The Midnight Sun T.K ✅

De peachihun

51.1K 3.1K 271

"Jeon jungkook is the curse that kim taehyung wants" Kalopsia- was the largest magic empire of the era ruled... Mais

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10.
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28(M)
New Story🙌

Chapter 22(M)

1.8K 78 7
De peachihun

Season II Chapter 2

Jungkook was standing or basically leaning on the pillar beside him due to tiredness and boredom.
His dress was vey uncomfortable and tight, which was making it hard to breathe for him.

He was right now standing alone, away from all the crowd, with a champagne glass in his hand, contemplating on how can royal wear such uncomfortable cloths.

He was missing his mother very much, he still dosen't know the reason, why his mother has sent him here? Or what is this whole function all about?

He dosen't know anyone here and dosen't want to communicate too.

He saw all the rulers of the neighbouring kingdom, sitting above them having the time of their life.
Some Kings were on the floor dancing with their respective choosen mutually partners.

Jungkook danced a few times, but he was tired so soon because of the uncomfortable dress he was forced to wear.

He was in his own world when all of a sudden he felt a hand on his waist.
With his reflex, he pressed it so hard emitting a groan from the other party.

He looked back only to see the emperor.
Eyes wide he quickly bowed, uttering words of apology.

"At ease" the emperor muttered.
The mentioned one stood up, his head still hung low in shame.

"Mind fancing me a dance as an apology, Mr Jeon?" The emperor said.

His eyes widened again, he stuttered.
"O-of c-course Y-your Majesty"

Eyes still wide as saucers, a red hue taking place over his being, and hands shaking a little.

"Calm down, Mr Jeon, it's just a Dance"

Taehyung forwarded his hand, which Jungkook held very so gently, feeling small over the emperor's suffocating aura.
If only he knew that, Taehyung knows.

Moving rhythmically with the music, they looked at each other's eyes.

Taehyung closed his eyes,in annoyance as he scoffed.

"Jungkook why?"

Jungkook looked up confused, now his whole being scared.


"What makes you think I wouldn't know?"

Jungkook who was still not grasping with the situation, felt afraid.

"Still playing oblivious,I see"
"Let me get this straight, Why did you lie about losing your memories?"

Jungkook looked down, silent, a little panicked.

"I'm sorry I-"

Taehyung who was running out of patience, sighed irritated.

Grabbing the Youngers hand, he dragged him to the closest room, which was a floor above them, locking the door, he pushed Jungkook on the wall who groaned at response.

"Tell me Jungkook"
Jungkook just whined.

"I need an answer right now, or your whole being will disappear"

What a bluff, thank god Jungkook had no idea of his own powers.

The emperor eyed him.

"S-she asked me to test you" he sobbed.
Taehyung grabbed his hair.

"That woman will be the end of me" he muttered to himself.

"T-the mating season was close and playing as if my memory was lost seemed the best form of deceiving you"

"Did I pass the test?" The elder eyed, and Jungkook blushed, yet nodded.

"What made you come for the conclusion?"

"You w-were anxious, troubled, and were seriously fighting The realm, Aphrodite asked me to drop the act, and I was going to, but Ma asked me to come here to the mating ball and everything-"

"I asked your Mother" Taehyung said while backing away and sitting on the bed.

"You--asked her? Why?" He questioned standing infront of Taehyung, nose still red from crying.

"Did you know how bored I was and all those Old Dukes were just..arghh"

"You deserved it, it was your punishment"

Jungkook scoffed looking at the man infront.
"You know what, I'll just go back to those old Dukes, atleast they were fond of me unlike you whose selling me because of your punishme-"

He did not get to complete the sentence when he was pinned down, the bed by none other than Taehyung.

"Give your pretty mouth a little rest, would you?" Taehyung said again while eyeing his lips.
As if contemplating to Just devour him.

Jungkook reading the situation well, lays down a little, mischief in his eyes, Taehyung understands his little trick, his lips on his forehead and smirks a little his eye brow raised.





