The Wielder Of Ember

By chelsea2096

41.4K 1.5K 44

Yelena isn't Natasha's only sister she has a BIO sister Veronika Sofia Romanova who goes by Rory they are al... More

Rory Info and Such
1995 Chapter 1
Avengers Forming Chapter 2
Asgardians Chapter 3
Playing The God Of Mischief Romanoff Style Chapter 4
Agent Down Chapter 5
Battle Of New York Part 1 Chapter 6
Battle Of New York Part 2 Chapter 7
Thor Dark World Twist
Odd Signals Chapter 8
Kidnapped To An Alien Planet Chapter 9
The Sword Of Ember Chapter 10
A Space Friendship Chapter 11
Saving Xander Chapter 12
Thanos Fight And Returning Home Chapter 13
The Winter Soldier
Briefing Chapter 14
Battleship Chapter 15
Fury Chapter 16
Trauma List Chapter 17
What The Ghost Wants Chapter 18
Bombs Away Chapter 19
Rooftops Chapter 20
What Is With With People And Ember Chapter 21
Speeches And Chaos Chapter 22
Kiss Our Asses Chapter 23
Age Of Ultron
Weird Feelings and The Scepter Chapter 24
First Meetings Chapter 25
Astro Talks Chapter 26
Party Chapter 27
TimeOut Chapter 28
First Kisses Chapter 29
More Astro Talks and Team Talks Chapter 30
We All Make Mistakes Chapter 31
Haunted Past Chapter 32
Sokovia Part 1 Chapter 33
Sokovian Part 2 Chapter 34
A Few Months Later Chapter 35
Spider-Boy Chapter 36
Trauma and Grief Freeday Chapter 37
The New Avengers Chapter 38
Around A Year Later and Anniversaries Chapter 39
Training, Trouble and Leads Chapter 40
Civil War
Rumlow and Lagos Chapter 41
The Accords and Choosing A Side Chapter 42
Funeral's and Bucky Chapter 43
Making Things Worse Chapter 44
Punching Stark and Fake Doctors Chapter 45
Coming For You Chapter 46
Team Cap Vs Team Iron-Man Chapter 47
The Raft Chapter 48
Breaking Out Chapter 49
Black Widow
Dark Side Talks and Being An Adult Chapter 50
Taskmaster Chapter 51
Sister's Reuniting Chapter 52
The Widow's Chapter 53
Fight's and Truth's Chapter 54
Beer's and Planning Chapter 55
Prison Break Chapter 56
Awkward Family Dinner Chapter 57
Found Chapter 58
The Red Room Part 1 Chapter 59
The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60
Over The Two Years A Little
Relaxing Day Chapter 61
Wanda Birthday Chapter 62
Close Call Chapter 63
Wanda and Rory's 2nd Anniversary Chapter 64
Telling People Chapter 65
Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66
Wedding Planning and meeting Vision Chapter 67
The Night Before and The Wedding Chapter 68
Honeymoon Chapter 69
Magical Surprise Chapter 70
Drama Free Day Chapter 71
Christmas Chapter 72
New Years Chapter 73
Sister Bonding Day Chapter 74
Rory Birthday Chapter 75
Hormonal Wanda Chapter 76
Our Little Family Chapter 78
Sam and Steve Meeting The Baby Chapter 79
Vision Meeting The Baby Chapter 80
Infinity Wars
3rd Anniversary Chapter 81
Tali's First Birthday Chapter 82
Meeting Vision and Drama Chapter 83
Going Home Chapter 84
Plans Chapter 85
Welcome To Wakanda Chapter 86
The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87
The Snap Chapter 88
Carol and Finding Thanos Chapter 89
Planet Thanos Chapter 90
During The Five Years
Rory Moving Tali and Beda To The Compound Chapter 91
Sisterly Training Chapter 92
Mission Chapter 93
First Anniversary Without Wanda Chapter 94
Natasha and Rory Teaching Tali Things Chapter 95
Stark Wedding Chapter 96
Anniversary Of The Snap Chapter 97
The Cabin Chapter 98
Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99
Tali Learning Sword Fighting Chapter 100
Christmas Chapter 101
Looking For First Borns Chapter 102
Tali Birthday Chapter 103
Roinn Chapter 104
Rory and Tali Bonding Day Chapter 105
Play Dates and Powers Chapter 106
A Heart To Heart Between Sister Chapter 107
Undercover Missions Chapter 108
Leads On First Borns Chapter 109
Talks Between Mother and Daughter Chapter 110
Visitors and Hope Chapter 111
Quantum Machine Chapter 112
Test Jump and Plotting Chapter 113
Vormir and Hero Down Chapter 114
The Reverse Snap Chapter 115
Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116
Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117
Maximoff-Romanoff Family Reuniting Chapter 118
Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119
Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

