
By nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 26

659 19 20
By nikki13088

A/N: I'm sorry it took me a bit longer again to update, I've just been fighting a bad cold and then it was Prom weekend for my Sister so its just been busy. I will try and get these chapters out as fast as I have been. Here's the next, this is more of laid back chapter, I hope you guys like it.


Draco woke up the next morning to an empty space beside him where Ginny had been sleeping. He smiled to himself when he heard the distant laughing and loud discussion from everyone who was downstairs at breakfast. He still couldn't believe this is what his life was now, it was almost unbelievable really; something he never in a million years thought it could or would ever be.  When he thought about how the world was today a part of him was a bit paranoid about the possibility of losing everything..... for him everything was Ginny; she was the one that changed his life....... that saved him from something so much darker. If he did end up dead at the end of all of this he knew he would at least be dying a happy man and he found some comfort in that. He quickly pushed his thoughts aside and crawled out of bed.

He made his way downstairs and took a seat by Ginny, who looked at him funny; normally Draco made sure he was showered and dressed before he made an appearance downstairs.

"Are you sick this morning?" she laughed at him, ruffling up his messy hair even more.

"Nah, I look amazing no matter what state I'm in." he joked as he piled some food on his plate.

"Morning everyone" Narcissa mumbled joining them at the table.

Everyone looked at her and then at Draco, not only did Draco skip his shower and getting changed this morning but so did she. Her hair was a frizzy mess and her pajamas were all disheveled; she gave a yawn and took a seat by Hermione and grabbed some food.

"Rough night, Mother?" Draco smirked at her.

She smirked back, "Let's just say I got the room next to the newlyweds." she said, buttering her toast as Hermione playfully slapped her arm causing them both to laugh.

"RONALD!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, shooting him a look. "UNDER THE SAME ROOF AS YOUR PARENTS? AS YOUR SISTER?" she said, slapping him with a dish towel.

"We can't use magic, otherwise there would have been a silencing charm on the room; so see at least we are thoughtful about it." Ron said ignoring his Mother's smacks and continued shoving food in his mouth. "What about Ginny, her and Draco slept together in the same room." he said through his full mouth.

"I'm sure they were more considerate than you and Hermione were." Mrs. Weasley snapped back.

"I beg to differ.....and I have one ear." George said, giving a fake shiver and mentally kicking himself for picking the room next to Ginny.

Mrs. Weasley gave an angry look at Draco and Ginny and threw her hands up in the air, mumbling under her breath and breaking into a small rant causing them all to snicker behind her back.

"Professor are we allowed to go to town?" Luna asked.

"I honestly wouldn't see the trouble I suppose, but fair warning, this town is a lot smaller than the last, there's less than 10 shops there and not a lot of people." McGonagall said.

"Do we have to take a bus again?" Ron said with a sigh.

"Actually, there is no bus to town, you either have to drive or find other means of travel."

"What? How are we supposed to get there then?"

"Mr. Weasley, you could always walk."

"Walk? All the way to town? That's far." he whined.

She shook her head at him, "Whoever does decide to take the trip to town just know that these are very simple folks and everyone knows each other; so you lot will more than likely stick out."

"You're not coming with us?" Ginny asked.

"The good thing about being off the grid Miss Weasley is you have more freedom. There's no ward to stop you and there's no magic in use to give away our location....... so go do some exploring, but please stay out of trouble." she said the last part a bit louder as they all started scraping their chairs to get ready to leave.


They all headed out on foot towards the small town they could see in the distance; Ginny turned and waved bye to her Mom, Dad and McGonagall as they decided to stay behind and do some things around the house. She felt Draco lace his fingers with hers and gave her a small smile.

"Are you sure your ok to walk all this way?"

"Yeah, this might be my first and last visit to town, especially if I grow any bigger." she giggled squeezing his hand lightly.

