Perfectly in Pieces

By CDLynn

463K 8.3K 19.9K

A Golden Girl missing A Slytherin Prince trapped An Order holding secrets And a Dark Lord ruling. ___________... More

Chapter 1: Theo
Chapter 2: Hermione
Chapter 3: Draco
Chapter 4: Theo
Chapter 5: Hermione
Chapter 6: Antonin
Chapter 7: Draco
Chapter 8: Theo
Chapter 9: Hermione
Chapter 10: Draco
Chapter 11: Theo
Chapter 12: Hermione
Chapter 13: Draco
Chapter 14: Theo
Chapter 15: Hermione
Chapter 16: Draco
Chapter 17: Theo
Chapter 18: Hermione
Chapter 19: Draco
Chapter 20: Theo
Chapter 21: Hermione
Chapter 22: Draco
Chapter 23: Theo
Chapter 24: Hermione
Chapter 25: Draco
Chapter 26: Ron
Chapter 27: Theo
Chapter 28: Hermione
Chapter 29: Draco
Chapter 30: Theo
Chapter 31: Hermione
Chapter 32: Ron
Chapter 33: Draco
Chapter 34: Theo
Chapter 35: Hermione
Chapter 36: Draco
Chapter 37: Theo
Chapter 38: Hermione
Chapter 39: Draco
Chapter 40: Theo
Chapter 41: Ginny
Chapter 42: Hermione
Chapter 43: Draco
Chapter 44: Theo
Chapter 45: Antonin
Chapter 46: Hermione
Chapter 47: Draco
Chapter 48: Theo
Chapter 49: Hermione
Chapter 50: Draco
Chapter 51: Theo
Chapter 52: Hermione
Chapter 53: Draco
Chapter 54: Theo
Chapter 55: Ginny
Author Note
Chapter 56: Hermione
Chapter 57: Ron
Chapter 58: Draco
Chapter 59: Theo
Epilogue: 2
Epilogue: 3
Epilogue: 4
Epilogue: 5

Epilogue: 1

4.9K 95 124
By CDLynn

The remaining five chapters are structured differently than the rest of PIP. Instead of a chapter being one singular POV, the epilogues will give us pieces of the three main POV's within the story.

I debated on how to structure the ending of this story, and found that this would work best with all I hope to accomplish within these chapters.

PIP is a story told in pieces. Always has been. I hope you enjoy seeing where our characters end up.


Two months later

Her arm knocks the cup of tea over, and onto the ground as she tries to grab the letters from the owl. The bird smacks into the bookcase across from her before righting itself, and dropping the two pieces of parchment onto her side table where her mug used to be. A loud noise from outside has them both jumping, and the bird flying out the window.

Damn it! Theo just bought this rug, and if I left a stain on it...

Hermione quickly glances outside to make sure none of the men had injured themselves again, and then bends down to inspect the damage, only to see her favorite chamomile tea still contained within the cup.

Even though it is sideways.

It looks like a magical barrier stops the liquid from spilling.

How in the?..

She winces as images rush to the forefront of her mind in an uncontrollable way.

She tries to hold them back, separate them, control them as it feels like they are attacking one another.

Breathe Hermione. You know they only last a little while.
Bare it for a few more seconds.

Her teeth grind together as she counts into the double digits before the hot pain begins to subside, and her brain feels like it belongs to her again.

It belongs to her more than anyone else now-a-days.

For the first time in a long time.

She holds on to that truth as she picks up the mug, and the parchment. Hermione tilts the cup upside down, and smiles as nothing comes out again.

The image of Draco doing the same movement over Theo's table of books months ago comes out as a clear image in her mind.

He made this for me.
He placed the charm on all the cups in this house for me.

It must have been recently, because she distinctly remembers Ginny purposefully spilling burnt cholcolate onto the front of her shirt the other day to get Theo's attention away from the blueprints on the kitchen table in the new house.

She seemed to be the only way to get him to take a break from working on their house they are building a couple of yards from Draco's.

Mostly because the parole magic only let Draco go so far from the house. Leaving them with no choice, but to build in close proximity. Theo was adamant that it was a perfect set up though. The weather was nicer than England, Blaise and Pansy were living close by in one of his family's vineyard estates. And most importantly in Theo's eyes, the large home came with a vast amount of land. Beautiful land. Most of it is open fields with little patches of wooded areas, and two small ponds. Perfect for flying. An area of importance for him, which makes no sense to Hermione because she knows he shares her aversion to flying. But nonetheless, seeing the land had solidified his newest fixation of building a house.

Hermione peels off the wax seals as she looks out the window again. Right now, the structure looks nothing like a home. More like a wooden mess that made all the men Theo had convinced to join him on this endeavor, angry and bickering with one another almost every day.

The only time the arguing stopped, was when one of them got hurt. Which occurred hourly lately, as they built trusses for the roof.

"...Don't you pull your wand out at me, Draco! When we all bloody well know you can't do shit with it until your trial verdict is given! I have done extensive research on how to build this, and all the books say..."

"Experience trumps instructions, Theo. We tried it that way, and Zabini was almost crushed..."

Hermione scans the first letter. Already knowing by the handwriting on the outside, what it contains. She scans the request again, and places it within the book holding the other three similar letters.

For another day.

"...No Blaise, Neville! Bottom side, use your legs more and..."


"Fuck! Frosty, take him away before I cast my first unforgivable!"

"S-s-sorry Blaise. I forgot which end..."

"How did you forget bottom side?! It is in your fucking name Longbottom!"

"Shit, accio healer kit! Hold still, Blaise."

"It's broken, Nott! Tell your witch it is my turn for that finger."

Her smile at the men's ridiculous discussion falls from her face as she notices the Wizengamot seal on the second envelope.

She tears open the seal with shaking hands, and skims the contents. They knew this was coming. Draco's verdict trial was now scheduled. For two weeks from today. They had kept the investigation very quiet over the last month. Everyone was interviewed, and then cross-examined multiple times, but no one heard anything for almost a week. Hermione knew what that meant. They believed they had everything they needed. And while she had complete confidence that what she and Minerva compiled together as evidence of Draco's innocence, and Kingsley's guilt, she knew how tempting it was to look away from the truth, in exchange for easy.

