The Tower: Happily Ever After

By AvengersCompound

50.8K 1.8K 125

~ 18+ MINORS DNI ~ Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library... More

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Angela's Request
Anger Issues
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Relieving Tension
Farewell to Our Old Life
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Welcome Home
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The Dark Cloud
The Stone Door
Ups and Downs
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Naming Day
An Outing
A Long Night
Laughter is the Best Medicine
The Challenge
The Stables and the Aerie
A Royal Fantasy
Right for You
Natasha and Steve's Prize
The Fear
Getting Out of His Head
Eddie's Family
The Secret Room
The Valkyrior
The Orgy
Childhood Dreams
A Vision
Looking for Trouble
The Battle for Asgard
Adrenalin Crash
Exchange of Power
The Feeling of Happiness
The Bachelor Party

Natasha's Dungeon

1.1K 33 0
By AvengersCompound

Edwin and Clarke visited for two more weeks and in that time Eddie managed to get the communications between Asgard and Earth up and running properly. We were all very glad about it. While we had agreed that moving here was the best option we didn't just want to sever all ties with home completely. Plus it brought us that little bit closer to Eddie and his partners moving here as well.

We all enjoyed having them here. Every dinner was a big family event and I spent as much time as I could with both Eddie and Clarke before they were to return home. All in all the visit had been really good for me in particular. I was feeling myself again and I was happy to be back.

There were tears when they left but I felt good knowing that it was easy for them to come when they wanted. We all soon fell back into a regular rhythm of study, family, and our duties as royalty. Of course, we all made time for fun too. We wanted the kids to all feel like this was home, not just responsibility, and we knew for ourselves too, that we needed to take time to enjoy each other and the things we loved.

A couple of days after Clarke and Eddie had left Natasha had brought me a list of things she was willing to try out with me in the role of her submissive. We went through the list and she explained what everything meant and how far she was willing to go with each one. I crossed out the ones I didn't like the sounds of, circled the ones that I really liked the sounds of, and if there was anything that I was interested in with amendments we adjusted them. She then took the list away and didn't bring it up for a couple of weeks.

The next time she came to me I was just feeding the twins. It was just me, her, Sam, Tony, Clint, and the babies. Steve, Bucky, and Wanda had taken Zak out to play in the garden, Marya was in class, and Bruce was at his very first council meeting with Thor. "Elly," she said, taking a seat next to me. "I was thinking that if you wanted to come to my dungeon, today might be a good day."

I looked up a little surprised. "I definitely do, but..." I looked down at the suckling infants.

"I'd need about an hour to set up," she said. "So if I go now, they'll just be going off to sleep by the time you'll need to get ready."

"An hour?" I asked, a little surprised. "What do you have planned?"

"At least an hour. Do you want me to go through it with you or have it be a surprise?" Natasha asked. "It will just be from the list we talked about."

I thought it over. Tony was tinkering with a small bot on the chair over from me and he looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"A surprise," I decided.

Natasha looked over at Clint. "You up for a session, ptichka?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said.

"In about half an hour or so I want you to help Elly get ready. Full face. You need to be naked. Elise, -" she looked at me again. "I'd prefer you to be naked but if you want to keep your bra on, I won't punish you for it." The stipulation was there because of the fact I was still breastfeeding and my breasts had a tendency to leak. It could be embarrassing and while I knew it didn't bother her, I still tended to feel self-conscious about it.

"Okay, Nat," Clint said.

"I can do that. What if it takes longer because of the babies?" I asked.

"I won't punish you for being late. It'll just give me more time to adjust. But don't dawdle," she said and got up and kissed my temple. "Sam, Tony, I might need help."

"Alright, I'll bite," Tony said, getting up.

"How are your nails?" Natasha asked.

"Like you have to ask," Tony replied, showing her his perfectly manicured hands.

"Make sure both yours and Elly's are done, too," Natasha said to Clint, ruffling his hair as she passed him.

"Of course," Clint said, bouncing a little in his seat.

When Natasha left the room Clint flopped back in the seat and kicked his legs in the air making a whoop of excitement.

"Sounds like you're all going to have some fun," Sam teased. "You gonna come back to me with a very bruised ass, princess?"

"I sure hope so, Sammy," I said.

Thour let go of my breast and made a soft cooing sound. I looked down at her and lifted her a little. "You finished?" I asked.

