„𝙇𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖" ~ 𝙖 𝙒𝙞𝙡...

By moonlightxfairy

64K 1.4K 419

"Maybe one day, I live in La Jolla... drinking cocktails out over the water. My own personal sunset ... to gi... More

☆Chapter 1: just thoughts...
♡Chapter 2: Confrontations
♡Chapter 3: The Day Has Come...
♡Chapter 4: Welcome to the UK!
♡ Chapter 5: The Boy on the Beach
♡Chapter 6: The Boy on the Beach p.2
♡Chapter 7: Alton Towers Vlog
♡Chapter 8: Alton Towers Vlog P.2
♡Chapter 9: Sleepover
♡Chapter 10: Getting to know each other
♡Chapter 11: Wilbur, My Hero!
♡Chapter 12: Minecraft Time!
♡Chapter 13: Game Night w/the SBI
♡Chapter 14: Sleepover w/the SBI
♡Chapter 15: Feelings & Streaming!
♡Chapter 17: I love you!
♡Chapter 18: Cinema w/SBI & Mumza
♡Chapter 19: Wilbur's Birthday Party!
♡Chapter 20: Psychology Classes
♡Chapter 21: Wilbur's POV
♡Chapter 22: Inflatable Waterpark Vlog
♡Chapter 23: La Jolla!
♡Chapter 24: Night at the Bar
♡Chapter 25: She's beauty, She's grace!
♡Chapter 26: Nice to meet you!
♡Chapter 27: Meeting the DreamSMP
♡Chapter 28: Joining the DreamSMP
♡Chapter 29: Moving in w/Wilbur
♡Chapter 30: Its my Birthday!
♡Chapter 31: My Birthday p.2
♡Chapter 32: Restaurant w/Wilbur & Family
♡Chapter 33: Returning to the UK
♡Chapter 34: will you marry me?
♡Chapter 35: Double Date w/Lorenzo & Ari
♡Chapter 36: Lie Detector Vlog
♡Chapter 37: Wedding Preparations!
♡Chapter 38: Meeting the DreamSMP irl
♡Chapter 39: Wedding!
♡Chapter 40: 10 Years later...

♡Chapter 16: Streaming w/Wilbur

1.7K 46 8
By moonlightxfairy

„Hi Chat! Hiiiii Chat!! How are you guys doing today? Hiii! Hi everyone, welcome to my stream..", Wilbur greets his chat, waving his hands. I observe him interacting with everyone, still sitting in the back. Wilbur thinks that it'd be funny to surprise the chat and not announce YET that I'm gonna be visible on stream in a moment. I'm sitting out of frame, being obviously really quiet so the chat doesn't catch any suspicions just yet. I take a quick glance at the viewer count... OMG 45k people?!?!?! THATS A BIG NUMBER...
„So chat, I have a little surprise for you. You see, tonight, we'll do a „Just Chatting stream" with doing some YLYL later right? But I won't be alone today...", Wilbur begins to say. I feel myself getting nervous but remain cool. The chat is obviously freaking out, which makes me giggle on how they all spam the same word.
„CHAT! I wanna introduce you to, my best friend...at this point... plz all type ‚POGCHAMP' in the chat for Y/N WOOOO!!!!", Wilbur claps and I come on the screen. I'm not used to being on camera like this, in front of 45k people watching me but I remain cool. „Hi chat! Hello! Nice to meet you all. There's so many of you here", I say, looking at all the messages fly by. It's too hard to read since it goes by so quick, but I see that everyone types in „pogchamp", like Wilbur asked them to. „This is y/n, Chat! Be nice to her chat! Y/n is a special person", Wilbur tells his chat which makes me blush. „We're gonna first do some q&a's so Chat throw us some Q's and we'll give you the A's", Wilbur says, looking at me, then looking back at chat.

