Love At First Bite)(bottom Dr...

By banshee-screams

64.4K 1.9K 211

What if Draco sneeked out of the Slytherin dorm room for some peace and quiet in the woods and some time to j... More

#1 unaware
#2 unknown pirson
#4 Mate?
#5 Bloody hell
#6 Dracrys
#7 owhooo
#8 short
#9 🦊running with a fox🦊
#11 not falling for your tricks!
#12 not falling for your tricks p.t 2
#13 What am I?...
#14 Nightmare
#15 He is mine!
#16 HE'S MINE!. 2
#17 ...
#18 What...
#19 Yes!
✨#20✨ It's a...
#21 Oh my mirlan!
#22 Sheard scream
#23 Muggle house

#3 Bite~

6.8K 166 28
By banshee-screams

Harry sneeked away from Ron and Hermione's constant argues so that he didn't have to get dragged into the argument but he just's so happens to see Draco sneaking out of the Slytherin home room Harry remembers that today was Draco's birthday but he was cerious as to why Draco Whould sneak away from his own party so that's why he started following him or maby Harry was just following his instinct Harry followed Draco into the forest but as soon as the sun started to set Harry's eyes turnd an bright crimson red as to where his eyes used to be emerald green Harry followed Draco all the way to the willow tree but he was still confused why Whould he be here instead of his own party...


Harry's P.o.v...

As I watched Dra- Malfoy site under the tree reading an book I have never seen before I slowly made my way closer to where he sited I have never been so drawn to someone as much as I am to Dra- Malfoy god I want to use his name so badly I sited in awe as I watched drac-...

you know what fuck it I am going to use his name and there is no one in Merlin's name that can stop me...

I watched DrAcO! read his book as butterflys settle in his hear he looked absolutely breathtaking I could feel my face getting warmer by every second that past by I watched Draco rubbed his tired eyes with his sleeve it looks like he hadn't slept in a while and that makes me worry he's been like this ever since his sister showed up she may have everyone fooled but she doesn't have me fooled with that innocent act...

Draco slowly got up after putting his book onto his book bag but he saw my eyes and of course he takes off running but it was in a direction of an other wolf and there is no way I'm letting him become a snack for an rouge wolf wannabe I could tell the wolf was an alpha by just his scent an alpha that probably went rouge and killed his pack but even so I will protect Draco

no matter what it is I'll ceep him safe and sound from eney danger!

I don't know why but ever since I got my Inharatan's I've been drawn to him I've been having the need to protect him and some how I'm over protective of him and every time I get close to him I have the need to bite but not eneyone else just him  I was going to meet Hagrid tonight to hopefully find answers about this sudden weerd feelings I have towards Draco  I've honestly never felt like this before...

As I was running after Draco not sticking to the shadow's like I was suppose to

as I ran after Draco. Draco looked back to see me in my wolf form running a close distance after him he turned his attention back infront of him and started running faster obviously scared out of his mind I hate seeing him sceard so I slowd my pace running along with the shadows but Draco's foot got stuck causing him to trip and fall hitting his head hard against an tree stump I turned back to my human form and ran out of the shadows as I yell his name to get even the smallest reaction out of him his eyes were open but I could tell he wasn't focused on eneyting I kneeled down beside him and slowly and jentaly picked him up so his upper body was laying in my arms ceeping him warm his eyes closed and I could tell he was slipping into uncontusnis...

I took a good look at his face there was blood running down his face from his forehead and his lip was slightly busted open I allowed my eyes to tack in all the beauty Draco had to offer and that was a lot and I'm not the only one saying that even Genny said Draco is pretty but my admiring soon got me looking at his neck my teeth hurt becoming more sharp and longer I cerfully turned his head to the side exposing his neck more I then lowered myself down to his neck I let my lips brush over his neck before I bite down piercing his skin my eyes glowd a more vibrant crimson red than before as his blood filled my mouth his blood was sweet and then it hit me I knew what this Ment a venom injected from my fang's and into Draco's blood stream I felt my teeth return to normal I let go of Draco's flesh I bite and placed two kisses on it I pulled away and looked at Draco's woond's that was starting to heal up and almost gone as a different mark made his way onto Draco's cheek...

The same mark I have on my chest I was blushing nonstop at the Sound Draco made as I pulled him tight agents my chest Ther was a growle not to far from where I was with Draco I can defend myself but with Draco uncontusnis I don't wanna risk it and get Draco hurt or wors

I picked Draco up and started running to Hagrid's house it's not far from here the wolf probably smelled Draco's scent and started tracking him I mean his scent is heavenly whom in their right Wolfy mind Whould't but the wolf must have smelled my scent to and that's why it started growling probably to warn me that he wants Draco and whount stop till he gets his THILFY! Paws on him witch I would never allow as long as I live Draco's mine now and no one Whould get in the way of that or else there will be blood spilt.

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