The Wielder Of Ember

By chelsea2096

41.5K 1.6K 44

Yelena isn't Natasha's only sister she has a BIO sister Veronika Sofia Romanova who goes by Rory they are al... More

Rory Info and Such
1995 Chapter 1
Avengers Forming Chapter 2
Asgardians Chapter 3
Playing The God Of Mischief Romanoff Style Chapter 4
Agent Down Chapter 5
Battle Of New York Part 1 Chapter 6
Battle Of New York Part 2 Chapter 7
Thor Dark World Twist
Odd Signals Chapter 8
Kidnapped To An Alien Planet Chapter 9
The Sword Of Ember Chapter 10
A Space Friendship Chapter 11
Saving Xander Chapter 12
Thanos Fight And Returning Home Chapter 13
The Winter Soldier
Briefing Chapter 14
Battleship Chapter 15
Fury Chapter 16
Trauma List Chapter 17
What The Ghost Wants Chapter 18
Bombs Away Chapter 19
Rooftops Chapter 20
What Is With With People And Ember Chapter 21
Speeches And Chaos Chapter 22
Kiss Our Asses Chapter 23
Age Of Ultron
Weird Feelings and The Scepter Chapter 24
First Meetings Chapter 25
Astro Talks Chapter 26
Party Chapter 27
TimeOut Chapter 28
First Kisses Chapter 29
More Astro Talks and Team Talks Chapter 30
We All Make Mistakes Chapter 31
Haunted Past Chapter 32
Sokovia Part 1 Chapter 33
Sokovian Part 2 Chapter 34
A Few Months Later Chapter 35
Spider-Boy Chapter 36
Trauma and Grief Freeday Chapter 37
The New Avengers Chapter 38
Around A Year Later and Anniversaries Chapter 39
Training, Trouble and Leads Chapter 40
Civil War
Rumlow and Lagos Chapter 41
The Accords and Choosing A Side Chapter 42
Funeral's and Bucky Chapter 43
Making Things Worse Chapter 44
Punching Stark and Fake Doctors Chapter 45
Coming For You Chapter 46
Team Cap Vs Team Iron-Man Chapter 47
The Raft Chapter 48
Breaking Out Chapter 49
Black Widow
Dark Side Talks and Being An Adult Chapter 50
Taskmaster Chapter 51
Sister's Reuniting Chapter 52
The Widow's Chapter 53
Fight's and Truth's Chapter 54
Prison Break Chapter 56
Awkward Family Dinner Chapter 57
Found Chapter 58
The Red Room Part 1 Chapter 59
The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60
Over The Two Years A Little
Relaxing Day Chapter 61
Wanda Birthday Chapter 62
Close Call Chapter 63
Wanda and Rory's 2nd Anniversary Chapter 64
Telling People Chapter 65
Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66
Wedding Planning and meeting Vision Chapter 67
The Night Before and The Wedding Chapter 68
Honeymoon Chapter 69
Magical Surprise Chapter 70
Drama Free Day Chapter 71
Christmas Chapter 72
New Years Chapter 73
Sister Bonding Day Chapter 74
Rory Birthday Chapter 75
Hormonal Wanda Chapter 76
Baby Birth Chapter 77
Our Little Family Chapter 78
Sam and Steve Meeting The Baby Chapter 79
Vision Meeting The Baby Chapter 80
Infinity Wars
3rd Anniversary Chapter 81
Tali's First Birthday Chapter 82
Meeting Vision and Drama Chapter 83
Going Home Chapter 84
Plans Chapter 85
Welcome To Wakanda Chapter 86
The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87
The Snap Chapter 88
Carol and Finding Thanos Chapter 89
Planet Thanos Chapter 90
During The Five Years
Rory Moving Tali and Beda To The Compound Chapter 91
Sisterly Training Chapter 92
Mission Chapter 93
First Anniversary Without Wanda Chapter 94
Natasha and Rory Teaching Tali Things Chapter 95
Stark Wedding Chapter 96
Anniversary Of The Snap Chapter 97
The Cabin Chapter 98
Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99
Tali Learning Sword Fighting Chapter 100
Christmas Chapter 101
Looking For First Borns Chapter 102
Tali Birthday Chapter 103
Roinn Chapter 104
Rory and Tali Bonding Day Chapter 105
Play Dates and Powers Chapter 106
A Heart To Heart Between Sister Chapter 107
Undercover Missions Chapter 108
Leads On First Borns Chapter 109
Talks Between Mother and Daughter Chapter 110
Visitors and Hope Chapter 111
Quantum Machine Chapter 112
Test Jump and Plotting Chapter 113
Vormir and Hero Down Chapter 114
The Reverse Snap Chapter 115
Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116
Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117
Maximoff-Romanoff Family Reuniting Chapter 118
Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119
Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

Beer's and Planning Chapter 55

377 15 0
By chelsea2096

When Wanda found Rory and Yelena they were sat in a bar at a table laughing and talking while Rory tended to Yelena's wounds

