Semper - Fred Weasley

Door enaja1811

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Two redheads One love In good times and bad In health and sickness At least that's what they thought... a Fre... Meer

Author's note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
The Wedding - How It Looks Like
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII

Chapter XXXV

569 14 6
Door enaja1811

„Freddie?“ Penny called from the bedroom where she was standing in front of the mirror.

„Yes, darling?“ Fred called back.

„Can you zip me up, please?“ Fred came into the bedroom, where Penny tried awkwardly to zip up her dress herself.

„Sure, let me help you.“ he smiled and got to work. Of course, Fred wouldn’t be Fred if he didn’t planned on teasing Penny a little.

„Hm, you look amazing,“ he said in a deep voice as his finger ran down Penny’s spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

„Who did you dress up for like that?“, he raised an eyebrow and grabbed the zipper.

„I don’t have to worry, do I?“ Fred whispered in Penny’s ear and slowly pulled up the zipper.

„Otherwise I won’t let you go.“ he pressed a kiss to Penny’s neck.

„Damn, Fred.“ Penny groaned and turned to face him after he had successfully closed her dress.

„If you’d ask me, I’d rather stay here and spend the night with you in our bed .“ she pouted and wrapped her arms around him.

„Mhm, I feel the same way.“ he copied her action and hugged her tighter.

„But wait,“ Penny said, taking a step back, letting her gaze travel up and down Fred’s body.

„You look quite dashing yourself, so who are you trying to impress, huh?“ she asked with a smile on her lips.

„You see, there’s this girl, she works with Charlie, he wanted to introduce her and –„ but before he could finish, Penny punched him in the chest.

„Wanker.“ she shook her head and grinned, knowing he was only joking.

„I’m only joking,“ he raised his hands in defense.

„The only woman, I ever wanted to impress and always will impress is standing in front of me right now and is going to marry me next week.“ he cupped her cheek with his hand and she nuzzled into it.

„I love you.“ she smiled.

„And I love you.“ he leaned down and met her lips in a tender kiss.

„We’re here! And we’re coming in now so you better get your clothes on because I really don’t fancy seeing my brother naked and I really can’t afford the cost of therapy afterwards.“ Fred and Penny laughed as Ginny’s voice boomed loudly through the flat and announced the arrival of their friends.

„It’s alright sis. We’re fully clothed.“ Fred called back and that’s when Ginny appeared in the doorway, one hand over her eyes, carefully peering through her fingers.

„Seriously Gin? You don’t trust me?“ he chuckled.

„I’ve lived with George and you all my life, so no, I don’t trust you,“ she giggled, arms crossed, and received a light slap to the back of her head from George, who didn’t expect her to punch him hard on the arm.

„Ouch. Bloody hell.“ George muttered and rubbed the spot Ginny had hit.

„Alright you lot. Ready to go?“, Lee asked and handed each of them a bottle of butterbeer.

„I think that’s where we part ways.“ Fred said and pulled Penny close, turning her towards him and planting a kiss on her lips.

Penny immediately melted into his touch.

„That’s enough!“ Charlie and Ginny yelled at the same time, and before Penny could react, Charlie and George had grabbed Fred by the arms, and Fleur and Ginny did the same to Penny, pulling them apart.

„We understand you’re terribly in love but you’ve got a lifetime to show it. Tonight it’s party time with the girls!“ Ginny cheered, obviously a bit tipsy already and the others chuckled.

„And party with the boys of course.“ Lee continued.

Fred’s bachelor party consisted of his brothers, Harry, Lee, Seamus, Dean and Oliver Wood, the latter was able to set it up despite his tight Quidditch schedule.

They would meet at the Burrow and have a drink there before going from club to club.

Penny‘s hen party was with Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, Audrey and Luna, they all had a pink t-shirt that said „bride squad“, and handed Penny a black t-shirt with a bright pink print that said „bride“.

Penny, who didn’t want anything like that, even if it was her own wedding, had no say in the matter.

The only decision she was allowed to make was that she got the black t-shirt.

Hermione had reserved a table for the group at a terribly posh restaurant, so the group of women was very well dressed at the moment, and would change into the shirts later.

„Finally, “, Fleur clapped her hands as the boys had used the floo to made their way over to the Burrow.

„Now it’s time for the good stuff.“, she smiled

And pulled a large bottle out of her little bag that appeared to have an undetectable extension charm.

At first glance it looked like a regular champagne bottle, but it was clear glass that allowed a glimpse of the silver glittering liquid inside.

She presented the bottle like a waiter in a restaurant and the other women looked at her expectantly.