Jungkook doesn’t respond. Instead, he nudges Taehyung's nose with his own, and their lips brush together as he murmurs, a rosy blush coloring his cheeks, “Kiss me.”

But as Taehyung takes Jungkook’s bottom lip into his mouth, pressing their chests together until it feels like they’ll melt into one another, Jeongguk realizes something about tonight feels different. Whether it’s the champagne still buzzing in his veins, making the blood sparkle, or whether it’s the love and affection he holds for Taehyung smothering his insides, he doesn’t know.

It’s almost as if every touch was suddenly heightened, and goosebumps raise across his skin when Taehyung slides his palm underneath his shirt, caressing his stomach and delicately skimming over a nipple before it travels to his back, nails digging into his shoulderblades.

They’re only just kissing but he feels Taehyung everywhere and all around him, the heady scent of his sandalwood blossom fragrance almost intoxicating, and his breath becomes ragged in a matter of seconds. He wants more, needs more, and a small whine escapes him when Taehyung bites down on his lip and pulls.

They start to stumble backwards without breaking the kiss until Jungkook’s legs bump against the bed and they fall together with a whoosh. Rose petals are tickling Jungkook's neck, and he hastily wipes them off the duvet, mentally cursing the decorators for always going overboard. Taehyung’s deep laughter fills the room, and Jungkook, despite the nervousness and anticipation twisting his guts, stops to watch and smiles dumbly up at him.

"It's just me, Love," Taehyung says in a soft voice when he notices the extent to which Jungkook's hands are shaking. He then takes them between his own and kisses each knuckle, so delicately that Jungkook thinks he might start crying before the night is over. He's pretty sure he's never been loved so gently.

Jungkook breathes out, jittery. "I know, I just - want it to be perfect."

"And it will be." Taehyung looks at him intently, something he does when he wants to make sure he's gotten his point across the many layers of Jungkook's doubts and insecurities.

Admittedly, this is new territory for both of them: Taehyung’s hands grabbing at Jungkook’s shirt to push it off his chest, dragging his warm fingers all over the newly exposed skin until Jungkook starts to shiver. Perhaps he should be scared, wary that he won’t be good enough somehow, won’t live up to the expectations Taehyung might have of him but as he cranes his neck to steal another heated kiss, he finds that he isn’t.

Taehyung loves his body like it’s something worth loving, makes him feel so good about himself that he forgets all about the lonely nights when he used to pull at the skin of his stomach with disgust, turning right to left in front of the mirror until he could practically list out every single flaw there was to see.

“Is this okay?” The emperor keeps asking, and Jungkook can do nothing but nod fervently and press closer to make him understand how much he wants this.

He lets out another whine when Taehyung lines their hips together and grinds, peppering kisses all over Jeongguk's neck and jaw. Sweat starts to pearl on Jeongguk's forehead, plastering strands of hair to the skin and with eager hands, he grapples with Taehyung's shirt until he's finally able to get it off. His eyes take in the sight before him - Taehyung's pectorals, the faint lines of his abs, the hairs under his navel traveling downwards. "You're - Taehyung, you're -," he starts to mumble before he's even aware that his lips are moving, dragging a hand down Taehyung's chest in awe.

Taehyung seems to understand what he's trying to say, and thankfully saves him from further embarrassment by smiling down at him and dropping another kiss on his mouth. "Tell me what you want, kook."

With the way Taehyung is still grinding their crotches together, it’s a bit difficult to think, yet Jungkook’s mind still whirrs with the possibilities. He’s tempted to ask Taehyung to take him as he pleases, do whatever he wants with him so Jungkook is left a writhing mess of pleas and moans on the bed. He’s tempted to ask Taehyung to help him stop thinking, to fuck him so good and long that he forgets his own name but just the thought of uttering those words makes him blush furiously.

He’s never even done this before but he’s heard people talk about it, has read about how good it feels to be on the receiving end, to simply lie down and let the pleasure overcome you – Jeongguk’s tried imagining it, has even fingered himself before thinking about Taehyung being the one to touch him, but he’s convinced nothing could ever compare to the real thing.