Hey Wands -Rory

Hey Detka. Yelena -Wanda

Wanda -Yelena nods to her

Wanda and Rory share a kiss

Where's Natasha -Rory

Sulking in the shop -Wanda

Why's she sulking -Yelena

I was sick of how she's treating Rory so I had a few choices words with her -Wanda

You didn't need to do that -Rory

Yes, I did. No one's allowed to hurt you and get away with it -Wanda

Rory smiles at this and looks down

So what are your intentions with my sister -Yelena says with a pointed look

Rory isn't sure whether to laugh or yell at Yelena right now

To protect her. Love her. Help her heal from her past. Let go of her guilt and make sure she knows she's not alone. Oh and to stop her from being to Reckless -Wanda

Am not that reckless -Rory

You once jumped out of a plane without a parasuit -Wanda says dryly

I can fly -Rory counters

So can I but you can never be to careful what if you lost control of your powers and fall to your death -Wanda

Rory opens and closes her mouth trying to come up with a response but coming up blank

Wanda sends her a look

Ok fine so I can be a tad bit Reckless at times -Rory

and it's my job to make sure you don't do anything to bad when am with you when am not I have to put one of our idiots in charge of it and make it clear if you get hurt it's me they will have to worry about -Wanda

Rory sighs playfully

Yelena nods at this

I approve -Yelena

Rory grins at this

The three talk with one another

Yelena and Rory reforming there relationship

Yelena and Wanda getting to know each other better

It was pretty good

and then Natasha joins them managing to hold Four beers one for each of them

Natasha slides Yelena her beer

Wanda uses her powers to get her's and Rory's

Thanks, babe -Rory

Wanda shoots her a wink and a grin

The table fell quite for a few moments until

That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melina's generation. I was on a mission to retrieve it and she exposed me. In the end, I killed the widow who freed me -Yelena

Did you have a choice -Natasha

Did you not hear the part of her being under mind control or -Rory says sarcastically

What you experienced was psychological conditioning. What Rory experienced was torture. I'm talking about chemically altering brain functions. They're two completely different things. You're fully conscious, but you don't know which part is you... Am still not sure -Yelena

Rory takes Yelena's hand in hers

Yelena shoots her a thankful smile

Is that all there's left -Natasha says gesturing to the red vials

She sent me some who I have given to a contact. They're working on making more of it -Rory

We gave the contact a few vials but have the others hidden just incase we didn't think it would be safe to bring it with us -Wanda

Smart choice -Yelena

Natasha rolls her eyes

Rory chuckles

It is the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his network of widows -Yelena

He takes more everyday. Children who don't have anyone to protect them just like us when we were small. maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. the rest, he kills. to him we are just things Weapons with no face that he can just throw away, because there is always more and no one's even looking for him thanks to you two and Alexei -Yelena

Rory looks down at the table and removes her hand from Yelena who then shoots Wanda a sorry look not meaning to hurt Rory

Wanda nods to her then she wraps an arm around Rory pulling her close

Rory relaxes against Wanda

Alexei? -Natasha

Dad... did you ever look for your parents? your real one's -Yelena

Well my mom abandoned me in the streets and a couple of years later did the same with Rory -Natasha

Rory swallows the pain

What about you -Rory

They destroyed my birth certificate, so I reinvented it. My parents still live in Ohio. my older sisters moved out west -Yelena

Is that right? -Natasha chuckles

Yup. Natasha. You're a science teacher. But you work part-time after you married and had your son. Your husband renovates houses -Yelena

What about me -Rory says amused

You do live in the west but you don't stay there often as you travel a lot with your wife and have been thinking about adoption -Yelena

I like it -Rory

Me too -Wanda

They two share a smile

That is not my story -Natasha

What is your story? -Yelena

I never let myself be alone enough to think about it -Natasha

Did you ever want kids -Yelena

Natasha says nothing

Maybe. I didn't always think I would be a good mother but -Rory

Then you met Wanda -Yelena

Yeah. I came to realize that maybe I could be happy and have a family -Rory

Wanda Grins brightly then she picks up Rory's free hand and kisses the back of Rory's hand

Yelena and Natasha both fake gag

Rory rolls her eyes a little at them

Pay them no mind Love. They're just jealous there single -Rory

Hey! -Natasha

I was under mind control give me a little time -Yelena whines

Rory shoots them grins

Wanda giggles a little

I want a dog -Yelena

A dog huh -Rory

Yelena nods with a grin

There are a few different kinds I would do some research first that way you can pick the right kind for you. I would use the Internet or go to the Libary -Wanda offers

I might do that -Yelena

Where are you gonna go -Natasha

I don't know... I don't really have anywhere to go -Yelena

I can always set up a place for you to go -Rory offers

Before Yelena can respond she looks to Natasha and see's her smirking

Don't -Yelena

Don't what? -Natasha

You're going to give me some big hero speech -Yelena

Speeches aren't really her thing -Rory

Oh -Yelena

Yeah that is more Rogers -Wanda

Agreed. Speeches aren't really my thing like Rory and Wanda said -Natasha

So you're inviting me to take down the Red Room and kill Dreykov? -Yelena

Yup -Natasha

That sounds like a shitload of work -Rory

Yep -Natasha

Could be fun though -Yelena

Yep -Natasha

Me and Rory were always going to be going after Dreykov anyways -Wanda shrugs

Really now -Natasha

Do you really think after everything he's done that we'd be letting him live -Rory raises her eyebrow

