Fake it till you make it (Riz...

By poindexter881

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The BPD is at its wit's end when they send detective Rizzoli and dr Isles go undercover as a married couple t... More

Fake it till you make it: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Task Force
Chapter 3: The instructor
Chapter 4: Cama-cama chameleon
Chapter 5: Training day
Chapter 7: Welcome to Suburbia, Walker family!
Chapter 8: Maura vs the suburbs
Chapter 9: Gizmo, meet Frankie.
Chapter 10: Tryouts Part One
Chapter 11: Tryouts Part 2
Chapter 12: Late-night Dinner
Chapter 13: Sneaky Maura
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 15: Oh, it's on
Chapter 16: The Housewarming Party Part 1
Chapter 17: The Housewarming Party Part 2
Chapter 18: Chaos
Chapter 19: You want us to what?
Chapter 20: Rizzoli and Isles abroad! Taking this ish international yall
Chapter 21: Mile High Club
Chapter 22: Maura, Seductress
Chapter 23: 19 Hours earlier
Chapter 24: Worm Scared Shitles
Chapter 25: Home

Chapter 6: The kiss

513 8 0
By poindexter881

Time seems to standstill. If Jane didn't know any better she would think this was a cruel joke or a dream that she would have to wake up from. Even though she imagined it many times, now just as she's about to do it... to kiss Maura Isles... It feels unknown... Something so foreign yet incredible and like it would certainly change Jane's world completely.

Just as Maura closes her eyes and leans in slightly, Jane's mind snaps back out of its haze. The thoughts flood the detective's head like someone smashed the flood gate with a sledgehammer. It's not like you haven't kissed someone before, so why are you such a mess!? Get it together Rizzoli. FUCK. I'm shaking. Why am I shaking!?

Even though Jane has dated many people, been head over heels infatuated with some of them, and even fallen in love once. She has never felt the way she does at this moment. The confidant, cocky and ever-fearless detective, now coming undone by the thought of a kiss.

Jane takes a deep breath and wills the thoughts swirling in her mind away. Don't think, Jane, just do. You got this, ok. Why does she have to smell so good on top of everything else? Focus Rizzoli.

Jane takes a slightly trembling hand from where it was resting on the back of the bench and places it gently on Maura's cheek. The doctor's eyes opened, she anticipated Jane would do it quickly, to get it over with. Yet this is slow, deliberate and it's making the doctor's heart race even more. She searches Jane's eyes, studying them for information like they are evidence sitting in her lab.

What is she thinking about? God she can be so hard to read. She's gonna be the end of me. The ME thinks, the suspense driving her wild. Then cupping Maura's neck and moving her hand up in the doctor's hair, Jane's thumb grazes the shell of Maura's ear. The honey blond closes her eyes once more, the anticipation now turning into need.

Jane could feel the doctor's breath on her lips, inches apart. She could swear something is doing backflips in her stomach because this does not feel anything like a butterfly flapping its delicate wings. More like a circus monkey doing backflips, Jane thinks as she presses her lips to Maura's.

An uncontainable and barely audible moan escapes the doctor's mouth. Jane responds by deepening the kiss. Maura's hands move to Jane's neck on their own accord, everything around them fading into the background.

Her lips are even softer than the detective realized. There's a tingling feeling running up and down her spine, something she's never experienced during something as simple as a kiss. She can't help but bite ME's lower lip softly before pulling away to look at the doctor.

Feeling Jane's teeth on her lower lip ignited something in Maura and before she could process it she pulled Jane in, crashing their lips together once more. Maura's thoughts are quiet for the first time since she agreed to go undercover. Her only focus now is on the lips against hers. A liberating and rare occurrence for the ever-inquisitive mind of Dr. Maura Isles.

Jane is taken aback by the doctor's action, her mouth now working on its own accord as it curves into a smile against the slow, heated kiss. Reluctantly the doctor pulls away. Looking at the detective now, her cheeks flushed and her lips red and plump.

"Ok so. We have to practice that.. Doing this. Kissing. So we can maintain the cover." Jane says, trying her best to form coherent sentences as she frantically tosses her hands through her hair. "Absolutely!- I mean I agree... You are a skillful kisser, Jane. I must say I quite enjoyed that... even though we just do it for a cover, you can kiss me anytime you want... to practice I mean" the doctor manages to say while catching her breath.