Sam got up and took her from me. "Come to papa, little one," he said, holding her against his chest. She cooed softly as she stared up adoringly at him and Icy jumped up from where he's been eating and ran over.

"Why does Nat need Tony's nails to be cut?" I asked, Clint. "Is he going to get her ready by - you know?" I held up two fingers held together and twisted my wrist while I curled them toward me.

Clint snorted. "No! Oh my god, El!"

"Well, I can't think what else they'd be doing that takes an hour," I said.

"You'll see," Clint teased. "And you better learn to be more patient than that or you're gonna be in for some trouble."

I huffed and sat back in my seat. "Fine."

Tony came in looking slightly damp and sat down. "She told me to say you still have time, she needs to adjust."

I looked at him curiously, and he smirked at me. "You're gonna love it, El."

When Nova finished eating I put him down under the play gym where he smiled and began waving his hands around and Inky came running to play with him.

"You two can go if you want," Sam said. "We've got them."

"You sure?" I asked. "What if they get hungry?"

"You literally just fed them," Tony said. "We can handle it. We are their dads."

"Come on, Elly," Clint said, taking my hand. "Let's go have some fun."

I let him lead me, not down but up. The 'dungeon' was actually a large room in one of the towers. We entered not into the dungeon itself, but a small entryway with a large set of wooden doors in front of us. To the left and right were two smaller doors. Clint immediately turned left and took me into what looked like a small dressing room - the kind you might find at a theatre. There was a dressing table with lights all around a mirror though they were the soft golden, slightly magical kind of Asgard rather than the bright white electrical kind. The table had makeup laid out on it along with brushes, combs, and a manicure set. There was a wardrobe, though it seemed to only contain things that Clint might wear and all seemed to be of the 'barely there' variety.

"Take a seat," Clint said.

I did as I was told and Clint came over and began brushing my hair out. He didn't Do a lot to style it but made sure it lay as smooth as it could down my back. He then moved to my nails. I already kept them short but he gave them a buff and made sure I didn't have any hangnails or nicks. Finally, he did my makeup. He gave me a doe eye look and went heavy on the mascara and eyeliner and he went slightly heavier than I normally would with the blush on the apples of my cheeks. Finally, he painted my lips a dark red that glistened slightly under the light.

"I think she'll like that," he said, standing back to admire his handiwork. "When you're ready you can take off your clothes."

I got up and he took my seat and began working on his own eye makeup. I had seen him in eye makeup from time to time, though he didn't wear it much. He looked good in it and I could see why Natasha would ask him to put it on.

I stripped down to my bra. I didn't feel particularly sexy in the large maternity bra with its breast pads in place, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to risk leaking all over myself either.

Clint seemed to sense my apprehension and turned to me. "Just whatever you're comfortable with," he said. "Us being naked isn't about being sexy. Though of course, you are. It's about her having power over us. We're vulnerable naked. Exposed. That works fine in that bra. But if you want to take it off, that works too. There's something really sexy in humiliation play. You know what it's like. When Nat or Steve or Sam call you a dirty slut and you know that they aren't saying it as a bad thing. You feel dirty and sexy all at once. That's good. But being embarrassed isn't. There's nothing good about that and it's not what Nat wants."

I nodded in understanding. "It's just such an ugly bra but if I leak all over myself..."

Clint moved up behind me and ghosted his fingers up my spine as he brought his lips to my ear. "Then she'll probably make me lick you clean, and trust me, princess - I want that."

My skin broke out in goosebumps and my nipples hardened. "Okay," I said and unhooked my bra.

"If you decide you need it back on, just say orange. Nat'll ask you what you need. You tell her that," Clint said as he started to undress. "You think you're ready?"

I nodded. "Hey, Clint?"

"Yeah?" He said.

"I really fucking love you," I said.

He grinned at me and pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. "And I really fucking love you too. I'd kiss you, but Nat would punish us. Which -" he looked over at the door and went back to undressing. "Look, I'm going to attempt to be much better behaved than I normally am. Or - not that I misbehave, but like Natasha said, I usually banter because that's who I am. But she won't take it from you. I'll try and keep it in check, but just because I'm allowed to do something doesn't mean you are. We're different people and she's not going to treat us the same. She's gonna let you do things she won't let me do too. You get it?"

"Yeah I get it," I said.

