Chance Encounters

By postylove74

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Candace Daniels and her 3 year old son Liam just moved to the suburban town of Cottonwood Heights, desperate... More

Merry Christmas!!
Author's Note


207 12 0
By postylove74

December- 5 months pregnant

"Candace have you seen my hat sweetheart? I've been looking for it everywhere" Austin yelled to me as I was walking out of Liam's room with his bag packed. I had decided that Liam and I were going to go with Austin while he did a few festivals overseas. I didn't want to be away from him for a month, it was hard enough that I had to be away from him for five days the last time he went to LA and I wasn't going through that again, especially since I didn't have Teenie here. I knew that I had Jodie and she had offered to come stay with me while Austin was gone and Austin had even planned on flying back and forth between festivals but I knew that was going to be too much for him. He was always so tired and I didn't want to be adding to that.

Not to mention once he really started touring for the new album Liam, Ava and I were going to be with him every step of the way, so I had made the decision to break ourselves in early to this crazy life instead of letting a new baby and tour hit me all at once. I figured if I got used to what tour life was like it would be a lot easier to judge how hard or easy it was going to be to incorporate Ava into the mix. I rolled Liam's bag out to the kitchen by mine and Austin's as I fixed my hat on my head with a grin, purposely ignoring Austin's question as I directed my attention to Liam.

"Bubba, we are going to have to get going soon okay? We have to catch a plane so Daddy isn't late for work" I said with a smile as I walked up behind him and placed a kiss on the top of his head before I started to move my fingers through his thin hair, my attention only slightly distracted by Despicable Me his new favorite movie.

"Okay Momma" he said looking up at me with a smile, my thumb gently rubbing over his cheek as I smiled back down at him before I heard Austin yell my name again.

"Candace?" he asked, his voice laced with frustration, confusion and worry as he came running out towards the kitchen, the smirk that was on my face prior coming back full force as I tried to act normal.

"Yeah baby?" I asked resting my hands on the back of the couch as I looked over at him with my normal sweet smile.

"Have you seen my OSS hat? I've been looking all over for it" he said throwing his hand out to the side as he stared at me, his eyes dancing over me for a few minutes as I felt my cheeks start to turn red.

"I don't know baby I haven't seen it. This one is mine" I said fixing the brim on the hat as I shoved a little more hair underneath the side by my ears, watching as his eyes narrowed at me as he started coming closer. "What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked with a laugh as I started to back up from the couch with a smile.

"Excuse me lil miss but I think you have something that belongs to me" he said with a cocky smirk spreading across his face, his eyes turning playful almost instantly as he started picking up his pace to reach me as I walked quicker backwards, my hands held out to the sides to stop me from falling in case I tripped over whatever was lying on the floor.

"I don't know what you are talking about. This one is mine" I said knowing all too well that he had caught on as he started walking faster.

"Oh I think you're mistaken lil miss, mine has a rip in the brim just like that one. I think it is you that has lost yours" he smiled. "So if you don't mind, I think I'll be taking my hat back now" he said reaching out for it as I covered it with my arms before turning around and running through the house.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I laughed, looking over my shoulder to see him running after me. "This one is mine, maybe Britt ate yours" I said, a loud laugh leaving his lips as I kept running through the house.

"Oh don't you worry sweetheart, I'll give Britt something to eat real soon once I catch you" he said, his arms finally gently wrapping around me in the living room as he pulled me back towards him, his lips falling into my neck as he started littering it with small kisses slowly working his way up towards my ear. "Not to mention yours happens to be sitting right there on that couch" he said, pointing to it with a smile as I turned to look at him shrugging my shoulders.

"Yours has that worn look I love it" I said with a smile, his lips coming into softly press against mine before slowly pulling away.

"It looks better on you anyways" he said placing a kiss on my cheek as he gave me a wink before walking to the couch to grab my hat off of the cushion, his fingers quickly unsnapping the back as he adjusted it to fit his head. "I'll just have to get this one worn in I guess" he said playfully rolling his eyes as he sat in front of Liam on the couch, as Liam wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist as he rested his chin on the top of his head.

