I Never Forgot

By kay_kay27

945 2 0

16 year old Paris is the most popular girl in school. She is stylish and everyone loves her. Underneath her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 4

32 0 0
By kay_kay27

It was Friday and Lina, Kailah, and I were all planning to go home with Summer and sleepover at her house. It was going to be refreshing and maybe I might tell them about me liking Kobe. But before I can let all my worries go and hang out with my friends I have to finish the rest of the school day, and it was only 2nd period!

"I can't believe the first week of 8th grade is almost over," I tell my friends in 2nd period. I have the smart math class and none of my close friends are eligible to be in it. So I sit next to 3 popular girls, Carla, Alex, and Kate.

"Yeah it went by super quick," Kate says.

"Soon it will be graduation," replies Alex.

"Hey, Carla you might want to get off your phone, Ms. Smith is coming. Carla quickly puts her phone back in her backpack. While Ms. Smith is walking over here, I can here all the popular jock boys talking really loudly. Ms. Smith looked like she about had enough of it.

"Kobe sit all the way in the front, next to Ashley, and John sit in front of Paris," Ms. Smith commands them. Darn why can't Kobe sit in front of me instead of John. Well Kobe is pretty close. I sit in the back of the classroom all the way at the end and Ashley sits in my row in the front. So he doesn't sit too far, but John is really annoying. He always makes fun of me then justs say "I'm kidding" all the time and sometimes I don't know if he is kidding. His best friend is Bryce, who is more annoying that him. Bryce has freckles and spiky blonde hair, and he has a pig like nose. That's why I call him a freckly pig, but Bryce does have a big butt and that's the only thing he has going for him. Bryce is just mean to me for no reason, I don't know why, but it all started after Toby moved. Bryce was one of his friend that bullied him so I kind of blame him for Toby leaving.

"Ugh I can't believe I have to sit in front of Paris," groans John. Kobe turns around to John and starts laughing. He was laughing at me. I slump in my chair. This sucks, why can't it be the end of school already.


"So anybody have anything to confess? Like any new crushes?" I ask. My friends look at each other. We were sitting on Summer's bed at her house and we were confessing secrets to one another.

"Well, I think I like Bryce..." Lina confesses.

"Oh my gosh! Me too!" replies Kailah. I look at Kailah and Lina weridly. How could they like that pig?!

"Umm why do you like.....Bryce," I say disgusted.

"Well, he is cute," Kailah tells me.

"Yeah, he is so ugly he's cute," I snark. Everyone starts to laugh. I liked this. Hanging with my friends, not having to worry about boy troubles.

"Hey guys, do you want to come to a Liberty football game with me tommorrow?" Asks Summer," Bryce will be there."

"I want to come," I tell Summer.

"Really?" Asks Lina.


"But you don't like any of the guys who is on Liberty football," Kailah says.

"Well, umm I like football games."

"Yeah of course you can come," says Summer," What about you two?"

"Yeah I might be able to come," Lina says.

"I can't," Kailah tells us.

"Perfect! So Paris, do you like any guys?"asks Summer. I look at my friends.

"Of course not, all the boys at Rio Grande are ugly," I lie," I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I quickly walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. Should I tell them? I really don't see the harm. Mmm, maybe I should wait until I know for sure. I will tell them.....eventually.


Summer, Lina, and I arrived at the Liberty football game. I guess there is a football league that has teams for middle schoolers. Each team is for each high school. For example, Liberty football is for middle schoolers that are going into Freedom High School. So Kobe, Bryce, John, and Blake are all going to Freedom. Anyway we arrived at the game so early junior varsity was still playing. Summer was in Liberty cheer, so she cheered for the varsity football players. I wish I joined Liberty cheer so I could have cheered for Kobe, but I didn't sign up. I sat down on the bleachers with Lina, Summer, and Summer's mom. The junior varsity players were leaving the field and as they took their helmets off I noticed somebody familiar. He had blonde hair. Now I was curious, I quickly ran as close to the field as possible. As the football players passed the bleachers I saw the familiar person. I realized who it was. I quickly duck down and cover my face. I noticed Summer and Lina walking to me.

"What's wrong? " They asked. I pointed at the blonde haired person I was hiding from. Summer and Lina look at him.

"Is that....Toby?"asks Summer.

"Dang! He's hot!" Swoons Lina. I uncover my face and stand up.

"I don't want to see him..."I confess.

"Why not!" Asks Lina surprised.

"I don't want to talk about it..."

"Oh! I need to get cheering!" announces Summer. Lina and I walk back up to where Summer's mom was sitting. The varsity football players enter the field. I noticed Kobe right away. He was number 23. The football game was interesting, but mostly I laughed when someone was tackled, (especially when John was tackled) and looked at Kobe. Towards the end of the game Summer's mom seems, curious about something.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her. She looks at me.

"Umm well I think I just saw Jack's mom," she tells me.

"Didn't Summer go to preschool with Jack, but then she moved and she never saw him again? And she had like a huge crush on him. That Jack?" She nods.

"Well why don't you go over there and talk to Jack's mom."

"Well, she might not remember me."

"Just sit near them and if she talks to you then it's her."

"Mmm, ok. I will be right back." Summer's mom leaves Lina and I alone. She sits near Jack's mom. Once Summer's mom sits there, Jack's mom immediately notices her and starts talking. I turn my attention to the game. Oh, my Kobe is so hot. I start to blush and Lina notices it.

"Are you blushing?" she asks. I look at her wide eyed.

"No, of course not!" I spat. She looks at me suspiciously. She obviously hasn't forgotten about Monday in 1st period.

The game finished and Lina and I ran down to where the players were meeting. We caught up with Summer and I wanted to tell her about the news about Jack.

"Summer! Summer! Summer!" I yell.

"What?"she asks.

"Jack plays Liberty football!"

"What! But how do you know?"

"Because we saw his mother."

"Really!" She sqeauks. Summer started getting all excited. We ran over to where the players were. The team started to break apart. I noticed Summer and Jack's mom next to this tall guy with brown skater boy looking hair and acne.

"Summer, I think that's him," I tell her. She notices her mom and runs over. I begin to walk over to them but before I can reach them Mrs. Short, Kobe's mom, also my 4th grade teacher and 7th grade science teacher, stops me.

"Hey Paris, what are you doing here?"she asks.

"Oh, I came with Summer," I tell her. Right then Kobe walks up to his mom. I look at him and smile. He looks at me, but he didn't have any emotion. It was like he looked right through me. I quit smiling.

"Oh well, I need to catch up with Summer, Mrs. Short."

"See you Monday, Paris." I look back and Mrs. Short nudges Kobe.

"Oh, um bye Paris," Kobe says reluctantly. I look back and wave. I catch up to Summer and Lina.

"Oh, Paris your're here, meet Jack," Summer commands.

"Umm, hey Jack, I'm Paris," I introduce myself.

"Hey Paris, I'm Jack," he replies with a smile. I look back at Kobe who was talking to Bryce, John, and Blake. He was all sweaty, but he still looked gorgeous. Ugh, why can't I ever get the courage to talk to him? Everyone else gets their happy endings, but why can't I? Kailah can easily talk to guys and gets along with them, everyone loves Lina, and Summer found Jack, the person she has been missing since 2nd grade. I look at Summer who was talking to Jack. She was lucky.

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