They walked for about a good 30 minutes before they started reaching the edge of the tiny town. There really weren't many shops at all; there was a small cafe right in the center of town and then a small pub on the corner of one street. There was an auto body shop at the entrance of town and then a store for all kinds of farming; the rest of the town had little miscellaneous shops about. There were people bustling around the town and a group of kids playing ball across the way without a care in the world. The streets weren't really streets at all but more of a dirt road with a few paved spots here and there.

"This town is filthy." Draco said, patting the dirt from his jeans.

It wasn't long before people started staring at them, it was evident they were the newcomers in town and  Ginny made sure to keep a firm grip on Draco's hand because she knew how "friendly" he could be. Ginny smiled at the small children playing ball across the way; she envied their innocence and how oblivious they were to the evil that lurked outside their small town. One of the kids kicked the ball and it came rolling over to them and stopped at Draco's feet. Draco stopped walking and looked down at the ball and over to the children.

"Hey Mister, can you kick our ball back." said a small boy, probably no older than seven.

Draco looked at Ginny and she gave a him a look to go ahead and he then looked at the ball again and with a swift motion he kicked the ball back over. He must not have realized how hard he kicked it because it hit the boy right in the chest knocking him to the floor.

"Oops," he said, running over to the kid on the floor as Harry, Ron and George fell into a fit of snickers.

Draco ran up to the small boy, who had tears in his eyes, and squatted down beside him as he sat back up.

"Sorry about that, are you ok kid?"

The boy nodded and wiped his eyes real quick as Ginny walked over to them.

"Hey there, here, let me help you up." She said, grabbing his hand and helping him to his feet.

"Thanks Miss," he said as Draco handed him back his ball.

"Is there a baby in there?" came a small girls voice.

Ginny turned around to see a little girl, probably about four years old, with strawberry blonde hair and a big pink bow that had it pulled back; she was pointing to Ginny's stomach.

"Actually, there's two babies in there." she said, looking at Draco and they both exchanged a smile.

"Whoa, two babies at the same time?" the little girl said in a shocked voice holding up two fingers.

Ginny giggled and then a woman came out of the store behind them with a few bags in her hands. She was only a few years older than Draco and Ginny and had black curly hair and a bright smile. "Ben and Ember, who are your new friends?" she said walking over to them.

"Mal, there's two babies in there." Ember said, pointing to Ginny's stomach.

"Sorry about that, you know how four year olds could be. By the way I'm Malini, but please call me Mal." she said, shaking Ginny and Draco's hand.

"Oh, it's quite alright; somebody doesn't know how to kick a ball properly." Ginny said, glaring at Draco.

Malini looked over to Ben and noticed he had been crying. "Oh dear, are you ok?"

"Yes," he said in a small voice.

"Don't worry about it guys, these two are always getting scraped up and bumped. Whether it's from playing ball or playing hide and seek; such vivid imaginations these two have. So you guys are obviously new to town, where's your place?"

Ginny and Draco exchanged a look, they weren't sure if they should say, but Ginny didn't see the harm in it. "The farmhouse down the road." she said with a smile.

"The farmhouse? Whoa, it's nice to see someone finally bought that place. So can I show you guys around?"

"What about these two?" Ginny asked, smiling at them.

"Oh, they are fine playing here, nobody new has come into town since you lot in a while. We all look out for each other here. You two stay here I'm going to show-" she turned to Ginny and Draco and stopped.

"I'm Ginny and this is Draco." Ginny said.

She gave a wide smile, "Those are the most interesting names I've heard in a while, well then you two stay here while I show Draco and Ginny around a bit." she said turning back to Ben and Ember.

The others went off on their own to explore and Draco and Ginny followed Malini around.

"So was there a specific shop you guys were hoping to visit?"

"Actually, do you have any baby shops around here?" Ginny asked, placing a hand on her stomach.

"You're in luck, we just opened a small one down the way over here; it's not much right now, but I'm sure in a few months it will be filled with loads more." she said leading the way to the shop.

They soon arrived at the tiny little shop that had only about four racks of clothes and a few pieces of furniture about. The shop was also a toy store and had clothes for older kids as well, so the baby section was quite small.

