Home is where the heart is...

By lilapurpleread

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*** ON HOLD FOR A WHILE *** You are Y/N Stark, daughter of one of the most famous and rich men in the world:... More

Chapter 1: Who the hell is Bucky?
Chapter 2: You slap like a girl
Chapter 3: Night time madness
Chapter 4: The punishment
Chapter 5: I still hate you
Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember
Chapter 7: What the hell were we doing?
Chapter 9: Gotcha!
Chapter 10: Ready
Author's Note:)
Chapter 11: Happy... Birthday... Doll
Chapter 12: Pardon me, officer
Chapter 13: The Files
Chapter 14: The safe house
Chapter 15: Christmas Blues, Part 1
Chapter 16: Christmas Blues, Part 2
Season 2, Chapter 1

Chapter 8: The Bet

359 11 0
By lilapurpleread

That night I was not able to sleep. Yet again I tossed and turned thinking about Bucky. Why why why? I didn't like him, but I guess my body did? Like, I was physically attracted to him, but I still knew how much of an asshole he can be sometimes. And yet... ugh. After what felt like an eternity, I decided to get up. This can't go on forever... I looked out my window to see the busy streets of New York. New York never sleeps, I should know. After all, I grew up here. But tonight it seemed even busier as it usually does.

Suddenly, a soft knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. Who could possibly want to talk to me this late at night? I threw over a hoodie and clenched my right hand up to a fist, ready to punch someone or even use my powers to throw something at the potential intruder, but when I opened the door, it was just Bucky. I sighed and relaxed my hand while looking up and down. Bucky was wearing dark boxers and a white T-shirt and his hair looked really messy.

„What are you doing here?" I asked and looked at Bucky. He rubbed the back of his head and then said „I... uhm... I can't sleep"

„Oh did your first R-rated movie scare you?" I chuckled. „Wimp."

Bucky rolled with his eyes, but smiled. „Ha ha. Very funny. This was NOT the first time I watched an r rated movie. And why would a movie about... why would that movie scare me? It's not like I haven't seen anything like that before."

I just raised my eyebrow at him.

„What?" he asked.

„Why are you here, Buck?" I asked.

„I wanted to see if you're awake and talk to you."

„What made you think I'd be awake this late?"

„I don't know, I just had a feeling. And you are, aren't you?"

I sighed. „Ok... come in"

„Thank you" he said and entered my room. I walked past him and sat down on my bed, and crawled under my blanket because I was starting freeze, even though I had just put on a hoodie. Bucky on the other hand just stood there and it seemed like he was a bit nervous.

„Just sit on the bed Bucky. We had to sleep in the same bed, I think we should be past the being nervous when it comes to sitting on a bed to talk."

After Bucky sat down, I asked him why he couldn't sleep.

„I just have a lot on my mind."

„Me too, to be quite honest...Bucky, can we maybe talk about earlier?"

„Oh uhm, sure"

„I..." I started, but I stopped. I didn't want to admit to him that I felt attracted to him yet... it just... no. „Why does this keep happening?"

I saw Bucky gulp slightly. This topic was making him just as nervous as it made me. „I don't know. I just... I feel like I physically can't stay away from you" he whispered and looked down. „This might sound weird and I really don't want to come off as rude but... I don't feel about you that way emotionally, I think, but it's like... I feel...." It seemed like this was just as hard for him as it was for me.

„Physically attracted to me? And like something is drawing you to me?" I whispered. Bucky looked up with slight confusion in his face. „Me too, Bucky" I said in a normal voice. „I know you can be an asshole, but I just... I don't know how long I can stay away from you."

Bucky chuckled. „That makes two of us. But I'm sure I can stay away from you longer!" He said and winked at me.

„Ohh are we getting competitive now?" I wondered and raised an eyebrow.

„Nahh, I just have more self control than you."

„You what?? Do you even know how much self control it takes for me to not use my-" I was going to say „my powers" but I stopped myself right then and there. I did not want to talk about this with him right now. I still didn't use them and I don't know if I was really ready yet. „What I was saying, was that I have quite a lot of self control myself."

