Just a Witcher 3 fanfic

By BurntToast14

5.4K 105 21

This is an original character insert of Witcher 3 More

Request Page
Arivan character data
Lilac and gooseberries
Trouble brewing
Audience at the palace
Starting the search
Arivan meets the witch
The ruins
Wandering in the dark
Making magic
Back to business
Double cross
Getting closer
Get Junior
The party
Making progress
Helping the boys
Witcher party
Break the curse
Preparing the fortress
The battle of Kaer Morhen
Hurt and comfort
Striking out
Revenge and relaxation
Preparing for battle
Last stand
Epilogue (Short)

Portal hop

76 3 0
By BurntToast14

(Geralt and Arivan find Avallac'h confusedly looking at explicit pictures of nude women)

Geralt: Need a hanky? Gotta admit, I never expected this of you

Avallac'h: You humans have... unusual tastes. How did the adventure fare on bald mountain?

Arivan: You really even need to ask? You're a sage

Avallac'h: I ask as a courtesy. A concept you clearly forgot when you and Cirilla left without uttering so much as a word

Arivan: Ciri was in a hurry

Avallac'h: I know, she wrote so in her letter. But that is not my concern. From what I heard, she eliminated Imlerith adeptly. So adeptly you might say she's inspired me. The loss of one of Eredin's great generals has weakened him. Significantly. Two others remain

Geralt: How do we get rid of them?

Avallac'h: Caranthir is a loyalist. But Ge'els... That is another story. He was a devoted follower of our former king. And as it happens, Eredin poisoned our beloved ruler

Geralt: Regicide is serious stuff. I take it not many know about this?

Avallac'h: Of the living, only I. And Eredin, of course

Arivan: Question is, can you get Ge'els to believe you?

Acallac'h: Nothing you need to worry about

Geralt: And you haven't mentioned killing him. I'm guessing that's a no go?

Arivan: Kill him, and someone else more loyal to Eredin would replace him

Avallac'h: The boy is right. Such drastic measures are not always necessary

Geralt: So, you probably plan to offer him a deal

Avallac'h: Brilliant deduction. Bravo

Geralt: Fine. So what do you propose?

Avallac'h: Why, to bring Ge'els here, of course. To show him the truth of what happened

Arivan: Fabulous plan. If only we knew where to find him

Avallac'h: We do. In the land of the Aen Elle

Geralt: I think you're forgetting something. You and Ciri might know how to travel between worlds. But me and Arivan, not so much

Avallac'h: You clearly know that there are many other worlds apart from the one where we now stand. They are linked by passages, hidden gateways that can afford travel from one world to another. Of course, few know of these gateways, and even fewer can locate them

Geralt: Elven sages, for example?

Avallac'h: For example. One such passage will open soon, near where we are. Fortuitously enough, between this noble edifice and the butcher's yard. That is our chance. Shall we go?

Geralt/Arivan: Lets go

(Geralt, Arivan, and Avallac'h travel to an abandoned house and find the inter-world passage. They go through the portal and end up in a desert)

Geralt: Where are we?

Avallac'h: Welcome to the ddiddiwedt desert

Arivan: I feel bad for anyone trying to write that

Geralt: Is this somewhere in our world?

Avallac'h: Have you ever seen such canyons in your world? Come. We must go

Arivan: What exactly is this place? It's a wasteland

Avallac'h: Indeed. It's a very old world. Thoroughly raped and destroyed

Geralt: Anything live here?

Avallac'h: Mainly desert creatures able to survive for months on end without water. Oh, and large sandcrabs beneath the surface. We must be careful they do not sense us

Geralt: What about before? Were there any people? Or elves?

Avallac'h: Do you believe humanoids have a monopoly on destroying worlds?

Geralt: So what did live here then? Sentient monsters of some sort?

Avallac'h: Look at those cliffs. Do they remind you of anything?

Arivan: Hmm. They look a bit like the bed of a giant river. Or the bottom of a sea

Geralt: So there were water creatures here once?

Avallac'h: No creatures. Merely a sea. There are many different worlds, and even more forms of life. Many of them are intelligent. In fact, much more so than you humans. But as it turns out, not even that could stop them from exhausting all the resources of their world. To the last drop. Ah, and here's the next portal

Geralt: Looks more like a ruin

Avallac'h: Appearances can be deceiving

Arivan: How do you know?

Avallac'h: Are you asking me all of these questions just to annoy me?

Arivan: Depends. Is it working?

(Avallac'h rolls his eyes and shakes his head, and the ground starts to rumble)

Avallac'h: Looks like the sandcrabs have sensed our presence

Geralt: Wonderful...

Arivan: Here they come

(A few sandcrabs burst out from under the surface of the sand and run towards the two witchers)

(Geralt and Arivan draw their swords and fight the sandcrabs directly while Avallac'h provides ranged support with his magic)

(They kill a few of the sandcrabs, but they just keep coming)

Geralt: There's too many of them

Arivan: We're starting to get overwhelmed!

Avallac'h: We can't hope to defeat them all! When the portal opens, we must jump in at once!

(The trio works together to hold off the sandcrabs, and eventually the portal opens. They all jump through, and they end up in a rocky world covered partially in grass and flowers)

(Everyone ends up in different parts of the area, but they all manage to find their way to the next portal without dying)

(The next world is completely submerged in water, so everyone had to quickly swim to the next portal)

(The next world is encased in ice and snow)

(Geralt uses an aard sign to smash the ice wall trapping them, and Arivan uses fire magic to create a fire shield and keep everyone warm while they journey over to the next portal)

(They also have some fun sliding down the ice)

(The next world, the group has to hurry. Because that world's sun had just died, and they have to hurry)

(Several worlds later, they actually manage to arrive at Ge'el's palace)

Arivan: I think this is finally it

Geralt: This is part of the reason why I hate portals

Avallac'h: This is the palace of awakening, formerly the moon palace. Ge'el's headquarters

Geralt: Beautiful

Avallac'h: I'm glad to know you appreciate it. Elven architecture is a bit more sophisticated than yours

Arivan: In some ways

(Geralt, Arivan, and Avallac'h take a walk through the palace and find Ge'els painting a nude elven woman)

Woman: Oh! Who is this? And why are they here?

