The Golden Girl ↠ Finn Shelby

By ShikShin_ss

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"This is all the Peaky Blinders' fault. Your fault, Finn. Damn you." Beatrice Gold, the youngest child of Abe... More

PROLOGE ↠ running away
CHAPTER 1 ↠ arriving in small heath
CHAPTER 2 ↠ meeting alfie solomons
CHAPTER 3 ↠ crying in artillery square
CHAPTER 4 ↠ meeting michael gray
CHAPTER 5 ↠ painting finn shelby
CHAPTER 6 ↠ finn shelby's birthday
CHAPTER 7 ↠ playing games & telling misfortunes
CHAPTER 8 ↠ too purehearted
CHAPTER 9 ↠ apologies & horse riding
CHAPTER 10 ↠ bonnie vs. goliath
CHAPTER 11 ↠ to dying together
CHAPTER 12 ↠ proving bonnie wrong
CHAPTER 13 ↠ helping the shelbys
CHAPTER 14 ↠ a joy to be around
CHAPTER 15 ↠ a dinner party
CHAPTER 16 ↠ a gift for finn
CHAPTER 17 ↠ aiming and shooting at hearts
CHAPTER 18 ↠ returning to london
CHAPTER 19 ↠ working together
CHAPTER 20 ↠ going for drinks
CHAPTER 21 ↠ love in artillery square
CHAPTER 22 ↠ painting a beach
CHAPTER 23 ↠ an agreement with tommy
CHAPTER 24 ↠ telling the bad news
CHAPTER 25 ↠ boat trip & a familiar face
CHAPTER 26 ↠ understanding
CHAPTER 27 ↠ freedom
CHAPTER 28 ↠ a dinner
CHAPTER 29 ↠ days of fun & foundation
CHAPTER 30 ↠ dancing
CHAPTER 31 ↠ a cigarette and a bee
CHAPTER 32 ↠ a lie to leave early
CHAPTER 33 ↠ staying and going
CHAPTER 34 ↠ letters home
CHAPTER 35 ↠ reconciliation and second-guessing
CHAPTER 36 ↠ final decision
CHAPTER 37 ↠ going home
CHAPTER 38 ↠ bea and bonnie
CHAPTER 39 ↠ the lake
CHAPTER 40 ↠ stolen goods
CHAPTER 41 ↠ underwater
CHAPTER 42 ↠ a permanent job & drunk talks
CHAPTER 43 ↠ payday
CHAPTER 44 ↠ displeased bonnie
chapter 45 ↠ unwelcome knowledge
CHAPTER 46 ↠ trip to london
CHAPTER 47 ↠ a birthday before christmas
CHAPTER 48 ↠ hard work pays off two extra shillings
CHAPTER 49 ↠ years fly by
CHAPTER 50 ↠ purpose
CHAPTER 51 ↠ wall street crash
CHAPTER 52 ↠ a reprimand
CHAPTER 53 ↠ darkness
CHAPTER 54 ↠ emptiness
CHAPTER 55 ↠ numbness first
CHAPTER 56 ↠ anger after
CHAPTER 57 ↠ feeling helpless
CHAPTER 58 ↠ fracture
CHAPTER 59 ↠ the painting
CHAPTER 60 ↠ a new start
CHAPTER 61 ↠ playing piano for him
CHAPTER 62 ↠ words meant to be said
CHAPTER 63 ↠ enjoying the party
CHAPTER 64 ↠ the girl finn was trying to impress
CHAPTER 65 ↠ exchanged letters
CHAPTER 66 ↠ a place of power
CHAPTER 67 ↠ confession to a priest and someone else
CHAPTER 68 ↠ offer to help
CHAPTER 69 ↠ a haunted spy
CHAPTER 71 ↠ snow vs. bee
CHAPTER 72 ↠ broken agreement
CHAPTER 73 ↠ jesus goes to church
CHAPTER 74 ↠ midnight meet up
CHAPTER 75 ↠ traitor
CHAPTER 76 ↠ the beginning
CHAPTER 77 ↠ a long stay
CHAPTER 78 ↠ struggle to leave
chapter 79 ↠ a letter from new york
chapter 80 ↠ a short getaway

CHAPTER 70 ↠ family meeting

995 37 11
By ShikShin_ss

Standing in front of The Garrison Tavern doors, Bea smoked a cigarette. She could hear movement inside, but was waiting for Finn — who Arthur had gone to pick up from the Betting Shop — to go in.