The elder hums teasingly, prompting him to answer, and Jungkook swallows down his timidity, thinks fuck it. This is his Tae, the man he’s been in love with for years, the man who knows him better than anyone else, his future husband. He throws caution to the wind.

“Want you to – ah,” he gasps when Taehyung grabs his cock through the fabric of his silk trousers and squeezes tightly, just under the head. “Tae, please-”


Jungkook whimpers. He should’ve known Taehyung wouldn’t back down unless he says it. The emperor is more experienced than him, has had both men and women before he and Jungkook ever met it transpires in the way he touches Jungkook with confidence, knowing all of his weak spots despite it being their first time together. He’s so much to take in, and he makes Jungkook breathless.

“Please, please, Tae,” is all he manages to choke out, biting down on his lip to keep his embarrassing moans to a minimum. He was never that loud when touching himself, but Taehyung’s hands on his body bring a fever to his brain that’s entirely new to him, and he keeps squirming on the sheets, whines turning needy.

The emperor chuckles gently above him, bites his neck playfully and then kisses the mark. “If only the people knew how much their warrior likes to beg.”

Jungkook keens at the words and arches into Taehyung's touch. “Want you to – make me come, please,” he rushes out, mouth falling open in a silent moan when Taehyung tugs the last of his clothes down and goes back to jerking him off. The grip is so distinctly Taehyung – gentle yet strong at the same time, a contrast of soft and rough, and when he presses his thumb against the tip, Jungkook swears that he sees exploding stars on the back of his eyelids.

“Yeah?” Taehyung breathes. “Are you gonna be good, baby?”

He slows down the pace when he notices that Jungkook isn’t answering, too busy trying to catch his breath. Jungkook immediately whines in protest, hips kicking up instinctively to chase any semblance of friction.

“Yes, yes, I’ll be good, Taehyung, please,” he mumbles, over and over to the point where the words barely make sense anymore. “’m always good, please, please, don’t stop-”

“Shh,” Taehyung silences him with a kiss, and Jungkook struggles to keep up, mind already slipping into that blissful state where the world fades away and all that remains is Taehyung– his tender and deep voice commanding him, his warm breath, the taste of his mouth. “I know you are. My beautiful, gorgeous one”

The praise is sugary sweet to Jungkook’s ears. He drinks it up, a smile tugging at his lips as his eyes remain closed. Beside his incessant wiggling, he hasn’t moved much, and he’s grateful Taehyung has always understood his needs without him having to talk, he dosen't know how, but he just does.

He feels a pair of hands grab his waist and then Taehyung is turning him over and pushing him up the bed. Jungkook can’t help but rut against the sheets a few times, before Taehyung catches on and tuts disapprovingly. He presses a hand on his hips to stop them from moving, keeping them still even when Jungkook protests.

Despite his whining, he loves that Taehyung is naturally taking control. It helps clear out the mess of thoughts in his head, chases the doubts away so he can focus solely on the hot and wet sensation of Taehyung’s tongue trailing down his back until it stops just above his ass.

He realizes what’s about to happen when Taehyung spreads his cheeks open, and almost chokes on his next inhale. “Taehyung-”

“It’s alright, baby. Let me make you feel good,” Taehyung speaks softly as he leaves open-mouthed kisses all over his thighs. His nails dig into the soft flesh and Jungkook whimpers at the thought of seeing the marks tomorrow, remnants of their night spent together. He imagines pressing his fingers into each one as Taehyung lays asleep next to him, gorgeous as ever under the dimmed lights. 

Slowly, Jungkook hikes one leg up to give the elder better access. He’s still a bit unsure how to move, where to position himself, but Taehyung guides him with kind touches, murmurs praise every few seconds and it’s almost overwhelming, how good he can make Jungkook feel with a single word or gesture. It’s like he knows his body by heart, every edge and crevice, and he makes sure to leave hickeys on each spot that has Jungkook shiver with sensitivity.

At the first touch of Taehyung’s tongue against his hole, he jumps.

An embarrassed flush instantly spreads to his neck, but then he hears Taehyung's chuckle and eventually, he breathes out a laugh himself.