"You ready buddy?" he asked giving his leg a squeeze as Liam nodded his head. "And one more question, are you excited?" he asked, my eyes drifting up towards him. Liam has never flown before, when we moved to Utah we drove so in a way I was nervous. I knew that he didn't know what to expect but I suppose flying a chartered flight to France was the best way for him to experience all of this for the first time.

"I am! I never fly before" he said with a smile, a small chuckle leaving Austin's lips as he reached out his left hand and let it linger on my back, his fingers moving over it slightly as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

I had to admit that I was happy that Liam was getting this opportunity and I may have thought about that when I thought about traveling overseas five months pregnant with a three year old throwing myself head first into a lions den of touring life that I knew nothing about. But, if it wasn't for Austin I knew that he would never have this experience and honestly if it wasn't for Austin pulling strings with some higher up to get Liam's passport expedited he may not have. But, I regret not traveling the world as much as I wanted to before I met Shawn and had Liam and I didn't want to keep Liam sheltered within the borders of the United States and now that the opportunity was in front of me I was going to take him to as many places as I could.

"What time do we have to be at the airport?" I asked him, my lips pressing against his bicep as he turned and placed his lips against the top of my head, holding them there just briefly before pulling away just enough so I could hear the words that were floating from between them.

"Our flight leaves in an hour and Ben should be here right about, now" he said with a smile as I saw the white Suburban pull into the driveway, a smiling Ben getting out of the drivers seat as he gave the three of us a friendly wave. I knew that he wasn't going to be traveling with us, Austin said he seldom traveled out of the country and I was only slightly nervous knowing that I had to get used to a whole new security team that was going to be following me around, especially since in the almost year I was with Austin I had just gotten used to the one that follows our every move here.

We all piled into the car while Ben threw our luggage into the back, Austin pressing a soft kiss to my temple as he held me close to him, his hand coming down to rest on my stomach as he slowly started rubbing it with this thumb. I let out a sigh resting my head against his shoulder, my eyes falling closed as Ben started pulling us out of the driveway.

"You nervous?" Austin asked me quietly, the hairs of his soft beard resting against my forehead tickling me just slightly as I smiled before pulling my head away so I could look easier into his eyes. I could tell that he knew my answer the instant that our eyes connected together, that ability he had of being able to read me like a book never going away as I let out a sigh.

"I am. I don't know what to expect and I don't want to ruin anything that happens backstage for you just because you have to be worried about me and Liam" I said, my hand coming down to rest on his that was resting on my now very obviously pregnant stomach as he rested his free hand under my chin lifting it so I was looking him in those dangerously perfect blue eyes.

"Candace you are not going to ruin anything for me sweetheart and if I didn't want you there with me I wouldn't have asked the both of you to come. I love you Candace, I love the both of you and I want you with me every step of the way for the rest of my life. So, no need to be nervous" he said with a smile, my anxiety dropping significantly as I pushed my fingers in between the spaces of his.

"Did I ever tell you how lucky I was to find you that day?" I asked with a smile. I loved the way his face turned red whenever I mentioned how much I loved having him in my life. "And did I ever mention how hot you are when you're blushing from a comment" I said with a smirk as he gently tickled my sides making me curl into him as he pressed a kiss against the top of my head.

"You have sweetheart and even though it makes me blush, I love when you tell me it because I feel the same exact way about you" he said my head tilting up to look at him as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you" I said, my lips brushing against his as I spoke as a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"And I love you lil miss" he smiled as he pressed his lips tightly back against mine again, the feeling that I was finally in the right place in my life with the person that I was meant to be with from the beginning never seeming to go away and I loved being reminded of it every time he pressed his lips to my skin.


The plane landed with a hard bounce against the runway, my eyes fluttering open to see that the interior was dimly lit. Liam was curled into Austin's side, his head resting perfectly into Austin's chest while Austin had his arm wrapped tightly around him to keep him in place. My head was resting against Austin's shoulder, his head resting gently on mine and his arm wrapped around my back resting low on my waist. I instantly felt bad for its placement knowing that it had to be completely numb by now. I smiled grabbing my phone from my pocket as I quickly took a picture of the three of us sending it to my parents to let them know that we landed in France before slowly sitting up and pulling his hand to the front before pressing soft kisses to his cheeks and his lips in an effort to wake him up.