The sound of the door down the hallway opening has Hermione looking up from the court date information.

She hears the light footsteps become fainter as they travel down the hallway to the kitchen. Within seconds, the footsteps become louder again, and move back to the same room, before shutting the door quietly, and Hermione finally breathes again.

At least she is eating now. That is a good sign.

Ginny had been in her and Theo's room for two weeks now. Never leaving. Ever since she was informed that the burial requests for Harry were made public. It was a betrayal of the worst kind. One done by the cemetery owners she had been in contact with, and also the family that owned the plot next to the Potters, where she wanted Harry to be placed. Both had not listened to their plea to keep the matter private, and also were not agreeing to re-burying the great aunt who took up the spot next to the Potters.

And ever since, a swarm of media sat waiting at the cemetery for the burial to happen.

They were all devastated, but none more than Ginny.

Isolating herself into a room, and not coming out.

She wouldn't eat.

She wouldn't sleep.

And even when she did, Hermione and Draco would wake up to the sounds of her screaming in anguish before calming down again. Either from a nightmare or reality. The fact that it could be either made her sick.

Not even Theo really knew what to do, or how to help.

But today was the first day she had ventured out on her own will.

That is a good sign.


Hermione pulls away from her thoughts, and looks up to see Draco using the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. All of his wounds, and injuries from his imprisonment had healed nicely. All except for the new mark on his neck.

Anytime he caught her staring at it, he would reach out, and tap his finger against her own marked neck. "Had to keep matching you."

He would try to smile, and she would give him an eye roll to help make his grin stay a little bit longer.

"Yes. It is scheduled for two weeks from today. Is Blaise okay?"

Draco nods slightly as he lowers his shirt, and walks over to the letter she is holding out to him.

"He will be fine."

He silently reads over the letter, and Hermione watches him as she takes another sip of her tea.

He had already built his mental walls thicker before coming into the room. She can see it within the hard lines of his face, and the way his eyes turn more grey than silver, losing their spark.

Like he always does when he is near her anymore.

It was like how Theo was distant with her after he had to beat her months ago, but worse.

Because everyone else was getting Draco, but her.

She is trying to be patient. Hell, the man had been so patient with her when Theo found her. Giving him space and time to work through his guilt, and get to a place where he didn't have to cage himself away from her, she would do. No matter how long it took.

I will never give up on you.

"Why aren't you two getting dressed?" Theo comes into the doorway, cleaning off his hands with a rag, and gesturing to the door down the hall. "Has she left at all since we were working?"

Hermione nods her head, and takes another sip of the tea Draco made for her this morning. "Yes actually. I think she got something for herself in the kitchen, and she took a shower earlier. But dressed for what, Theo?"

He sighs and runs his hand up his face, pushing back his mound of brown waves. Hermione had offered to cut them, but apparently Ginny said she preferred his hair longer.

"Okay, she already showered, good. We have to be there by six if we are going to make this happen. Go change."

He disappears out of the doorway, and Draco stands up slowly. Hermione watches as he rotates his shoulders back and forth, and stretches his limbs out in front of him before offering his hand towards her.

"We are never building a house."

She laughs, taking his hand, and letting him lead her to their bedroom. She thinks about saying how she has no desire to ever move from their current residence. As soon as she walked in, she felt safe. The house was large, but the rooms were all decorated with a homely feel that made her body relax.

But unlike Theo and Ginny, they haven't had the after talk yet. If that is what it is called. They couldn't. Not with him being so shut off most of the time, and also the fact that they were not within the after yet like everyone else.

Not until he was no longer on house arrest, and was found innocent.

"Make sure it is black!" Theo yells right before Draco shuts their door, and she walks into their closet.

Hermione pulls off Draco's t-shirt she is wearing, and goes to the back of the closet for the needed color.

She picks out a simple black dress with sleeves, and turns around.

Draco's eyes are taking her exposed body in with deep concentration that makes the hair on her arms stand on end. He hasn't looked at her like this since before she found out.

They haven't done a lot of things since then.

Right as her mouth starts to curl up into a smile, and she is about to step forward, he looks up to meet her eyes.

His face changes automatically. Becoming hard, and guarded as soon as their eyes meet.

Hermione has to hold back her body from falling inward with her sigh. He doesn't need that added pressure right now. She needed to be more patient. More understanding.

"Why black? What crazy idea has he come up with now?" She asks.

Draco begins to strip, and Hermione turns around to stop herself from groveling, which she would not be able to stop if she took in his chest, and muscles, and...


She slips her arms through the dress as she stands upright at the sound of someone knocking on their door.

No one knocked on their door.

The first thing Blaise did when they first came over was connect their Floos to one another, and they were the only ones to ever really visit. And even if it was Blaise, he wouldn't bother with knocking.

"Who is..."

"An Auror." Draco says as he walks behind her, and moves her hair over the shoulder to zip up her dress.

"Why is an Auror here? You didn't actually use magic on Theo did you?"

She turns around as he pulls on his Oxford shirt. Her hands start at the bottom button, and work up as he tries to tame a few of her fly-away curls.

"No. My special request to leave house arrest with an Auror escort was granted."

Her eyebrows meet as she finishes his last button, and smooths out the collar. He bends down to move the pile of laundry that was his new hiding place for their shoes since she had found the last one three days ago.

"Wait, we are leaving the house? Why? Where are we..."

"Are you two ready? Gingersnap, we have to go..."

"I don't want to, Theo. Please, you don't understand..."

"No Ginevra, you don't understand. We have to be there by, wait... no... Don't take your shoes off! I'm serious! We have to... shit, fine, well... you leave me no choice..."


Draco shrugs on his suit jacket. A very odd choice in Hermione's opinion as they walk out to the hallway to see Theo with Ginny hiked up over his shoulder, walking towards the front door.

Ginny smacks his arse, and begins to stick her hand down the back of his trousers when she takes in their matching attire.

"What is going on?"