Jane notices the time "Oh shoot, it's 8;58! We have to go". She grabs Maura's hand and starts running to the lecture hall on the other side of the campus. Maura doesn't miss a beat as she follows Jane, running in her heels, gripping her notebook tightly. Her blonde wavy hair flowing in the wind.

They make it to the hall just in time as Perez walks in the door. They walk discreetly towards their seats. Trying not to sound out of breath. "Good morning Lauren and Sarah walker. I trust you went over the more intimate details of your marriage?" Perez says looking intently at the seated and breathless women.

"Yes, we have. It's quite detailed as well, although I can't imagine anyone asking about it." Maura says confidently looking at her notes. She can't help but smile reading it again, remembering their morning and what it led to. Phantom limb syndrome? The term pops in Maura's mind as she swears she could still feel Jane's lips on hers. She traces her fingers over her lips before shaking her head. "Sarah?.. Sarah! Dr. Isles!"

Maura jerks her attention back to Perez."Yes, agent Perez?" Perez shifts her weight and places her hands out on the podium in front of her. "I realize it will take some getting used to but when I say 'Sarah', I am talking to you. I said yesterday that from today you will be referring to your aliases only. It will prepare you for the field." Maura nods her head in agreement. "Lauren, what does Sarah like in the sack?"

Perez knows Jane is prudish, to say the least, to talk about sex but she also knows exposure is the best medicine. Jane swallows "She um... likes it slow. Sensual. Kissing down her stomach while looking her in the eyes." Jane's mouth goes dry but she remembers everything Muara said. How could she not? She's determined to show Perez that she can put her own issues aside for the good of the operation.

"Her... inner thighs are especially... erogenous and she moans when I kiss her there just right." Jane thinks back to their kiss and she forces the smile creeping in the corner of her mouth away. "She also likes it when I bite her lip a little when we kiss." Maura's cheeks turn a slightly red color and she crosses her leg over the other. She turns her gaze to Perez, not able to look at Jane any longer while she is talking.

"Very good. That is detailed. Now Sarah. Tell me about your wife's family" Maura exhales slightly in relief that Perez is moving her focus to their general background. She is by no means skittish around the topic of sex but she can't manage to talk about the things she and the detective discussed earlier in the morning without wanting to kiss her again.

Maura Continues to tell Perez the details of Janes 'family'. Her confidence for the whole operation growing by the day. Perez continues to question the duo endlessly, making sure they literally finish each other's sentences. She goes through various scenarios that they could encounter and how they should handle the situations.

It's 11 am by the time they finish with the backgrounds. Perez is thorough, to say the least. "Ok, I am happy with your covers. Next Sarah our EOD will be here shortly to teach you how to disarm various bombs and booby traps. Lauren, there is a driving instructor outside. He will take you to the race track and teach you evasive driving. Tell Jim I said not to make you puke too much. We have work to do after your lessons"

Jane takes in a breath. "Seriously? Eeu. Now I'm kinda wishing I had a less exciting cover job. Oooh, why couldn't I be a sports agent?" Jane exclaims excitedly. Perez barely acknowledges Jane's protest. "You are dismissed. Report back here at five. You need to take couples pictures for the home decorators that will be setting up your house in Revere."

The women leave the lecturing hall. Nerves vibrating between them mostly for the training to come but there is definitely tension there. Jane is rubbing her hands slightly. "Ok Maur. I mean Sarah. Good luck with the bomb-defusing and the lock picking" Jane says giggling slightly. Thinking about the petite, educated, and virtuous woman learning how to do various criminal and edgy activities.

"Thank you, Lauren. Good luck with the driving. Try not to lose your breakfast" Maura says walking away, her hips swinging and her ass moving deliciously against her grey trousers.

Jane shakes her head and forces her gaze away from Mauras ass. Focus Jane! She says to herself as she leaves to meet her instructor.

Jane exits the building to find a dark blue Maserati Trofeo. Jane has never been one to squeal over a fast car the way Frost does. However, even she can't deny this car looks like it can outdrive a lightning bolt. It's low to the ground, has white stripes down the edges of it. A big 33 is displayed on the side and Jane knows this is the real deal.