For like 30 mins or so, we answer the questions people wanna know the most- mostly about me. Like who I am and from where do I come from, where did Wilbur and me meet each other, if I play Minecraft or not and so on. Sometimes also questions about Wilbur, about his music and they keep mentioning „softboy", in which Wilbur seems to always reply „it's in the works chat! Soon". It sounds like it's a song tho. Maybe that's why people spam it.
„Are you and y/n dating says ‚dsmpfan42'", the dono says as Wilbur reads it. I start to blush, and so does wilbur. „Um no guys we are not. Y/n and me are just really good friends, best friends even", Wilbur answers the dono. We both just giggle at the questions, surrounding any rumors of us dating and we keep on going. „Will, AnneNotFound says 'guys, they laugh at it, but don't deny it", is a dono I read out. Wilbur just looks at me, scoffing at this dono. „No dear Anne, the reason why we laugh at it is not cuz we deny it or something. We're not dating and if we were, I don't think we'd tell you", I tell the dono, giggling. We continue for another 20 mins before we jump into YLYL.

„Alright y/n, do you know how YLYL works?", Wilbur asks me before we jump into it. I shake my head, saying that I kinda know what it is about but not quite.
„Alright so, I'll turn media share on. Which means that the people in the chat, and even my mods, can donate to me, any video they want. I think it's 1$ per second? So if Someone gifts 50$, we get 50 seconds of the video. The goal is not to laugh so you have to remain serious. Each of us has 5 sets of lives and if all lives are gone, I either end stream or I give myself 5 more lives, simply cuz I can, understood?", Wilbur explained to me. I nodded at him, telling him I understood. I sit closer to him so it's more comfortable for me. The YLYL starts and we wait for the first videos to come in.
The first videos are fine. Not funny enough to even crack a smile. „You see y/n, my Chat is really unfunny. You see these people up there? Unfunny pricks. SOMETIMES, they manage to take 3 lives away from me at once but sometimes, they're just not funny and I end stream, simply cuz they don't know how to be funny", Wilbur says, pointing at his chat-box. „Are they really that horrible at it?", I ask him. „Yes. A bunch of unfunny losers", Wilbur says, still pointing at his chat.
The media shares keep rolling in and someone media shared a clip of Tommyinnit singing the 'that's what I like' song by Bruno Mars. Of course that got a giggle out of me, since I haven't seen this video ever before. "There goes your first life y/n", Wilbur says with a more serious voice. "YOU LAUGHED AT TOMMYINNIT-", he pointed out. "I'm sorry Will it's just- Tommy's face and- the song and- JUMP IN THE CADILLAC!", I crack up again.
To be fair, it wasn't THAT funny but seeing this for the first time, it just had me dead laughing. I can put myself together again, concentrating on the stream. "I'm good, I'm good", I say, ready to continue.
The next media share is someone saying 'Cheeto', Instead of 'Cheetah', which got Wilbur chuckle and finally, laugh a bit. I obviously didn't get what was so funny on it but Wilbur found it hilarious. "YOU LAUGHED AT THIS?", I ask him, not understanding what's so funny. "This is a classic! Gosh idk it's just... 'cheeto- innit", he laughs, removing one life from his sets of life.

We continue this, until our sets of lives have been all gone. We didn't go for another 5 cuz Wilbur started to get tired. Before we ended tho, Wilbur made a little outro on his stream, asking the chat, how they liked me on it. "Let's get some claps for y/n in the chat plz", Wilbur encourages his chat. I see many positive messages flying by + many positive dono's and people actually liking me - but I also see some nasty comments of people telling me I look fat or, that Wilbur should marry them (the viewer) and not me. Other say that of what Wilbur finds so interesting in me, I'm boring as hell or that I'm too ugly to be with such an attractive guy like Wilbur. Considering I'm quite insecure about myself in terms of looks and appearance, those messages hurt me and, as sad as this sounds but they crushed my mood a bit and my self confidence. And I really too ugly to be with Wilbur? Am I really this fat and boring? My anxiety and huge insecurity take over me.
Wilbur ends stream and I force a smile. I just wanted to cry at this point. What Wilbur doesn't know: I've been bullied back in my school days. Bullied, mocked, laughed at, rejected, pushed away and replaced. People playing with my feelings and emotions, my kindness, my heart. Whenever I sat down next to someone, they just got up and left. I was always alone... even on one point, the only one in the classroom, sitting on my table. Whenever someone would pass by, they'd go 'wow no one in here...', not acknowledging that I WAS in it. This kept on going until I graduated. - I feel like I can't even escape these people here in the UK... why am I so hated? Why must I suffer so much? Why do people say these things to me? Am I really so unlike-able?