As she is speaking, Theo opens the door, and the Auror walks in. He walks by them and waves his wand, and grabs the parole box. Placing it in his pocket.

"You are cleared for one hour." He says.

Draco and Theo both nod, and lead them out through the small front garden they were in the process of landscaping, and past the wall of wards.

Theo finally sets Ginny down, but before either of them can ask what the hell is going on again, Hermione sees the world start to spin in the way apparition caused.

She falls into Draco's chest as the forceful magic stops. Afraid to take her face out of his chest. She doesn't like this. It worries her how much she doesn't like leaving the house.

"Oh my gods..."

Hermione finally raises her face from Draco, and gasps at where they are.

She has been here before.


Years ago.

On Christmas.

With him.

With the man in the coffin, next to the hole in the ground.

The hole right beside his parents.


Ginny's face is soaking wet as she holds on to Theo's forearms, and looks over his shoulder to the area they all knew had been filled with media waiting for this moment. But no one is there.

"How, what, I don't understand. They said they wouldn't agree..."

Theo smiles, and wipes the tears off of her cheeks. "Money doesn't solve all problems, but it did solve this one."

Ginny looks confused until she sees Ron, Padma, and Neville apparate into the cemetery as well.

"You, you did all this. You paid them off so we could, so I could..." Ginny sobs, and falls into Theo's chest before she can finish.

He wraps his arms around her, and holds her tight as she continues to cry.

"But they said no. I heard them say no to any monetary offer." Hermione whispers as Draco grabs her shaking hand. Her own tears starting to escape.

They are burying Harry today.


He was finally being placed where he belongs.

With his family.

With his home.

"Theo found out the husband collects old books. He offered one the man couldn't refuse."

No he didn't.
He couldn't have.
Not that book.

But even as she thinks it, she knows it is true. She doesn't even need to go back to the house and look to see if the spot was empty; where it used to be magically protected on the fireplace mantle just like it had been in Theo's rooms.

She already knows it is.

"I love you so much, Theo. Thank you, thank you..."

She grabs his cheeks, and kisses him deeply.

Theo smiles into the kiss before pulling away. "I know, we only have..."

He looks up to Draco.

"38 minutes." He says without missing a beat.

Theo nods, and starts pulling her closer to the gravesite. The new stone is already in place as well; spanning the entire length of the three graves instead of the two.

Hermione feels Draco's hand tense in hers as Ron and Padma start to come closer.

Her childhood best friend tilts his head in hesitant recognition towards her, before averting his eyes back to their other friend.

He may have done the right thing in the end, but there was still a lot of hurt surrounding the two of them. And Draco would never like him. It was something she knew she had to accept, just like Draco realized that Ron would probably never be entirely out of their lives.

To co-exist in proximity was the goal.

The girl she was when she had stood here years ago was dead. All of the expectations, and naïveté perspectives of what life would be for her, gone. She was burying her with Harry, and never looking back.

She thinks Ron probably is as well.

And who they have become now, are people on different courses for their lives. With different wants, and that... that was okay.

It was okay to let some people go, and allow them to become less.

Or as Draco liked to say, it was okay to outgrow some people, and grow into others.

She raises up to kiss him on the cheek in reassurance before reaching out, and giving Padma a hug, and nodding back towards Ron.

"How is he?" She whispers into her dark hair.

"Two weeks clean today. It has been hard again, but better than last time."

Hermione squeezes her shoulder in reassurance. They knew Ron had relapsed the day after the trial. Drinking himself so deep, that Padma found him in an alley, covered in his own filth, and in need of medical attention.

The healers agreed if she would have been a few hours later, he would have been dead.

The truth of their new reality was weighing heavy on him. And none of them knew who would win the war raging inside him.

But today he looks better again.

"Hi, Harry." Ginny moves first, and places her hand on the dark wooden casket, rubbing the surface back and forth as she continues to cry. "We... we finally got you here, like I promised."

Theo stays standing the farthest back from the scene. Giving her space to do this.

Hermione notices the familiar looking remains of a wreath she had placed here years ago.

Remembering her friend, her brother.

The man who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this ending.

Whose life was never his own, and never would be.

I wish I could have known you without the war. I wish we all could have witnessed who you would have been.
I'm so sorry that was taken from you...

She hiccups, and moves next to Ginny who is now hugging the top of the coffin, and whispering words onto the surface. She feels Ron follow her as well, and come to stand on the other side of his sister who is sobbing uncontrollably.

"Winning will never be worth him." She whispers.

"No, it won't. It doesn't have to be Gin." Hermione hugs her as Ginny presses her face into the wood, and Ron rubs her lower back, eyes watering as well.

"I think... I think he would want us to be happy though. As happy as we can be without him. If anyone understood living with loss it was him." Ron says as he sniffs loudly.

"Does he have his glasses? He would want his glasses, and want them cleaned. And we should have brought his snitch, or his jumper mum made him, or..."

Ginny stops rambling as Ron pulls out the familiar golden orb. He presses down on it, and the wings flip out, and start flapping.

"It's time Gin." He says.

She nods in agreement, and kisses the top of the box. "I love you."

Ginny raises up, her body shaking and needing support. Theo is there as soon as she stumbles, and she holds on to him as she looks back towards them.

Hermione wipes under her eyes as she meets Ron's gaze across from her.

He smiles softly before raising his wand. "It was always the three of us. One more time? Just the three of us?"

She registers what he is saying, and whimpers as she agrees, and pulls out her wand.

Ron waits for her to calm a bit, before the two of them cast the Wingardium Leviosa, both being hit with the irony of the moment, as they pronounce it the exact same way, and Harry's coffin rises into the air in between them.

Their eyes stay locked on each other until a light laugh, and a snort escape from the two of them.

They levitate the casket into the open hole, and lower it together down into the ground. Both of them move to look into the grave as Ron places the golden snitch down on top of the wood.

He picks up a handful of dirt, and takes a deep breath.

"I will miss you everyday, mate." He sprinkles the dirt. Hearing it thump against the surface. "Tell Fred and Percy we all say hi, and miss them too. And let your mum and dad know we are sorry it took so long for us to finally get you here, where you belong."

