Love Geometry - Camilo x Read...

Por YourMamaLee

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"You... saved my life." Tiles lunge me forward and I put my hands out to brace myself. My hand ends up on th... Más

Prologue: Mirabel's Ceremony
1: Good Morning
2: A Normal Day
3: "Birthday" Gift
4: The First Cracks
5: Sometimes Family Is Best Forgotten
6: Inside A Nightmare
7: What Vision?
8: The Vision
9: Love's In The Air
10: Waiting On A Miracle
11: Behind the Scenes
12: I Have To What?
13: A Date With Mirabel
14: A Date With Camilo
15: Trauma
16: AFAB Suffering
17: A Family Day
18: Sledding
19: Getting Ready
20: Happy Birthday
21: What Really Happened That Night
22: Trouble
23: Burn
24: Ends Bring Beginnings
Original Story

Epilogue: New Life

181 5 10
Por YourMamaLee

Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

Mi dulce, could you please check on the bread?” I call, scrubbing the dish in the sink harder. 

“Cami.” Mira groans from the living room. 

“They asked you, not me. I’m busy.” He sasses her. 

“You can’t be all that interested in a book, your brain cell count is negative five.” She spits the words like venom at him. Cousins will be cousins, I suppose. It’s not like I can’t hear everything in this tiny-ass house, including all of their little spats. 

“Could someone please check on my bread? I am not doing these dishes because I want to, I’m doing them because I made bread that I intend to eat. If my beautiful loaf of carbs gets burnt because my partners are idiots, I’ll turn you into bread.” I call. That gets them moving. Threats aren’t used often and they’re never carried out, but they’re a nice way to get my two lovely little boneheads to stop picking on each other. 

Lo siento, mi vida.” Cami whispers to me, leaning over to kiss my cheek. He knows enough not to stand directly behind me, so he’s not a complete idiot but sometimes I worry about him. “¡Ay!” He yelps and when I look over, he’s stumbling back from the oven, holding his hand. 

“Are you alright, mi querido?” I quickly dry my hands, rushing over to him. 

“His dumbass touched the oven.” Mira snickers and I sigh disapprovingly. This is what I mean when I say he worries me. He’s twenty five, he should know not to touch a hot oven. 

“She pushed me!” He whines. Jesucristo, Camilo. 

“How is it that ten years later, you still act like we’re fifteen?” I roll my eyes, hurrying the short distance to the bathroom for our aloe vera and bandage him up. When I return, Cami is running his blistering hand under cold water. 

Miel, your bread is a tad bit undercooked. Ten more minutes should do.” Mira smiles sweetly and I reciprocate before rushing over to take care of my toddler of a boyfriend. 

“Thank you, mi dulce.” I tell her over my shoulder. I reach out for Cami’s hand and he pulls back on instinct. Once he processes it, he relaxes and gently places his hand in mine. He sucks in a sharp breath as I apply a thick layer of the gel-like substance to the burn running from the center of his palm to his mid-forearm. “You really need to be more careful.” I tell him softly, gently wrapping the burn in white medical bandages. 

“I know, I know.” He chuckles. “The house is too small to be roughhousing like that, especially near a hot oven.” He does a terrible impression of me. 

“I don’t sound like that!” I giggle. 

“I don’t sound like that!” Mira joins in Cami’s mocking. 

“I would marry both of you just to divorce you.” I scoff. “But I’m right. We were stupid kids and one of our many mistakes in this house was making it too small. Let’s just be glad Cami never grew past 5’4.” I snicker and he looks pained, and not just from his burn.

“I still have the potential to grow!” 

“No, you don’t.” Mira and I both shake our heads, making him more upset. 

“We built the house around us, we weren’t thinking. Please don’t roughhouse in the kitchen. There’s no room for it and I hate seeing you guys in pain.” I lift my hand to Cami’s cheek, giving him a quick kiss. His hands slide around my waist, keeping me there. 

“Is there room for romance in the kitchen?” He traces small circles on my back, looking into my eyes with burning passion. 

“Only as long as Mira gets a turn with me.” I giggle, bringing both of my hands up to his face. I go in for a kiss and when he leans in to return it, I fake him out, turning in his arms and opening the oven to take my bread out. “Hot pan.” I set it down on the Lazy Suzan on the table to cool. Cami reaches for the bread and I swat his hand away. 

“But I’m hungry.” He whines and I chuckle at him. 

“You’ll just have to wait until it cools, then.” I give him a spiteful smirk. “C’mon, I wanna read.” I pull both him and Mira into our living room, squatting in front of our large selection of books. 

“Can you grab me the Hamilton one?” Mira asks kindly from her snuggly position on the couch. 