A tall blonde guy is leaning against it, his arms crossed. He walks to Jane and gives a reassuring smile "James Garcia but you can call me Jim" Jim says in a thick North English accent, he reaches out to shake the brunette's hand "Detective Rizzoli. You can call me Lauren '' Jane says, shaking his hand firmly.

"I take it, agent Perez warned you about me. I didn't get the nickname 'Barf Minster Abbey' around here by taking it easy with my candidates" Jane is taken aback by his charm. For an instructor with these bureaucrats, he is not half bad. Jane is pushing her Downton Abbey jokes aside with everything she has, determined to remain as professional as she can up until she pukes all over the race car.

"Yeah, she might have mentioned something along those lines. I don't lose my lunch that easily though." Jim smiles in response and turns to walk toward the Maserati. "Beautiful isn't she? I've clocked a whopping 326km an hour on her myself. That's-" -"About 203 miles per hour. That's very fast" Jane interrupts looking at the car in disbelief"

"Yeah. Do you like cars like this?"."I don't not like them, I just don't get spending $150 000 on a car. That's the price of my rich uncle's house in Southie" Jim nods and walks to the driver's side gesturing for Jane to get in.

"I can respect that. It's not a cheap profession or hobby. But once you feel the power of this beast at its full potential, you might be singing a different tune". They get in and the reality of it all hits Jane all over again. Strong stainless steel rods are enforced at the sides inside the vehicle to keep it from crumbling like a beer can when it crashes.

They drive to the race track a few miles away and Jane is in awe of how Jim handles it. He's not even trying to race right now, the finesse he drives with is already eye-opening to Jane.

They get to an empty race track. The smell of burnt rubber hits Jane's nostrils as they get out. "I am going to take you out, give you a feel for how she drives, and to familiarise yourself with the track. Then we are going again. The second time you won't have time to see most of the track. It will be intense since this is your first time" Jim says getting back into the car and strapping bungee cord-looking belts over his shoulders, Jane buckles herself in as well.

The detective is already buzzing with adrenaline as James makes his way through the empty track. Jim is talking endlessly about the engine, how to take the angle of the curves just right, what many candidates do wrong. Jane meanwhile is listening intently, taking mental notes to get the phrases and terminology just right from a seasoned racer.

They come to a stop at the beginning of the track again. "Ok, now I will drive like you should be able to drive by the time we are through. A bit of advice, don't close your eyes. It does not help with motion sickness. Also, there is a barf bag to your right. Try not to miss, please. This car as you know is greatly expensive".

Jane nods and looks to see the bag hanging to her right. She prays she doesn't need it.

The car accelerates and Jane could see the smoke from the burnt rubber in the mirror. She automatically grips the handle above her head and tries to focus on what Jim is doing. She hasn't driven a manual since college.

Jane thinks they are going impossibly fast for Jim to turn for the curve ahead but with one smooth motion the car turns rapidly and Jim accelerates even more "Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers." Jim says as he proceeds to expertly navigate the track at 189 miles an hour.

Soon the fear turned into thrill and Jane's eyes went wide, her heart beating rapidly now. Everything seems to fade away. Her job stress, the investigation, everything with Maura... it all seems to dissolve with every turn of the Maserati. A smile creeps up on Jane's face, she gets it. There's nothing like a good session at the shooting range to take her mind away but this is even better.

Somewhere in the chaos, Jane looks over at Jim. Behind his visor, his face shows complete bliss. He is focused, he is in the zone and he is loving it. Wow, he must really love his job she thinks.

They come to a stop and Jim looks over, surprised. "I thought for sure that the last one would make you lose your lunch. Well done then. What'd you think?" Jane releases her grip on the handle. "That was intense, then amazing. You're an incredible driver" Jim responds with a smile, getting out of the car. He retrieves a duffle bag from the space in the back.

"These are flame retardant. Standard procedure. They go over your clothes. And a helmet." Jim says handing the gear to Jane. They put it on and Jim taps Jane's helmet after she clasps the straps. Apparently, it's good luck to do so with a newbie.