Hermione lowers, and picks up a handful of dirt as well. She holds it out in front of her, and stares at her closed fist.


Because this was an end. They can all feel it in the heaviness of the moment. Recognizing how precious every breath was to experience fully.

An end none of them ever wanted, but had to live with anyways.

Had to hold within themselves for the rest of their lives.

"We all carry pieces of you, Harry. Everything you taught and showed us about living, about love, about friendship." She turns her hand, and lets the dirt fall. "Thank you for being my family. You will always be our family."

Minutes later the men have covered the entire grave, and are working on spells to grow the grass over the dirt.

"I still don't feel good." Ginny says as she rubs the skin of her chest back and forth. "I thought maybe it would be easier after..."

Hermione reaches out, and hugs her.

"Losing him is never going to feel good, and that's okay Gin. We don't have to turn it into something else, something less... broken. We can just let it be what it is."

She wishes she had better words to say to her. To the pain they all feel. But grief could not be fixed with words.

It could never be buried in the dirt.

But maybe it isn't supposed to. Grief is something that demands to be felt, to be recognized. Maybe instead of fighting it, they should give space for it. For the loss to be a living thing within them. Not something crushed with empty words, and distractions.

Maybe that is what it needed.

To be felt.

To be heard.

To be recognized.

Because Harry would continue to live in all of them. In the guilt, and the love. In the broken, and the beautiful.


Two weeks later

He shuts the book that now hides six identical letters inside it as he hears footsteps down the hall.

It hurts that she is hiding something from him. That she isn't talking or even acknowledging this opportunity with him, but he knows he is the one to blame for that.

For the divide he has put up between them again.

Granger walks in rubbing the front of her dress with her hands.

She is nervous.

He doesn't even have to look at her face to see that there was some fear in her for how today's trial was going to go.

As she should be.

Draco was well aware through his experience during the investigation that it was not looking good.

Yes, the evidence made it quite clear he never abused Granger, or used her to get out of the war, but it also showed evidence of what the war made him become.

Of all the actions he kept thick walls around. Just like the one dealing with the beautiful brunette in front of him.

"Are you ready?"


He moves down the hallway a few steps behind her, glancing into the room they had deemed as theirs to make sure the lump next to her pillow on the floor was still there.

The container held a couple of things she has the right to have and know if he doesn't come back today.

Granger goes into the kitchen to grab the stack of papers, and additional research she had been tirelessly working on for weeks.

He takes the scene in as her back is to him. Letting his walls down to experience this moment with who he truly is. Her elbow hits off the top of the wooden chair, and the ornate carved topper knocks loose like it always tends to do, and rolls under the table.

She groans, and places the papers back onto the surface before lowering to the floor, mumbling about their apparent ability to build an entire damn house, yet unable to fix a chair.

Draco can't help the curve of his mouth at the scene.

He loves this house. As soon as his mother had shown it to him back during the summer between 5th and 6th year, his mind automatically started adding his witch's presence to the home.

He remembers following his mother from room to room, and thinking how the place was very unlike the other estates and properties within the Malfoy family assets.

Usually they were large, and grand. But this one was warmer. Rooms smaller, with natural colors and textures. Windows on every wall to let in the natural light.

It screamed her in every detail.

His mother had turned to see him looking into the exact space he is now, eyes in his dreams.

"I think a new atmosphere is needed."

He knew what she meant by that. She was trying to put distance between them, and the war approaching. Trying to protect him from the Dark Lord's desires to pay penance for his father's failures. Hoping that maybe, if they lived quiet lives in the countryside, the war wouldn't find them.

Both of their dreams were crushed days after buying the home, when he was forced to take the Dark Mark. When he was made aware of what the expectations were for him with the upcoming school year.

There was no escaping it then.

Not with the ink in his arm.

Granger stands upright, and he accidentally doesn't pull his eyes away before her golden ones lock onto his.

As soon as they do, his stomach turns, and the bile starts to burn his throat.

Because she knows.

Every time he looks at her, he sees it.

He can't unsee it.

It won't stay caged in. Those burning eyes destroy his barriers.

Look away.
It is still too hard.
You have done it right this time. You kept the divide. It'll be easier for her to let you go today since you re-built the divide.

He stares down at his shoes as he turns out of the house. Opening the door, and letting her go threw before turning to shut it behind them. But before his hand leaves the door knob, he feels her warm touch against his forearm.

The contact makes the breath in his throat catch.

He stops, and she walks directly in front of him, but he continues to stare at a spot above her head.

"Draco, can you... Just for a minute. 60 seconds, and not a second more I promise. You can count them. Please, can we have one minute of us before..."

She stops talking as she moves closer, slowly sliding her arms around his sides, and joining them in the back.

He should stop this.

It already was doing nothing but hurting both of them as he feels her face press against his chest and wet his shirt.

"I love you."

She says as she taps in a rhythm with her finger onto his back.


He closes his eyes, and lowers his head, letting his face get lost in her hair. Breathing in a deep inhale of lavender and vanilla.

I love you too.
I am so sorry I love you too.

His arms wrap around her as he breathes out, and squeezes her tightly. Covering her entire body with his. Trying to hold on to his shaking walls and her at the same time.

Wanting them both.

He thinks if he was given more time he could have both.

Draco taps the same pattern into the dip of her back.

"I love you too."

58, 59, 60.

Like she promised, she pulls away looking at the ground. She picks up her bag, and turns to meet Theo, Red, and the Auror escort waiting past the ward line around the property. A ward barrier just as thick as the ones that used to be around Theo's room.

Just in case.

Always just in case.

"So, want to play cards tonight? Or maybe try catching fish with those sticks Hermione bought us?"

"Rods, Theo."

Granger smiles as they come to stand beside them to apparate.

"Same difference. Sound good, Draco? I know you think it is pointless with magic making the activity moot, but you never know when the skill will come in handy."

His brother gives him a half-smile. Draco knows what he is trying to do. Lighten the mood. Talking about plans for the four of them.

Instead of the three of them.