“Which of the fifty?” I turn to her, giggling. She’s bought so many books on Alexander Hamilton, she might be a hoarder at this point. 

The Hunger Games, then. I’m almost done with Catching Fire.” She does a happy stim thinking about it, wiggling her entire body. She’s so adorable. When I pick up the book, her tassel bookmark brushes my hand, making me giggle. 

“Cami, do you wanna read with me or read your own book?” I look back at him and his eyes light up. 

Be More Chill, please!” He smiles like a child. How lucky am I to have such adorable partners?

“Of course you would, you theater kid.” Mira snickers. “What are you reading, miel?” She asks just as I’m pulling down both my and Cami’s books of choice.

One With You by Sylvia Day.” I saunter over, handing my loves their books before kneeling in front of the fireplace before lighting it. I love winter time, it means I get to laze around inside all day with the people I love most. 

“Oh, the sexy series.” Cami snickers and I whack his head with the book as soon as I pick it up. It’s soft cover so it shouldn’t hurt. 

“It’s a very well written series by an amazing woman that just so happens to feature very kinky sex in it.” I point out, making myself comfy between my partners and throwing a blanket over us. Just as we’re making ourselves comfortable and opening our books, a knock comes at the door. 

“Nose goes!” Mira and Cami quickly touch their fingers to their noses and I roll my eyes, standing. 

“Absolute children.” I mutter with a chuckle before opening the door. Dolores pulls down her big knitted scarf, smiling. Isabela steps into my view from behind Dolores, giving me a small wave before slipping off her earmuffs. “Dolores, Isabela, what a surprise!” I smile at her before realizing that she’s standing outside in the freezing cold. “Oh, come in, you must be freezing!” I quickly usher both of them inside, shutting the door so the cold can’t get in. 

“Ooh, smells amazing!” Isabela praises as soon as the scent of my honey bread hits her nose. I assist both her and Dolores in taking their winter garb off, hanging it all on our coathanger. 

“Madrigals cookin’ it up good!” Dolores howls. “Whatcha makin’?” She cocks her head at me, her hair swaying. Though her bun did look good, I’m glad she just styles her hair down. Very suiting. 

“(Y/N) made honey bread.” Cami explains in a dream-filled tone, walking over to us and leaning on me. He always loves when I cook.

“And Cami burned himself in the process.” Mira snickers, taking my hand on the side Cami isn’t occupying. 

“Of course you did.” Dolores scoffs at him, shaking her head and crossing her arms. 

“So, what brings you guys by? It’s a pretty far hike, especially in the winter.” I look at the girls with genuine curiosity. 

“We just figured we’d stop by. We haven’t seen you guys in so long.” Dolores smiles. Though our family knows of our whereabouts, no one stops by often and we don’t make it a point to visit all that much. We love our family but Abuela still holds a grudge, especially since we’ve decided to keep our piercings. She also doesn’t like my choice of getting a tattoo of Medusa’s head just above my nether regions even though she knows what happened to me. I dislike her. I’ve realized how transphobic and misogynistic she actually is as I’ve spent time away from her.

“It’s pretty lonely without you guys around..” Isa says softly and we fall silent. After a few moments, she speaks again. “We brought presents.” She smiles, holding up a beautiful Dahlia Imperial bush and my face lights up. 

“It’s absolutely beautiful, Isa!” I exclaim, taking it from her. She has the biggest, most genuine smile on her face.

“I may not have a gift but I still enjoy being a botanist. Flowers make me so happy. Nature in general makes me happy.” She giggles at herself.

“Such a beautiful winter flower, too. Thank you so much!” I gawk at it. I move away from everyone just for a moment to position it on the living room windowsill and when I return, I see Cami has snuck off somewhere. 

Princesa, is the bread ready to eat yet? I’m starving.” He whines from the kitchen. 

“You guys want some honey bread?” I giggle and they both nod rapidly before we all head to the kitchen. There, Cami is having a staring contest with the bread, his mouth almost watering. “Alright, you vulture, let me cut it up first.” I chuckle, grabbing the bread knife and being careful not to stab anybody. 

“Should I make some tea?” Mira asks and I nod. “Do you guys want a cup?” She asks our guests and they hum affirmative responses.

Once everything is all doled out, we sit down in the living room to just chat. “How is life back home?” Mira asks with a mouthful of honey bread.

“Same old, same old. Dolores’ three screaming kids are terrors. Thank God she’s done having them.” Isa snorts and the shorter girl pushes her slightly. 

“I thought Mariano wanted five?” Mira, Cami, and I ask at the same time, making Dolores giggle. 