I pressed my lips against his just about to pull away when I felt him start to kiss me back, my hands coming up to rest on his cheeks as I started moving my lips over his, his tongue slowly coming between my parted lips as it slowly mixed with mine as we kissed each other sensually in the dimly lit cabin until the lights suddenly started to brighten over us making us pull apart from each other slowly, my thumbs running over the words scripted under his eyes as we smiled lovingly at each other.

"You okay sweetheart? You didn't get sick did you?" he asked, his lips pressing a quick peck to mine as I smiled at him. How much he cared for me--not just when I was pregnant but before that as well--was still a feeling that made my heart flutter as I smiled at him.

"No baby, I slept amazing. I just wish I could say the same for you. You're arm has to feel like a rock right now" I said reaching down to grab his hand in mine as I started to massage his palm.

"It's starting to tingle now so no need to worry" he said with a smirk, his tongue coming between his teeth as he gave me a wink before he pressed a kiss to my temple. "This little guy seemed to sleep good too" he said with a smile pressing a kiss to Liam's forehead before resting his head back against the chair.

I couldn't help but watch him as he watched Liam sleeping in his arms. Jodie had told me that as soon as Austin had his first serious girlfriend after becoming famous the only thing that he wanted more than anything was to have a baby and I was so glad that I was able to give him the very thing that he has wanted especially since there wasn't many other things that I could give the man who could buy whatever he wants whenever he wants it. I felt useful in the fact that I could give him the things in life that you couldn't buy and that he was beyond happy with what I was able to give him.

"I don't want to wake him" he said with a shy smile leaning in to press his lips to Liam's forehead, his hand coming up to rub down his arm as I laid my head on his shoulder, both of our gazes on Liam as I leaned up to press a kiss to his neck. Austin was so perfect and he was so ready to be a Dad both to Liam and to his own baby and I couldn't wait to see that pure joy written all over his face when he finally got to hold his own baby in his arms.

"If you can carry him off the plan and still keep him awake I won't be mad" I smiled, his head turning to look at me as he smiled, his lips pressing softly against the tip of my nose before looking back at Liam.

"I think I can manage," he said, giving me a wink as I awkwardly got myself up from the seat, reaching into the seat next to us as I grabbed our carry-ons before following Austin off the plane and towards the cars that were waiting for us on the tarmac. I slid into the car before him watching as he slid in behind me, a still sleeping Liam positioning himself into a more comfortable spot against Austin as he yawned without even showing a trace that he knew what was happening around him.

"So where are we headed now?" I asked, my head resting back against the headrest as I rested my hand on my growing belly slowly rubbing my thumb over my shirt as I looked over at him with a smile as he was watching me.

"We don't have to be at the venue for four hours so I thought we would go to the hotel so you can maybe relax a little before we head over, maybe feed you and our little nugget and then we can get ready and head over with everyone" he smiled his hand sliding against the smooth leather of the seat as he brought it up to rest on my thigh.

"Austin, are you sure you don't want to hang out with the guys or something? I don't know what typically happens before a show" I laughed looking over at him as I rested my hand against his, my fingers slowly brushing over the top of it as he leaned in towards me softly pressing his lips against  my forehead.

"Sweetheart, I am more than sure that I don't want to hang out with the guys. I'm in France with my amazing girlfriend and our son and I'd much rather spend every moment that I have with the two people that I love instead of the guys" he chuckled, my cheeks turning red as I nodded my head.

"Okay baby, if you say so" I said with a smirk, his hand coming out to cup my cheek as he slowly ran his thumb over the soft skin, his touch making my eyes flutter closed and my heart start to do backflips in my chest before slowly opening my eyes. "You are absolutely perfect Austin. There aren't many guys who would pass spending time with their friends to hang out with their pregnant girlfriend and little boy" I said with a laugh, his lips curving into a smile as he brought his hand back and rested it under his chin as he fluttered his eyes making me break into a fit of giggles.