"Fucking finally," she says as the two Shelby brother's come to sight. "Your luck is that Tommy is even less punctual than you two."

"If Tommy's not here, we're not late," Finn affirms with a grin as he gets closer to Bea.

"You have a very weird line of thought, Finn."

"Am I wrong, though? What matters what time I get here as long as it's before Tommy?"

"Took you long enough to pick this kid up," Bea accuses Arthur. "Betting Shop is not that far."

"Yes, well..." Arthur says, stopping in front of the door and turning back to Bea and Finn. "Do you know this kid's newest friend?"

"Friend?" Bea asks confused.

"Yeah. A bloke named Billy. Good lad, apparently. I walked in the shop and this kid was talking to Billy. A little too much talking, in my opinion."

"About family business?" Bea asks, now less puzzled and more tense.

"No, we were working," Finn interrupts Arthur before he speaks again.

"Football and women, it's what Billy said they'd ever talk about," Arthur says with a grin. "Is Beatrice Gold involved in those talks Finn?" he accuses, already knowing the nature of their relationship.

"What?" Finn asks taking offence in that question.

"I am actually curious about this," Bea says stepping to the side. "Is this new friend the guy you were doing cocaine with, the other day? You better not tell him anything about me, I didn't like him. And you better not do cocaine again."

"I've never even mentioned your name, Bumble."

"You better not," she warns one last time. "Now get in, even without Tommy we are still late."

Inside The Garrison was almost everybody else, including Jeremiah Jesus, Curly, Johnny Dogs, Aberama, Polly, Michael, and Gina.

"You should listen to the lady Finn," Arthur says as they walk in. "She's got more sense than you."

Bea looks around the tavern and sees Gina looking back to see them walk in, quickly turning forward with an annoyed expression on his face.

As he passes by a sitting Michael, next to Gina, Arthur purposely bumps into Michael's chair. And Finn, on his way to take a seat, slightly bumps Gina's arm, but makes no remarks to apologize, which Gina seemed to dislike.

Bea goes to the bar, where Aberama was, along with Polly and Jeremiah, and now Arthur, and makes a move to get to glasses, before Aberama forces her arm down.

"Who said you could be here?" he asks in a whisper.

Bea looks at him and smiles amused. "Mr. Thomas Shelby himself. Who else?"

"Why would Tommy want you in the family meeting?" Michael then asks loud enough for everyone to hear, making Bea turn to look at him.

"Because she's family," Finn says speaking up from his seat. "More so than you."

"I guess the Shelby has spoken," Bea says turning back to get the glasses.

"How? How are you family?"

"I've been cleaning up your mess ever since you came back from New York, you arsehole," Bea says calmly without turning. "And I've done a lot for this family, whilst losing my own," she says looking at Aberama.

She takes two glasses, plus a bottle of whiskey and goes around the table to sit next to Finn. Bea pours herself and Finn the whiskey and then, to be the bigger person, she pours Michael some, too. But then again, Bea wasn't interested on being the bigger person, which made her speak up again.

"You see, Michael... I didn't have to accept your marriage proposal to be part of this family," she mocks with a smirk.

Johnny Dogs laughs, Polly and Aberama chuckle a bit as well, already fully aware of the story.

"What is she talking about?" Gina asks.

"I'd like to know, too!" Johnny Dogs says, with opposite emotions to Gina, raising his glass.

"I'll tell you later Johnny," Bea says with a smile as she sits down.

"That's a nice necklace you have there," Michael points out.

Bea reaches a hand up to touch on the pearls against her skin.

"A friend gifted it to me."

"A friend?" Michael wonders.

"Yes, a dear friend. That despite everything he's done wrong, I still see him as a good friend. Anyways, I'm not God to judge his sins."

"Sins?" Michael asks with a chuckle.