"Look how cute this crib is" Ginny said, pointing to a dark wooden crib.

Draco walked over to her and looked at it. "You know we would need two of these?"

"I know right? I hope your Mother gave you some money." she laughed.

"How exactly do you suppose we get these home? I mean I guess I'll force Potter  to help me drag these back with us."

"Oh gosh, please, I have a car, I could just give you guys a ride back to your place." Malini spoke up waving her hand at them.

"That would be great." Ginny said cheerfully.

Draco grabbed her towards him and whispered in her ear. "Are you sure you should be getting into a car with a complete stranger?"

"I hardly doubt she's going to kill me Draco; besides, we really need these cribs." she said, pulling her arm away from him and giving Malini a smile.

"Ok then, so why don't you guys get whatever else it is you want and I'll go check up on Ben and Ember." she said leaving them to browse.

After Draco and Ginny bought a few things for the babies they met up with the others to tell them about Malini giving them a ride back. Ron was hesitant about the whole thing, but Hermione thought it was fine and said Malini seemed like someone they could trust.

"Alright then, see you guys back at the house." Ginny said, waving to them through the window of the car.

Ginny was in the front seat with Malini and Draco got stuck between Ben and Ember who swarmed him with questions.

"What happened to your hand?" Ben asked, noticing the cut he had from the Death Eater camp they attacked a few days ago.

"What happened to your cheek?" Ember asked Ginny, leaning forward and popping her head over the front seat.

"Hey, seat belt please" Malini shouted over her shoulder.

Ginny gave a small giggle at the two children and then turned to Malini. "So, Mal are these your kids?"

"Oh gosh no, I'm their babysitter, I have been for years now."

"Oh, where's their parents?"

"The Father was never in the picture and their Mom left town a few days ago with her supposable new boyfriend, said she'd be gone for three days, but she hasn't come back yet; it's been almost a week."

"Gosh, that's awful, do you think she......abandoned them?" Ginny said the last part in a whisper.

"Hey, what's that in your pocket." Ben said suddenly, pulling out Draco's wand.

"UH, THAT'S NOTHING!" he shouted, grabbing it quickly and sticking it back in his pocket.

A few minutes later they pulled up to the farmhouse and Malini got out to help them with the stuff they bought. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came running out of the house to see why there was a car parked outside.

"Hey Mom.....Dad, this is Malini from town. She gave us a ride back because we bought something for the babies." Ginny said with excitement running over to pull her Mom and Dad towards the trunk of the car.

"Ginny, do you know how dangerous it is to bring a Muggle back here with you......and you got in the car with her? What is wrong with you?" Mrs. Weasley snapped.

"Mom, she's harmless." Ginny said, hoping that Malini's quirkiness and very loud and outgoing  personality wouldn't have them think otherwise.

Mrs. Weasley was getting ready to object when she saw the two small children running around the car trying to catch each other. She then heard Malini's voice ring out.

"Are these not the cutest cribs you've ever seen? You guys must be the grandparents to be..... so exciting isn't it?" She said, helping Draco carry one of the boxes towards the house.

Draco couldn't help but laugh at how oblivious she was to the kind of people she was around. He so badly wanted to just levitate these damn boxes inside, but remembered McGonagalls conversation last night about no magic. They grabbed the second crib and brought it inside along with any other things they had grabbed at the baby shop.

"Well that's everything I guess. Here's my number in case you ever need a ride into town or something."

"Oh, uh...... we don't have a phone." Ginny said hesitantly.

"No phone? Oh, ok well then maybe I'll just stop by sometime and I can show you around town some more?" Malini said with a bright smile.

"Uh.....yeah, sure." Ginny said, getting a look from her parents.

"Alright, well it was nice meeting you all, see you later, come on Ben and Ember get in the car."

They soon drove away and Ginny turned to walk inside the house knowing that she had a lot of explaining to do to her parents about how she so openly trusted a complete stranger.