Wilbur noticed I wasn't feeling great. "Y/n? Hey, why are you sad, what's wrong?", he places his hand on my lap, trying to make me look at him.
I look up at him, tears forming in my eyes. No words could escape my lips, not even a sound. "What happened sweetie? Why are you crying?", he asked me again. "Why do people hate me so much Will?", is what I managed to get out of me. "What do you mean by that y/n?", he caressed my back.
"I've read the chat... people called me ugly, fat, that I don't deserve to be your friend or even be with you, they say I'm too ugly for you and boring...", I say, crying. "People just hate me. I've been bullied ever since elementary school and I can't seem to escape it". I break into tears. I think those messages have hit something in me, a sensitive nerve, about to break. "Oh y/n...", Wilbur said, pulling me into a big hug, caressing my back. "I'm sorry you had to read these.. you see, some people are just dickheads and they'll never be happy with anything. Some people just like to hate out of boredom if it's cuz they don't even like themselves.", he tries to reassure me. I don't mean to be so sensitive but I can't control it.
"I've always been Insecure about my appearance Will. Insecure about what people think of me. Scared to be judged.", I cry out. Wilbur just takes me and we leave the streaming room, to sit on the living room. He makes me sit on his lap and fully wraps his arms around me. "Y/n you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're the most gorgeous soul I've ever came across. You're so beautiful in your own way. You're just glowing with beauty. You have the prettiest eyes, the most beautiful smile, the cutest laugh. You're so gentle, so sweet, so caring, so adorable. You're like so like-able AND loveable y/n. Idk what people find to hate but I see the beauty queen in you. I see a beautiful rose who is just so beautiful, you want to keep it.", Wilbur says, caressing my back. His care and affection, just make me cry even more, but out of happiness. "You're so beautiful y/n, Inside and outside. From Head to toes. In all ways. Don't let any dickhead tell you otherwise, or else, they'll have problems with me.", he says, gently caressing my head, running his fingers gently through my hair.
"Will, how did I deserve you? How did I deserve someone like you? How do you find me so beautiful?", I ask him, my head resting on his shoulder.
"I've always found you super beautiful. Ever since the day I saw you for the first time. And it's the inner beauty that counts more y/n, you know? You have a beautiful soul, fragile, yet loving. You have a heart out of gold. Screw all the people that only hurt you. I could never, y/n". Wilbur takes a deep breath. "I like you a lot. I could never break your heart or just play with you", Wilbur said. HE LIKES ME?!
"Wilbur?", I ask him, being really curious right now.
"Yes y/n?", he asks me back. "You-you like me?"
"Of course I like you dummy. How could I not like you? You're funny, you're so sweet, so caring, you're gentle, charming, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're kind,... the list goes on and on.", Wilbur says, still running his fingers through my hair.
"Thank you so so much, I like you too Will", I tell him, pressing my body more into him. "You don't need to thank me. You just became really important to me and you're special.", Wilbur says.
"I'm not THAT special", I reply back, managing to giggle again.
"Oh shut up y/n, we both know you're THAT special. You're different from other people, which makes you unique", Wilbur says, looking at me. I look at him back. His eyes, stare directly into mine. It's like he's looking through my soul. We're really close to each other, the moment could be perfect right now... we don't break the eye contact.
My heart starts beating really fast. My breathing too. Idk what to feel, nor to do, but I remain close to him. I see Wilbur's glance, falling onto my lips. he stares at me again, slowly coming closer.
Before I could even say anything, our lips meet. Slowly, but gently. My eyes are closed and I of course return the kiss. His lips are soft, and warm. I wish this moment would last forever. My heart is racing like it has never done before. 1000 butterflies storm inside my stomach. My mind is going crazy right now, but yet, it feels absolutely right.
Words: 2109♡

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