It must be obvious that he is not going to answer because Theo turns, and interlaces his fingers with their two witches, just as Draco reaches out for Granger's hand, and the Auror clasps his shoulder.

He apparates them to the point closest to the Ministry building.

"Keep close. The square is busy today."

The Auror does not hesitate before walking briskly towards the destination.

He wasn't lying when he said the courtyard was busy. It seems like a market is going on.

Her hand still grasping his pulls him back as they step out into the open.

He knows without even turning around that Theo is doing the same thing. Red is probably hesitant as well.

He looks back to see them all staring ahead. Theo and Granger have similar expressions of absolute fear, while Weaselette looks nervous.

To them, the real world was a scary place.

Not safe anymore.

Not a place any of them felt they belonged.

None more than Theo who had been feeling that way ever since childhood.

And now also Granger due to her isolation and captivity.

She had gone from one room, to 11, to a home, and while it was more freeing, it was not freedom.

And now, after so long, he knows the world feels too big for her.

Hence why she hadn't answered the six letters.

She wasn't ready.

There was more time needed he thinks, but she would get there.

She would.

She has to.

Whether he would see it or not.

"Hey! I said keep up!"

Draco grinds his teeth as he places his finger underneath Granger's chin to make her look up at him. He looks at the largest freckle on her cheek. One of his favorites.

"Remember who you are."

She blinks, and takes a deep breath in before nodding at him. He looks over her shoulder to see Theo tossing him a vial, and downing one himself. Draco hands it to Granger, and she swallows as well.

"Red, cast a silencing charm around us. Hold my hand Granger, you can close your eyes if you need."

She makes a pain filled expression. He knows she is thinking how pathetic, and weak she is. That walking through a market was making it impossible for her to breathe.

The world goes silent around them with Red casting the charm, and Theo closes his eyes as she leads him ahead. Granger takes his hand, but forces herself to keep her eyes open.

He starts walking to the waiting Auror, and follows him to the building.

Draco tries to keep his eyes forward, but they haven't even taken the 14th step into the courtyard before he sees people turning their head and sneering at him.

Because they know who he is.

They know about the mark on his arm, and the manor that was the Dark Lord's personal home. They know his last name, and the support of the pureblood prejudices that fortified the recent genocide and war.

The looks are warranted in his opinion. Understandable. But his feet falter under him as he watches their disgusted glares turn to the woman behind him holding his hand, curling into his side in familiarity.

They know her as well. Someone just as famous on the polar opposite side.

And she is by his side.

Draco watches as their disgust transforms into open-mouth shock, and then into an utter rage as they take her in. It is enough to make him start walking so fast, that now it was the Auror's turn to try and keep up.

I deserve these looks, but she does not.

It doesn't seem like Granger notices them at all, or if she does, she hides their affect better than she usually was at hiding her emotions.

They climb the stairs quickly, and a team of Aurors is waiting for him at the end of security. To take him away. To separate the possibly guilty from the innocent.

When he tries to move, her hand doesn't let go for a moment until he squeezes it in reassurance, and for once, allows silver to meet gold.

They are glossy as they try to fight it.

He smiles, squeezes once more, and then lets go.

It is easier this way, Granger.
You deserve easy after everything you have been through.
A life with me would be anything but easy.

They open the door to a packed courtroom, and lead him down to the table in the center of the floor.

Kingsley Shacklebolt is already sitting there as Draco scoots a chair back, and joins him.

The Wizengamot in front of them are still working to prepare for this verdict.

That is all today would be.

No debates.

No more back and forths.

They had done all that over the past weeks.

Draco looks up to see Minerva leading Granger, Theo, and Red over to a first row of seats. The trials were still being held close to the Ministry's chest. At least until the verdict was given. Trying to keep the depiction of healing rather than added corruption.

A war had started over less before.

"You and I do not look very different anymore, do we?"

His attention goes to the man circling the cuff link on his suit.

"Well I wasn't held in a cell for days, and beaten this time." Draco says as he pulls down the collar of his shirt. "But even now, my suit is still twice the quality and price of the one you are currently trying to pass off as something it is not. Just like those fake golden cuff links as well. All just a veil with you, isn't it?"

He flexes his arms out, and rubs his thumb over his real golden cuff links as he smirks.

"They did not only dive into my own history. They dove into yours as well." Kingsley says shooting him a matching sneer. "So tell me Mr. Malfoy, what do you think the punishment should be for killing dozens of people? What is the price for making that choice?"

Draco scoffs, and leans back in his chair as the familiar small wizard starts waddling towards the front.

He is about to open and respond, but Kingsley cuts him off.

"You see, I do agree, I did misconceive you in some aspects. But one area I believe I have right is that making you live in this new world, with everything you have done, will be price enough." Draco's jaw locks as he feels Kingsley lean in closer as he speaks, voice dropping. "Because you will ruin yourself. No matter what they deem today. You Mr. Malfoy, will never be free."

His walls start to crumble in a few places.

At the truth, and the personal fears the man's words hold.

"We are all here today to recite the verdicts we, as the Wizengamot, have come to within two investigations..."

The choices in front of him again were not ideal. Although many people he is sure would disagree with him.

At the surface level, it seems like an easy conclusion to be rooting for.

Between freedom or imprisonment.

But choices and situations like this, like who he was now, made that all greyer. Or silver if you ask Granger.

"...First, within the very in-depth and painstaking investigation into the matters of nefarious and illegal use of power by Interim Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, it was found that..."

Because it wasn't just the horrible positions, and decisions he partook in during the war to survive, and protect the people he loved.

It was more.

A lot more.

It included living with the weight of his name. Of his family. To always receive sneers, and dirty looks, and probably even worse from people for the rest of his life.

That no matter what he did to change his family name, and the reputation it rightfully earned, it wouldn't be enough.

Because he was never enough.

"...Has led us to open investigations into other members working with Mr. Shacklebolt, including Aberforth Dumbledore..."

And that was only addressing the outward repercussions.

Because Kingsley is right. What he continued to fight against inside himself was the darker side of this crossroad.

