When worlds collide - Loki X...

By PoeticMay

49.6K 1.4K 257

You, and the avengers travel back to New York 2012 to gather the stones. While in New York something goes ter... More

Authors note
Moving forward- chapter 1 ४
Hey big brother - chapter 2 ४
Stars and stripes - chapter 3 ४
Avengers assemble - chapter 4 ४
New york - chapter 5 ४
You're coming with us - chapter 6 ४
Stand trial - Chapter 7 ४
Deck of cards - chapter 8 ४
Down memory lane - chapter 9 ४
Destined for failure - chapter 10 ४
You're a monster - chapter 11 ४
Ragnarok - chapter 12 ४
The variant - chapter 13 ४
Lamentis-1 - chapter 14 ४
Jeg saler min ganger - chapter 15 ४
Love is a dagger - chapter 16 ४
Now or never - chapter 17 ४
Sacrifice - chapter 18 ४
A pawn - chapter 19 ४
Im not angry - chapter 20 ४
The void - chapter 21 ४
Alioth - chapter 22 ४
Reindeer games - chapter 23 ४
Im not crazy - chapter 24 ४
Forgiveness isn't easy - chapter 25 ४
*heaven in hiding - chapter 26 ४ *
Making things right - chapter 27 ४
Theres no other way - chapter 28 ४
Remember to forget - chapter 29 ४
*Infinite - chapter 30 ४*
Don't do anything stupid - chapter 31 ४
The offer - chapter 32 ४
You and him - chapter 33 ४
*delayed gratification- chapter 34 ४*
Promises - chapter 35 ४
Project IS - chapter 36 ४
Goodmorning Soldier - chapter 37 ४
I knew him - chapter 38 ४
Giving up - chapter 39 ४
Ctrl. Alt. Delete - chapter 40 ४
A way out - chapter 41 ४
Just like old times - chapter 42 ४
Brat - chapter 43 ४
Agree to disagree - chapter 44 ४
The meaning of a name - chapter 45 ४
You're drunk - chapter 46 ४
Wakanda skies - chapter 47 ४
You are free - chapter 48 ४
Min elskede - chapter 49 ४
Saying goodbye - chapter 50 ४
Secrets - chapter 51 ४
Bachelorette party - chapter 52 ४
A night to remember - chapter 53 ४
Road trip - chapter 54 ४
*Invincible - chapter 55 *४
A bad feeling - chapter 56 ४
The start of forever - chapter 57 ४
*Wedding night - chapter 59 ४*
An unexpected gift - chapter 60 ४
Down on my knees - chapter 61 ४
End the war - chapter 62 ४
Civil war - chapter 63 ४
Balancing the scales - chapter 64 ४
Whatever it takes ४
The flood - chapter 66 ४
Reaching out for hope - chapter 67 ४
Secrets out - chapter 68 ४
*The new beginning - chapter 69 ४
*true colors - chapter 70*
Djevlen - chapter 71
My choice - chapter 72
In sickness and in health - chapter 73
Happiness - chapter 74
Reaching out - chapter 75
A normal life - chapter 76
Aurthor note

The first dance - chapter 58 ४

247 9 3
By PoeticMay

As the night falls upon the compound. Everything was going perfect. People are drinking, eating, dancing. You and Loki practically haven't gotten a moment to just sit down and talk. There's always someone pulling you away from each other. Yet you share some loving stares every once in a while. Checking up on each other through your minds. You have been looking everywhere for a glance of Bucky. But he's not here.

"Miss Laufeyson" a cheerful voice catches you of guard.

"Hey Sam. Thank you for coming." You say.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm ecstatic, he's not here is he?"

"No.. I'm sorry" he says.

"It's fine, he just promised. It's not the same without him here" you admit. As you look around. It's funny how the garden is filled with people. And you feel strangely alone.

"It's hard for him" Sam explains. "He loves you so much. You know that right?"

"Of course I do, I just wish he knew I love him too" "you say sadly. "He's a stubborn asshole sometimes.

"Yeah but so are you, that's why you're friends" Sam laughs.

"I should go find Loki, i haven't had a moment with him yet. But thank you for being here, it means the world to me" you smile giving him a hug.

"Congratulations Mrs. Laufesyon" he chuckles.

You wander off looking for him. Until you find him talking with Tony.

"Can I Borrow him for a minute"

"Sure, but no funny business yet please" Tony scoffs.

Loki grabs your hand as you walk to the small bridge by the lake. Looking back at the party. The fairy lights makes it seem so magical.

"I can't believe you actually married me" Loki smirks.

"Yeah well I have a thing for charity cases" you tease."I'm never leaving you again Mr. Stark laufesyon" you mutter.

"Stark Laufesyon huh?" He chuckles.

"It has a nice ring to it doesn't it"

"Certainly does Mrs. stark laufesyon"

He kisses you passionately holding you tightly. As you rest you head on his chest. Slowly dancing under the moonlight. You decided to wait to have your first dance till midnight. But that didn't mean you couldn't have a little sneak peak yourself. You dance in silence for a bit.

"I overheard you talking to Sam. And im truly sorry he didn't show up" Loki says breaking the silence.

You look up at him. "It's okay, I just really thought he's be here" you admit.

"Follow me" Loki says.

"Where to?" You ask.

