(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

37.8K 1.4K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

Free Words

271 13 1
By Bank_Teresa


Maya: don't worry mommy... Maya will take care and protect my little brother Neo..


Earth gave a small smile, placed Maya on the floor, stroked Maya's hair on top, in a caring voice.

Earth: hmm! Okay then! I'll entrust your brother to you... Protect him while mommy is going to prepare breakfast ok...

Maya with a bright smile, spoke up.

Maya: Yes mommy... Maya will stay here next to my little brother... Maya will protect her little brother...

Earth smiling, left Maya in the bedroom while he went to the kitchen to make breakfast, when he left the bedroom he found Fluke preparing the twins, a little surprised, he approached Fluke.

Earth: What are you doing?! Are you going out with the girls?!

Fluke has just put the coat on Akira, he gets up with a smile.

Fluke: p'Ohm wants to spend this weekend with the two of them... He's going to stop by to pick up the girls...

Earth seeing how happy Fluke is and the family that Fluke formed, knowing that Fluke is with the man he always loved and that they are both happy and with nothing to stop them made him very happy but at the same time it made him sad because unfortunately it's not the same with him and Kao, with a vague smile.

Earth: Good! I'm so glad you gave P'Ohm a chance and that you two are getting along great...

Fluke seeing Earth's words and a sad look on his face, walked over to Earth's front, placing a hand on his face with affection and a gentle smile.

Fluke: Don't be like that... You'll be very happy too... Just give your heart a chance...

Earth: I think my heart is fine like this... I'll be happy in my own way.. my children are already my happiness... I don't need anyone...

Fluke heaved a sigh at this.

Fluke: You're just fooling yourself... You know...

Bell ringing.

Earth heard the sound of the doorbell, left the front of Fluke and went to answer the door, when opening, he was surprised to see Ohm in front of him.

Ohm: Hello P'Earth, how are you?..

Earth when he saw him, he gave a small smile.

Earth: I am...!

Earth didn't finish talking when he saw Kao approaching behind Ohm. Ohm looked to where Earth's eyes were directed, looked at Earth again, noticed the love so clear in the eyes of the two, wanting to break the tension in the air that was between the three of them.

Ohm: Earth!... I brought P'Kao! I hope you don't mind this... He wanted to see his kids so...

Earth didn't say anything to Ohm, Fluke seeing what was happening at the front door of the house, walked quickly talking immediately as he approached the three at the door.

Fluke: You two, please come in...!

Earth as soon as Fluke speaks he wakes up from his thoughts, speaks as soon as he turns around to try to go to his bedroom.

Earth: I'm going to the bedroom... Ah...

Kao: wait.. please...!

Earth when turning Kao grabs him by the forearm, making him stop and turning his head and body sideways and look at Kao.

Kao: I need to talk to you....!

Ohm enters the house, looks at the two of them, the four of them in the middle of the living room, Earth tries to pull his forearm.

Earth: Let go... Let me go P'Kao...!

Ohm trying to get out of the conflict between he friend and Earth, looks at Fluke.

Ohm: Where are the girls my love?!...

Fluke worried about Earth stops looking at Earth and Kao as soon as he hears Ohm.

Fluke: They ran into their bedroom..

Ohm: Oh! Okay, can you come with me?!... Ohm grabs Fluke's hand and pulls him to the girls' door.. come with me..

Fluke not wanting to leave Earth alone with Kao.

Fluke: Wait p'Ohm... I can't let...

Ohm in a hurry, pulls Fluke and makes him face to face, being serious in the words.

Ohm: Leave them alone...Fluke looking into Ohm's eyes... You more than I know how much they love each other... Let them talk... They need this... Let's go to the bedroom... Please..

Fluke seeing and hearing Ohm agreed to go to the children's bedroom and let the two talk. Earth continuing to try to pull his forearm, but Kao not allowing it, grab more force and pull Earth closer to him making Earth place the other hand that is not being grabbed by him on his chest, Earth gave a small groan as he was pulled.

Kao realizing and feeling as soon as he hears Earth's moan.

Kao: As much as you try to deny me... Your eyes, your lips and your body will never stop loving me... No more trying to run away from me...

Kao approaches Earth's lips, Earth doing his best not to fall into desire, angry at the weakness of his love for Kao.

Earth: My body may love you... But my thoughts won't... Let go of me right now P'Kao or I'll scream... Let go of me...

Kao smirked at the corner of his lips.

Kao: Scream! No one will take you from my arms... So you admit that you still love me... Then why? Why do you allow us both to suffer for love?!...

Earth angry with Kao and especially with Seo Ji.