How was he supposed to move forward with everything he fights against inside him?

Especially with her of all people.

"...We of the Wizengamot find Interim Minister of Magic Kingsley Shakebolt, guilty of..."

He told Theo right after everything that he would try.

But he was tired of trying to be .

Of trying to be, being the best he could do.

The best he could offer.

It was exhausting to always be trying. Feeling the strain of that word with every breath and action.

"...25 years in Azkaban, and the inability to ever work for the MInistry again. Second, within the investigation into the matter of Draco Malfoy..."

Imprisonment was the easier option. Isolation was alwasy easier to handle reality within, whether it was forced or not.

Closing oneself both outwardly and inwardly made everything quieter. Being alone would give him the freedom of his guilt and memories to be the closest thing to truly forgotten. Because there would be nothing, and no one to spark the mind and body to focus on the broken parts they have.

"...Innocent within the accusations brought against him towards Miss. Hermione Granger. Moving on to the issues of his actions during the war, such as the murder of..."

But he loves her.

Fuck, does he love the frustrating, beautiful, smart woman so much, that it makes a part of him want to fight.

A part of him that grows when he isn't close to her. When he is working on Theo's house, or reading, or flying.

When he forgets how she burns all of his inhibitions as soon as her eyes meet his.

Burning down all of the barriers between them.

Barriers he needs in place to stop the hurting. To successfully keep breathing.

"...And the evidence proving The Order's use of Mr. Malfoy as a spy, and opening for their needs, we have granted a pardon, preliminary on 30% of the Malfoy assets being given to help support, and rebuild the wizarding world. And Mr. Malfoy's activism within said efforts..."

He knows she is trying to be patient. But he doesn't know how to do this. How to live and love someone that holds all of your guilt as well.

How do two people move on from what they have had to do to one another, both fully aware of what was done?

"...Details will be owled, this ends today's proceedings."

And also within a world that he knows will try to tear them apart. A lot was against them even though the war was over. Even though he doesn't have to hide and protect her from an evil wizard, he would still have to protect her from what people would say. What people would assume. He would have to live with making her life harder with his presence even within freedom.

Holding her back.

He couldn't do that to her.

Without him, she would be revered and honored. People would stare in admiration, and flock to support her in transforming this world.

If he is beside her, that all would be tainted.

"Draco, Draco did you hear any of that? You are free! You were pardoned!"

Someone is pulling back his chair, and contact is all over him from multiple people.

I am free.
I never... never planned how to be free.

Theo lets out a large whistle between two fingers. Red ruffles his hair back and forth calling him a lucky prick over and over again. Minerva and a few other's stand back with forms in their hands and a smile on their faces. Granger seems to try to hold back in her crying and squeezing, but relents, and begins to sob loudly.

Unintentionally, his eyes meet Minerva's again, and he sees her smile slip at what she sees in his expression.

Because this doesn't feel real, or even right.

Because he doesn't feel free.

He doesn't breathe easier, or stand straighter, or become lighter as he looks at his old professor within the midst of the people all counting this as a win.

It doesn't feel like a win to him.

Will it ever?

But he smiles, and hugs her tightly in return because that is what he is supposed to do. 


2 months later

The sound of a window shattering, makes him hesitate moving forward.

Shit, I bet it was another shoe. Hopefully they are fighting on the first story this time. The third story window was a pain to fix.

The loud voices trying to speak over each other can now be heard clearly. Even over the rushing water pouring down on them from the waterfall shower head.

"Fuck no, we are not stopping again because of their bickering. Put up a silencing charm, I was so close, Theo."

The O in his name drags out to a moan as he thrusts back inside her. Watching his cock disappear into her incredible warmth as he holds both of her perfect arse cheeks in his hands to control her body around his cock.

Her hands slap against the walls of the custom-built-to-her-exact-wants shower. Searching for the bar they had experimented to find where it needed to be for this exact purpose.

Because if Theo thought wanking to her in the shower was great, he now knows it is nothing compared to fucking her.

He plants himself entirely inside her, and reaches to the the counter for his wand. He casts the quick spell, and the sounds of the Granger, Malfoy showdown happening next door disappear.

They will handle them later.

After this.

And hopefully after the house warming visit too.

While he places his wand back, Ginevra starts moving forward and back against him. Taking him in and out with the sound of the wet slap of her arse hitting his hips.

Theo stares down, and watches his wicked witch fuck herself on him.

I love this arse. I love this cunt. Fuck, I love this witch.

Her breathy sighs and noises begin to rise and fall, informing him of what was about to happen as she moves against him, and clenches around him.

He lets her continue to have her way with him for a while. But when her breath catches, and he sees her hands squeeze the bar tighter, he finds himself unable to stop his hands from squeezing her hips, and picking up the pace.

Taking back the control.

She flinches, and whines a little before turning her head, and pouting at him.

"So-Sorry. I would have stopped. I wouldn't have come without..."

"I make you come, Ginevra. You know the rules. You come on my cock, while I am inside you, when I am in control."

He starts pounding into her from behind harder, watching her breasts swing back and forth with each thrust.

He knows how to do this now. He knows he is good at this for her now. Fucking finally too. It had taken a few months, but now he was able to make her come at least once around his cock before he came with her.

A preference they both seemed to have.

Theo moves his hand in front of her, and starts rubbing at her clit as he moves quicker and quicker into her.

She clenches around him like a vice, and it takes his breath away for a moment.  Her walls flutter around him, and he feels his body wanting to do the same thing.

Theo removes his hand from her clit, and grabs her by the neck to pull her back directly against his front. Her wet hair slaps him in the face, and sticks to his chest as she lets her head fall onto his shoulder as he continues to fuck her hard from behind.

His hands stay on her neck as his mouth sucks in the skin of her shoulder, and her hands wrap around his sides, and hold on as her body continues to take him.

"Teddy, I'm close, can I, can we..."

"Hold off... fuck, almost their Gingersnap. Hold on for me."

Ginevra whines again, and turns her head as she grabs his face, and pulls it to hers. Inserting her tongue into his mouth, and kissing him deeply just the way she knows he likes.

