The Edge Of the Wild (Hobbit...

By fandomwriter11

65.4K 1.8K 221

Ulaalsia has never left The Shire under the watchful eyes of her uncle Bilbo. She's grown up never knowing he... More

Chapter one: Do you want to come on a adventure?
Chapter Two: Dwarves come a-knocking
Chapter 3: Misty Mountains
Chapter 4: We're going on an Adventure
Chapter 5: forgotten handkerchiefs
Chapter 6: A young princes story
Chapter 7: Rainy days going worse
Chapter 8: Troll Hoards and Wizards
Chapter 9: Wargs and Elves
Chapter 10: Rivendell
Chapter 11:Not a hobbit?
Chapter 12: What do i call it?
Chapter 13: gone to our doom?
Chapter 14: Goblins and Sneaky Little Hobbitses
Chapter 15: Riddles and the Pale Orc
Chapter 16: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 17: Water Antics
Chapter 19: Spiders and Elves
Chapter 20: Mirkwood
Chapter 21: Escaping the Dungeon
Chapter 22: We Need a Smuggler
Chapter 23: Laketown
Chapter 24:Better now than never
Chapter 25: Erebor
Chapter 26: What Do I Do?
Chapter 27: What Have We Done?
Im done!!

Chapter 18: Love

1.8K 56 7
By fandomwriter11

Bilbos POV


" So you are the one they call Oakenshield. Tell me...why is Azog...the Defiler hunting you?" I stared at the skinchanger who sat at the head of the humongous table.

"You know of Azog? How?" Thorin questioned Beorn.

He sighed deeply. "My people were the first to live in the mountains...before the Orcs came down from the North. The Defiler killed most of my family. But some he... enslaved. Not for work, you understand... but for sport.
Caging skin-changers...and torturing them seemed to amuse him."

"There are others like you?" I asked him. His head sank down. Ulaalsia shook her head at me to stop.

"Once there were many." He continued to stare downwards.

"And now?"

"Now there is only one. You need to reach...the mountain before the last days of autumn. Before Durin's Day falls. You are running out of time."

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." Thorin spoke over me.

"A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees.There is an alliance between the Ores of Moria... and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there... except in great need."

"We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe." Beorn shook his head.

"Safe? The Wood Elves of Mirkwood...are not like their kin. They're less wise...and more dangerous. But it matters not."

"What do you mean?

"These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing. And you are on foot.
You will never reach...the forest alive. I don't like Dwarves. They're greedy and blind. Blind to the lives of those they deem...lesser than their own. But Orcs I hate more. What do you need?"


Thorins POV

I started packing everything on to my pony when Dwalin quickly walked over to me.

"'ve found the one?" He stared at me, eyebrows raised and grinning.

I felt my cheeks turning red. "I don't know what you are talking about Dwalin but you better go and get your pony ready."

He grabbed me by my shoulders.
"I know that you've picked Ulaalsia to be your one. I've watched you these past weeks and I can see that you have feelings for her Thorin." I sighed deeply.

"You even gave her the braid Thorin. Dwarven men only do that when they've found the one they want to be with."

"But what if she says no?" He chuckled at me softly.

"It's not likely she'll say no Thorin. It's clear she like you too." He patted my shoulders and walked off without another word. I sighed again.

I walked over to Ulaalsia who was putting all of her things into her bag.

"Hello Thorin!" She smiled at me. "Ulaalsia there is something I'd like to ask you...would you be my one?" She blinked, looking confused.

"Your one?" I nodded at her. She nodded at me.

"Yes Thorin! I will be your one!"

Authors note
Hey guys!!! How y'all doing? So Ulaalsia is finally Thorins one! Thorlisa is now official (credit to RiseOfTheNerds for creating the ship name.)
There is going be more development of this ship as the story goes on. The edit above is one that I made for Thorin and Ulaalsia. I hope you like it.
Until the next chapter

Peace out pizza slices ✌🏻️✌🏻

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