"Oh, do you remember Jack Bradley? Surely you do," Bea then asks.

"Mr. Bradley, yes," Michael confirms.

"Did you know that he didn't lose a single pound with the Wall Street crash?" Bea asks with a proud smile. "You see, despite not being family, despite having nothing to do with any business I might have, Jack Bradley listened to me when I told him what was going to happen. Tommy told you, I told Jack Bradley... one didn't listen, held on and lost millions. Another did listen and lost nothing."

"And?" Michael asks, uninterested.

"Do you need me to tell you more? Well, then... I hope you can see how stupid you were when you decided to not listen to those who knew better."

The door of the tavern opens again, and this time Uncle Charlie gets in.

"Are you all right, Charlie?" Curly asks standing up.

"Mad bastard Barney kicked me in the shin when I woke him up," Charlie explains.

"Where is the mad bastard?" Curly asks.

"He's tied to a lamp post outside with three Lee boys, shitting themselves."

"You tied him up to a post?" Bea interferes. "Man has just been released into freedom and you tie him up to a post?!"

"You want to deal with him, you go out there," Uncle Charlie suggests.

"Tommy doesn't want me around him."

"I don't want you around him," Aberama speaks up quickly. "Why the fuck would you be around him in the first place?"

"Ask Tommy. He's the one who asked me to go with him and get Barney in the first place."

"You went to get him?"

"With Tommy, yes. Part of my new job."

"What is your new job?" Aberama keeps shooting the questions.


"She won't even tell me," Finn says putting a hand at the nape of her neck. "No matter how much I ask."

"Good thing I don't. I don't want anything to reach the ears of your new mate Billy."

Finn rolls his eyes and removes her hand, knowing that Bea was somewhat upset by what Arthur had said outside the tavern, and thinking there was no reason for her to be.

Quiet fills the room for only a few moments as Tommy then walks in and goes to stand in front of the fire, facing everyone.

"First of all, an apology from Lizzie - she can't be here. Charles has a violin concert," Tommy explains before starting. "Also, a welcome to Mr Aberama Gold. Aberama and Polly are to be married in three weeks, with my blessing. From now on, Aberama will be welcome at our meetings," Tommy informs. "And Bea... well, we'll talk after the meeting and see if you'll continue to be welcomed, but, for this one, she is."

Bea furrows her brows to Tommy, understanding there is a matter he wants to discuss with her that could cost her the fact of being welcomed in the meetings.

She looks over at Michael, trying to keep sureness in herself that she will be welcomed at the family meeting no matter what.

"First item of business, a bereavement," Tommy starts. "Colonel Ben Younger, who may perhaps have become a member of this family, was taken from us, four days ago, by dark forces. We've made some investigations, and we think we know who planted the bomb. In the meantime, our thoughts are with Ada and the baby inside of her, who may one day sit at these meetings, but hopefully under happier circumstances."

"Let's drink to happier circumstances," Polly says.

"Yeah," Arthur agrees. "To Ada."

Everyone chants the same, even Gina, and they all take a sip of their drink.

Tommy coughs lightly before carrying on.

"Item number two. An announcement, regarding Michael."

"Before you go on, Tommy, there's something I'd like to say to the whole family directly, regarding finances and the future of this company."

Polly glances at Gina, already being sure that whatever Michael was interrupting Tommy for, came from her head.

"According to your own estimations, this new venture of the delivery and shipment of opium will bring into the company around £2 million per year. Therefore, due to the amounts involved, I think this company should be restructured."

"Michael, I think this can wait till outside the family meeting," Polly says with a warning tone.

"Restructured in what way?" Tommy asks, encouraging Michael to go on.

"Because of the amounts of money involved," Gina speaks, instead of Michael, "shipment and dispatch will become the primary source of income to the company. It's simple mathematics."

Michael then stands up and gets behind Gina, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"And with the help of my wife, I will organise an expansion into America, where the narcotics business is just beginning to grow. See, I have very good contacts in Detroit, New York, Boston, who I've already spoken to about this. And Gina has family who are very experienced in this kind of business."