"Let's see what you got then Lauren," Jim says as he gets in the passenger side. Jane takes a deep breath. Ok Rizzoli, you got this. Do not crash this car, Cavenagh will kill you. Good pep talk. Let's go! Jane gets behind the wheel of the v8 powered Maserati. She looks skeptically at the gearbox to her right, trying to remember how it works with the clutch. Like riding a bike she says to herself.

She turns on the car and the rumbling engine sends shivers down her spine. She puts the car in first and slowly releases the clutch and puts a little pressure on the gas. The gas is more sensitive than she anticipated and the car yeets forward with more speed than was intended.

"Don't worry, you are already doing much better than expected. A lot of my candidates ask me what the third pedal is for. Like riding a bike isn't it?" Jane's confidence grows by the minute, Jim really is a good instructor. His demeanor puts her at ease.

"Yeah if the bike had a rocket attached to it" Jane says, her voice a little more rough and shaky. "Don't be shy now, see how she feels. These brakes are specially engineered to stop the car in time yet it does not slam onto the wheels causing swerving. It's not sensitive so you can really put pressure on it to stop quickly."

Jane starts driving faster and faster. Gearing down and braking before the turns to take them smoothly then accelerating again. "Very good, keep taking the turns from the outside. You can brake a little less each time until you feel confident enough to take them at a higher speed"

Jane nods as she drives faster and faster. Minutes turn into hours. Sweat droplets form under her helmet and drip down into her suit. She is focused. Determined. Even though it's technically work, Jane is loving every minute of it. She has completed the track 62 times and knows the turns by heart now.

She knows how much to slow down before a turn and how far into the turn she can accelerate. "Very good, you are clocking 63 miles an hour on the turns, I want that to be 80 by the end ok. Really push the limits"

"That seems too fast to turn in time even for this car" Jane says skeptically. "It's not the machine so much, it's the driver. You can do this Lauren" Jane nods then adjusts her gloved hands around the wheel. She maneuvers the car within the curve at 71 m/h. Jane can't believe it. Her confidence growing even more. She takes the next curve at 78m/h.

"Yes, Lauren, yes!. The next turn is a doozy so the one after that I want you to aim for 80." Sure enough, like clockwork Jane gears down just enough and taps the brake lightly. She near-expertly turns into the curve at a whopping 81 miles per hour.

"You are a natural! My best student yet." Jane can't help but smile. Where did that come from? She thinks. "Very well done. How do you feel? It's freeing isn't it?"

Jane brings the powerful machine to a smooth stop and puts it out of gear. "It really is. That was amazing. I feel excited but so relaxed at the same time. Odd but I love it."

"Yes, not exactly cheaper than therapy but it does it for me. When I get behind that wheel, it's just me and the road. No room for stress or sadness. Where I go they can't follow." Jane smiles. "Wow, well put"

"Ok, go out this gate, we are moving to the obstacle course next. You are supposed to be a heist getaway driver right so, evading police and traffic. We have a great course."

Meanwhile, Maura is learning everything from the art of safecracking to bomb-defusing and even taking traps apart and putting them together. Once she understands the theory behind it, she nails the practical. She is a scientist after all.

She leans in. Stethoscope at hand. This is the third safe she needs to crack to pass her practical and be prepared for almost any test the Reids could throw at her.

Apparently even seasoned safe crackers struggle with this model, that's why it is standard for most banks and institutions. She closes her eyes focussing on the sounds coming from inside the cold metal box. Tick, tick, tack.

Shoot I missed it. Maura says to herself and sighs in frustration as she starts over. 8 digit code, one sound of 10 is faintly different from the other and you have to stop in place once you hear it to lock in the number.

Maura has gone through her bomb-defusing class and practical as well as disarmed 12 common booby traps. She can't help but be pleased with herself, though the intensity and physicality of it are tolling. There is no time for a break, Maura, just relax and focus. The honey blonde says to herself. She has to make this last safe then she is done.

She wipes the sweat from her brow and looks at the emotionless face of her instructor. He hasn't so much as smiled once since they started and he only seems to look up from his clipboard when she makes a mistake. She looks at her timer, 3 minutes left.

