Exiled... Again

By lov3_dontchang3

35.3K 2.5K 1.8K

QURAN - Quran can't wait to get back to Georgia, he missed being there with his cousin and more importantly t... More

Quran 1
Quran 2
Semaj 3
Semaj 4
Jacobi 5
Jacobi 6
Nazeer 7
Nazeer 8
Luciano 9
Luciano 10
De'Vaugh 11
De'Vaugh 12
Tripp 13
Tripp 14
Quran 15
Quran 16
Semaj 17
Semaj 18
Nazeer 19
Nazeer 20
Beaux 21
Beaux 22
Jacobi 23
Jacobi 24
Luciano 25
Luciano 26
De'Vaugh 27
De'Vaugh 28
August 29
August 30
Quran 31
Quran 32
Semaj 33
Semaj 34
De'Vaugh 35
De'Vaugh 36
Slayer 37
Slayer 38
Luciano 40
Nazeer 41
Nazeer 42
Jacobi 43
Jacobi 44
Beaux 45
Beaux 46
Jacobi 47
Jacobi 48
Quran 49
Quran 50
Semaj 51
Semaj 52
August 53
August 54
Nazeer 55
Nazeer 56
Luciano 57
Luciano 58

Luciano 39

415 38 26
By lov3_dontchang3

See Sebastian had lost his fuckin mind had me confused with a weak bitch, if he thought I was going to sit around and let him question me about my past and he wouldn't get cussed the fuck out, then he didn't know me AT ALL! I needed to hit my favorite spot when I needed to relieve some stress and that was the mall, granted I had no intention of spending any money but just being around a bunch of fine ass niggas, which usually made me feel better. I started to call up Nazeer and the rest of them but decided against it, this needed to be a solo mission because the last thing I needed was for someone to take Sebastian's side... not saying they would but I didn't feel like taking that chance. I drove through the city and thought about everything Sebastian said and it took everything in me not to turn this car around and drive it through his living room, THE NERVE OF THAT NIGGA! He knew exactly what he was getting when he got with me, but now all of a sudden it was an issue... if he thought I was trying to fuck his best friend just because I wanted to be comfortable.... I swear niggas are really fuckin annoying.... I probably should've sucked up Henny just to prove what Sebastian already thought about me to be true. But this shyt was different with him... way different than it was with Nazeer and De'Vaugh, it was real and I could honestly say that I never felt like this with anybody.... It was still fuck him though.

"Lu?" Someone said as soon as I walked into the mall, I turned and saw Jacobi sitting there with August and Beaux, let me tell y'all something right now... Beaux is fuckin sexy as fuck, if I were single or back on my old shyt I would've been turned his confused ass all the way out. Any nigga that comes out the house wearing nothing but a plain white tee, some jean shorts, no jewelry, and still manages to be one of the sexiest niggas in the area..... "What are you doing out in public without your bodyguard?" Jacobi asked smiling at his stupid ass joke.

"First of all, he's not my bodyguard... and I'm grown I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want including but not limited to spending my niggas money on whatever I want. I think the real question is why are y'all here and not back at your house teaching this fine ass nigga how to eat and beat ass? Lord knows I would be riding his dick limp if I had the chance." I said causing August to laugh and Beaux to blush, but Jacobi had the most interesting reaction... it was almost guilty.... hmmm. "What are y'all doing here?" I asked placing their reactions in the back of my mind.

"Cobi got the bright idea that he wants to have another party but a more formal event... a dinner party, invite-only so we're here looking for something to wear." August said and I looked at Jacobi for answers but he just shrugged. "Have you spoken to Naz?" August asked and I shook my head.

"I heard about what happened with De'Vaugh... is he okay?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Yeah, he's coo.... I'm more concerned about Naz at the moment because no one has seen or heard from him and I just wanna make sure my bro is okay......" Jacobi said and I knew how close him and Nazeer were, hell I knew better than most people with as many times as they..... "Look I'm cooking later today, not for the dinner party but something for my boys... you and Slayer should stop by." Jacobi said turning the conversation away from his best friend.