Earth: Ask your fiancee that... Go ask her why I want to see you away from me...!

Kao surprised by Earth's words not knowing why he mentioned Seo ji at this moment, confused.

Kao: Why do you mention Seo Ji's name?!... What did she do to you?!..

Earth didn't want to say, despite everything Seo Ji did to him, Seo Ji has Kao's newborn daughter and he knows that Seo Ji only has Kao, he couldn't do what he did to Maya. Guarding the truth Earth pushes Kao.

Earth: I won't say anything... You came to see your kids, right?! So go see them, they're in my bedroom... after seeing them, disappear from here...

Kao: Earth! wait... we didn't finish talking... Earth...!

Earth turned and went to Fluke's bedroom, closing the door Earth glues his back to the door and presses his mouth with one hand trying to suppress the crying voice, Kao seeing Earth entering and closing the door, hit so hard on the wall next to him, Earth heard and was startled to hear the voice and Kao hitting the wall.

Kao: Damn... What do I do with you Earth...

After a minute, Kao calms down and goes to see Maya and Neo. Upon entering the bedroom, he gave a light and gentle smile when he saw Maya sleeping and holding one of Neo's hands, who was also sleeping, happy to see they cuteness and the way they are so soft and delicate, feeling an enormous love for their two children, he placed one hand on top of Maya's head and the other with a finger began to caress Neo's tiny cheek.

Kao: You two are very important to me! You two are my reason to live and continue after your father... I don't want to stay away from you both, much less your father...Kao looks ahead without looking at both of them, sad but determined.... I won't give up on you, Earth...!

Kao stayed for five minutes with the two of them, Ohm entered the bedroom to say he was leaving, Kao kissed the top of the two children's heads and walked slowly out of the bedroom. When he left, he didn't see Earth, he just saw Ohm and Fluke, Fluke saw Kao's sad sigh for not seeing Earth again.

Fluke: Just give him time... Kao looks at Fluke... He has a lot of problems right now, he has a lot to think about... He just wants the safety of his kids now...

Kao suspecting Fluke's words, narrowed his eyes.

Kao: Safety?! What do you mean by that?! Why is he trying to protect our children?! Is there anything I don't know N'Fluke?!

Fluke saw that he said too much, saw that Kao is too smart to find out the truth.

Fluke: I can't say anything about that! Only Earth is the one who can answer that for you... I just say this... Seo Ji and Earth...

Kao listening to this hint from Fluke, saw through his eyes that Fluke knows he's smart and that he'll know the answer with just those words. Angry Kao left the house in a hurry, Ohm widened his eyes when he saw Kao leaving like a hurricane, Ohm quickly kissed Fluke's lips and left the house heading towards Kao.

Fluke smirked at the corner of his lips.

Fluke: In my defense I didn't say anything...!

Earth left the bedroom as soon as he heard the house door slam and close.

Earth: P'fluke!...

Fluke turns around and sees Earth come through the door, just sticking his head out like a mouse trying to run away from danger.

Earth: Is he gone already?!..

Fluke teasing and playing with Earth.

Fluke: What?! I did not hear...

Earth saw Fluke's taunt, gave a half-angry look, walked over to Fluke and hit Fluke on the head, Fluke pouted in pain, looked at Earth scratching with both hands over his head where he was hit by Earth.

Fluke: Ouch! What a pain!... Don't you feel pity for me?..

Earth: It's the chicken who pities... You like to tease me, you...

Bell ringing...

Fluke goes to the door and opens it, Fluke surprised to see a young man with black hair and sharp eyes.

Fluke: Oh! Eunwoon... You here!...

Eunwoon with a gentle smile, made Wai to Fluke, Earth saw him and walked behind Fluke talking with a smile.

Earth: Oh! P'Eunwoon...

Eunwoon looked at Earth and his eyes lit up, with a happy smile as he looked at Earth.

Eunwoon: Yes! I came to see you... I went to see you at the hospital and they told me you were already released... So...

Earth seeing his delicate and cute manner, said with a gentle smile.

Earth: Then come in! I got out of the hospital yesterday... I'm doing great...thanks for caring...

Eunwoon enters the house, Fluke closes the door and goes to the kitchen to hear the conversation of them. Earth in a polite way.

Earth: Sit down P'..

Eunwoon sat down, as he sat down he got a little shy, Earth seeing this.

Earth: What do you have?! You're not like that...

Eunwoon: I know I'm not like that... But it's been a while since I've seen you, and seeing you like this now... Euwoon indicated with his gaze on Earth's belly.... Without your belly... Yeah a little strange, but beautiful... Not that you weren't beautiful when you had a belly... It's just that seeing you like that, you're more beautiful!...