She adjusts her stethoscope and has her notebook at hand. She turns the metallic cylinder very slowly and closes her eyes. Tick tick tick tick tick tack. She pauses just in time. She writes down the last digit of the code. She punches it in and viola the safe is open, she reaches inside for a small note:

Congratulations Sarah Walker. You cracked the last safe- FBI. Well, that's slightly disappointing she thinks, they could have at least left a nice gift basket. So much work for a lousy note. Maura shakes her head and stands up.

"Good job. You passed. Report to Perez in 30 minutes. Here are your results" the oh-so-friendly instructor says, handing Maura a brown envelope. "Thank you, for everything you taught me today. It was fascinating" he hardly acknowledges the doctor's comment and walks off.

She shrugs and heads to the cafeteria for a much-needed break. I am starving, she says to herself and looks at the options. Ooh, the salmon looks yummy, I wonder when Jane'll be done. The doctor thinks as she gets her food to sit by the table facing the door.

Jane kept her flame-retardant suit on and held her helmet under her arm. She spots the doctor eating blissfully. "You look like you've been through a rough day, how did it go?" Jane asks as she places her helmet on the table.

"I should be saying that to you but you actually look great. I take it you did not experience any emesis?" Maura says, licking her fork clean, looking Jane up and down. "I don't know what that means but no, I did not throw up, in fact, I loved it. Maura- um- Sarah you should have seen me. On the straights, I was going 170 miles an hour! And 81 miles on the last turn. It was amazing. Jim says I was born to do that."

"Wow. That is really fast! Weren't you scared?" Jane sits down and takes a bite of baked potato from Maura's plate."Yeah at first of course I was terrified. Then the adrenalin kicked in and I loved the feeling of controlling the Maserati, I took a picture- look" Jane says showing her the picture she took of Jim and the car and her and Jim. " You know anything that would come to a sudden standstill at that speed, a human body for instance would simply turn to liquid"

"Eeu Maura. I am getting food" Maura continues to look at the pictures Jane took. She knows a good deal about cars and could easily tell Jane something she did not know about the Maserati v8. Maura stops at the selfie with Jane and Jim. He's handsome, she thinks to herself. Jane sits back down ready to devour her burger in the little time they have left before they need to do the photoshoot.

"So you spent most of the day with Jim? What did you guys talk about?" Jane finishes chewing and looks at her helmet. "Mostly about the sport. He knows his technique. I'm grateful that I had such a seasoned instructor. I got a lot of phrases a real race car driver would say. What Lauren Walker would say."

Maura notices the difference in Jane, she's so relaxed and her eyes light up as she talks about her day. Was it Jim that has this effect on her? Why am I feeling like this? I should be happy, she's happy. Why do I feel like driving over Jim with his own car? Maura says as she shakes her head to rid her mind of the intruding thoughts.

"I'm really glad you enjoyed your training Jane. So what is Jim like?" Maura can't help but inquire more about Janes day and Jim. "Why do you say his name so weird?" "I do? I don't know, it's been such a long day. I am pretty tired" Jane places her hand on Mauras "I know, they did not say this would be easy. I am exhausted myself" Jane can't help but smile as her mind wanders, thinking about their kiss earlier.

"Well, you don't look it, Jane. You are basically beaming. What did you just think about? You are smiling." Jane panics slightly, then she remembers her day- it was amazing, not kiss Maura amazing but right up there. "I was just thinking back to my day..." Maura's face drops.

"You know when you drive a car like that and push yourself to go faster and faster, everything fades away. Jim put it so well he said..'' Maura has never been so annoyed with someone she has never even met. Who does this Jim think he is anyway. She thinks to herself as she tries to remain neutral.

"When I get behind that wheel, it's just me and the road. No room for stress or sadness. Where I go they can't follow" The ever factual Maura frowns, slightly amused at Jim's comment. What a goofball. She thinks. "That is not accurate. Emotions don't take up space in a car like a picnic basket, you have them with you always in your mind. This Jim character doesn't sound too bright" She says looking away and raising her eyebrow.