Later that night Ginny made her way outside to the back porch and saw Harry sitting there deep in thought. She kept thinking about what Draco told her last night about Dean and she wanted so badly to thank Harry for what he did, but she didn't want to bring up such a touchy subject.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not." he said, gesturing for her to take a seat.

She took a seat on the steps beside him and looked out into the field; it was nothing but dead crops and plants as far she could make out in the dark. She thought about how much she missed the porch swing her and Draco use to always sit together on during the afternoons or late evenings. She turned to Harry and saw him so lost in his thoughts that when she gave him a small nudge he didn't even turn to look at her.


"Oh hey"

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think maybe on second  thought,  I'm better off just being alone right now." he said, giving her a small smile.

She smiled back and nodded and got up to head inside, but she stopped and let out a defeated sigh and turned back to him.

"Harry, I.......Thank you." she  quickly said through her nervous breaths.

He turned to look at her. "For what?"

She let out a shaky breath and walked back over to him. "For saving Draco, I know it's the last thing you want to hear, but...... I just needed to tell you." She said trying to push back any tears that threatened to fall.

Draco suddenly popped his head out of the back door. "Hey Ginny, your Mom is looking for -" he stopped and surveyed the situation and his face twisted in annoyance and looked at Ginny. "You didn't?"

"I'm sorry,  I needed to talk to him about what happened."

"Guys, it's fine, ok, let's just drop it, please." Harry cut them off.

Draco walked over to Ginny and gently grabbed her arm to drag her back inside.

"Sorry Harry, I should've kept my mouth shut." he said glaring at Ginny.

"Why though?" came Luna's voice behind them all.

They all turned to look at her.

"Listen Harry, I know we've talked about what happened and how you're feeling about it, but I would have made the same decision."

Draco looked at her with a surprised expression and so did Ginny.

"You would have?" Harry asked, interested in her reasoning.

"Of course, first off not only is Draco an expectant Father, but he is more valuable to the Order. Dean was a great guy, but Draco is more of an asset to us because of his powers and because he is one of the most wanted people right now by the Death Eaters and Lucius. I think it would have been a stupid move if you didn't save Draco over Dean. You need to stop beating yourself up over it Harry, Dean would have understood, he was always loyal to the Order and it just so happened to work out the way it was meant to...... we need Draco for when we finally do face Lucius." she finished with a small smile at them all.

Harry just gave a small nod, he knew Luna was very blunt about things and he knew she was just trying to help and in a lot of ways she did. He never really thought about his decision to have worked out more strategically than anything, but a part of him felt horrible for thinking like that. Luna nodded for Ginny and Draco to leave her with Harry and they both walked inside, leaving them alone on the porch.

Draco pulled Ginny all the way up to her room and he closed the door.

"I asked you not to say anything Gin-

He was cut off by her abrupt movement and she threw her arms around him and he of course instinctively hugged her back.

"I'm sorry, every time I think about how that day could've turned out another way........ it just makes me so happy to have you here with me right now." she said clutching him tighter to her.

He smiled at her words, he so often thought the same thing and just knowing how close he came to death that day made his love for Ginny grow even more......... if that was even possible.


The next few weeks went by in a blur, Malini had become a frequent visitor along with Ben and Ember and she would offer to take them to and from town when needed. Everyone warmed up to the idea of having them around and with them not using any magic it made them blend in more easily around them. Ginny always smiled whenever she saw Draco interacting with Ben and Ember because it was something she never thought she would see. They were pretty attached to him because the more he tried to ignore them and the hundreds of questions they asked him, the more they wanted to bother him.

After Luna had spoken to Harry that night on the porch, he seemed to come to terms with Dean's death and hadn't been suffering such vivid nightmares anymore, although the situation would always be a sensitive one.  Kingsley had told them about the information he collected from the memories he had and said he was waiting to confirm a location where he thought Lucius more than likely was hiding out at. Ginny knew that meant the guys would be gone again, but Kingsley assured them it wouldn't be too long this time, only about two weeks if that.