„Not as much as me though" Bucky chuckled. He seemed to enjoy this.

„If you're so sure, let's make a bet."

„A bet?" He asked and furrowed an eyebrow.

„Yes. Whoever... hm, let's say kisses the other one first has to do something for the other person. Should be doable, right? Since according to you, you can handle me so well."

„Ok, deal." he said and we shook hands on it.

This shouldn't be too hard, right? I just need to make sure to keep him out of my damn head.

„Maybe you should leave now." I suggested.

„Why, are you scared of losing?" Bucky said and smirked.

„No, smartass, I have to get up early tomorrow because dad finally managed to finish my suit and he wants to show it to me before he leaves to D.C. tomorrow. You know, for that meeting about pardoning you?"

„Oh shoot, you're right... I'll leave you alone then." he said and got up. „Sleep well, doll." he said and winked at me when he called me doll. As much as I had hated when he called me that a while ago, now it made my heart jump.

Next morning, in Tony's office:

As usual, dad was late. I had been waiting for almost ten minutes, when he finally barged into the room.

„I'm sorry, squirt. Good Morning."

„Dad, what' going on? You look super stressed."

„I'm fine, I just couldn't find my glasses... I had left them in the living room last night but I thought I had taken them to my room with me, and I had been looking for them, that's all. As you can see, I found them." He said and pointed towards his face. Then he grabbed a little bowl that was standing on his desk. „Blueberries?" he asked. „No, thank you dad. You wanted to show me my suit, remember?"

„Ohh yeah that's right. Come with me." he said and lead me to the room where he usually kept his iron man suits while he was working on them, but instead, there was a different suit. It looked quite similar to his suit, but it was black with a few silver details here and there and just looked like it was a bit lighter over all. „It looks perfect!" I said and stepped closer to touch it.

„I'm glad to hear that. Like with my suits, this one is made from nanobots. You'll get a watch like this one" he said and pointed at the watch laying on a shelf at the wall. „to activate your suit. While your suit isn't activated, it kind of acts like an advanced smart watch with your own personal virtual assitant called C.I.B.A.S. Which stands for 'Could I be any smarter'" he said and chuckled. „You know what, let me just demonstrate it. Here." he said and handed me the watch. When I put it on, a male voice said. „Pleased to finally meet you, Miss.Stark. How can I be of service?" „Demonstrate the suite to her" Dad commanded. „Ok, Mr. Stark"

„Wooow!!" I said when the nanobots started spreading from the watch. „This is so cool" I whispered. „Miss. Stark, would you like me to explain the features of your suit?" „Yes please, Cibas" „I will activate the helmet now."

With the help of my new personal assistant, dad explained all the features of my suit. The suit was supposed to enhance my strength, shield myself from bullets, but I could also blast and fly like he could with his.

Once we were done, I walked up to my dad and gave him a big hug. „Thank you so much, dad!" „You're welcome squirt. Now let me get ready, We'll be back by tomorrow morning. Until then, you're the Stark in charge, ok?" Dad asked jokingly. „Ok." I said and laughed. „Oh and don't you dare trying to stay away from Barnes today, you don't have another day off!" „He's still asleep dad." I said and rolled my eyes. „Then go wake him up! We're leaving for him, not for us. So he should at least be awake."  „Ok Dad, I will." „Good. Now go, I have to get ready. Love you, squirt." „Love you too, dad!"

When I went to Bucky's room to wake him up, I found that it was empty. Weird. Then I had a thought. „Cibas, where is Bucky?" „Mr. Barnes is in the kitchen making breakfast. As it seems, he is making breakfast for two people!" „Oh... thank you." Did Bucky have company? Id didn't matter, dad would be really mad if I didn't go, so I went to the kitchen. Bucky was standing in front of the stove making what looked like to be scrambled eggs. Next to it, two bananas and two plates with a slice of steaming hot toast each.