"What can I say" he said with a laugh, his arm coming out to wrap around me as he pulled me in close to him. "You make it hard for me to want to spend time with anyone else unless I'm with you" he said, our eyes dancing together heatedly as my breath caught in my throat as he started leaning in close to me, my eyes flickering between his lips and the perfect ocean of his blue eyes as he inched his perfect lips closer and closer to mine. I felt my eyes flutter closed, the feeling of his lips just starting to brush against mine sending a fire to roar over my skin when a tiny voice broke us from our small moment.

"Daddy? Where are we?" the both of us smiled as we settled for a chaste kiss against each other's lips that barely put out the flames that were roaring to life between us as we shared a small understanding smile before he turned his attention back towards Liam.

"We are in France buddy" Austin said to him with a smile. I knew that Liam didn't know what that really meant but judging by the look on his face he was thinking of something and it was only going to be a matter of time before he said it.

"This where you have to work?" he asked scrunching up his face as he held his little hands out to the side making both me and Austin start to laugh.

"Yes buddy this is where I have to work, but only for a little bit and then we are going to go to another place that I have to work" he said with a smile as he reached up and tapped Liam's nose.

"Can I come with you to work or do I have to stay home?" he asked in a sad tone.

"Actually buddy that is why you are here because I wanted you to come to work with me. I'm going to need you and Mommy here to make everything easier, so you're very important to my job tonight okay?" he asked with a smile, Liam's face lighting up with excitement as he quickly nodded his head.

I looked up at Austin giving him a smile as he turned to press a kiss to the top of my head. He was so gentle and so understanding with Liam and the patience that he had with him when he was asking him questions or just being Liam and talking about the most random thing that he could find. Aside from my Dad he had no other male figure in his life who understood him like this and I knew instantly that Austin was going to teach him everything he needed to know to be a perfect gentleman when he got older not to mention how to be an amazing older brother to his little sister.

I felt the car come to a stop outside of the Ritz, my eyes widening as I saw crowds of people starting to crowd the car as I reached out for Austin's arm and gave it a tight squeeze. Being out in Utah and meeting fans was so much different than being overseas and meeting fans. He was huge over here, there wasn't a person who didn't know who Post Malone was and his fans overseas were more dedicated than ever and I suddenly felt nervous to step out of the car with him especially since it wasn't just me.

"Hey you okay?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern as they danced over my face. I didn't want to tell him that I was scared–not even nervous I was downright scared–to step out of the car with him because I didn't know what their reaction was going to be to see a pregnant girl with a kid following in his footsteps. This wasn't Utah were people were always smiling, kind and respectful and I really didn't want to do anything to tarnish his career.

"Uh yeah" I said with a shy smile, his hand coming out to rest under my chin as he slowly ran his thumb over my lips. I could just tell by his touch and the way he was staring into my eyes that he knew I was lying, that ability that he somehow managed to possess showing itself once again as he raised his eyebrows at me as if to say oh really because I don't believe a word. I let out a sigh, my eyes drifting away from his before I looked back at him.

"I don't want people to talk Austin. This isn't like going out to the bar in Ogden or going shopping at Costco or Target" I said with a laugh. "People are used to you there, they are used to us there. I've been out with you so many times. But people haven't seen me pregnant yet" I said with a laugh as he brought his hand up to rest on my growing belly.

"Listen to me sweetheart, if anyone ever says anything about you or anything about Liam that is where I draw the line. I don't care what they say about me or what they say about me being in a relationship in general but if anyone ever attacks you I promise you that I won't let it go unnoticed" he said, his eyes dancing with mine as the protective nature of his made me feel the most relaxed I had ever felt.

"Okay baby" I said with a smile, his hand coming up to cup my cheek as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, the feeling of them making all of my worries suddenly seem ridiculous as he gave me a shy smile before grabbing for the door handle as we walked into the pit of wolves that were waiting for us.

I watched as he stepped outside with Liam, people screaming his name as Liam buried his face in the crook of his neck making me instantly wonder if I did the right thing by bringing us here hoping that it wasn't too much for him at such a young age to be exposed to all of this attention. I smiled as he sat Liam down, his hands coming up to gently cup his cheeks as he said something to him with a smile before placing a kiss on his forehead. He stood up, his hand reaching out for me as I gently laid mine inside of his as he pulled me from the inside of the car. I didn't even have time to take in the surroundings before I felt his lips pressing hard against mine, his one hand still holding onto mine as his other rested on my hip before he pulled away from me with a smile.