June had come and Ginny was growing bigger and bigger and was now a little over seven months pregnant. She had been dealing with some pretty wild mood swings the past week or so and felt so guilty about the way she was constantly snapping at Draco and everyone else. Mrs. Weasley kept reminding Draco to let it slide and just love her no matter how unbearable she became.

"Wake up!"


"Huh? Come on, you have to get up." Ginny giggled.

"No, go away" Draco mumbled under his pillow.

Ginny crawled back into the bed with him and put her lips to his ear and whispered into it. "Happy Birthday"

He opened his eyes to see her staring at him with a giant smile. "It's June already?"

"It was June five days ago." she laughed.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes and he felt Ginny's lips meet his suddenly knocking him back onto his pillow.

"I have a special birthday gift to give you?" she smirked at him.

He lifted an eyebrow at her and smirked back, "Oh yeah, what is it?"

"You'll see, you'll get it later......tonight." she smiled.

"Aw, come on, can't I have a preview?" he whined.

"Nope, but there is another present waiting for you in the hall." she said, walking over to the bedroom door.

"In the hall?"

She opened the door up and in ran two small children jumping onto the bed and on top of Draco.

"Look at what I drawed for you." Ember said, showing him a picture.

"Oh.....uh wow....it's.....it's.......what is it?"

"It's a rabbit" she said, pointing to the picture.

"Oh a rabbit, I see it now." he lied, looking at Ginny who was laughing.

"Alright you two, come on now,  I have fresh pancakes made for you." Mrs. Weasley called from the doorway.

The two of them jumped from the bed and followed Molly down to the kitchen.

"You call those two a present?" he laughed, looking at the picture Ember drew for him.

"I can't believe how much they like you...... it's a bit scary." Ginny laughed.

"Yeah, if only they knew how much of a bloody git he was in school." Ron joked from the doorway, causing Draco to throw a pillow at him, which he jumped out of the way of and it hit Harry in the face knocking his glasses to the floor.

"Oops, sorry" Draco laughed.

"HARRY! RON! REALLY? AGAIN?" Hermione yelled at the sight of Harry's broken glasses. "I can't even use magic to fix these, your lucky the glass isn't cracked this time. Ugh, I'll be right back, I guess." she said, storming downstairs with Harry's broke glasses as the rest of them fell into a fit of laughter.


Later that day Mrs. Weasley had planned to make her famous Double Chocolate Fudge cake that Draco had learned to love from Ginny and she also made a big dinner for Draco's Birthday. He was pretty amazed at how Mrs. Weasley went out of her way to make his birthday special and even though they didn't have much right now he was perfectly content with the perfect day he was having.

He wasn't sure how or when it happened, but he found himself sitting at the kitchen table coloring pictures with Ben and Ember. He wasn't sure when the others decided to join in on it and soon half of the house was coloring pictures and getting lost in conversation. Luna held her picture up and claimed it as an abstract piece causing Ron and Draco to snicker under their breath.

"That's ugly" Ben said to Luna.

"Ben that's not nice." Malini said, giving him a stern look.

"But you can't even tell what it is."

"That doesn't make it ugly...... it makes it unique."

"Oh," he said and continued drawing.

Luna just giggled at him and placed the drawing aside.

"Did that use to be a tattoo?" Ben asked, looking at Draco's arm.

Draco locked eyes with Ginny, who gave him a small smile. "Yeah, something like that." he said going back to his drawing.

"What does it mean?" Ben asked, as he continued coloring away.

Narcissa looked up from her own drawing and gave Draco a small smirk.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Draco asked him with a slight snarl.

"My Mom's boyfriend has one like that too." Ben said, scribbling away.

They all looked at each other and then turned back to Ben.

"Ben, are you sure?" Mrs. Weasley said, walking over to the small boy to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

"Oh, yeah, look at that, he did have one just like that, it was even all faded and stuff like yours." Malini said, looking at Draco's arm. She saw the looks on all of their faces. "Why, what does it mean?"