„Do you have company?" I asked causing Bucky to jump around.

„God Y/n, don't fucking scare me like this while I'm cooking, or do you want me to burn myself??" Bucky yelled.

„Sometimes that wouldn't sound like the worst choice" I responded dryly.

„I'm sorry." he sighed. „I know you didn't try to sneak up on me. I'm just tense... today is such a crucial day for me, you know? And I'm fucking nervous."

„I get it Bucky. But please don't use that as an excuse to yell at me for no reason anymore today, ok?"


„So, who are you cooking this for?" I asked pointing at the two plates.

„Well, there's this women that stayed at my room last night and she... ahahaha you should see your face" Bucky stopped himself and bursted out laughing. „It was a joke Y/n. It's for you."

„Oh well, thank you." I said.

When we sat down to eat, Bucky must have noticed the watch on my wrist. He keept looking at it and rubbed his own wrist like he was sort of uncomfortable.

„What is it?" I asked.


„You. My watch, your wrist. What's going on with the staring and the rubbing?"

„Ahh well, nothing really. I just noticed your watch and it reminded me of the fact that I was not wearing one. You know, I kind of feel naked without it."

„Hmm I noticed you touch your wrist quite often lately... I gotta disappoint you though, this one is one of a kind."

„What do you mean one of a kind?"

„I'll show you." I said and got up „Cibas, activate suit." I told my watch and the nanobots started to spread until the suit entirely covered my body. Bucky's mouth had dropped open at the sight of the suit appearing out of nowhere.

„What? How?" he asked stunned.

„Nanobots, like my dad's suit. It's cool, isn't it?"

„Sure is! Do you maybe want to try using it in a training session later?" he said and winked at me.

„OMG yes!! That would be awesome!" I exclaimed in excitement, completely ignoring Bucky's wink and smirk.

A while later we were standing in the gym. Bucky and I had entered the ring and were now circling it while facing each other.

„Are you waiting for something?" he asked pointing at my watch.

„Huh? Oh no I just like the suspense" I giggled. „You know, you never asked me what my suit can do."

„Nah, I don't think I need to. Can't be too bad. And I'm sure you won't blast me, right?" he asked and started to look a little nervous. He probably realized it was a mistake to ask me to fight him with my suit, but he wanted to.

„We'll see..." I said and winked at him. Then I pushed in the crown which was a slightly more subtle way to activate the suit and then we started fighting. And I gotta say, this suit was amazing, even without the blasting. Maybe I should... no... Should I try and see how much it enhances my powers? Not yet. I don't want this win to be to easy.

Soon enough, Bucky started panting heavily. „Fuck... this is so... unfair" he said and threw a punch, which I dodged quickly. Then I used my chance to wrap my arms around his waist and push him over, but he was quick to wrap his left leg around mine to make me trip. But, thanks to the blasters I caught myself and flew right back up on my feet.

I pretended to yawn and then said „I'm getting tired of how easy it is, imma end this real soon" I said and Bucky looked up in confusion. I took that as my opportunity to quickly scan the room for something soft I could use my powers on. After all, I didn't want to seriously injure him. The object was quick to be found, it was a foam ball. I didn't even know what it was for, but the second I thought of moving it, it came flying towards Bucky at an incredible speed. I was about to tell him to dodge, but it was too late and it hit him in the back of his head, causing him to fall over. Right on top of me. First he rubbed the back of hsi head and looked really confused, but then he realized which position we were in.

„Oh hey there" he said and smirked. „I don't know what the hell you just did but it seems like you did it on purpose" he said and winked.

„I- what? No I... look, I can move things with my mind and the suit enhances my-" „Shh..." Bucky interrupted me by putting his index finger on my lips, sending shivers down my spine. I let out a soft sigh.

„God, this is too easy" Bucky whispered and right then and there, the door flew open.

„WOOAHH what the hell am I interrupting?" Sam exclaimed.

„Nothing! We were just sparring!" I said after both Bucky and I had jumped up.