Earth a little embarrassed, giving a slight smile on his lips.

Earth: I don't know what to say... But thank you... I heard for others that thanks to you I didn't die... You have the same blood type as mine!... How amazing! Who knew you would have the same blood as me!!... But thank you so much... Thanks to you I will have the opportunity to be by my children's side..

Eunwoon: no need to thank you... I'll do it for you... Because I like you so much...

Earth knew that Eunwoon fell in love with him, knowing that, he didn't want Eunwoon to misunderstand his friendship and he didn't want to lose Eunwoon's friendship in a gentle way.

Earth: Eunwoon! I... I want to be straight with you... Don't get me wrong... I know you like me and I also know that you fell in love with me... Eunwoon awkward and a little shy... But I'm sorry... I... I can't repay your love, not the way you're thinking... I love you but as brothers nothing more... I'm sorry... I...

Eunwoon a little sad, but not showing, touches Earth's hands that are above Earth's legs, with a smile.

Eunwoon: I know that... You don't have to be like this.... I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't have a chance... Your love already belongs to someone else... Earth sad on hear this from he... I I'm happy to just be friends, I'm happy with that... So don't feel guilty about it...

Earth without words.

Earth: P'...

Eunwoon interrupted Earth, trying to hide the sadness.

Eunwoon: So I'll be going now... You're fine and the baby is fine too... And I have to go to work... I'll come visit you these days... Hope you don't run away from me...

Eunwoon placed his index finger on the tip of Earth's nose, smiling, Earth saw this smile, gave a gentle smile being glad that he didn't lose Eunwoon's friendship.

Earth: Of course I won't run away...I'll always be here...

Eunwoon got up from the couch, Earth followed Eunwoon to the door, Eunwoon left, Earth closed the door, walked to the couch sighing, Fluke approached him from behind, with a serious voice.

Fluke: Why are you preventing anyone from approaching you?!

Earth turns and tries to speak.

Baby cry..

Earth turns his head to the side and goes to the bedroom, sees that Maya is still sleeping, he went to the crib, looked at Neo who is crying, took him out of the crib and left the bedroom.

Upon leaving, he began to calm Neo to stop crying.

Earth: ""shh"... Calm down, daddy is here...""shh" Calm down my sweetheart...

Earth sat with Neo on the couch, Fluke seeing that Earth was getting off topic, approached him with a serious look.

Fluke: You didn't answer me why didn't you give Eunwoon a chance?!...

Earth doesn't want to talk about these things, he doesn't want to have any commitments to anyone. Always calming Neo.

Earth: ""Shh"....I just don't want to bond with anyone... I just want to focus on taking care of my baby and my daughter...

Fluke: You just want to focus on your baby! You know you're lying to yourself, don't you?!... You don't want anyone Because your heart belongs to someone else that we both knew well... And the proof of that... It's this child in your lap.. Even after years, you never forgot what P'Kao can do to your heart...

Earth couldn't deny against these words, it was so obvious how much he loves Kao, with a sad look, he looked at Neo.

Earth : I sometimes think that this bond unites us, like a strange force.. Our bloods are mixed in a creature that I love very much... And that he also loves very much... I don't want anything to happen to my children... That crazy woman can do anything to my kids or me... you saw what happened that day with Maya on that damn trip and now what she did to me where I almost lost my Neo...

Fluke cared about Earth and the kids and surprised to hear the name that Earth named the baby.

Fluke: So the name is Neo! beautiful name!...but getting back to the subject about Seo Ji....I know that...! She is dangerous... But don't worry, nothing will happen to your children... I'm here, P'Newyear is here... Teasing Earth... And the young man handsome and hot is also here to protect you... I'm talk about the beautiful Eunwoon....

Earth listening to Fluke's taunt.

Earth: P'Fluke! Stop it... He's just my friend...

Fluke saw Earth's shy manner, turned and walked towards his bedroom door talking at the same time.

Fluke: I feel sorry for you little Neo...Your mommy doesn't take advantage of the opportunities he has.

Earth on seeing Fluke come in the bedroom and close the door, with a sad look, looked on Neo with a loving voice.

Earth: No, it's not because I don't take advantage of opportunities... it's just that I really can't unite with another man besides P'Kao.. After all, it's your father that I love.. Only him and nobody else...

Thank you all for following the three chapters so far, sorry for the delay of the third chapter i was correcting some mistakes so if you notice any mistakes please let me know.🤓

The next chapter will be posted next sunday, until then good end of sunday.😊🤗

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