"Mal, do you remember his name?" Ginny asked.

"Uh, I don't think so, why though? Can someone tell me what's going on?"

Draco got up and the rest of them followed him to the back porch, leaving a very confused Malini at the table.

"If they're Mother took off with a Death Eater she is most likely dead." Narcissa said.

"Do you think they will come back?" Hermione asked.

"If a Death Eater came through this tiny town it was probably coincidental, however, it is suspicious of why they didn't take out the whole place."McGonagall explained. "It's possible they were traveling alone, so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of a return."

"Well, what do we tell her?" Ginny asked, apparently worried for their well-being.

"Nothing right now, we will make something up for now; the less she knows, the better I think.......for anyway."McGonagall said.

They all gave a quick nod and then headed back inside.

"Alright, let's clear the table and get ready for dinner" Mrs. Weasley said with a bright smile, attempting to change the subject.

"Is everything ok guys?" Malini said, collecting the drawings and crayons from the table.

"Oh yeah, everything is fine."Mrs. Weasley said cheerfully.

Malini just looked at them with a raised eyebrow. "Alright," she said, knowing something was up, but she didn't pry. "You guys can be quite strange sometimes."

After Mrs. Weasley announced dinner was ready the conversation earlier was forgotten about, at least for Malini, but they didn't want to alarm her or scare Ben and Ember if they could avoid it. After dinner was over Mrs. Weasley served dessert and people started scattering about the room, some hunched over in pain from overeating while  others were half asleep from feast Molly prepared for Draco's birthday.

Ginny was sitting on the couch and was trying to wait for the babies to kick so Draco could feel them; he had only got a good feel once of twice of them kicking and every time it brought a smile to his face.

"Oh, ok feel now." She said, grabbing his hand quickly and placing it on her stomach.

He waited, but nothing happened.

"Ugh, come on guys...... move for Daddy." she said, gently poking her stomach.

"Daddy, huh?" Draco said with a smirk.

"Oh, sorry, did I frighten you with that word?" she joked with a small laugh.

He just smiled at her, he couldn't believe she was his. "Nah, I think it sounds perfect." he then felt a small kick and he looked at Ginny with a giant smile.

Draco abruptly pulled his hand away and got up from the couch and started walking away. "Uh, I'll be right back." he said and quickly made his way upstairs.

"What was that about?" Malini asked.

"Draco is probably still shocked he's gonna be a Dad." Ron laughed.

Ginny just furrowed her eyebrows and got up to follow him upstairs; something didn't seem right. She walked to his bedroom that nowadays he barely used because they slept in her room all the time. She gave a small knock and when he didn't answer she walked in.

"Draco, are you alright?"She asked, surveying the room to find he wasn't in there.

She then heard the bathroom sink turn on and she made her way over to the door.

"Draco, are you ok?" she called through the door.

"Uh....Y...yeah....just....a minute." he said in a shaky voice.

Ginny grabbed the doorknob and threw it open then suddenly felt Draco grab her and start to push her back out.

"Draco what's-" She stopped as she saw the pain all over his face as he faced yet another one of his Father's brutal attacks. "I'll go get help." she said running from the bathroom and back downstairs.

"I NEED HELP.....ITS DRACO......HE'S HAVING ANOTHER ATTACK." she yelled, causing everyone to jump up at once and step in to help.

Mrs. Weasley grabbed Malini and told her she had to go right now and that she would explain things to her another time. Malini was more concerned about her safety suddenly at the strange behavior she had been witnessing from them today and she didn't ask questions; she grabbed the kids and headed out of the house.

"Miss Weasley, we can't use the Hauriendum spell this time; no magic remember?" McGonagall reminded her.

"Then what do we do? It's just a matter of time before he unleashes something much worse." Ginny said, looking back at Draco who was now on his knees in pain. "We have to do something."

Draco pushed past them all and managed to make it into his room and slam the door shut and Ginny ran to follow him but felt her Father grab her arm.