"Are you cooking or are you having someone cook? Your answer will determine if I show up or not." I said looking at him, Beaux shifted on the bench and I swear his dick almost fell out of his jean shorts and yes I looked..... I know some people think I'm a hoe but Sebastian insisted on 'waiting' and the lack of sex was starting to get to me.

"I'm cooking... but you don't gotta come, I'm sure these niggas will make sure there's nothing left..... which reminds me that I need to hit the grocery store when we leave here." Jacobi said and I talked with them for a while before going off on my own, I could've chilled with them but that wasn't the reason I was here.....

Now, most gays would go straight for the clothing stores or Footlocker looking for trade, me... I was different my favorite two spots were the jewelry store and the barbershop, that's where the money resides and while I wasn't really looking for anything serious, I just felt like flirting. I walked into the jewelry store and instantly my eyes landed on a group of dudes who were clowning and making the woman working here extremely nervous. But I wasn't the least bit intimidated, there were about ten of them which told me mathematically that at least one of them got down, so I turned on my 'bottom' walk and strolled right past them.

"Yo that nigga fruity....." One of them said and of course, it was the ugliest of the group, y'all know the ones I'm talking about; the loudest one with probably the smallest, smelliest dick of the group... the one who was probably SUPER DL but had to prove his manhood by fuckin the most tragic looking bitches.

"He's kinda sexy..." Another one said and of course, his boys started clowning him but he didn't seem to care as he strolled over to me. He wasn't the sexiest of the group but his confidence was extremely attractive. "Can I help you find something?" He asked flashing me a sexy ass smile.

"You work here?" I asked turning on the nervous charm while also sizing him up.

"Nah, I'm just in this bitch enough to know where everything is....." He said smiling even harder, I turned around and started walking towards the chains and I could feel his eyes directly on my ass. "See something you like?" He asked walking up behind me and pushing his dick against my ass.

"A few things..." I said playfully.

"Well if you were my nigga you could get anything you wanted.... so I got two important questions for you; what's your name and do you got a man, the second question isn't even that important because I don't give a fuck." He said pushing his hard dick further into my ass and if my briefs and his boxers weren't between us we would've been fuckin. "AYO!!!!" The dude said as he was yanked back, out of the corner of my eyes I saw his boys move and then freeze. "Oh... shyt" The dude said his confidence melting away faster than an ice cube in a hot oven.

"Really Lucci?" Sebastian asked looking at me, his eyes burning with rage.

"Oh shyt, my bad Slayer... I ain't know this was your dude....." The dude said backing up slowly but Sebastian didn't take his eyes off of me. The dude mumbled a few quick apologies before retreating to his group while I just stood there daring Sebastian to cause a scene; it was intense but eventually, he won because he just motioned for me to follow him and I didn't feel like testing his patience at that moment.

"So that's what you do? Get mad and go flirt with some other nigga?" He asked as we walked out of the jewelry store and towards the parking garage.

"First of all, he was flirting with me... and secondly how did you even know where I was?" I asked because in my mind that was the more important matter, I really hope he wasn't having me followed because I'd be pissed and a little scared.

"I was coming up here to grab a few things and ran into Jacobi and them.... they told me you were somewhere around here and I came looking to apologize about the shyt I said earlier... Imagine my surprise to find you with some nigga with his dick pressed against your ass." Sebastian said and I could tell he was fighting to keep calm. "So maybe what I said wasn't too far from the truth if at the first sign of trouble you're already looking for the next nigga..... a downgrade at that."

"Like I said, Sebastian, I wasn't flirting with that nigga he was flirting with me... there's a difference but if you're having second thoughts about your apology then explain to me why I'm still walking with you? It's clear you think I'm a hoe who doesn't have any control so why don't you just break up with me since that's clearly on your mind?" I challenged and Sebastian stopped walking and looked at me.

"Lucci... if I wanted to break up with you I would've ignored you and that nigga, the fact that you don't realize that....." Whatever Sebastian was about to say was lost as he bit down on his tongue. "The fact that you think that this relationship isn't going to have its ups and downs tells me that maybe you aren't mature enough to handle a nigga like me.... I'm going to hurt your feeling by keeping it real with you because sometimes you need the truth and not these lies that other niggas will tell you to make you feel better about yourself." Sebastian said.