Baby Birth Chapter 77

233 13 1
By chelsea2096

Rory, Yelena, and Natasha were painting the baby's room

What's the babies Gender again -Yelena

We don't know -Rory

Why are we painting the walls Red/Fiery color -Natasha

For mine and Wanda's powers. It's a mix of the color of our powers -Rory

Both Yelena and Natasha nod at this

Why don't you know the baby's Gender again -Yelena

We want to wait for the birth to find out. We want it to be a surprise -Rory

I hope it's a girl -Natasha

Me too -Yelena

I'll be happy no matter what she or he is. As long as there healthy -Rory

Boo! -Yelena says and flicks paint at Rory

Rory gapes a little then her eyes narrow and she flicks some paint at Yelena who ducks it then hits Natasha

Oh it's on -Natasha

The Three then begin throwing paint at each other

By the time Wanda walks in the sisters were covered head to toe in paint as well as a good number of the room

Wanda puts her hands on her hips and begins scolding the Three who have sheepish looks on there faces


A Week Later

It's been around a week since Rory, Yelena and Natasha painted/had a paint fight painting the baby's room

Right now they were struggling to put the babies furniture together while they were talking and drinking beers

I can kill someone with a toothpick but this. This I fail at -Yelena complains

How the hell does this even fit together -Natasha

Ok how do people do this and why did I wait this long to put it together the baby will be here soon -Rory groans a little

This makes me glad I can't have kids -Yelena

Ditto -Natasha

Ok this is hell I admit but I am looking forward to being a mother -Rory says sticking her tongue out at her sisters then takes a swig of her beer

Wait I think this goes here -Yelena says putting a part of the babies crib

The pieces click into place

That looks right -Natasha agrees


A Few Days Later

Rory, Natasha, and Yelena have just finished the babies room

The walls are a Red Fiery color, in the left side of the room in one of the corners the babies crib is, near a window is a rocking chair, in the right side is a changing table, there is also a sofa on the left side in the other corner, there is also a bookshelf filled with books near the rocking chair, there is also a number of toys in a box and on the walls there is a number of paintings. Some of Rory and her sisters, some of Rory and Wanda and even a few small paintings that followed Wanda's pregnancy steps and the Carpet is Black

The sisters were all pleased with the room so they went and got Wanda

Can I help you three -Wanda

We want to show you something -Natasha

What did you do -Wanda

Something nice -Yelena

We've been working on it for weeks now -Rory

All three pleaded with her

Fine, fine -Wanda says holding her hands out as she couldn't stand on her own

Natasha and Rory help Wanda to her feet

Yelena, Natasha, and Rory then slowly and carefully brought Wanda into the Babies room

Natasha and Rory lead Wanda where Yelena kept Wanda's eyes covered but had to go onto her tip toes to do so because Wanda is taller than Yelena is

Once they were inside Rory and Natasha let Wanda go and Yelena removes her hands from Wanda's eyes

Wanda gasps in shock and joy as she looks around the room with tears in her eyes

You finished it -Wanda

Do you like it -Rory

We spent weeks on it -Yelena

But it was worth it so it was ready for when the baby is here -Natasha

I love it -Wanda says then she gasps in pain and her hands fly to her stomach her legs giving out and her trousers becoming wet

Rory catches Wanda before she hits the floor

What's wrong -Yelena

Is it the baby -Rory

Am pretty sure my waters just broke -Wanda says tears in her eyes

Shock and panic fill them all but Rory is the one who snaps out of it first

Yelena call Mama! -Rory

Yelena nods and pulls out her phone

Natasha go put Beda in her fenced area she'll just get in the way -Rory

Rory picks up Wanda and carries her off to the Medical room with Wanda in her arms