Natasha nods

I saw where he put the keys -Natasha

Top drawer -Yelena

Green cabinet -Rory

The three sisters clinked their beers together

Wanda smiles a little hoping that this means the sisters were healing there bond and coming together


In The Car

You know this is the first piece of clothing I've ever brought for myself -Yelena says gesturing to her Vest

That -Natasha

Yeah, you don't like it? -Yelena

Is that like a... An army surplus or -Natasha

Okay it has a lot of pockets -Yelena

Look my point is that I was trying to make is that I never had control over my own life before and now that I do I want to do things -Yelena

The first thing Natasha brought when we left was dog tags -Rory

Yelena laughs

Natasha leans back and tries to smack Rory but fails

Wanda smiles fondly

Like your's was any better! -Natasha

I brought a leather jacket! I love leather jackets -Rory says then pouts when Natasha slaps her leg

Wanda rubs her leg

Leather jackets are cool -Yelena

and I think your vest is cool. Maybe you can get your dog one -Rory

Yes! -Yelena lights up at the thought

See she likes it! -Yelena

I like your vest -Natasha

Are you sure -Yelena

Yeah your not just coping me are you -Rory

I do like it -Natasha groans a little at being teased by her little sisters who share a smirk

I knew you did, it's co cool, right? -Yelena

It's good. Yes I like it -Natasha

and you can put so much stuff in there. You wouldn't even know -Yelena

Rory smiles at this

Do you still have your first leather jacket -Wanda

I do. But it's a bit broken now so I have it in a safe place... It's more of a reminder now -Rory

Wanda nods a little

I really don't know where The Red Room is though. I'm sorry -Yelena

It's okay -Rory

I know, but I think I know somebody who does -Natasha

Oh yeah? who -Yelena

We're gonna need a yet -Natasha



I said we needed a jet -Natasha

Always knew you were an idiot Mason -Rory sighs rolling her eyes at him

Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? time or money I'm not made out of jets -Mason says then realizes what Rory said

Hey! am not an idiot -Mason

I beg to differ -Rory

I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a real pro -Yelena

Rory smirks a little

Oh, I beg your pardon, tsarine. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking? -Mason

Yelena lets out a sarcastic laugh which Rory joins in with

Wanda nudges Rory's shoulder and sends her a pointed look

Don't let them wind you up -Natasha

No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism -Mason

Well you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours -Natasha

You too huh? Tag team. The three of you -Mason says pointing towards the sisters

Aww, he's sensitive. See why you keep him around -Yelena mocks

Mason scoffed

Next thing you know she'll join in -Mason says nodding to Wanda

She's the nice one out of us -Rory

Is that so -Mason

Well compared to us anyways she does have a temper -Rory

I have a temper -Wanda raises an eyebrow

Do you know how I learned I could fly -Rory

No I always wondered but you refused to tell me and wouldn't let me see the memory -Wanda

Yelena turns away from the Helicopter interested in this

Mason was working on that mission. he gave me a parasuit... However, the parasuit was broken -Rory

How could I know that -Mason

You were in charge of sorting out the equipment -Rory deadpans

You nearly got my sister killed -Yelena says glaring at him not liking him one bit

I wouldn't say that -Mason

I fell a few hundred feet before my powers caught me and i landed roughly on the ground. I thought I was going to die -Rory

Wanda throws some of her magic at Mason hitting him in the chest causing Mason to fly through the air and land on the floor hard

Mason groans on the floor

See temper -Rory

Fine I have a temper when it comes to you -Wanda

Rory shoots her a grin

Same -Rory says then she turns to Yelena and watches as Yelena breaths on the Helicopter and draws a smiley face on it

Where's the rest? -Natasha asks Mason as be is now on his feet and has brought out a duffel bag

Voila -Mason says opening it and throwing it to the ground

Yelena sees a bar and grabs it

Oh -Yelena says and she rips it open

Oh I wouldn't I stashed that like five years ago -Natasha

Yelena says her no mind and takes a bite into it

How is it -Rory

It's dry. It's really dry -Yelena says then she makes her way into the Helicopter

Rory lets out a small laugh

You know you're getting dangerously close to running out of your tab... Supplies I can tally, but you bringing me attention from the authorities, all my princes go up -Mason

What's that supposed to be some sort of threat? -Natasha

Your mate, Secretary Ross, has been sniffing around my affairs to the point at which I've got contacts declining my calls... I'm a private contractor -Mason

You are sensitive -Natasha

You're very annoying individual -Mason

I'll make it up to you -Natasha

Mhm. That's what you say every time -Mason

But has she ever let you down -Rory

Mason has nothing to say about this

You know Ross is determined to find you and that girlfriend of yours more than your sister -Mason

Am not surprised -Rory

Not after what we did -Wanda

The two then get on the Helicopter joining the other two

What did you do to Ross -Natasha

Got even -Rory

and then some -Wanda


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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