Bea looks at her own father, who's staring at Michael without blinking, taking in his every word. Then she looks at Tommy, who has his brows furrowed, probably wondering how Michael would even dare, after everything, going behind his back. Polly is just staring at Gina.

"According to the conversations I've had with them," Michael continues, "with a regular supply of pure opium from China, within a short space of time, the American narcotics business will bring in 20 million per annum. Enough money for you to all enjoy an easing of the burden you all now feel."

Polly now looks at Tommy, who looks away, done with Michael conversation. Arthur finishes his drink.

"See, I know that the scars and the wounds, they're on the inside, not on the outside," Michael says pointing to his head. "And as a member of the new generation, I'm able to take that great burden off your weary shoulders."

Bea sees Finn looking over at Tommy.

"A new decade is coming. There'll be new opportunities in new territories. More money than we've ever had before," he pauses for a couple of seconds. "Tommy, you can still do the good work that deep down you want to do. Mum, you can get married and live in that big house."

Polly looks over at Aberama, who has his eyes down.

"Arthur, you can be the man that Linda wants you to be."

"Fuck Linda," Arthur states, being the first to say anything to speak after Michael started his big speech.

Then Michael looks at Finn and Bea straightens up in her chair.

"Finn," he says, approaching him and putting his hands on his shoulders, like a good friend would. "You've proved yourself. You're part of the new generation. You could come to New York, with me."

Michael looks at Bea, and as he makes no remark towards her she understands that she doesn't belong in Michael's new generation, whether for her remarks that day or the ones in New York, or whether because of her strong ties with the current generation, or maybe whether because Gina just didn't want her in the first place.

"Here is my proposal," Michael says as he gets a file from Gina's hands. "A full restructuring of the company. I will be managing director... and you can be nonexecutive chairman," he offers Tommy, "but under an assumed name, to protect your reputation. I've found the name of a dead man. You will be registered as Mr Jones."

Michael then looks around the room.

"You will each receive a percentage of the profits as an annuity, and you will no longer have to engage in any of the associated activities. Take a look at the future, Tommy. At least read it with an open mind," Michael finishes, extending the file to Tommy.

After a few seconds, Tommy steps forward to take the file.

"It's cold in here, Michael," Tommy finally speaks up, before turning around and throwing the file into the fire, making Johnny Dogs, once again, laugh like crazy.

"Tommy, the Americans want to deal with me," Michael affirms over the laughter.

"Item number three," Tommy speaks up, ignoring him.

"Tell him the truth," Gina says, interrupting Tommy. "Go on. He can take it."

"Tell me the truth, Michael," Tommy says shaking his head.

"The Americans don't want to deal with an old-fashioned, backstreet razor gang. Those days are done."

The door slams open and Isaiah comes in.

"Tommy. He's bitten through the fucking rope," he tells, making Aberama stand up straight away. "They've got him cornered, but they need help."

"Go and get him!" Tommy shouts.

Everyone starts leaving. Arthur only stopping Michael to tell him, "Fuck the Americans."

Bea follows the others but stays at the door, staying further away from Tommy, Polly, Michael and Gina.

Tommy rests his hands on top of the fireplace.

"I'm doing this for you, Tommy," Michael states calmly. "It's time. And you know it. Tommy, Mum's leaving, John's dead, Arthur needs help, Ada's man was killed in your own back yard because you fucked up," he says raising his voice.

Tommy, finally losing his patients, quickly turns around, gets a glass full of drink and throws it into the fire, making the flames grow, turning quickly back to face Michael, who already had a razor prepared for Tommy.

"Go on, Tom. Go on, cut me," he dares. "Like the good old days. Or... see this for what it is. A natural succession... that someday must happen."

Tommy shakes hie head and looks away before looking back at Michael and answering him.

"I gave you an opportunity, Michael, you've betrayed me. Don't be here when I get back." Tommy moves, so he starts leaving. "You..." he says pointing at Gina. "You can tell your family—"

"Let me guess," Gina interrupts. "Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders."

Tommy then moves to the door.

"Right?" Gina asks.

Bea opens the door for Tommy and leaves after him, leaving only Polly with the couple of traitors.

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