A Little Later

Wanda was squeezing Rory's hand hard while she was yelling and cursing

Ay, fuck it hurts! -Wanda

Rory kisses Wanda's forehead softly

Am here -Rory tries

Melina then marches into the room with Alexei, Natasha, and Yelena in toe

Ew that's disgusting -Alexei says looking at the mess that Wanda had made down to the baby

Wanda bursts into tears

Rory holds her wife close

Melina spins around and clocks Alexei square in the jaw sending him flying back

Sit down and shut up -Melina barks then she turns to her daughter and daughter-in-law

Natasha gets some hot water. Yelena towels -Melina orders

Both Natasha and Yelena then rush off

Melina then goes up to Wanda and Rory

Everything is going to be ok -Melina


A Few Hours Later

It hurts -Wanda cries

Am here. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to Witchy -Rory

Wanda cries a little more

It is time to begin pushing -Melina

It is -Rory

Yes -Melina

Oh thank god I want this baby out of me -Wanda

Alexei then walks into the room and has a look of disgust on his face again

What the hell is that -Alexei

Yelena then hits him on the back of the head with a metal tray knocking him out

Pay daddy no mind -Yelena

Ok and push -Melina

Wanda pushes and cries loudly as she does


Six Hours Later

Wanda is yelling and cursing loudly as she pushes

Rory feels a crack in her fingers from how hard Wanda is gripping her but from how hard the grip is

Rory's legs give a little but her sisters grab her and hold her up as Wanda breaks her fingers

Oh god this hurts -Rory whispers low enough so only her sisters hear her


Two Hours Later

That's it the baby is nearly here -Melina

We are never using magic in the bedroom again! -Wanda

Yes, anything you want -Rory agrees right away

One more push and the baby will be here. One more push -Melina

I can't. I can't do it -Wanda cries

Rory leans forward and she whispers in Wanda's ear

You can do it. You can. I believe in you Witchy. You can do it. We have wanted this for so long baby -Rory

Wanda cries a little

You can do this baby. Just think about this once it's done we will have a baby. Either a baby girl or a baby boy -Rory

Wanda struggles tears running down her face

Shhh, it's ok. You're not alone you have me ok. You have me and your not alone -Rory

Wanda pushes and screams

A babies cry is then heard around the room

Everyone in the room has tears in their eyes

Here they are -Melina coos cleaning her grandchild as the baby cries

What is it -Wanda

It's a girl -Melina

Yes! -Natasha and Yelena both yell and share a high five

Wanda and Rory have tears in their eyes

Melina gives Wanda the baby who is silently crying

I wanted a grandson -Alexei grumbles

Natasha lunges forward and punches him causing him to fly back


A Little Later

Rory is holding her daughter close

Wanda sleeping resting

Yelena and Natasha were stood on either side of Rory looking at their niece

She looks kind of ugly -Alexei

Rage fills Rory and she gives her daughter to Yelena then she throws herself forward and punches him so hard he goes through a wall then she turns back and takes her daughter back

Pay that moron no mind my littlest Witchy -Rory coos down at her daughter

The baby has Rory's red hair and her eyes are a mix of Wanda and Rory's green eyes

You all have punched him now -Wanda

Sorry baby did I wake you -Rory

It's ok. How's our little one -Wanda

She's great -Rory says and gives Wanda the baby who holds her close

What's her name -Natasha

Rory and Wanda share a smile

Rory then turns to her sisters

We agreed that if we had a boy we would name him after my brother -Wanda

and if it was a girl -Natasha

We would name it after my sister's -Rory

Her name -Yelena all but demanded

Her name is Natalie Yelena Maximoff-Romanoff -Rory

Both Yelena and Natasha have tears in their eyes

We agreed on calling her Tali for short -Rory

I have a name sake -Natasha

We have a name sake -Yelena

She does look like a little Nat to me -Natasha

No, she looks like a little Lena -Yelena

The two begin bickering

Rory and Wanda turn to one another

What have we done -Rory says half joking

We should have thought better really -Wanda chuckles

The couple then share a kiss then they begin cooing after their newborn daughter


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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