„What? Don’t tell me you don’t know that?“, she asked amazed and the others shook their heads.

„That, my loves,“ she pointed her head at the bottle.
„Is the best champagne you’ll ever drink and I promise you’ll never want to drink anything else after that.“ she grinned and with a snap of her fingers, champagne glasses appeared on the table.

„Fresh from France,“ she continued as her manicured hands uncorked the bottle with a skilled movement.

„The bride first.“ she smiled and poured the liquid into the glass in front of Penny, and she and the others widened their eyes when Fleur did so.

Because the silver liquid turned into a bright pink when it ran into the glass.

When everyone had a full glass in front of them, Penny took hers first and brought it to her lips, but before she could taste it, Fleur stopped her.

„Wait, just one moment. The best is still missing.“ she reached deep into her pocket and pulled out a small box.

She opened them and the others laid their eyes on a golden material.

„This is gold leaf,“ she said, beginning to adorn each glass with it.

„And does it have a special effect?“ Hermione asked.

„Non, but it looks nicer.“ she shrugged and picked up her own glass after putting everything back in her bag.

„To a wonderful evening.“ she raised her glass and they clinked glasses.

„Oh my.. Wow.“ Penny was the first to speak after the expensive liquid touched her lips.

First was the unmistakable taste of champagne, but after a few seconds, it was like biting into sweet cherries, followed by juicy strawberries and fresh raspberries.

„This is amazing. It’s like having the fruit in my mouth,“ Hermione said, putting the glass back on.

„Mhhhh.. That’s great. I want to take a bath with this and soak in this wonderful liquid until the Nargles will come for me.“ Luna said in her calm, dreamy voice.

„This is honestly the best thing I’ve ever had.“ Audrey nodded and took another big sip.

„I swear I’m so close to having an orgasm right now.“ Ginny moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head.

After the experience of the mind blowing, taste buds flattering champagne, the girls put on their coats and headed to the restaurant in Muggle London.

And Hermione wasn’t exaggerating when she said the tables were booked out months in advance, because there was a long line of people outside the building that had The Palace written in golden letters over its door.

Lucky for the group of friends, Hermione’s parents were very good friends with the owner, so they got a table in a separate area.

And so they made their way past the line of waiting people.

The doorman asked for her name and immediately opened the red ribbon after finding Hermione’s name in his book.

They stepped in and where met by a another employee who led the group through the restaurant to their table.

The restaurant itself wasn’t particularly big, it was a large open space with several small tables, for a maximum of 4 people.

Each table had a white tablecloth and was set with gold plates and cutlery and a single gold rose.

They were led to the back of the restaurant, where a larger table was set behind a half-height wall.

In contrast to the other tables, this one was set with cutlery in a wooden look and different rose and light brown pampas grass and willow catkins.

Similar to how it will be at the wedding.

„Oh Merlin, did you do that for me?“ Penny hugged Hermione and beamed at the girls behind her, who nodded proudly as they handed their jackets to the waiter, who took them to their designated cloakroom.

„Of course.“ Hermione replies, returning Penny’s hug.

„That’s amazing,“ she said as they were seated at the table, and immediately another waiter arrived with three different bottles of wine.

„Do you have a special request for the wine, or would you like to taste it?“ he asked politely, looking at the group.

Fleur, who was the only one who knew this type of restaurant, answered.

„We like to taste first,“ and the waiter nodded while pouring a sip of each wine into three different glasses for the women.

They all sipped from their glasses and quickly each of them made a decision.

Fleur chose a red Cabernet-Franc, Audrey and Luna a rosé Cabernet-Sauvignon, and Penny, Ginny and Hermione chose a classic white Chardonnay.

All glasses were quickly filled and they clinked them together to a nice evening.

Hermione and Fleur had decided in advance on a three-course menu.

As a starter there was mozzarella di buffala on aubergine carpaccio.

For the main course there was either beef steak with pepper butter & pink mashed potatoes or a variety of fish on vegetables with lemon sauce.

And for dessert chocolate mousse with pomegranate sauce & brittle.

The evening was filled with good food, excellent wine and the best conversations the women have had in a long time.

And it was safe to say that after all the plates were emptied, every one of them was more than stuffed.

„I have no idea how I’m able to dance later.“ Fleur giggled.

„Dance,“ Ginny snorted. „I don’t even know how to get up.“

„I’ve never been so full and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat again.“ Hermione said and Penny and Audrey nodded in agreement.

„If I were wearing pants I would have to undo a button now.“ Penny laughed.