"No Maura- Sarah" Jane corrects, getting slightly annoyed that Peres insists they remain in character. "It's a metaphor. He's saying that driving takes away his stress and sorrows. He doesn't think about them when he's driving." Jane says with a loving and heartfelt look at Maura. "Oh. I see" is all the honey blonde could manage. "We should get to the lecture hall, our photoshoot awaits!" Maura says excitedly.

Jane has never been fond of photos. Posing around, taking pictures. Almost as mind-numbing as shopping. What are the odds that one person likes both these things and I get stuck with them? Jane thinks to herself but her thoughts soon soften as she thinks about the lovely doctor... and her lips. "Lauren, hello?...Ugh, Jane!"

"Yeah! I'm coming" the women walk side by side towards the hall. "Were you daydreaming over your day of driving again?" Maura asks, trying to get Jane to come clean about whether she likes this Jim guy...or maybe she really just loved driving a really fast car, that she is smiling ear to ear and zoning out of conversation. Maura really hopes it's the latter.

They enter the lecture hall "Something like that Maur". Maura pushes her thoughts and feelings aside as they approach Perez.

"How are we doing ladies? I got terrific feedback from your instructors. You both passed with flying colors. Sarah, you broke a record defusing a bomb. Very nice. And Lauren Jim says you were his most gifted candidate yet. I am blown away, you guys"

Maura tries to hide her emotions by yawning at the mention of Jim. A nervous tick she learned all about in her two years of Forensic Psychology. She just hopes no one else picks up on it.

"Now, a van is waiting to take you to the warehouse where the photographers have already set up. We are actually making great time. If we keep this pace you will be off to Revere in the morning to live in your new suburban home."

"Wow" Jane blurts out as she remembers what follows after that. Pretending to be Mauras wife, kissing her as they did earlier in the morning. Jane is equally excited and terrified. She gets to kiss the woman she always wanted to on the one hand, but on the other hand that does not come without complications.

They will be working. Spying and exploiting dangerous criminals. All the while she has to 'be married' to this incredible woman and not catch feelings that would jeopardize the operation, maybe even get them killed and that could ruin her friendship with her best friend. NO PRESSURE. Jane thinks to herself as they walk towards a white van.

"God, why does everything have to be so shady? I know we have to be under the radar but this is ridiculous" Jane says as they get in. The driver only gives them a first name and starts driving.

They walk into the warehouse and it looks like a massive movie set. Complete with various different backgrounds. "Hi, I'm chuck! It's so nice to finally meet you. You two are so brave. Bringing justice for that little girl, bless your hearts"

The flamboyantly dressed photographer embraces them in a warm hug before Jane could protest. "Yeah I am Lauren, this is my wife Sarah" Jane says plainly. This is the first time she has introduced Maura- Sarah as her wife. No quotation marks.

"Lovely to meet you, Chuck." Maura says warmly. Deep down she couldn't help but feel a warm feeling spread through her at Jane's behavior.

"Ok, we are taking holiday photos first. I was told you are a couple, dated for 8 years, and married for 5 months. You each have your own costumes and clothes for every scene of course."

Maura can barely contain her giddy wiggle at the thought of playing dress-up and having a photoshoot. Jane sees Maura's excitement and she says sarcastically excitedly "I cannot wait to see what you're gonna wear" Maura ignores Jane's sarcasm and hooks her arm into Janes and all but drags her to look at all the sets like she is a kid in a candy store.

"Oh look at this one, we were in Italy together! Ooh, Honeymoon in Prague! How romantic." Jane can't help but love how much the doctor loves it. She gets all excited and her eyes light up.

A technician with a headset and two bottles of water come over. "Hi I am Amy and I will be your assistant today. Anything you need just let me know, here is some water. If you will follow me, we are trying to run on a tight schedule here to get the pictures out to the home decorators in time." Maura and Jane follow wide-eyed as they stare at the equipment, costumes, and sets.

"Set number one we are doing a simple house party shoot. Not the same one you would have met at but one where we are going to make it seem like the earlier years of the relationship. Different styles, different hair, everything. Sarah if would follow me to hair and makeup. And Lauren you dresser with clothes is right over there."

The women get dressed and stand in the set that includes a ping pong table with red solo cups on it, home decor, a cutout of someone in the background, and a cutout of a poodle by their feet.