"I love you sweetheart and now everyone else knows too" he smiled, his thumb coming up to swipe my cheek as he placed another kiss on my lips. "Why don't you take Liam and head towards the lobby, I won't be long I promise. Then the four of us can finally get that relaxing time" he said with a wink as I pulled away from him with a shy smile as he brought his hand up to gently rub my stomach. I smiled at the small action, the feeling that his thumb traced over my skin still lingering there as he placed a kiss to my forehead before giving his undivided attention to the group of people waiting for him, their eyes heavily studying mine giving me that feeling that I was going to be the topic of every fanpage on social media and to be honest I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.


"Daddy! Daddy!" Liam yelled as Austin came running off the stage towards us during his small break before they started Motley Crew, a wide smile on his face as he walked over towards us, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulled me in close to him pressing a hard kiss against my lips.

"Sorry I'm sweaty" he said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes at him in the dark, almost positive that he didn't notice the sarcasm in that eye roll as I let out a small laugh.

"I don't know why you're apologizing baby, it's just sweat not like I haven't felt it before during other things" I said, my eyes catching his white smile as he bit on his bottom lip before pulling me in close to him.

"And maybe you'll feel it again tonight sweetheart" he whispered into my ear as he grabbed my hand and brought it down to rest on the crotch of his jorts, my breath catching in my throat as I felt his semi hard dick pressing up against the fabric making my mouth go dry as I looked at him with a desire brewing heavily behind my eyes.

"I can't wait," I said, pressing another kiss against his lips before he pulled away from me with a wink as he bent down in front of Liam wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Having fun buddy" he asked with a smile as he held onto his waist as Liam nodded his head quickly making Austin break out into a small bout of laughter.

"Can I come play with you Daddy!?" he asked excitedly as Austin reached out to mess up his hair with a tiny laugh.

"Soon buddy, we have to teach you one of my songs and then I'll let you come out and play with me" he said with a smile, his words making my heart melt as I gave them a sweet look. I knew that it wasn't a false promise, that he wasn't telling Liam what he wanted to hear because he didn't want to have the conversation again. Rather he was telling him because he truly meant that and that meant more to me–and to Liam–than anything in the world.

"I gotta go" he said with a smile, his lips pressing quickly against mine as he grabbed the mic out of his back pocket and headed back out towards the dark stage. "Let's go everybody make some fucking noise!" his voice screamed through the mic as the lights instantly lit up the stage revealing his body strutting towards the front of it, the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands as he started to sing along to the track, the energy that he was giving off unlike anything I had ever seen before.

I was just starting to get into it the song hitting my favorite spot grabbing Liam's hands as we started dancing on the side of the stage, Adam taking some pictures of us before he focused his camera back on the real talent of the night when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I continued to hold onto Liam's one hand as he danced and cheered for Austin on the side of the stage while I pulled my phone out with my other wondering who was texting me at three in the afternoon at home to see it was a text from Teenie.

Hey girl, I think you need to see these. Eric told me not to but I know that you don't check your social media these days and I feel like I wouldn't be a friend to you if I didn't show you. Also please know that I didn't keep my mouth shut.

I felt my heart start to sink in my chest as I started tapping on the pictures that she sent me. Various ones of me and Austin kissing outside of the hotel, and ones zoomed in on me as I was quickly walking with Liam towards the hotel and others on my pregnant belly, my mind instantly spinning out of control as I found the closest thing I could and sat down. My eyes scanned over the comments as I brought my hands to my lips.

I knew Posty slept around but looks like he's got himself into some trouble this time. What a lucky bitch I bet she lied and said she was on the pill to get whatever she could get.

Yeah and she already has a kid so she knew what she was doing. Probably needed someone to help support her since her baby daddy doesn't seem to be in the picture. Posty deserves so much better than that.