And it pushes him that little bit more he needs.

Instead of taking his mouth off of her to tell her, he nods his head, and he feels her body start to shake as she lets go.

He thrusts deep into her, and releases as her walls tell him she is as well.

They fall into each other more as the feeling reaches it's peak, and then begins to come down, making them shake with each after feeling still coursing through them. Theo holds her close to him, as she sags and gets control of her breathing once again.

"Are you okay?" He whispers into her neck as he kisses the water off of it.

She smiles, and sighs as he pulls out of her, and turns her around to inspect that neither of them left a mark on her body.

"Like I said a while ago Theo, plaster to me to any wall you want. The more aggressive the better."

She laughs, and kisses him gently before pulling her wet hair off of her body, and into one of her hands. Letting the trickling water flow over the skin of her back.

Theo grabs the flannel, and gets down on his knees. He runs the hand towel up her legs to her center, and cleans what he had left behind.

She hums in approval as she begins to wash her hair.

"What do you think the fight was about this time?"

Theo shrugs and stands up. Ginevra takes her own hand towel, and starts rubbing it against his skin as he rinses her hair.

"Probably what it is always about anymore."

Ginevra turns him around, and smacks his arse before cleaning his back.

"I love your back dimples."

"Thanks. So did Hermione."

She smacks his arse again a bit harder this time as he can't stop himself from laughing.

"When did my father say they were coming?"

The smile on Theo's face disappears. He was dreading this visit. It would be the first one since he and Ginevra had officially moved together into their new home.

A home he is very proud of. He never thought bigger than his 11 rooms before. Never thought there was ever an option for more. Until her.

And although the multiple interactions with her parents since they apologized, and also listened to Ginevra share their story, were much more amicable in nature, Mrs. Weasley did not hold back on her dislike over her daughter living with a man out of wed lock.

And the idea of having them in their new home, that they had christened every fucking surface of since moving in, was Theo's worst nightmare.

What if they want to sit at our kitchen table that I ate a different kind of breakfast on yesterday morning?
How the bloody hell am I supposed to ever look her father in the eyes again?

"After they visit George and the new shop I think." He says as he pushes his wet waves to the side out of his eyes.

"I highly doubt you would handle them catching us naked in the shower together well."

She turns off the water, and Theo warms her towel with a charm before wrapping it around her.

"Do you think your brother will rent the building?"

Ginevra shrugs and opens the door, breaking the silencing charm. The screaming is still continuing next door.

"Probably. It was always their dream to open a joke shop together."

"And if he does, do you think you will take the job he offered you?"

Theo follows her out of the loo, and over to their bed with their pieces of clothing laid out on top.

She drops her towel, and Theo can't help but smile at the affect her naked body continues to have over him.

I never want to get used to this.

"Yeah I think so. He will need help with organizing and designing the shop. Plus, just think of all the fun things I can bring home to keep you on your toes."

She winks at him as he scoffs, and rubs at his hair with the towel.

"And you could do that? Be out... there?"

He knows the question is more for himself than for her. She was the one to leave their warded estate the most. She seemed to be the only one comfortable enough to walk in the real world again.

Draco seemed to have no personal desire to do anything, let alone venture.

But for him and Hermione, it was different. It wasn't nerves, or lack of want, it was fear. It was the feeling of danger all around them.

Too many people.

Too open.

Too big.

Too much to have to protect themselves from.

But even though Ginevra was comfortable being the one to pick up needed items, and travel to her family's houses, beginning to actually participate in the world again was a different subject.

She sighs as she moves his pirate hat on the bed side table to grab her wand underneath. "I think so. We all have to someday, don't we?"

"Not really. You know you don't have to work if you don't want to. I'm filthy rich remember? And even those hideous shoes of yours didn't run me dry."

He meant it to be a joke, but her questioning expression makes him think he must have said something wrong.

"So you don't think you are ready to..."

The sound of a door slamming makes her stop speaking. Theo huffs as he pulls on his shirt, and turns around.

"I'm going to go check on them. I'll be back."

He makes his way down the stairs and hallways. Taking in the pristine, beautifully decorated areas of their home. Every corner he turns, and every area he looks at, has a piece of his collection on display.

Ginevra's idea.

To build the home to accomodate and honor his prized items. She and Hermione had finally completed a full spreadsheet of his collection, and placed them into categories and sizes. Ginevra looked up many different museums and exhibits around the world, and gave him the pictures for inspiration for their home.

And it is perfect.

He opens the front door, and his face falls as he sees the evil witch hunched over on the front step. Theo can see a shadow on the second floor pacing back and forth.

Fucking sociopaths...

Theo walks down the path, and sits down beside her.

She doesn't look up for a second. He isn't sure if she is crying, or contemplating, but the sniffle she releases lets him know, and he is reaching into his pocket for the handkerchief within seconds.

"Thanks." She says before blowing her nose. "Sorry if you heard any of that... again."

Theo leans back, and stretches his legs in front of him.

"Hermione, we live so close, I am afraid one of those damn shoes that come smashing through your windows is going to continue forward, and crash through one of my own. Of course we heard it. Was it about the letters again?"

She nods, and wipes at the space under her nose one more time before sitting up straighter, and looking ahead.

"We love each other." She says after a few moments.

"I know."

"But our love hurts each other."

Theo nods his head this time, and pulls out his pack of cigarettes, both taking one. She lights their ends, and they take a drag as they watch a bird come down into the small simple fountain within the garden.

"Remember when you told me this all gets easier when we are given a chance to be more than just surviving?"

He twists the smoke in his mouth, and releases the circles one after the other.


"It's still not easier for us, Theo. I honestly think it is worse."

"You said the same about my house."

She turns, and pulls her eyebrows together as she takes a drag. "What?"

He points to the clean, sharp lined exterior of his home. "Around a month ago, when we had that big setback with the second floor not being built to support my collection of books, and the entire thing caved in, you said it looked like an even bigger mess to try and fix, than when we were starting from nothing. And yeah, you weren't wrong because fuck was it complicated, and frustrating. But we did do it. We did fix it. All my books are safe now."