"When we go in there, kneel and look at the ground. Don't say anything or look anywhere else until Natasha says," he said. "Normally when we mess around with her she lets you brat her and plays along with it. But that isn't here. She's told you what she expects and punishment won't be things you like. It'll be things like orgasm denial."

"Gotcha," I said, starting to wonder what I'd gotten myself into.

He laughed when he saw my face. "You have your safewords, remember orange is one of them. And ... she wants you to enjoy it. But the rules are, behave and if you're good you'll get your mind blown. You have to behave or you can't get to the headspace where that happens."

"Okay, yeah," I said, nodding firmly. "I understand."

He tossed his socks into the pile of clothes he'd been wearing. "Shall we?"

"Let's," I agreed.

He led me into the main room. It was large but not anywhere as big as our bedroom. There was one stained glass window that sat up high on the far wall and let in soft gold and blue light. Otherwise, the only other light came from candles around the room. There were lots of drawers around the walls which I assumed must contain a lot of different devices. At different points around the edge were also devices like a bench with shackles on it, an x-cross, chains hanging from the roof, and something that looked like a Sybian and may very well have been one that Natasha had brought here, but it was attached to a beam with places to shackle your hands and legs.

In the middle of the room was a large four-poster bed that had different cuffs and shackles all over it so we could be tied down.

Clint went and kneeled a little away from the bed and I kneeled beside him. I'm not sure how long we kneeled for. It was longer than ten minutes but while I'm sure it can't have been by much, it felt like forever. The floor was stone and my knees began to ache. Neither Clint nor I moved, not even when we heard the door open and the click of Natasha's heels on the hard floor. She walked around behind us and the cool brush of something swished over my back. I suppressed a shiver, not wanting to move at all.

"Look at both of you," she praised as she moved to the bed and sat on the edge of it. "So patient and well behaved. I didn't think either of you had it in you."

I wasn't sure if I should reply and when Clint didn't, I didn't either. Natasha strummed her fingers on her leg, making a soft tapping noise.

"Elise," she said. "Come here."

I knew if she wanted me to stand she would have said, so I crawled over to her, the cold stone biting into my knees.

"Good girl," she said when I was kneeling in front of her. She ran her finger along my jaw and tilted my head up to look at her. She was wearing a black latex catsuit that was all one piece and covered her from neck to foot, her six-inch heels seemed to be part of the suit itself. Only her hands and head were uncovered and her hair was pulled back severely from her face. Her makeup was set perfectly with dark red lips and sharp winged eyeliner. She looked sexy and powerful and she made my mouth water.

"Have you felt latex on someone before?" She asked.

"No, Natalia," I answered.

"Touch it," she said.

I ran my hands up her thighs. It was warm under my palms and felt like it had been sprayed directly onto her skin. Almost like it was a second skin. She hummed and licked her lips. She watched me closely as I stroked my hands over the latex and picked up something from the bed. She held it out for me to see.

"Do you know what this is?" She asked.

In her hands was a black leather collar. A silver metal arrow shape was attached to the front and hanging from that was a silver loop for attaching a leash.

"It's a collar," I said.

She turned it over for me to see the inside. It had the words 'Property of Natalia Romanova' etched into the leather in red. "This is Clint's collar. While Clint isn't solely mine outside of this room, there's always a part of him that is. As there is a part that belongs to you and the others. In here though, he belongs to me. His body is mine. His pleasure is mine. His pain is mine. I decide when he can move and when he can speak and sometimes even when he gets to breathe. He surrenders himself completely to me and I am responsible for him. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Natalia," I said.

She ran her thumb over my lips and looked over at Clint. "Clint. Here." He quickly crawled over and kneeled beside me. "Head up," she said and when he complied she put the collar in place around his neck.

"I have one for you, Elise," she said, picking a box up off the bed beside her. The box was made of different kinds of wood and intricately carved with Celtic knotwork. On the top of the box, the knotwork took the form of the world tree. She snapped open the lid and showed me the collar inside.

It was completely different from Clint's. It was stiff metal - silver in color though I didn't think it was made of silver - and seemed to have been formed by forging strips into intricate knotwork. At the back of the collar was a lock and on the front a blood-red gemstone. She put the box on the floor and kicked it back under the bed as she unlocked the collar and showed me the engraving on the inside. 'Property of Natalia Romanova'.