Everyone she isn't pregnant she is just fat. This has to be the ugliest girl that he has been with. Guess desperate times call for desperate measures. She'll be gone soon. Bye bye sweetie.

Can y'all stop hating on them? I've met both of them at a bar in Ogden and they both seem really happy and she is the sweetest girl that he has ever been with! She actually encourages him to spend time with his fans. We played pool and drank with them for several hours. You're all just fucking jealous why don't y'all get a life.

Happy? Really? The poor man looks like he is being held against his will, if you could've seen his face when he pulled her out of the car. She's a charity case, she'll be gone as soon as the baby is born, rumor has it he's already been spotted with another girl so....

The baby probably isn't even his and can we talk about that little boy? What mom in the right mind would bring a little boy into an atmosphere like this?

If they were married–which God lets hope THAT'S not a thing–I could see it but I mean come on stay home.

Posty must've been drunk when he brought this one home :D Plus that little boy, follows in his Mom's footsteps. I've seen cuter.

I think she's stunning and has the cutest baby bump. Good job Austin I'm happy for you.

Kiss ass, you can tell the truth it isn't like Posty sees any of this anyway although sometimes I wish he would so he could see what these sluts are like before he gets too involved with them.

I couldn't take anymore but yet I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. I didn't want to be mad at Teenie because she thought she was doing the right thing and if she were in my shoes I probably would've done the same thing for her. But even though she showed me there was nothing I could do. My hands were tied and nothing I could say to defend myself would matter. I closed my phone and sat it down in my lap as I wiped at the tears that were falling down my cheeks. I knew that this was going to happen. I knew that I was going to be the topic of conversation and I should've known better than to think that everyone was going to be kind, especially since I was pregnant.

"Hey, Candace!" I looked up at the sound of my name barely audible with the music to see Cheryl walking over towards me with a heavy amount of concern written all over her face. I quickly tried to pull myself together and give her a welcoming smile but I knew that it was too late, she had already seen me crying and there was no hiding the truth this time. "Hey what's wrong?" she asked, pulling me into a hug as I started to cry harder, Adam catching onto the situation as he picked up Liam and had him take some pictures of Austin singing.

"I knew that I was going to be the topic of conversation today, I tried to tell him that I tried so hard and now everyone is hating on him because of me. I never wanted to hurt him like that Cheryl" I said through sobs, surprised that she was even able to hear me over the music as she grabbed my face in her hands and wiped at my tears with her thumbs.

"Come on let's get out of here so we can talk" she smiled before standing up and heading towards Adam who nodded his head with a happy smile as she came walking back over to me to grab my hand as she pulled me down the stairs and towards Austin's dressing room. "Okay so what's going on?" she asked as we sat down on the black leather couch, my arms immediately wrapping around Austin's sweater as I held it close to me like a pillow, my bottom lip starting to tremble as I looked over at her.

"There were fans standing outside of the hotel and I just had this really bad feeling that things weren't going to go right if I stepped out of the car with him, but he insisted so I did and of course Austin  being Austin let everyone know that we were a thing which I am so happy about. I am so happy that I made him that confident, but now his fans are hating on him for being with me. I don't care what they say about me Cheryl, I just don't want people thinking less of him because of me and that is exactly what is happening" I said breaking into a fit of tears as she placed her hand on my back and started to gently rub it.

"Hey it's okay, I know that it isn't going to make the situation any better but this isn't the first time this has happened, accept this time it shouldn't be happening because you are none of what they said you are" she asid, my head turning towards her as I sniffed in my tears.

"So you've seen them too?" I asked with a laugh, a smile crossing her face as she reached her thumb out to once again wipe my tears as she nodded her head.

"I have and the best advice I can give you is to ignore them. You know who you are, Austin knows who you are and everyone he cares about knows that you two are madly in love with each other. I know it's going to be hard honey, but just do me a favor and don't give into social media. People will say whatever they can to ruin something and I won't lie most of the times I wish that shit head would listen to what his fans were saying but not this time and I know that he is going to be livid when he sees" she said pushing some hair behind my ears as I looked at her with a frightened look behind my eyes.