"Okay since you're a 'real nigga'... tell me what truths I need to hear?" I asked as we entered the parking garage, Sebastian's car was parked not too far from mine and Henny was sitting on the trunk smoking a blunt, Sebastian tossed him the keys and we continued to my car with me leading the way. He didn't say anything until we got in the car which was fine with me because with every argument he had I was working on my counterargument for him.

"Real shyt? You think you can get what you want because you're sexy... you think that looks give you a leg up in this world and that may be true but a real nigga like me sees past what's on the surface, we've been together long enough that I know the real you." Sebastian said pulling out a blunt and lighting it. "You're a scared ass little kid with no ambition other than to be someone's sex object, you think money, expensive gifts, and lavish trips is what love really is when that's not even remotely true...... As long as your nigga is showering you with gifts you're happy, but I'm not that nigga... I took the time to really get to know you, I've peeped the game you try to run."

"So basically you're calling me a golddigger?" I asked laughing at his stupid ass. "Well, you can get the fuck out of my car now because you have officially lost your fuckin mind."

"There you go again, the second a nigga starts pressing you your default setting is to run away scared.... but I'm not going anywhere because you need to hear this, you use sex as a weapon when you don't get your way or when you want attention.... case and point, last night when you were walking around with your ass hanging out, you weren't getting dick from me so you wanted attention from my boy, then today when we were arguing you ran up here to find the first nigga to smile at you to get some attention from him.... As for the golddigger claims if I felt you were a gold digger you wouldn't have made it to my front door, let alone would I trust you to stay in my house while I'm not there.... I'm merely pointing out that you think love is money and sexual attention and I'm trying to show you that it's not." Sebastian said.

"I can't stand niggas like you.... y'all swear y'all be speaking facts but everything you just said was some complete bullshyt... just admit you're an immature ass nigga who gets in his feelings when he can't control the person he's with. You turn to insults and try to pass them off as truth when in all actuality you just don't wanna admit that YOU WERE WRONG!" I yelled wishing this nigga would get the fuck up out of my car so I can go.

"I admit I was wrong about you trying to get with my boy.... but everything else I've stated was nothing but the truth. Exhibit A: You literally were just in a jewelry store with a whole other nigga pressing his dick up against your ass.... now if I was really on some bullshyt you'd be cleaning that nigga's brains off your clothes but I kept it cool....." Sebastian said as if that was some sort of accomplishment.

"Whoppity fuckin do..... it still doesn't give you the right to...." I started to say but he turned to me and his look caused the words to get stuck.

"I think we need some time apart... not breaking up but I need to go up to Seattle and check on my little brother, he's going through some shyt right now and that's where I need to be... hopefully these two weeks apart will show us what's really important and maybe we can have an open and honest discussion when I get back." Sebastian said and I didn't know why but the fact that he was leaving made me really sad, even though I should be pissed. "You got the keys to my place so all I ask is that you check the mail and lock up when you leave..... I gotta go so hopefully I can see you before I get on this flight tomorrow." Sebastian said leaning over and kissing me. "Love you... I mean that shyt, this argument... it was needed though. I'll catch you later... hopefully." He said getting out of the car and leaving me with my thoughts. I wasn't entirely sure where I was going after that but somehow I ended up back home, my dad's car wasn't there but Larenz's car was... great now I have to deal with his bitch ass dude, and given the mood that I was in... let's just say I was looking for a fight..................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) What should be the next TEN stories I post; Anthology, Amor é Eterno, As Time Goes By 3, Brittany Hills Chronicles: Act 3, Brittany Hills Seattle, Crossover Chronicles, Defender, Demon's Revenge, Exiled Again, Fraternity Row, Final Semester, Hayes, Hell On An Angel 3, The Kingpin's Sons, Reckless, Their Bottom 2, or Zeltemi? PICK UP TO TEN!!!!!!!!!!

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