"Ginny, he's too dangerous like this."

"I don't care, I need to try and help him." she said angrily, ripping her arm out of her Father's grasp.

She walked back into his room and she ran to him, she wanted to hold him so badly as he fought off this horrible curse, but Draco wouldn't let her near him, he wouldn't take a chance of hurting her. He knew she so often could bring him back, but he wouldn't dare chance it, he needed to find another way back before his mind completely slipped. Ginny grabbed his face in her hands to try and soothe him, but she just saw those icy eyes turning over and he pushed her back away from him. Ginny watched the floor beneath him begin to cover in a layer of ice and she took a few steps back and she felt Harry grab her from the room before things got worse.

"Draco, you need to try and control this, push it out of your mind, block it." McGonagall said. "You need something to draw your mind away from the curse."

Draco could feel himself losing control and he heard McGonagall speak and he could only think of the one thing that made him forget about all the pain in his life, but he didn't dare try and touch Ginny, so his mind went to the only other thing that ever gave him relief. He threw himself against his dresser and pull out his pocket knife and before Ginny could stop him, he swiftly swiped it across his arm and fell to his knees and then on all fours as the pain in his head started to subside. He felt the blood drip down his arm and he knew there was a look of shock on the faces of everyone behind him, but he didn't care, he needed to find a way out.

Ginny felt the tears slide down her face and she turned to the rest of them and went to indicate to leave her alone with Draco, but they didn't need her to tell them. Harry gently rubbed her arm and gave a frown towards Draco and followed the rest of them downstairs.

Ginny grabbed a towel from the bathroom and went back to Draco's room and closed the door. She knelt down beside him, as he was now lying flat on his back as he let his breathing go back to a normal rhythm. She didn't say anything to him and neither did he; she just started cleaning his cut and gently stroked his sweaty hair until he could find his voice.

"I think.......... I need.......... another piece of cake."

Ginny let out a small laugh and leaned down and gently kissed his forehead; she then helped him up into a sitting position and he gave her a small smile. They were quiet for a few moments and then Ginny made a move to try and get up from the floor. Draco saw her struggle and quickly pulled himself up and held out his hand for her to take. She looked at his bandaged arm before accepting it and returned a small smile.

"Come on, let's go let the others know I'm fine." he said gesturing towards the door.

They made their way downstairs and Hermione ran over to look him over and evaluated his overall condition. "Draco, let me see, do you need sti-"

"I'm fine, honestly. I'm sorry things turned out like that; I just panicked." he said, turning his gaze towards the floor.

McGonagall walked over to him and gently placed her hands on his shoulders. "That was brave of you to do........ but stupid nevertheless." she said with a stern look, but with a slight smile.

"Alright, well the birthday boy has requested another piece of cake........ and so have the babies." Ginny said, changing the subject; which by the look on everyone's face they were thankful for.


After another round of cake and a few more laughs, everyone started heading up to bed; pushing the earlier events out of their minds. Ginny was getting changed for bed when Draco abruptly walked in on her while her shirt was off, causing her to quickly cover her chest with her hands.

"Geez, ever hear of knocking?" she said, looking at him with an annoyed expression on her face.

He smirked at her and quickly closed the door, then watched her standing there with her hands over her breasts with just her pajama pants on. Draco quietly made his way over to her and dropped to his knees and grabbed her stomach with both hands, then planted a big kiss on her belly. She smiled at him and then slipped on her shirt making her way over to the bed where Draco joined her.

"Promise me you'll never do that again." she said suddenly, looking at him with a stern face. "I know why you did it, but please promise you won't use it as a solution to this problem from now on....... please?"

"I'm sorry Ginny, I didn't want to release any magic that could potentially reveal our location or accidentally hurt someone....... in the moment that's all my mind went to." he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

She rested her head on his shoulders and let out a soft sigh; she then turned her gaze up to meet his and she smiled again, this time a lot bigger. She pushed him back onto the bed and slammed her lips against his and telling by the look on his face, she could tell he was surprised by her abrupt and forceful actions but he accepted them all the same.

