare

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⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

620 14 1
Galing kay -platinumcopyshare

Presents, Prats, and Problems


The blonde looked towards the door at the high girly -and fake- voice of Pansy, a pale brow arched to the trim blonde fringe. A moment later his door opened and in came Pansy, green wrapped parcel beneath her arm. He eyed it curiously as the girl closed the girl and she smirked, knowing exactly what Draco Malfoy was like when it came to presents.

"Hey there Leo" she smirked teasingly, setting the present down on the immaculately made bed, Draco sitting at his desk in the plush, stiff backed chair. He looked to the girl who had now lowered her voice to it's normal tone and volume.

"I saw something rather interesting while on my way here" she said offhandedly, perching on the bed with one leg crossed neatly over the other. Draco waited before sighing and taking the bait.

"Really, and what could that have possibly been?" the blonde question, slight impatience masked with a cool tone.

"Nott and Potter duking it out" she smirked. "Over you. Again" she tutted, shaking her head. "You know, I don't say this often Draco, but I think it's time to call off this little game, someone's going to get hurt" she warned. "And there's a pretty good chance it's going to be either you or Potter" she warned.

"And why Potter, pray tell?" the girl let out a small laugh.

"Well I wouldn't think he'd give you a Christmas present if he just thought of this thing as a casual fuck, Dray" she responded, her voice imitating Draco's infamous drawl almost perfectly, however the blonde seemed anything but convinced. But with that said she reached over to the small box and tossed it gently to the blonde who caught it with ease and set in on his lap.

His ears were perked with curiosity and his eyes lit up with glee like a child at Christmas. And in some ways he still very much was. Without a moments hesitation he used his sharpened nails to easily slice away the wrappings and tore of the green Christmas paper.

Only to meet a second layer of red beneath it.

The blonde hesitated and frowned before he tore this one off as well, met with yet another layer of blue with little snowmen splattered over the paper.

Then a layer with penguins.

Then one of a snowy Christmas tree.

And then back to green.

"Oh, he may have also mentioned a spell to stop you opening it until Christmas"

Draco glared at the girl, "Oh well thanks so much, I could never have figured it out without your help!" he snapped, making Pansy giggle.

"Sarcasm is unbecoming, Mr Malfoy" she smirked, shaking her head and reached over, scratching his ear gently and the blonde's eyes fluttered slightly before he jerked his head away, pouting.

"Anyway, Potter says Merry Christmas" she added as she pushed herself up from the bed brushing down her skirt and heading for the door, looking back over her shoulder to see Draco holding the box up and shaking it lightly, fluffy ear pressed to the side, only to let out a sound of annoyance when it remained silent.

She stifled a laugh as she slid out the door, leaving the boy to sulk over his present.


Harry awoke on Christmas to the expected and not so. At the foot of his bed sat the usual small mound of present which brought a smile to his face. Rock cakes -quite literally it seemed- from Hagrid, Some toffee, the usual jumper and some socks -to keep extra snug according to the note- from Mrs Weasley and of course the various items from Hermione and Ron, Ginny so on and so forth. As well as a few from admirers and hopeful suitors which he set aside for later examination.

What he didn't expect however, was for a regal looking eagle owl to be perched on his bedside table watching him disdainfully with a pompous, almost Malfoy, air about it. The owl stuck out its leg giving a haughty hoot, and barely repressing a grin Harry reached over and quickly removed the note, the owl taking off instantly and departing out the window.

Looking back from the open window the Gryffindor looked down at the note in his hand, it was short and to the point.


Meet me in the charms class room, the one overlooking the courtyard as soon as you get this note.


One ear perked with curiosity the boy hauled himself from bed and quickly dressed, ruffling the tussled locks of hair which stuck up in the usual unruly manner. Picking up one of the pieces of toffee he had received he padded out the tower and headed towards the specified room, ignoring the fact his stomach was growling. He wasn't going to miss a meeting with Malfoy for breakfast.

