Bondi Rescue Oneshots

By Miyapettersen

40.6K 406 206

I will do requests but i wont do anything with Y/N. More

We're proud of you, kiddo
It could happend to anyone
It's okay to ask for help
I'd never let you drown
The new lifeguard
I'm (NOT) okay!
I would be suprised if you didn't have nightmares..
Merry christmas kiddo!
We're family, we will always be here
Rescue injury
Father and son
If someone ever ask me about the definition of idiot, your name is the answer...
3,1 K!!!!
I belong here, I promise
Alone (Alternative ending)
The lifeguards as things me and my friends have said or done
Are.. Are you wearing nail polish?
Choosen family is still family
You can always come back home
Youre not alone anymore
I'm scared
Where'd All the Time Go?
Be more careful ey?

Are we too young for this?

944 14 17
By Miyapettersen

This was reqested by OliviaCurran3

It was chaos on the beach, someone had come up to the tower and said that they had spotted a shark near the beach. They sent the jetski out, Maxi had of course said that he could go out to check, if he had a chance to prove that he belonged on the beach even tho he only is 17 years old he takes it.

But today that chance might just kill him..

Maxi and Kerrbox had gone out. And everything was actually going to plan, until they noticed what kind of shark that was in the water.

It was a great white.. Kerrbox jumped when he heard a small shout from behind it, he turned slightly and saw blood.. But no Maxi was to be seen.

"Kerrbox to the boys on the beach" Kerrbox shaky and frantic voice came trough everyone's radio

"Yea, Ker?" Came the worried voice of Hoppo

"There is a great white out here, there is blood and Maxi is nowhere to be seen. I only heard a scream before he disapered." Two jetski's was already beside him by the time he had finished his sentence. They started looking.

Blake found him, he shouted for the others to try and get rid of the shark while he got Maxi. Maxi was laid bleeding on one of the rocks, Blake hurried to him and brought him to the ski before he rushed to land.

The ambulance came and the lifeguard was waiting, Blake on the other hand was panicking and pacing back and forth in the tower. None of the other lifeguards wanted him to be outside to look at the place or the blood trail that was leading up to the ramps.

It was about 4 days later that they was informed that Maxi hadnt survived. Blake decided to ask for some time off, Hoppo understood and let him off for a couple of months. everyone knew that the two had a very brotherly bond, they would steal eachother's clothes, food, and stuff just for the heck off it. They were like kids, spending nights at eachother's house and whispering into the night about random stuff, just anything they could think of it.

So Blake went home, he dug a bit in his closet and found from the hoodie he stole from Maxi, he was going to give them back but just forgot about it. He held it close and dug his face in it, and he cracked. He sobbed and yelled for Maxi to come back but somewhere deep deep inside he knew it wasn't going to happend and that Maxi was gone forever.

The funeral was held a few weeks later, Deano had joined him back to his apartment. He held him as he cried. He had put on Maxi's hoodie once he came home. He found a letter hidden in the hoodie pockets.

Dear Blake

Hey, how you doing?

I found this sweater in your bag earlier, but decided to let you keep it.. (Just this once, okay?)
I noticed you only take my stuff when you are sad or need comfort over something, so if you ever need someone to talk to or hug im here.
Love you big bro

All the love Maxi

He smiled and for the first time since the incident he was actually smiling and felt that he could move forward in life.


Several years later the lifeguard was gathered at Blake's house. He just had a kid with his beautiful wife Georgia.

"Here he is!" said Blake as he got up to pick up his son from his wife's arms.

Then he turned to the lifeguard with the brightest grin they have ever seen him have since Maxi's death. The smile that was reserved for his wife and now his kid.

"Everyone meet Maxi McKeowen"

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17.7K 256 50
lachambers oneshots not all mine i will trie to give credit but alot do not have names to credit.
3K 30 15
No Y/N because I don't like that type of stuff!! I take requests :)
1.7K 40 8
[NO LONGER BEING UPDATED] Sorry if they are bad. I also have nothing against who any of them are actually with