"Happy Birthday Draco."

"Why thank you Weaslette, I just need to get a frame now for my rabbit drawing." he smirked.

Ginny let out a soft giggle and then hopped off the bed causing Draco to sit up again to see where she was going. He was thrown for a loop when she dropped to her knees in front of him and placed her hands on his thighs. He opened his mouth to say something, but she quieted him with another long kiss, causing him to shut completely up. She pushed him back again and ran her hands up his shirt and then her lips met his bare skin; she ran long wet soft kisses all the way down until she got to the band of his pants. She grabbed both his pants and boxers and swiftly pulled them off and threw them aside causing Draco once again to sit up to say something, but Ginny just crashed her lips to his again and then placed a finger over his mouth to not say anything.

She pushed him back again and this time he didn't get back up, all he could think about was what Ginny was about to do to him. They never really did anything different the few times they did have sex and he never would ask her to so he wasn't sure if he felt awkward about what was happening or that it was just different. He was quickly pulled from his thoughts when he felt Ginny's mouth around him and everything he had previously felt was forgotten about. All his attention was on her right now and he couldn't stop the moan that left his mouth when he felt her take him deeper as she ran her hands up his inner thighs. He felt her grip him with one hand and then her warm mouth and lips were on him again and for some reason he sat up to look at her, how was it she could look so beautiful doing something so indecent right now.

He ran his hand through her hair as she took him all in and he instinctively rocked into her, and as he did, he felt her let out a moan against him causing him to thrust again. She wrapped her hands around his backside and pulled him closer into her mouth, welcoming every inch of him. He felt his grip on her hair start to tighten and he then gently pulled her back. He was breathing heavy and he just stared down at her wet swollen lips. He gestured for her to stand up and he ripped her pants off and as if she was reading his mind she straddled him and felt his entrance. She felt a bit self conscious with her big belly, but was soon put at ease when she felt Draco place a soft kiss on her belly. He wrapped his arms around her, gripping her backside firmly and pulling her more down onto him, causing the intensity of his thrusts to become faster. She had her lips on his again and she let out a loud gasping moan against his mouth as she felt her release followed by his.

They both threw themselves back onto the bed; breathing heavy and glistened with sweat. Draco looked to his side to see her looking at him and for some reason they both started laughing, they weren't really sure why.

"I think that birthday gift tops the rabbit drawing." he laughed, causing Ginny to fall into another fit of giggles.

Soon their laughing came to a stop and Ginny propped herself up to look at him. "Reach under the bed real quick......I think you'll find something there for you." she smiled.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but did what she told him and sure enough he felt a small object. He pulled it up from under the bed to see it was a small black box and he looked at her.

"That's your real present." she said, giving him a playful nudge.

He smiled at her and then sat up and opened the box. "A rock? I think this rock thing has gone too far." he laughed.

Ginny giggled and grabbed it from him, "It's a stone....and here..... hold it in your hand." she said, placing it in his palm.

"Now what?" he said, looking at her.

"Just wait a second."

He suddenly felt the stone starting to turn warm and hot, but it wasn't too hot that it burned, but more soothing than anything.

"The temperature changed." he said in surprise with a smile on his face.

"I bought the stone and charmed it for you a while ago before we left the other house. Every time you're apart from me and you feel it get warm it means I'm thinking of you; this way you'll also know that I'm alright." she explained.

He held it in his hand and it was still warm and he felt such peace by holding it. He placed it back in the box and turned towards Ginny. "It's perfect, just like you." he said, wrapping his arms around her.

"Happy Birthday Draco."

A/N: There it is...I hope you guys didn't mind the graphic sex scene I had between Draco and Ginny. I'm hoping it wasn't to over the top as the story is rated M so that I could put a few of these scenes in here and there and I was hoping it didn't come off too NC17! Your thoughts on the chapter? Again sorry that there wasn't too much action in this chapter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! Your reviews mean so much to me!

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