"All except for one. Did you ever tell Ginny you gave your first edition Hogwarts: A History away?"

"Did you ever tell Draco you found your mother's ring in with his stuff?"

Both of them are silent as they watch the smoke disappear in the air.

"Truce." They say at the same time. Making them turn to one another and laugh before she bops him on the nose, and leans into his shoulder.

"How many letters are you up to now?"

He feels her cheek rise against his body. "15."


"How many St. Mungo application forms has Ginny hidden throughout your house?"

He laughs, and places the cigarette between his lips.

"Only seven so far. But I am sure there are more. Pretty positive if you and Draco wouldn't have gone at it, she would have tried to convince me to apply."

His witch was many amazing things, but subtle was not one of them.

"And why don't you? You are a great healer, Theo."

"Why don't you take the job of heading the historical documentation and curation for the second wizard war like they have been asking for months? You want history to be written correctly more than anything, Hermione."

They both know why the other hesitates to move forward with these opportunities. It was the same reason why they chose not to leave the wards, and the reason when they did, they would begin to panic.

But he also knows that St. Mungo's holds some of the rarest books on magical healing in the wizarding world. And he had a few things he was still desperately trying to heal.

Hermione's mind being one of them.

She didn't talk a bout it much, but they all saw the other her come over her face in a pain filled expression many times over the past couple of months. And Draco had told him that when he had entered her mind for occlumency strengthening, he could feel something off, something wrong, something dark.

Theo wants to learn how to help her.

But the closest thing he ever experienced to the real world was his time at Hogwarts. He never took part in the trips to Hogsmeade. Always giving his list of desires to Draco because he was too fearful.

"Granger, I'm sorry I..." They both turn around as Draco opens the door, and stops at seeing them both.

"I'm sorry too. " She says as she rises, and wipes off the back of her jeans. "I shouldn't have kept them a secret, and I shouldn't use your love for me as a weapon, and I did."

"I am not playing a role with you, Granger. That is not what this is. And I should have taken more consideration into how I said things... I am not as quick at mastering lessons as you are."

He smirks, and the blush on Hermione's cheeks makes Theo think this is somehow some inside thing between the two of them.

And by the way the air starts to feel heavier, Theo is sure he has zero desire to witness how they were about to make up.

He smiles, and backs down the pathway.

"Can you do us all a favor, and put up a fucking silencing charm? I swear, we can now hear you two louder than in my old rooms."

They both laugh at him, and Draco shoots him his middle finger before they walk through their door.

Theo shakes his head, and turns around, only to be startled by the presence of Ginevra's parents staring at him.

Oh shit...

"Theodore." Mr. Weasley says with a huge smile, as he comes up to pat him on the shoulder.

Theo braces for the contact. It seemed no matter how many times Ginevra warned her huge and abrasive family that he preferred his space, they had no idea what that truly meant.

"Sir. Ma'am." He nods his head at them both as they stare at his newest creation. Both look at the home with wide, surprised eyes that make him feel a bit warm inside.

A weird feeling.

Like it makes him happy that they seem to be proud.

"The house is magnificent, Theodore. I knew it would be, after what you were able to accomplish in that horrible safe house only after a few days. Now come, show us the inside."

"Thank you sir." He moves out of his grasp, and opens the gate into the garden, and towards the house.

Before he can open the door, Ginevra runs out smiling, and does a twirl with her hands up above her head.

"Welcome to our home mum and dad! Isn't it beautiful?!"

Mrs. Weasley lets out a huff, as she pulls a few weeds out of the flower bed closest to the front porch.

"Yes Ginny dear, it is very nice, but I have taught you better than to plant petunias so close to hydrangeas."

Mr. Weasley and Ginevra both tilt their head to each other with knowing looks before ignoring her mother's comment, and walking in the door.

Theo waits for Mrs. Weasley to straighten, and head in herself before shutting the door.

He lets Ginevra lead the way, and give the tour. He always became mesmerized by the pure joy that would come over her as she explained the designs, and thought process behind each room they had built together.

Her mother only made one comment towards their relationship. When Ginevra passed their bedroom, and called it 'ours.' A statement that received an awkward cough from her father, and a comment about 'how she was raised' by her mother.

But rather than that, the visit was going well in Theo's opinion. Yes, her family was a lot, but he had become more relaxed in their presence over the past couple of months, and they also seemed to come to more of an understanding that he was different.

"My favorite part about the house is of course how you have chosen to display your collection. Hopefully in our new home, I will be able to rebuild mine as well. I would love your assistance if you would be interested?"

"Absolutely sir." Theo says as tries to control himself from choking on his burnt chocolate.

Mr. Weasley sets down his cup, and reaches into his robe pocket to pull out a small wrapped box. "A house warming present for the two of you."

He holds it out towards Theo, and he takes it.

Theo opens up the box to find a small yellow animal figurine inside. He can't stop the confusion from showing on his face, and he hears Mr. Weasley let out a sigh at the expression.

"Merlin, I thought maybe you could tell me what it's function is..." His voice fades as he stands up, and picks up the duck from the box. "This was one of the few pieces of my own collection that my wife was able to save."

Theo's eye widen. He was giving them one of the few items left within his Muggle collection he took so much pride in? That, that was a lot. There is only one person he had ever given up any piece of his collection for, and he was desperately in love with her.

"Sir, we can't accept this. If it is one of the only artifacts you have, then you should..."

"Nonsense." The man says before placing the duck into his hand. "You are family now, Theodore."

Theo gulps loudly as he looks down at the weird item. He has no clue what it is, or what purpose it provides in the Muggle world. Maybe Hermione would tell him.

But even without knowing, he can feels it's worth in his hands.

Even if it may mean nothing to others.

Theo glances towards Ginevra who is beaming at them both as she takes a sip of her drink.

So... I have a family now too?
Friends and a family...

He smiles as Ginevra wraps her hand into his. And her parents start talking again. Theo just sits and listens, feeling comfortable in a way he never really feels unless he is alone with her, or with Draco and Hermione. Maybe this is how family feels he thinks.


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