There's A Hidden Beauty in Th...

By ThanomWang

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Achara get into a car accident but instead of dying, she was reborn into Beastworld filled with over populate... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Pink Egg
Chapter 2 -Adilliea Flower
Chapter 3- Danger Alert!
Chapter 4 - Black Out
Extra Clip
Chapter 5.1 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 5.2 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 6 - The Stalker
Chapter 7 - Encounter with a Handsome Pervert
Chapter 8 - To distract herself from shame
Chapter 9 - Pampering yourself with food
Chapter 10 - The Familiar Visitor
Chapter 11 - Free, Sexy and Single
Chapter 12.1- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 12.2- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 13 - Unexpected weapon of all time
Chapter 14- Widespread Half-Assed Rumor at Clemour Tribe
Chapter 15.1- Shameless
Chapter 15.2 - Shameless
Chapter 17 - The Annual Celestial Mating Event
chapter 18 - what if..
Chapter 19.1 (Busted)
Chapter 19.2 ( Busted)
Chapter 20 -Kidnapped
chapter 21- Finally, we are Alone
Chapter 22- Obeying the Do Not Disturb Order
Chapter 23- The escape
Chapter 24 - Sorry but I am out of here
Chapter 25.1 - An ass for an ass
chapter 25.2 - An ass for an ass
Chapter 26 - After Her Fake Death
Chapter 27- Rui
Chapter 28 - Chief Meeting
Chapter 29.1- Important Guest
Chapter 29.2 - Important Guest
Chapter 30 -What is this pervert doing here?
Chapter 31- Help! Left Alone with a Pervert
Chapter 32.1 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.2 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.3 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 33- His Arrival
Chapter 34 - Collecting the Reward
Chapter-35 (Thoughts to Return him back)
Chapter 36 - Got to burn incense and pray to have good luck
Chapter 37 - Her Sexy Lace Panties
Chapter 38- Her Beastform
Chapter 39 - second meeting with the female from waterfall
Chapter 40 - Feral
Chapter 41- Carrying the heavy him
Chapter 42- Spying the Enemy Tunnel
Chapter 43 - Expose
Chapter 44 - The tittle of an Underwear pervert
Chapter 45 - Plan for a Luxury Day
Chapter 46- Kick him out of the house

Chapter 16 - The Epic View Behind

5.1K 201 33
By ThanomWang

A/N: Finally! I am back after a long vacation from writing.
The Tribe leader was having a serious conversation while remaining clueless of the fact that the naked males were dancing ' I am sexy, and I know it dance', butt naked at his backyard.
The more Achara wanted to avoid, the more it caught her eyes.

Rocking and booming in circular motion, they would sway their unhidden butt in fifty shades of sexy poses.

"Achara, the Annual Celestial Mating Event will be coming soon," the tribe leader speak first.
"Like always, our tribe will be also participating this year," he continued.

Achara who was currently seeing their quiet ass shaking behind the tribe leader turn awkward.

"Be expressionless, have a poker face, don't look at them" she reminded herself repeatedly.

Unfortunately for her, whenever she looked at the tribe leader, no doubt, she is kinda forced to see this 'not for kids' view behind him.

"As the most beautiful female and the ideal female of this tribe, I want you to be in charge of this event", tribe leader stated.
"According to our tribe's tradition, the ideal female of the tribe always have to be in charge of this event."

She space out a bit by what he said.

"So it's like an event manager?
Easy- Peasy, A trivial matter for me.Anyway, I received many rewards and treasures because of this tittle, not like I could deny it anyway", Achara though inside her mind and answered,"Okay, I have no problem with being in charge."

Tribe leader who received her answer was really glad,"I am happy that you agree"
" Since you had agreed, you cannot take back on your words, okay?"

"Sure" She agreed.

"I am relief" the tribe leader smiled at her answer.
Somehow, the smile of the tribe leader make her shiver.

"Ahem! I have a question to ask.?" The tribe leader asked.

"Tell me? Do you have anyone you like from the males in our tribes?"
She happened to peek at the butt naked males who are shamelessly dancing behind him.
"Um, I don't know".

"Do you have a male that you fancy?"

"I still have not found anyone yet", answered Achara while scratching her neck.
Although she has many suitors and a few might make her heart flutter, it does not mean she will choose them as her mate just because of this.

In her previous life, she would hate boys who play with girls heart and just dump her like it was nothing. Why mess with them if you don't really like them? It is better to stay distance rather than give them useless hope and hurt them when they have already fallen in love too deep.

Eight out of Ten of her good friends were the victims, and she was all aware of their suffering as she was the one who comforted them. From then onward, she swears that she would not have a relationship unless she is serious to that person and vice versa that person is also serious to her. She does not want to become someone like those boys who play with her friends' heart.

Furthermore, her current body and age was only 16 year old. In modern world, it is not considered an adult yet. This conflicting though make her not want to have a mate yet. Besides, she really does not need one. She can do most of the work for her own survival and protect herself.

"Not even the males from other tribes?" The tribe leader does not give up yet.

"No," she just does not have a though to have a mate yet.

"I am worried about the single males in our tribes not getting a mate." The tribe leader let out a sigh. They are slow witted and not good at talking like the males from nearby fox tribe. I am afraid they would be left out.

Tribe leader then asked "Tell me, as a female, what do you think about the males in our tribes? "

She happens to look at the elephant beastman who was showing his strong sexy muscle. Then, he carries heavy objects to show off his strength. The elephant beast men desire to impress Achara was so great that he try to carry three grown ass males by himself which he cannot handle.
The Result: He lost balance and his face was kissed by one of his friend's haven't washed for several day ass .He see heaven for a while. The aftertaste leaves him unable to stand up for a moment. But not to embarrassed himself, he tries to act okay with a dizzy smile on his face and wave at her.

She slightly looks away from the naked males.
"Cough, Cough, Ahem ", She clear her throat.
"I guess-umm- they are strong", not to let the tribe leader sparkling eyes be disappointed, she responded with answer that seem appropriate.

"Haha, that's right! They are indeed strong ", he laughed.

"Honestly speaking, the males in our tribes are not that bad", The tribe leader brag about his tribe males.

Maybe showing in a distance place was not enough, the naked males slowly come closer toward Achara.

"Wait, What are they doing by coming closer? God bless me from the weird situation. Please don't let them come closer. Please!"
However, looks like the god does not hear her prayer.

"They are such innocent and shy guys", the tribe leader continue his praise for the males in his tribes.

What the tribe leader does not know is that the so-called innocent and shy tribe member of his are moving their hips left and right just a few distance behind him as if it was their stepfather house.

Knowing this, Sweat drips down on her forehead.

While the naked males were dancing like it was their stepfather house, a bird just poop on top of the elephant beastmen head and make a "plop"(poop falling) sound.

Hearing this sound, the tribe leader turn his head to look what it was.
Achara eyes widen and bite her lips out of anxiety.
She tries to reach her hand out and said"Nooo".

Author's Note: Actually this chapter was plan to finish earlier, but I am not satisfied with it and rewrite again which cause to delay in update.

Although I try not to make it too disturbing or rude, if there is some disturbing scene for the audience, I would like to apologize. This author only intend it for enjoyment and humor for the readers.

I hope you all have a great day!
Upload on 1st March 2022

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