"You can't tell him Cheryl, I don't want this to ruin his night. He is having so much fun and I knew that he missed this please" I said, begging with her to keep this a secret as she looked me deep in the eye.

"I'm sorry Candy but they didn't just trash talk you. They talked shit about that amazing little boy of yours and that cute little baby that you have growing inside of you and I know that he doesn't want that so he has to know" she said pausing for just an instant as I let the words sink in. "I know he wouldn't like that" she said as I slowly nodded my head. "Are you going to be okay?" she asked as I let out a sigh and nodded my head.

"Yeah I will be" I said with a smile, knowing that it wasn't going to be instantaneous but I was going to get over it and move on. It came with the territory of dating someone like Austin and I was just going to have to get used to it.

"Candace?" I heard Austin's confused voice float towards me on the other side of the thin door as he pushed through it and instantly ran to my side, his arms wrapping around me as he placed strings of tiny kisses against the crown of my head as I clung onto him tightly.

"Where's Liam Austin?" Cheryl asked, as she stood up from the couch and started heading towards the door.

"Adam still has him. Would you mind going out with them too please?" he asked, my heart immediately swelling to the fact that even though he was worried about me our son was still not off of his list of concerns and he knew exactly where he was and who he was with. "Candace I'm sorry sweetheart I'm so fucking sorry" he said his warm palms cupping my cheeks as he pressed his lips hard against mine.

"It's okay Austin" I said with a smile as he shook his head at me, his hands coming up to run through his hair as he grabbed at it tightly and let out a small growl before looking at me with wide eyes.

"It's not okay Candace, nothing that they said is fucking okay. I don't fucking care if they talk fucking shit about me they can do it all they fucking want. But as soon as they bring you, Liam or our  baby into the mix that's where I fucking draw the line" he said looking at me as he reached out for my hands. "You are none of what they said Candace, you are none of that fucking shit. I know that you aren't with me because you need help to support Liam because you were doing just fucking fine on your own before I even met you. I know you didn't use me to get pregnant I mean fuck I was the one who told you I wanted a baby with you. They don't know shit Candace and they don't need to be spreading fucking lies like they are" he said as I reached my hands up to gently cup the sides of his face. "I love you sweetheart, I love you so fucking much and I don't give a shit about anything those supposed fans say about you, you are the fucking girl for me and I am never going to let them ruin it for me" he said his eyes dancing with mine as I pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"I love you too Austin, I love you so much. I just don't want to ruin things for you. If I have to be kept in the shadows so that people stop talking I will trust me that is okay. I just don't want them to hate you because of accusations that others are making about me" I said, his hands coming up to grab mine that were resting on his cheeks as he held them tightly in his.

"You aren't ruining anything for me lil miss, you have made my life better from day one and nothing is going to change that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Candace and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that for me and I don't want what they say to change it for you either" he said, his eyes clouded with worry as I immediately started to straddle his lap, my lips pressing tightly against his as I grabbed at the hem of my shirt and started to pull it over my head, his rough and calloused hands sliding up my smooth skin as he followed the fabric up my body, our lips separating for just an instant as I let the black fabric flutter towards the ground, my hands reaching back to unhook my bra as it fell against his lap our eyes dancing together as he gently cupped my swollen breasts in his large palms, his thumbs slowly gliding over my erect nipple before he leaned in gently taking it in his mouth, the feeling of his warm lips covering the skin making my body quake with tingles as I closed my eyes and let out a small moan.

"You're so beautiful and so perfect Candace, please sweetheart let me show you how much I love you please" he begged, his lips trailing down my breast as he made his was towards its twin always giving it the same attention before he pulled away with a small pop, his eyes giving me a pleasing stare as I bent down and placed my lips softly against his.

"Then show me baby" I said to him in a seductive whisper as his lips crashed beautifully with mine, his hands roaming up my back as he gently laid me against the cool leather of the couch, his body fitting perfectly between my legs as he towered above me tearing his shirt from his skin, my hands immediately grazing over the intricate artwork before I gently grabbed onto his necklace and pulled him to me, anything that either of us wanted to say about this temporarily pushed to the back burner our own selfish needs suddenly becoming more important and I was more than okay with that.

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