"Just come." He assures you.

He takes you a little further away from the party, just near the wooded area. You look around in confusion. What could possibly be out here. When suddenly a familiar frame steps out from the trees. As soon as you realize who it is, you jump into his embrace. He swings you around, looking admiringly at you.

"Well I promised I wasn't gonna miss it didn't I?" He says quietly. You're still holding onto him, afraid he might leave if you let go.

"Im so glad you're here" you cry out. "Thank you" you whisper as you hug him even tighter.

"You look stunning y/n" he says kindly.

Loki looks as you with a hint of sadness in his eyes. But seeing you this happy is worth the jealousy he's feeling inside. Knowing he'll never understand the bond the two of you have formed. And honestly he doesn't want to.

"I'll give you two a moment" he says as he walks off returning to the party.

"Why didn't you come earlier? Why the hiding?" You ask. You're a little mad at him. He missed the ceremony and about half of your wedding. Only to show up in secret. Dressed in his everyday clothes. "I could have used another friendly face in the crowd"

"Don't go there y/n.. you know why"

"I actually don't know. You promised" you say, you can feel how frustrated it makes you. It was a promise.

"Because it would hurt too much" he admits. And as soon as he does you feel bad. "I can't help but think that I should've been the one.. or at least Steve"

"Yeah well Steve's dead remember? And you?" You yell. "You were too late" you say quietly. You didn't mean to yell at him. But it's true.

"Yeah right. Cause it would have been so much better if I told you about my feelings when you were dating my best friend" he scoffs. "There was never a good time for us"

You look away, slowly biting your lip. "Guess we weren't meant to be" you sigh. "Im sorry. I love you Buck. You know that right?" You ask.

"I do"

"I'm really happy, he makes me happy"

"I know. And he's clearly an amazing man." He sighs. "I wasn't gonna come at all actually. But he tracked me down somehow. Begged me to come for you" he explains.

"He what?" You ask. You can't believe Loki actually went through all this trouble to get him here. Even after what happened in Wakanda.

"God I can't believe you're married. Just look at you in that dress. Wow y/n" you chuckles.

"Yeah I can't believe it either. It feels good though"

"Dance with me"

"What?" You chuckle confused.

"Dance with me" he repeats. As he grabs onto you waist pulling you closer to him. You rest your head on his shoulder as you sway back and forth. Every once in a while you look up at him. His eyes are closed. Suddenly he lets go of you. Looking down at the ground.

"I should ehm..probably go. Enjoy your evening" he says slowly backing away. "Marriage looks good on you"

"You could stay" you say hopefully.

"I can't do that.. I need time."

"Right.. will you come visit sometime.. when you've taken your time" you ask. "Or just call me. Anything really" you're getting desperate. It already feels like you lost him when you walked down that aisle. It's not a sacrifice you want to make. Yet you probably already have.

"Well I couldn't leave my best girl completely now could I" he stammers.

"You better not, I'll find you. I always do"

"Goodnight y/n. Don't do anything stupid till I get back." He says as he walks off. You stand alone looking after him.

"How can I?.. you're taking all the stupid with you" you whisper to yourself.

Natasha slowly walks up behind you.

"Are you okay?"

You turn around looking at her, she dries away the smudged macara beneath you eyes.  "I don't know"

"What are you doing back here" she asks, looking around. There's no one here but the two of you.

"It's nothing, just saying hello to an old friend"

"Well come on, you can't miss your first dance"

Everyone stands around Loki in a big circle. He stands with a single candle in his hand. "Ladies and gentlemen. For our very first dance, we'll be dancing a traditional Asgradian dance." He says while his eyes is searching for yours. As soon as he sees you he lights up. "There's only one simple rule, don't let the candle blow out" He reaches out his hand. "Y/n, Min elskede. Will you do me the honors?"

You look up at him, as you let your hand fall into his. "There's nothing I would love more" you smile.  He leads you onto the dance floor. You grab onto him tightly. "I'm not a great dancer" you chuckle nervously.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall" he smirks. He moves his hand to your waist, as you let you hand rest on his shoulder. While both of your free hands hold onto the candle. The pianist starts playing, when you realize what song it is you turn to Tony who stands proudly looking at you. It's you mother's favorite.

"I love you"

"I love you infinite"

As you dance everything else seizes to exist. As you look around all you can see is the flickering lights. And Lokis warm eyes.

"I have a present for you" Loki whispers.

"We said no gifts" you say quietly.

"I think you'll like this one"

It's feels like you're dancing for hours. As the song ends you look over at the candle which flame is still burning brightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything"

"You got me a lifetime with you" he says as you blow out the candle.

The music starts playing as everyone gathers onto the dance floor. Tony grabs onto peppers hand.
"Miss Potts, should we join the newlyweds on the dance floor?"

"I would love too"

"So y/n got me thinking about something"'

"Oh did she?" She chuckles.

"Maybe it's time to put the hero life behind me, move out to the cabin." He says.

"That was about time" she grins.

"We could finally be a family"

"Are you Tony Stark, finally ready to settle down?"

"I guess I'm all grown up now" he says proudly.

Your head is resting on Lokis chest as you slow dance, while everyone else dances around you. Suddenly Tony taps your shoulder.

"Is it my turn now"

You embrace him, as he grabs your arm swirling you around.

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