"Will you accept this, Elise?" She asked. "Surrender yourself to me in these walls. Give yourself to me? You don't have to say yes. We'll play either way."

"Yes, Natalia," I said quickly. "I accept."

She placed the collar around my neck and locked it into place. It was cool and heavy around my throat and I loved the feel of it. "Beautiful," she said.

She stood up and walked away from us both. "Clint, bend over the bed."

He quickly complied, resting his head on his closed hands. Natasha laughed softly. "You are being very good, ptichka. Trying to lead by example?"

"Yes, Natalia," Clint replied. "I don't want to teach her any bad habits."

"Such a good boy," she said, as she opened and closed a couple of drawers. "I'm very proud of you. If you keep it up, I'll make sure you're well taken care of."

"Thank you, Natalia," Clint said.

I could see him out of the side of my eye and he was trembling slightly. Not from the cold or fear - but out of excitement.

Natasha returned to us. "Stand up, Mishka."

I did as I was told and Natasha handed me a buttplug. It was lavender silicone and had a purple gem in the end. It looked a lot like the one I first used on him all those years ago when he told me he didn't like plugs at all but soon changed his mind after I'd plugged him. The main difference was it was a little bigger.

"Hold out your hand," Natasha said. I offered her my hand palm up and she squeezed a small glob of lube into it. "That's all you get. Plug him."

The amount was barely enough to cover the toy, but I did my best. I teased his asshole with my fingers, rubbing the last of the lube on my fingers into the tight hole, and then slowly began to ease the plug in.

Clint moaned and his hands tightened in the sheets. When the plug was in place, Natasha nudged me out of the way and put a cock ring around the base of Clint's cock and balls.

When she was happy with how Clint was prepared she took my hand and led me to where some chains hung from the ceiling. She instructed me to hold out my hands again and attached a pair of leather cuffs to them. "Now," she said, hooking my wrists to the chain above my head so I could touch the ground, but only on tiptoes. "Let's see how my little mouse likes pain. Elise, I expect you to tell me when it's too much. Even if you're just questioning it. I don't want to push you tonight."

"Yes, Natalia, I promise," I said. "I'll use orange if I'm on the border."

"Such a good girl," she said. She picked up a flogger and ran it over my hips and up my back, making my skin prickle. She then brought it down on my ass. It wasn't hard but it did have a sharpness to it. She went back to running it over me gently and then did it again, this time in a slightly different spot and a little harder.

"Clint," she said. "Here."

He climbed off the bed and hurried over. "On your knees," she told him. "Use your mouth on Elise."

He dropped to his knees and he greedily sucked on my cunt. Natasha started to rhythmically strike me with the flogger, getting harder and alternating between my ass, my thighs, and my back. She was artful with each strike and soon a hot pain seared my back. It blended with the pleasure Clint was sending rushing through me and I jerked against the chains, as I tried to escape both.

"Color, Elise?" Natasha asked as she lowered the flogger.

"Green still," I said. "I can keep going."

"Mmmm something else, I think," she said and went and put the flogger aside. "Ptichka, bring the queening chair around so Elise can see it from here. Then get in position."

"Yes, Natalia," he said, getting up and going to the other side of the room.

Natasha grabbed a small vibrator from one of the drawers and some tape. When she returned she slid part of it into my dripping cunt and turned it on. When she was happy that it was sitting how she wanted it on my clit she taped it into place.

"You're going to watch Clint make me come," she said to me, caressing my cheek. "I would prefer you don't come. If you do, I will spank you. One with a strap for each time you do, and then I will make you come until you safeword. If you're good, I'll let you tell me what you want."

"Yes, Natalia," I moaned. "I'll try and be good."

"I know, Mishka," she said. "You're my sweet girl."

She strode over to Clint and unzipped the crotch on her suit before lowering herself down on the seat, so her cunt was over Clint's face.

I watched as Clint began to eat her out. I could see that the position made it hard for Clint to breathe, and he seemed to love it. She smothered him with her sex, rolling her hips and moaning as he worked her cunt. She would raise herself periodically and each time Clint took a large gasp for air and his cock would throb before she lowered herself down again.

My arms ached and my back stung, but the sensation that dulled both those to almost nothing was the pleasure that tore through me. The vibe buzzing against my clit and mixed with the erotic sight in front of me was too much for me to take. I came hard, my body shaking. I sagged against the chains but another orgasm hit. And then another. I was already starting to feel overstimulated and I hadn't reached my punishment.