„Ohh sleek new suit, I like it. But you two ain't hiding no secrets from me, I know you have the hots for each other!" Sam said. I just slapped myself in the forehead and shook my head, but Bucky stood there and looked lost.

„Uhm, what does that mean Sam?" he asked nervously shifting his foot on the ground. Was that such a modern idiom?

„It means you guys want to... fondue!" Sam explained.

„Fondue?" I asked raising an eyebrow. What the hell did that mean??

But instead of explaining, Bucky stiffened next to me and put on a serious face. „Fondue? With her? I have standards, Sam. And they are't even high, but not that low." he said and then left the room without looking back.

„Y/n close your mouth. Y/N! You're staring!" Sam yelled and pulled me out of my trance. I was so shocked at what Bucky had just said, I didn't even find the words to describe it. I thought we were finally getting along, but then he came around to ruin it all. Did he really mean that? Am I really... not up to his standards? Not good enough? I felt a lump forming in my throat and decided I should head out before I started crying in front of Sam. „I gotta go shower" I whispered and shoved myself past him ignoring him calling my name. I breathed in and out, concentrating so that I wouldn't start crying. Why would I even start crying? Bucky is not worth it, he is not worth it. Y/n, he is an idiot. Just forget him.

About an hour later I was sitting on my bed, reading a book, when I heard a soft knock on my door. „Who is it?" I asked.

„Me, Bucky." Great. Just the person I wanted to see. Not.

„Leave me alone!"

„Y/n please!"

„I don't want to talk to you!" I yelled but then he opened the door and entered my room. „Get the fuck out of my room, Barnes!" When I called him by his last name, his already sad expression dropped even further.

„Y/n please, I'm here to apologize."

„Oh, now I'm good enough for you to talk to me?"

„Y/n..." Bucky started with pleading eyes. „Let me explain, please."

„Ok fine, you have three minutes. Then you leave."

„I won't need that much time"

„Time is ticking" I said pointing at my watch.

Bucky sighed. „Y/n I am sorry I said you aren't good enough for me, I didn't mean it. You're... a really good friend. The thing si, if I don't use extreme measures in front of Sam, he won't stop bugging me, or well, us, with things he believes to be true but wich are clearly wrong."

„Shit... you... you have a point. I'm sorry for overreacting like that Bucky."

„It's ok Doll. I still shouldn't have said it." he whispered and spread his arms to offer a hug.  I sighed and get up to give in into the hug and felt safe immediately. „You give the best hugs" I breathed against his neck. Bucky chuckled and then took a step back. „Do you want to go watch a movie?" he asked looking at me with a smile in his face.

„Yes, sure! I'll go make us some popcorn and you choose since I chose the time we had movie night with the girls?" I suggested.

„Oh, I was going to suggest it the other way around since you know more movies than me, but that's also a good idea."

„Ok, then, let's go!"

After I had finished making the popcorn (sweet of course) Bucky looked at the screen in confusion.

„They mad a movie about the titanic? I remember my mom telling me about how much of a tragedy it was... one of her mother's friends actually died on that ship apparently... why would they make it a movie?"

„It's not really that much about... do you just want to watch it? It's a really good movie!" I suggested, leaving out the detail that it was all about romance.

„Sure, let's watch the movie about the titanic then." he said and when he did, I realized I was still standing next to the couch with the tray full of popcorn, water, raisins for me and plums for Bucky. I set it down on the coffee table and then sit down next to Bucky, leaving only a little bit of space between us.

Eventually, I started getting a little tired and my head started to feel to heavy, so I decided to rest it on Bucky shoulders. When Rose and Jack where in the carriage, my eyes fell shut.

„You lied! This movie isn't a good movie about the titanic, it's not even about the... oh" he must have noticed my eyes were closed because he stopped talking and moved his arm a little, only for a soft and warm blanket to spread on top of me. I cuddled in the blanket and shifted a little. Bucky raised his arm and moved a bit to the left so I could put my head down on his legs. I felt him start to play with my hair, but eventually I fell asleep.

-3286 words

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