“We settled for three.” Dolores smiles, probably happy she doesn’t have to go through the hell of pregnancy twice more. We keep up chat about life at home and how our life here is until it’s dark out. 

“Goodness.. what time is it?” Isa asks, looking around for a clock and setting her almost empty mug down. I check my watch and giggle at it. 

“It’s only around dinner time. It gets dark pretty fast in the winter, hm?” I hum.

“Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?” Mira looks between the two. 

“We’d love to but we can’t.” Dolores frowns. “I have kids to take care of. Antonio was the only person who could sit tonight and as much as I love him, fifteen year olds aren’t suited for babies.” 

“My girlfriend probably won’t like me missing dinner. Abuela is still touchy about the fact that I’m a lesbian and Luz doesn’t like being alone with her.” Isa chuckles nervously. 

“That pile of dust shouldn’t get an opinion. She’s, like, a million years old.” Cami rolls his eyes and Mira smacks him upside the head. 

“She’s still our grandma, dude. Don’t be mean.” I’m sitting in silence. Isa never mentioned her girlfriend’s name. 

“What’s Luz’s last name?” I try not to sound too suspicious. 

“(L/N). Why?” 

“That’s uh… that’s my cousin.” I gaze down into my mug for a moment. I’m glad she found happiness. “Hey, does she still smoke pot?”

“Big time. Turns out tío was a huge stoner in the walls so they bond over that. A lot.” She whistles a singular low note. “Anyway, thank you so much for having us over.” She smiles, standing and pulling Dolores up with her.

“Oh, of course! You’re free to stop by any time, we love the company.” I smile kindly at them, standing and setting my cup down. 

“Don’t freeze out there.” Mira gives Isa an icy glare. 

“If I still had a gift, you’d get a face full of cacti.” She shoots a better one back. 

“Guys, c’mon. One visit without your rivalry.” I groan. 

“It’s not a rivalry, I love her.” Isa blinks. “She’s my sister. It’s just my job to tease her.” 

“It’s a tradition.” Mira giggles.

“Can you even see outside?” Cami looks through one of the windows, trying to see anything past the light emitted through the glass from our warm house. 

“Let me get you guys a lantern.” I state and before they can protest, I move to one of our back rooms to quickly light a candle and shove it into one of our lanterns. When I return, Cami is walking back into the room with another slice of bread on his plate. “Oh, take the rest of the loaf for the family. I feel bad that I didn’t have that idea before we ate some.” I tut. 

“No, our bread.” Cami whines, dragging out every vowel and holding his plate of bread close to his chest. I roll my eyes and give Dolores the lantern before going to wrap the bread up in plastic wrap. I return, handing the bread to Isa after she buttons her coat. 

“Thank you so much, everyone will love your amazing cooking.” Dolores smiles gratefully, wrapping her scarf back around herself. 

“Of course! I’ll be sure to give Mami Julieta the recipe if she wants it.” I smile back cheerfully, opening the door after Isa slips her earmuffs back on. “Thanks again for stopping by. It gets pretty lonely here, just the three of us.” I lean against the door, feeling the chill of the winter air turning my cheeks pink. 

“You’re always welcome to visit home. I’m sure the kids would love to see you guys again.” Dolores offers, making sure the door to the lantern is shut. 

“We definitely will drop by sometime soon. Love you guys, see ya.” I give each of them a hug and wave as they walk off before closing the door with a sigh. “Jesucristo. Agotadora.” (Jesus Christ. Exhausting.) I lean my back against the hard wood. “I mean, I love them but they are way too much. I forgot how draining human interaction is.”

“Imagine how visiting her kids will be.” Cami snickers as I waddle my way over to the couch, cuddling up to him and Mira.

“I don’t wanna think about that right now. I just want cuddles and sleep.” I groan, throwing the blanket over us. “Shit, I gotta make dinner.” I sit up but Mira and Cami immediately push me back down into the snuggly couch.

“Let us take care of you tonight, mi amor.” Mira kisses my forehead. 

“You do so much for us, let us return the favor, mi vida.” Cami nuzzles into my neck and my eyes well up at the sudden affection. Sure, we do this a lot but I can’t think of the last time someone took care of me.

“Thank you, mis rayos de sol.” I give a tired, yet loving, smile. Cami comes up to give my lips a quick peck. It’s amazing how much love and passion can be crammed into such a small action. “I love you guys so much.” 

“I love you too, mi vida.” They both hum softly in content.

Word Count: 2,558

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for joining me on the journey. Because I'm out of full book ideas, I will post a book called Encanto x Reader Oneshots. All the information and first oneshot is already up, please go read it! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (3/3/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 2,626

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