I came four times before Natasha's orgasm hit. I was on the brink of the fifth before she'd gotten up and turned the vibe off. I was a mess. I'd come so hard and so many times a puddle of my fluids had formed on the floor at my feet and the insides of my legs were soaked. My breasts had leaked too and the breast milk mixed with my come on the ground. "How many was that, Mishka?" She asked as she lifted me from the chains.

"Four, Natalia," I whimpered. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are," she said as she led me over to the bed. "Bend over the bed, Mishka."

I got into position as Natasha went to get a strap. "Clint, be a dear and clean this up."

While I couldn't see, I knew he was licking my mess up off the ground.

Natasha returned and she gently caressed my ass. "Elly," she said softly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm green," I said. "I want the punishment."

"You're sure?" She asked.

"I promise. I won't push myself too far," I said.

She stroked my ass. "You're doing really well, Mishka," she said and struck me across the cheeks with the strap.

I cried out and grit my teeth, tears pricking my eyes. She hit me again in a slightly different spot. I started to cry properly and she struck me two more times in succession. My ass stung and burned and adrenaline surged through me.

Natasha lifted me and lay me on the bed. She attached the cuffs to the bed above my head and then picked up a magic wand vibe. "I'm not stopping until you safeword," she said.

I nodded and she pressed the vibrator against my clit. I cried out and jerked up immediately, trying to get away from the toy. Natasha gestured to Clint. "Come here, ptichka," she said. "Time for your reward."

He hurried over and while Natasha continued to use the vibrator on me, she took the cock ring off Clint. She carefully lubed up his cock and pulled him into a kiss. "I watched them and an orgasm hit, tearing through me so hard I jerked up violently and squirted.

Natasha broke the kiss and laughed. "Oh my, this is going to be fun," she teased. "Clint. I want you to fuck her ass. And as a special treat, if you want to, you can suck on her breasts."

Clint moaned and moved up between my legs, pushing them out wider and up, so he could access my ass. The press of his cock against my asshole made another orgasm hit, and I was still quaking from it when he eased himself in.

As he started to thrust he leaned down and pulled a nipple into his mouth.

It was too much. Pleasure and pain mixed together, surging through me to create something wholly different. Everything started to feel somehow both far away and in high definition. I made sounds that were not human. Primal and animalistic.

I came again and again. Losing count completely. I was only vaguely aware of Clint's orgasm hitting despite the fact he roared when it hit and jerked hard inside me.

"God, oh god, Natalia, Nat, please, god," I babbled.

"Elise, do you need to safeword?" she asked.

"No," I said right away. Though that was wrong. I shook my head and then nodded vigorously. "Yes. Red. Red, Natasha."

She stopped immediately. The vibe came off and she quickly unhooked my cuffs and pulled me into her arms. "That's it," she soothed as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I've got you."

Clint curled in on her other side and she began playing with her hair. "You both did so well," she said. "Clint, if I knew you could be so obedient I wouldn't let you get away with so much."

"I just wanted to make sure El was okay for her first time," Clint said.

"Were you, Mishka?" Natasha asked.

"Mm-hmm..." I hummed.

"Okay," she said. "What do you both want? I have a bath ready for us. Or we can cuddle here. I can send for tea or food."

"I'd like the bath," I said. "I'm sore."

"Of course you are," she said. "Clint?"

"Yeah, bath," he said. "I'd like food too."

She got up and helped Clint to his feet before picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. She set me down on my feet and put me in front of a full-length mirror. "Look how sexy you are, Mishka," Natasha purred. I gazed at myself. My make-up was smeared and I had red welts on my thighs. I still thought Natasha was much sexier than I was, but I could see what she was seeing in me.

I smiled as she took the collar off my neck. "Thank you, Tasha."

She kissed my cheek. "Anytime, my love. Now get in the tub. I'll send for food and come join you both."

I hummed and stepped into the water followed closely by Clint. He cuddled up to me and nuzzled into my neck. I closed my eyes and relaxed with him. I was glad I'd finally been brave enough to try this with them. Part of me wished that I'd done it years ago, but it was good to have this new thing for us. I hoped we'd always be able to find new things to enjoy together.

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