Seventeen imagines

Von valeriewun

21.6K 441 16

"I was writing about how much I love you."- S.Coups "Let's go home, before we catch a cold." - Jeonghan "Don... Mehr

Older lover S.Coups
Fake Relationship Jeonghan
A Vacation Never To Forget Joshua
Get Away Jun
Late Night Park Date Hoshi
Sneaking Out Wonwoo
Studio Date Woozi
Confession DK
Cafe Barista Mingyu
Painting The8
Venus Love Seungkwan
Cigarettes Vernon
Disappear Dino
Unknown Love pt.1
Unknown Love Pt.3
My First First Love Pt.1
My First First Love Pt.2
My First First Love Pt.3
Rival Pt.1
Rival Pt.2
Rival Pt.3
Rival Pt.4
Try Again Pt.1
Try Again Pt.2
Try Again Pt.3
Player Pt.1
Player Pt.2
Player Pt.3
Player Pt.4
Dance Pt.1
Dance Pt.2
Dance Pt.3
Do You Still Love Her? Pt.1
Do You Still Love Her? Pt.2
Do You Still Love Her? Pt.3
Do You Still Love Her? Pt.4
Taking Request
We'll Meet Again (All Members)
We'll Meet Again Pt.2
We'll Meet Again Pt.3

Unknown Love Pt.2

375 10 0
Von valeriewun

Minghao then knocks on the door as I finished reading the text "can I come in now?"

I quickly throw my phone on the bed and start folding my clothes "yeah come in"

Minghao opens the door and walks over the bed "you took forever." He says as he lays down on the bed

"Sorry." I light laugh while putting my folded clothes on the night stand

I lay down next to him as he grabs my phone.

"Let's watch some TikToks" Minghao says while unlocking my phone with his finger print

My screen was still on the text message so obviously Minghao saw who just texted me.

"That creep just texted you and you didn't tell me?" Minghao asks while sitting up

I quickly follow his action "I didn't think it was important." I simply say

"Of course it's important y/n, I don't want you to keep this to yourself and this possibly getting worse." Minghao says quickly

"Sorry to worry you but I'll block his number now." I say while grabbing my phone

I go to the icon above the text messages and click on the block button at the bottom of the screen but nothing happens.

I click on it again but once again nothing happens.

I look up at Minghao "It won't let me block him."

Minghao takes my phone back and repeatedly clicks on the block button but nothing happens

"I don't mean to scare you but..." Minghao says with a worried tone "I think he hacked your phone."

As soon as those words left Minghaos lips I was terrified. Terrified because who knows what that creep has seen.

Without answering I quickly grab my phone and get up from the bed and start texting the unknown person.

Minghao quickly follows my actions "What are you doing? Why are you texting him?" Minghao loudly

I ignore Minghao and continue texting

You hacked my phone?! You're absolutely crazy! I would never love you so give up and stop texting me!

I only hacked it so I could understand the real raw you. And it seems that you still still love Minghao. I saw the pictures of the two of you. I knew you two dated before but I didn't think it was serious.

Minghao quickly comes up next to me and grabs my hand that held my phone. He looks at the screen and sees the texts.

I'm about to text back but Minghao stops me
"Stop you're just going to make things worse" Minghao says while taking my phone away

"There's no escaping him, I can't block him and I don't even know who he is. If I'm rude to him then he'll get over me." I protest

"He's crazy, if you're rude to him that will probably make him want you more." Minghao protests back

I sigh in defeat "you're right" I say then walk over to his bed and sit down on it

"When I said I wanted someone to love me, I didn't mean some crazy stalker." I say while rubbing my eyes

"I still love you so does that count?" Minghao quietly asks

I immediately pull my hands away from my eyes as soon as I heard Minghao say that.

"Why did we even break up?" I simply ask

"Because I got jealous of Wonwoo." Minghao says embarrassed

"Oh yeah, I remember but why would you be jealous of Wonwoo?" I ask

"It seemed like the two of you liked each other." Minghao says while looking away

"I can assure you that I didn't and still don't." I say honestly

Minghao then looks back at me "So then..." Minghao trails off "do you maybe wanna give us another try?"

Without giving it a thought I answer back "yes" but quickly back track "wait what about that creep, this will just make him more mad."

"You're right." Minghao says then purses his lips but continues "we'll just keep it on the down low, since he's hacked your phone. We can't text anything that will rat us out or be touchy in public."

I nod, smile brightly and grab his arms. I pull him to the bed and he lays down next to me.

"I can finally cuddle you now." I say while snuggling into his side

Minghao embraces me as I do so "You've never stopped cuddling me even though we broke up. Nothing really changed after we broke up, I mean besides us not kissing." Minghao laughs

Minghao then lightly lifts my head to his face.
He then connects our lips.
Our lips move together in sync so a few seconds.

"I've missed your lips on mine." I say in the kiss

Minghao pulls away and knocks on my forehead lightly "you're so cringey." He laughs

I hold my forehead in "pain"
"Fine, no more kisses for you then." I say while turning my back to him

"I was just kidding." Minghao laughs and hugs me

"Yeah yeah whatever." I laugh

-Over The Weeks-

Only our parents and our closest friends know about me and Minghao getting back together.

We're not too touchy in public or say anything that will rat us out to my stalker.

Every once in awhile my stalker texts but I simply ignore the texts.

-Present Day-

As I'm walking to meet Minghao in the school court yard I'm stopped by my friend Wonwoo.

"Hey Y/n, are you on your way to meet Minghao?" Wonwoo asks

"Hi Wonwoo, and yeah I am but what's up?" I smile brightly

"I just wanted to know if you did the English homework because I'm having difficulty understanding it." Wonwoo says

"Oh yeah, I did it already. If you want I can help you with it." I say

"Thanks so much, do you maybe wanna go to my house to get it done?" Wonwoo questions

"Yeah sure, let me just text Minghao." I say while taking my phone out of my pocket

I quickly text Minghao that I'm going to Wonwoos house but don't stick around to see Minghaos reply.

"Ok let's go." I say

We walk to Wonwoos car and get in.
We had some small talk on the way to his house.

But whenever we got into his house the conversation picks up.

Up Coming Part 3


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