„Well then, be glad you’re not wearing one,“ Ginny replied.

After a while the waiter came with the bill and when everything was paid and they had their coats back they left the restaurant.

While the girls have had a relaxed time so far, the situation for the men looked a little different.

If you know the Weasley siblings, you know they can handle a lot of alcohol.

And that’s why in no time, an unmanageable amount of firewhisky was emptied.

Fred, though he was the groom, held back, knowing his brothers well enough to know he had to be on the lookout at all times.

Not that he didn’t trust them, but it was never a mistake to be one step ahead.

At this point, Lee, Charlie and Oliver were so drunk that the others were having trouble getting them into their jackets and they weren’t even in the first club of the night.

Eventually, everyone was ready, and since apparition under the influence of alcohol was never a good idea, they decided to take the floo network, which took them straight to the leaky cauldron from where they went to Muggle London.

The first club they entered was loud and packed with bodies rubbing against each other on the dance floor.

They made their way straight to the bar and ordered a round of shots for everyone.

It wasn’t long before Fred felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

In front of him was a tall brunette woman who smiled at him with her white teeth and he furrowed his eyebrows.

„Can I help you?“ he asked before downing his shot.

„Maybe. Shall we have a drink?“ she asked, batting her lashes at him as she placed her hand on his biceps and he immediately tensed up.

„No, I’m sorry. I’m getting married soon.“, he said and was about to turn around again.

„It doesn’t matter. I’m up for some fun one last time before there’s only one woman left for you. And believe me, I’m discreet.“ she winked and ran her hand down his arm.

„Okay, listen, I’m sure this thing works for other men. But I’m not interested in it at all, so I’m asking you to leave.“ and with that he turned, leaving the woman standing there, taken aback.

„Well done, mate.“ Bill, who had watched the interaction, patted his little brother on the back.

„We’re less than five minutes here and it’s already uncomfortable.“ Fred rolled his eyes.

„I bet Charlie isn’t uncomfortable.“ Bill chuckled and nodded onto the dance floor and when Fred followed his gaze, they saw Charlie heavy making out with a blonde.

„Oh, really?“ Fred laughed.

He stood at the bar watching his brothers and friends, and while this evening was meant for enjoying himself, he couldn’t take his mind off his wife-to-be.

He trusted Penny, but he still didn’t like the fact that she was also in some club where the men were just waiting for a woman like her.

„I can hear your thoughts mate.“ George appeared next to his twin.

„It’s nothing.“ Fred reassured George and took a sip of his whiskey on the rocks.

„You miss Penny don’t you?“ he asked.

„Of course, I always miss her. But that’s not the problem,“ he said with his jaw clenched as he watched Charlie flirting with another woman.

„You can trust Penny. And you can trust the others to look out for each other. You’re supposed to enjoy this evening and you’re supposed to have fun. It’s all good,“ George assured his brother, holding up his own glass to Fred, who clinked it with his brother.

„You’re right. Sorry.“

„Nah, no need to apologize. I think it’s time to go before Charlie swaps his body fluids with every woman in this bar,“ George said, looking back at his big brother on the dance floor.

„Oh, or men?!“, he tilted his head and so did Fred when they now saw Charlie making out with a man.

„Did you know that?“ Fred asked smiling.

„Nope.“ George shook his head.
„And the way the others are looking, they didn’t know either.“, he chuckled.

After the group got together again, they made their way to the next bar.

Meanwhile, the girls strolled down the streets, arms linked by each other, chatting among themselves.

In the first club they entered, they immediately made their way to the bathroom to change.

The club was dark and noisy and smelled of sweat and cigarettes, colorful strobe lights flashed across the dance floor to the beat.

When they were all changed, they went to the counter and ordered vodka shots.

The wine they previously had with dinner and the shots quickly had the desired effect and each of them was now tipsy but not drunk.

The song changed and Ginny pulled the others onto the dance floor, where they began to move their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

„You know what’s funny?“ Penny yelled over the music and the others shook their heads.

„We are all with Weasley’s and Ginny is one herself. Except for Luna, but hey, one is still available.“ she wiggled her brows and the girl with the long blonde hair turned bright red in the face.

„So you suggest Charlie as a boyfriend for Luna?“ Ginny giggled, bumping Luna’s hip with her own.

„That would be so cool,“ Fleur clapped his hands. „Then we would all be like sisters.“

„Good, then it’s decided. We’ll set Luna up with Charlie.“ Penny said excitedly.

„Hey, can I say something about that too?“ Luna giggled.