He didn't notice how he practically pranced down the halls and held a large, cheerful grin on his face as he slid into the charms classroom, looking around the desolate and slightly dusty space before he moved out onto the balcony that accompanied the room. He looked over the courtyard, brushing the snow from the stone wall that bordered the balcony, relishing the feel of the cold nip of the wind brush his flushed cheeks.

He wasn't alone long, after about five minutes he heard the door open and close and footsteps approach the door that led to the Veranda where he stood. He looked over his shoulder, eyes alight as he saw the blonde standing in the doorway watching him. Beneath his arm was the Christmas present he'd requested Pansy deliver.

His face fell, assuming the blonde was going to be stubborn and return it the gift, however Draco must have picked up on this rather quickly as the next thing he said was: "Don't think your getting this back Potter" before holding the present possessively to his chest. It was something so much more expected of a six -not sixteen- year old, that Harry found it utterly adorable and couldn't stop the grin that returned full force.

Approaching the stone banister and standing beside Harry, the Slytherin put the present on the thick stone railing after removing the snow from the surface. "Interesting spell you put on it" he drawled suddenly, eyeing a now smirking Harry.

"Aren't you going to open it?" he prodded, causing Draco to smirk this time who simply nodded and neatly slit the paper, but Harry could see in the silver eyes how Draco barely restrained himself from ripping the paper off like an over excited child. It must have been agony for him to carry it up to meet Harry without opening it.

With the last of the -thankfully single layer- of paper had fallen to the snow laced floor, Draco eyed the small box, about the size of the average shoe box if not a bit smaller, and flipped open the lid, eyebrows automatically raised when he discovered a small statue amidst some protective wrapping. Curious, slender fingers plucked the neatly carved marble figure from the box, showing a detailed statue of a Lioness.

Draco looked to Harry questioningly. "Are you trying to imply something, Potter?" his voice terse.

"Not what your thinking" Harry responded, smile never faltering. "Just look at it a bit more" he prompted and rolling his eyes, Draco complied.

His eyes scanned over the smooth surface of the marble, following the pale creamy gold lines that crawled over the figurine. The figure stood proudly, head lifted in a superior yet elegant stance, tail looping smartly behind the softly curving rump. He scrutinised the strong, flawlessly carved jaw of the lioness and then its sightless eyes that stared back at him, cold and white like the rest of it, yet with the light engraving of pupils giving it some more life. The spread, heavy set paws were stood on a tablet of flat marble -used as a stand- which even had finely detailed blades of grass and small rocks to impersonate a small portion of the lioness's habitat. It was only roughly four and a half inches in height and five in length but it was an impeccably detailed figurine.

He had to admit -grudgingly so- it was a very beautifully carved figure, the lioness seemed to ooze elegance, grace and beauty but also an undeniable danger, emphasised by the beautifully hooked claws and curl of its lips, exposing two threatening fangs.

His fingers gently brushed over the small rounded, marble ears -which were perked as if curious- and down the thick neck and flat back before raising his grey eyes to look questioningly at the Gryffindor, but his earlier aggression had dissolved into only curiosity.

"Well" the raven haired boy started, taking the silence as an indication to explain. "The main reason was really, it was nice and...fitting" he said with a small smile, Draco didn't look all that impressed by the Gryffindor's explanation.

"And" he continued, nonplussed, "I thought you might appreciate someone acknowledging the fact that, even if you were picked to be the 'female' so to speak, you were still a strong, proud and beautiful person....and also the way you slated lionesses a few weeks ago wasn't really all that fair" he added with a cheeky smile.

Draco was studying Harry far more intensely now, he weighed the beautifully carved present in his hand before he looked back down to it. He had to admit, it was very fitting and it looked quite grand actually. And the words Harry used to describe him, proud, strong and...beautiful... fit just as easily as a description of the statue. Slowly, the blonde's head nodded in acceptance of the gift and explanation.

"Thank you..." he said at last, looking back up at the other boy who was now grinning like a loon. "Although I still don't understand why you got me it...we're not friends" he pointed out, but Harry simply smiled and shrugged.

