CHAPTER 70 ↠ family meeting

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Standing in front of The Garrison Tavern doors, Bea smoked a cigarette

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Standing in front of The Garrison Tavern doors, Bea smoked a cigarette. She could hear movement inside, but was waiting for Finn — who Arthur had gone to pick up from the Betting Shop — to go in.

"Fucking finally," she says as the two Shelby brother's come to sight. "Your luck is that Tommy is even less punctual than you two."

"If Tommy's not here, we're not late," Finn affirms with a grin as he gets closer to Bea.

"You have a very weird line of thought, Finn."

"Am I wrong, though? What matters what time I get here as long as it's before Tommy?"

"Took you long enough to pick this kid up," Bea accuses Arthur. "Betting Shop is not that far."

"Yes, well..." Arthur says, stopping in front of the door and turning back to Bea and Finn. "Do you know this kid's newest friend?"

"Friend?" Bea asks confused.

"Yeah. A bloke named Billy. Good lad, apparently. I walked in the shop and this kid was talking to Billy. A little too much talking, in my opinion."

"About family business?" Bea asks, now less puzzled and more tense.

"No, we were working," Finn interrupts Arthur before he speaks again.

"Football and women, it's what Billy said they'd ever talk about," Arthur says with a grin. "Is Beatrice Gold involved in those talks Finn?" he accuses, already knowing the nature of their relationship.

"What?" Finn asks taking offence in that question.

"I am actually curious about this," Bea says stepping to the side. "Is this new friend the guy you were doing cocaine with, the other day? You better not tell him anything about me, I didn't like him. And you better not do cocaine again."

"I've never even mentioned your name, Bumble."

"You better not," she warns one last time. "Now get in, even without Tommy we are still late."

Inside The Garrison was almost everybody else, including Jeremiah Jesus, Curly, Johnny Dogs, Aberama, Polly, Michael, and Gina.

"You should listen to the lady Finn," Arthur says as they walk in. "She's got more sense than you."

Bea looks around the tavern and sees Gina looking back to see them walk in, quickly turning forward with an annoyed expression on his face.

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now