Ge'els: I believe we're done for the day, my tulip. Be a dear and leave us alone. For I think we can agree that this matter is between us and us alone, correct?

(Avallac'h nods)

(As the nude elven woman walks away, she shoots a wink towards Arivan)

Ge'els: So. Crevan Espane aep Caoman Macha and the witcher of Rivia. Ceadmil. And he's brought a partner

Arivan: That's a mouthful. I can see why you just go by Avallac'h

Avallac'h: On that, we can agree. I hear it is especially painful to address a letter in my name even in the elves native tongue

Ge'els: Do you like my new model? Something of a Lara Dorren about her, wouldn't you agree, Crevan?

Avallac'h: Her height, perhaps. Nothing else

Ge'els: Ah, I see I've touched a tender spot. So... Lets change the subject, shall we? Care for a drink?

Geralt: Got any vodka?

Ge'els: (WTF?)

Geralt: Oh yeah. I keep forgetting you elves don't touch the stuff, as disgraceful as it is

Ge'els: Hmm. I must admit, you two witchers appearing here is quite the surprise. Incidentally, interesting choice of allies. Do you really think Avallac'h is honest with you? Just curious

Arivan: No. But honesty isn't exactly what gets you far in his line of work

Avallac'h: Quite right, my boy

Ge'els: Be that as it may, I detect a shadow of impatience in your faces, it seems. So what brings you here?

Avallac'h: I've come to tell you of who killed our king

Ge'els: You've gone through a great deal of trouble to reach me. So I must believe you've put an equal amount of effort into preparing this lie

Avallac'h: You shall see the truth. You shall dream it

Ge'els: You've an oneiromancer? Hmph. My intuition was correct. This will be interesting

Geralt: You'd better believe it. This way please

Ge'els: Witcher Geralt, a true man of action. Might I know where we're going?

Avallac'h: To the world of the Aen Seidhe. Directly this time

(Arivan looks at the painting)

Arivan: Sooner or later you're gonna have to tell her you're not an actual painter

Ge'els: I'd rather take later

(Geralt, Arivan, Avallac'h, and Ge'els teleport back to earth and meet up with Ciri)

Avallac'h: I take it I needn't introduce our guest

Ge'els: Greetings Zireael. So it's true. The swallow has befriended the fox

Ciri: There's naught you can do to make us turn on one another

Ge'els: Avallac'h blackmailed you. Do you not remember? Tried to force you to warm our king's bed? Treated your body like a side of pork

Ciri: I remember. But I also remember what you advised Eredin do with me once I was caught. And I remember what the red riders did at Kaer Morhen

Ge'els: I didn't come here to argue. The proof you promised. Where is it?

Arivan: You will see it in your dream

Ge'els: Ah yes, you must be the oneiromancer. Visions that cannot be fabricated. Do you wish to show me how Eredin murdered our king? What then? Am I to incite the Aen Elle against Eredin? Call for revolution and proclaim Avallac'h as our new king?

Arivan: No. All I am asking of you is to stop supporting Eredin

Ge'els: Very well. Summon the dreams of my king's last moments

Avallac'h: But we shall all dream them. To be certain that there are no misunderstandings

Ge'els: Why not

Geralt: You know oneiromancy?

Arivan: Yennefer taught me how

(Everyone lays down on the floor, and Arivan casts the spell on them one at a time)

(In the vision, it shows the elven king being poisoned, and Eredin saying "The king is dead. Long live the king")

(Ge'els is stunned by this shocking news)

Ge'els: You must face him on your terms. In this world, and in a place of your choosing. It's your only chance. Sail to Skellige and find the sunstone. With it, you will summon the naglfar. Eredin will come too. Should he call for reinforcements, no aen elle will answer

Avallac'h: You have done the thing most just. A new portal to tir na lia will open. I shall stabilize it, and you will return. Come with me

(Avallac'h leaves with Ge'els)

(Ciri and Geralt hug)

(Arivan and Geralt brotherhood handshake)

(Arivan and Ciri kiss)

Geralt: That's... Gonna take some getting used to for me. But just as well, Ge'els could have been bluffing. Might've just said that so we'd let him go

Ciri: Calm down. Avallac'h knows him better. We'll hear him out when he returns

Arivan: Speak of the devil

(Avallac'h walks back into the room)

Ciri: Geralt's worried. He believes we let Ge'els go too easily

Geralt: Just being careful

Avallac'h: He gave us his assurance that he'll not support Eredin. And that is quite a lot

Ciri: Seems to me you have a plan. Care to share it with us?

Avallac'h: Once we find the sunstone, aided by your sorceresses and their magic, we shall draw Eredin's ship to a bay along the coast of Undvik. We will wait in ambush. Lay a trap. When the king of the wild hunt arrives, we will spring it and kill Eredin

Geralt: Just like that?

Avallac'h: Of course, defeating Eredin will be no small feat. But we will accomplish it. Triss and Yennefer have rescued their fellow sorceresses alongside Ciri while we are absent. We'll meet them at the port. Then we'll set sail for Skellige

(Avallac'h walks back out of the room)

Arivan: You did? Nice going

Ciri: There's actually one last matter I need to resolve before we leave

Arivan: Need any help?

Ciri: I'd welcome the assistance

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