"I just thought you'd like it" he responded.

Head cocked slightly to the side, the blonde studied the Gryffindor as if he was the world's most puzzling enigma, he shook his head but rewarded the lion's efforts with a small smile. He wasn't exactly going to refuse a gift now was he? Besides, it was rather thoughtful.

"So....do I get a reward?" the brunette asked hopefully, already eyeing the gorgeous blonde who smirked at him with a sly, seductive smile. Carefully rewrapping his present the two teens retired into the classroom, the balcony door shutting with a resolute 'snap'.


Harry's contact with Draco kept him in a blissfully good mood all through the Christmas break. Taking advantage of the empty common rooms, classrooms and hallways, Harry was intent on having their meetings everywhere, especially hallways, to make up for the fact he wasn't allowed to go all the way with Draco. And despite his desires telling him to go further, Harry kept respectfully to Draco's wishes and boundaries.

And after all their fun, it seemed like in no time at all that Hogwarts was bustling once again with the chatter of excited students who were reunited with friends and housemates and Harry found his time with Draco once more cut rather short. What truly bugged Harry though, was in class -which had picked up again shortly after the return of the students- while he was constantly in a mental battle with himself to stop looking at or pouncing the Slytherin, Draco seemed incredibly calm and focused. Which was immensely puzzling seeing as Draco had proved to be just as insatiable as Harry. And since he hadn't had any contact at all with the Slytherin for the past week or so it caused the hormone buzzing saviour to wonder how Draco managed to put his lust aside, because self service most certainly didn't satisfy Harry anymore.

And he should know after the last few nights of wanking himself raw...


It was three weeks after the start of term that Harry finally got a break from homework and studies, it was Saturday which meant that Draco would hopefully be free and able to spent a little time with him in the first abandoned room they could find.

Spurred on my the thought of time with the lustful blonde the Gryffindor picked up speed, eagerness to have the boy back in his arms swelled in his chest along with a slight flutter in his stomach. He was used to the odd sensations whenever he thought of Draco now, the heat in his groin and the butterflies in his belly. Harry knew he was smitten, even if Draco wasn't, yet.

But he was determined, and admittedly confident -to the brink of cocky- that he could charm the Malfoy heir to at least give a proper relationship a thought. Instead of relying on the simple solution of molesting each other at ever opportunity presented to them. Not that he minded that particular perk of course.

Grinning, Harry paused briefly in his aimless run to look around the corridor, thinking he should at least track the blonde instead of just running off in some random direction. He decided to head down to the dungeons, knowing Draco, that was most likely where the serpent would be lurking. Sure enough, as he neared the dungeons, the strong, familiar and delectable scent breached his senses, leading him directly to the object of his affection.


A surprised gasp tore from the parted pale lips as a hot mouth scorched a path up the slender column of the Slytherin's throat, nibbling softly on his Adam's apple which bobbed with every encouraging groan released. Draco squirmed against the wall, hips bucking against his aggressors as he continued to release small sounds of pleasure.

Grey eyes, dark with lust, closed as the dark haired lion ground against him, keeping him sufficiently pinned against the stone wall which scratched uncomfortably at his back, but he'd scold Theodore later, right now he simply needed to come. He mentally thanked Merlin that he'd had constant access to Theodore the passed few weeks otherwise Draco wasn't sure how he would have survived since Potter had been unavailable.

And although Theo was a bit more aggressive and commanding than need be, at least he brought Draco to completion, even if Theo's pleasure was put before his own, as long as he was taken care of, Draco couldn't complain.

So this is where they were now, Draco held against a wall with the slightly larger Slytherin pressed against him, ravaging the blonde thoroughly, hands everywhere, groping and fumbling with eagerness, hips thrusting into Draco's while he released throaty growls.