„Sure.“ Audrey replied.

„I have to admit he’s quite handsome. But he’s way too old.“ she shrugged.

„Hmm.. We’ll see.“, Ginny smirked and continued to dance.

They spent the next couple of songs on the dance floor, desperately needing something to drink after that.

When they made their way over to the bar, Penny was stopped by a hand that grabbed her wrist and she immediately turned around, only to be met with a guy with blonde locks, wearing sun glasses in an failed attempt to be cool.

„Would you mind taking your sweaty hands off of me?“, Penny glared at him und pulled her wrist away.

„No need to be rude. I just wanted to ask for a dance.“, and again, he tried to touch Penny but she backed away.

„I’m not interested.“, she wiggled her hand with the engagement ring in front of his eyes.

„Oh, nobody has to know. Besides, you’re not married yet, so actually it’s not that bad.“, he smirked and Penny’s stomach turned and she searched for the other’s.

„You’re disgusting. And by the way, you look ridiculous with those sunglasses. Seriously, what idiot wears sunglasses in a dark club? Pathetic. And if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got better things to do. So go and sweat on someone else.“, and with that she turned around, proud of herself she joined the other’s at the bar.

„This club has another area that plays different music, shall we go check it out?“ Hermione asked, taking a long sip of her cherry soda.

Apparently, nobody had realized Penny’s absence.

„Of course. Just, lemme get another drink.“ Ginny slurred the words and hold up two fingers, whereupon the bartender came over to her.

She leaned over the bar and despite being close to his ear now, she yelled her order at the top of her lungs, causing the others to holler in laughter as the bartender’s eyes widened in shock and he rubbed his ear.

„What?“, she turned around after she had her new drink and looked at the others seriously.

„Nothing. Let’s go.“, Penny said and they held hands so as not to get lost in the crowd.

They reached the area at the back of the club, separated by a double door, and were greeted by a completely different scene.

The music was also loud, but overall it seemed calmer, it was more orderly and not as crowded and they were greeted by Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl.

„Oooh, that’s to my liking.“, Audrey clapped her hands excitedly and Penny nodded effusively.

If one thing was for sure, it was that Penny preferred this style of music instead of the booming bass in the other area.

Penny and Audrey were the first on the dance floor, followed by Hermione, who also felt visibly more comfortable here.

The three sang along to the lyrics at full force while tossing their heads wildly, not caring how they looked to the others.

The song came to an end and was replaced by Queen, sparking a new wave of enthusiasm among the group of women.

Meanwhile, Fleur, Ginny and Luna were also on the dance floor, handing the others the drinks they had brought with them.

„I wonder what the boys are up to.“ Penny exclaimed a little out of breath as a quieter song began.

„They're having fun, just like us!“ Ginny cheered and held up her hand, since the music was quieter all eyes fell on her.

„I just hope they aren’t having too much fun,“ Penny murmured to herself, but as usual, Hermione didn’t miss a thing.

„You miss Fred, don’t you?“ she asked, pulling Penny to the edge of the dance floor where they leaned against the perimeter.

„Of course, I always miss him. But that’s not the point.“ she sighed and looked at Hermione, who understood immediately what the point was.

„Oh, Penny, but you can trust him. He would never cheat on you, or do anything to hurt you. You’re going to marry him.“, she took Penny in her arm and squeezed her encouraging.

„Yeah, you’re right, that was stupid of me.“ Penny smiled at Hermione as they let go of each other.

And Penny, not knowing that Fred, somewhere else in London, felt the same way. And as much as they enjoyed this night, the more they were happy to lie in each other’s arms again, to listen to the breath and heartbeat of the other and to find comfort in the others embrace.

Because none of them could wait to finally marry the love of their lives.

Because love is like a drug, the worst one to be specific, you slowly start to like it and don’t even notice how you’re slowly falling deeper and deeper.

And you can’t stop, you want to taste more of it, because you can’t just swim on the surface of the deep ocean called love, you want to dive down and see what’s at the bottom.

But be careful, and don’t forget yourself, because it’s important to keep coming up and taking a breath.

Because love also needs air to survive, and even if it is made of two individual hearts, it can only function if those two hearts don’t lose themselves.

And when these two hearts are the best version of themselves, knowing respect, trust, friendship, then love is the most beautiful thing to ever happen to someone.

AN: this took me so long, phew.
Writing this as well as the next part was incredibly hard for me, because after all, English isn't my first language and I tried really hard to find the right words.
So if there's something wrong with it or so please feel free to message me, but please be kind <3

And be prepared, because we're -

Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married

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