“It’s okay, tokki,” Taehyung reassures him, caressing the bottom of his back soothingly. “Just relax and trust me. Can you do that for me?”

Jungkook nods wordlessly and forces his muscles to untense. He grabs a fistful of the sheets to keep himself tethered somehow, and then nods again, signaling to Taehyung that he can continue. He closes his eyes and concentrates on each distinct sensation.

Taehyung’s left hand still gripping his thigh – he’s always been particularly sensitive there. Taehyung’s right hand keeping his cheeks open. The emperor’s mouth, pressing and licking and sucking at him, how unfair it is that he’s so good at this, and before he knows it, Jeongguk is moaning loudly and grinding against the surface of the bed.

This time, Taehyung doesn’t stop him, just goes on eating him out and Jeongguk wants to tell him to slow down because he can sense that he’s about to come embarrassingly soon, all too familiar with the tingling sensation spreading through his groin, but he’s just about lost the ability to speak. All he can do is mumble Taehyung’s name between whines and desperate pleas, making a mess of their expensive sheets as drool escapes his open mouth.

When Taehyung slides a finger inside next to his tongue, Jungkook lets out a cry that he’s sure even the guests below can hear. He’s way past caring, though, and it takes him some time to realize that he’s the one whispering love you, love you, love you so much under his breath as Taehyung keeps up his ministrations, soon creating a rhythm between the in-and-out movement of his tongue and finger.

Jungkook comes a minute later with a gasp, and he bites down on the pillow to stop himself from screaming. Pleasure washes over him in waves, ears ringing and hips moving of their own accord to chase the addicting feeling. If  Taehyung’s noticed, he doesn’t stop, and it’s not until Jungkook is squirming from overstimulation that he surfaces up.

His mouth is red and shiny with spit, and his hair is a complete mess. He wipes at his lips with a thumb and climbs back up Jeongguk’s body until they’re pressed together, chest to back.

Jeongguk cranes his neck so they can kiss and although the angle is a tad uncomfortable for him, he doesn’t mind. Right now, there’s nothing that could make him stop kissing Taehyung – not when he’s still sensitive all over, not when he’s one step away from crying because of how precious and loved he feels.

And it’s all because of the man in front of him, the man that’s been keeping his heart safe for over thousands of year.

“Love you,” he finally says properly.

Taehyung grins down at him and pecks him once, twice, thrice, until Jeongguk is giggling, chest tight with the kind of utter joy he never thought he’d get to feel one day.

“Love you too.”

Just then, he remembers that Taehyung is still hard, and he shifts around, hand going down to at least jerk him off before Taehyung catches his wrist and stops him.

“But you’re-” he begins to protest.

“It’s okay,” Taehyung interrupts him in a soft voice. “It’s okay, baby. We have all night. No rush, okay?” A kiss on his cheek. “I wanna know how you’re feeling first.”

Jeongguk pauses to catch his breath, and maybe gather his thoughts since the aftermath of what is definitely the best orgasm he’s ever had has kind of turned his brain into mush. Taehyung peppers sweet kisses all over his face as he waits, fingers threading through Jeongguk’s hair and scratching at the scalp in a way that is both relaxing and extremely distracting.

Jeongguk smiles fondly to himself, and Taehyung nudges him, curious. His eyes almost sparkle under the crystal chandelier that illuminates the chambers. “What are you thinking about?” he asks.

“We’re gonna get married then,” Jeongguk simply blurts out.

Taehyung purses his lips to hold back a laugh. “Yes, honey. We will.”

“You will be my husband. I will be your husband.”

Again, “Yes, honey. I know.”

Jeongguk seems to marvel at the thought for a while, and then he frowns. “Do you think we can get pancakes from the kitchens without anyone seeing us? I don't know i you had it but they were just delicious”

This time, Taehyung bursts out laughing, head dropping down on Jeongguk’s chest as he wonders how he managed to find the dorkiest one to love.

The biggest chapter I wrote of 3000+ words, Btw your comments keeps me motivated please comment, and don't be silent readers and the actual smut is in the next chapter 😚

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