'Not as loud or deep as Potter's' Draco thought absently as he tilted his head, but shook his head to clear the thought, a gasp escaping him as Theo gripped his ass, claws piercing the delicate flesh, but any sound he was going to make was lodged in his throat as a particular scent caught Draco's attention.

Thick, musky and smelling distinctly of grass and broom polish, go figure.

"Shit!" Draco roughly shoved Theo away from him, causing a disgruntled snarl to echo off the dungeon walls as the boy stumbled back, glaring at Draco in annoyance, the flushed blonde matched it, although their was an edge of panic in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Theo snapped, impatience and irritation lacing his voice as well a thick tone of lust, the dark glint of desire lighting up the deep brown eyes of the larger male.

"I-I forgot, I have a book to return to the library today or Pince will kill me, Theo, could you grab it please?" He requested urgently, shoving the Slytherin down the corridor. "Pansy should have it, lent it to her" he urged. Theo frowned at the flustered blonde before he tilted his head, perked an eyebrow and then smirked,

"No problem Draco" he responded smoothly, giving the boy's groin one last squeeze before sauntering off down the corridor swiftly. Skimming out of sight just as Harry rounded the corner at the opposite end of the corridor.


The blonde tensed but spun round, hoping that Theo had been out of hearing range when the Gryffindor foolishly called to him. He growled, stalking towards the loud mouthed boy and hissed at him to shut up before dragging the perplexed brunette down the corridor he'd already travelled and to make sure Theo didn't back track and find them, he yanked Harry into an empty potions classroom.

Leaning against the heavy wooden door he let out a sigh of relief, only to look up and find Harry invading his personal space. Usually this wasn't a problem, except the dark glint in Harry's eye wasn't one of lust, but fury.

Draco tensed, suddenly not liking the situation very much, but he brought his ears back and raised his head defiantly, meeting Harry's gaze evenly, refusing to be intimidated. The green glare softened slightly, but the Gryffindor was still scowling, leaning forward he softly breathed in Draco's scent, he knew Harry didn't like what he found when he felt the brunette bristle and rear back.

"Why is Nott's scent all over you!" he demanded, voice harsh and possessive, the snarl that laced the words sent a decidedly ill-timed spike of lust through the blonde's body, Harry had always proved to be the more intimidating and dominant out of the two, and Draco couldn't help but be effected by that fact.

Malfoy didn't respond right away, he just stared at Harry evenly until the brunette retreated slightly but his tail still lashed brutally behind him, displaying his agitation and anger at finding his competition's scent all over what he claimed as his. But even now, despite the problem, Harry's eyes still roved the blonde's body, hunger heating his stomach and his loins and the urge to pounce him was almost overwhelming.

Thankfully Draco spoke, distracting the lust driven Gryffindor.

"It's nothing to get your knickers in a twist about Potter" the blonde sneered, rolling his eyes as if exasperated with Harry's behaviour. "Theo just got a bit excited when he saw me is all, after all he's not been getting a lay as far as I know" he lied smoothly, examining his nails in a show of nonchalance.

"Now stop acting so plebeian. I am master of my own body and you do not own me Potter" the blonde growled sharply, gripping the metal door handle within his slender fist and pulled the door open and smartly left.

This left Harry in the alone in the classroom, angry, horny and confused. But they were all minor emotions compared to the unfathomable sorrow he felt when the strong smell of arousal, not of his own doing, trailed after the blonde. Theo's words coming back full force from the back of his mind.

"You'll never have him Potter. He'll never be loyal to you, you can't tame him".


Relieved that the situation hadn't gotten out of control, the blonde stalked down the corridor, heading towards his private rooms as he raked his fingers through his tussled blonde hair, not noticing Theodore pull up beside him with a predatory smirk.

"Hey Draco" he greeted, hand falling to rest on and tweak the seeker's pert behind, causing him to jerk in surprise. "I returned that book for you, now, how about we continue where we left off?" he smirked lightly, Draco nodding absently response making Theodore growl triumphantly and sneer triumphantly.

Draco was too distracted to remember that there hadn't been any book to return in the first place.

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