Maura is wearing a green mini skirt and a tank top. Her hair is in two ponytails. Her nails have black polish coverings. Her makeup is done to look as if she is in her late teens to early twenties.

Jane's eyes roam over Maura, taking in the completely different look and deep down being envious of anyone who had the privilege to know her when Maura was that age. To see all her fashion fazes. To experience growing with her as a young adult. Jane realise she's been staring at Maura for way too long.

"Nice pigtails, love the makeup," Jane says laced with sarcasm "Isn't it fun? Granted it is not my style but it is historically accurate- this is what a typical 20-year-old in the '90s would have worn. See the mismatching on my knee highs? Those were popularised on July 10 th 19-" "Thank you Google mouth, Id love, to hear more but our photographer is coming this way" Jane says giving Maura a fake pout.

"Alright, ladies. Let's start. Jane, can you put your hand around Maura's waist? Thank you just like that, now pretend I said something funny and laugh"

Maura starts laughing for real at Chuck's comedic timing and Jane could feel her laughing against her. She bites her lip slightly. "Ok, we're done here. Next, we have a date night at Al' Gory's"

The duo changes again and poses for picture after picture. At some point, they had 10 actors playing family members and friends and even 2 live dogs.

Next, they dress in black-tie. Maura is wearing a gorgeous lavender gown and her hair is done up. Jane is wearing an LBD and her curls are straightened.

Jane can once again not take her eyes off the lovely doctor. "Wow, Jane you look amazing. I love that dress on you. Oh my god, your hair" Maura is now squealing, bouncing up and down and touching the fabric of the dress. She drags her fingers through Jane's hair. "Honestly, I miss your curls"

Jane stands perfectly still while the ME fonds over her. She can't deny she looks pretty hot but she prefers the attention where it belongs-Maura. "Thank you. You look gorgeous as well Maura"

"Ok girlies. Pose in front of this foyer-looking thing. Perfect. Now smile. Ok, stop smiling. Now I want you to hold each other and kiss like no one else is in the room."

Jane's heart starts racing. Did she just hear him right? Kiss Maura? She always wants to kiss the woman so hearing someone telling her to do it makes her a little skeptical of her own hearing. "I'm sorry, I just want to clarify. Do you want us to kiss?" ."Yes. pretty please" comes the sarcastic photographer.

"Jane it's ok. I meant what I said this morning. You can kiss me anytime you want. These are the typical pictures that a couple would have in their home" Jane nods, not trusting her voice too much. She pulls Maura closer, looks down at her beautiful red lips, and closes her eyes.

Their lips meet and Jane feels like she is flying. Like she has been waiting to do this again ever since this morning. 8 hours since I got to do this, but who's counting?. The detective says to herself as she deepens the kiss slightly.

Maura's mind goes blank once more. No facts, no articles, or any information in that beautiful mind. Just bliss. This is becoming more and more addictive for the doctor. Jane's lips have become like Maura's much-needed break from her own thoughts, stresses, and the reality that surrounds them both. Her safe haven firmly lies on two pink pillows just waiting to be kissed, nibbled, and sucked.

"Perfect ladies. Next, we have a boat ride in Amsterdam." Maura is pulled from her haze and into reality by Jane breaking the kiss. The detective clears her throat and Maura opens her eyes. "After you," Jane says motioning to their dressing rooms. Maura sighs slightly then smiles at Jane.

The women get dressed and proceed to walk up to a real boat in front of a huge green screen.

"Wow. I don't know what I thought when I heard we would be doing a couples photoshoot but it sure wasn't this' ' Jane says as he steps into the boat from a ladder-looking thing, holding her hand out for Maura to take.

They proceed to take almost 10 years' worth of photos and Jane has just about had enough dress up and posing and smiling to last the rest of her life but she is not completely miserable. She has hope that somewhere along the line Chuck will ask them to kiss again. Jane cannot wait. Not that she would admit it to herself of course.

The women go back to see the mother of all 'costumes' waiting for them in their dressing rooms. Jane could hear Maura gasp in the other room.

Maura sees a breathtakingly beautiful white wedding dress suspended in the air. Her slender fingers caress the fabric and the doctor swallows deeply. She squeals when she sees the eggshell white heels that go with it.

The make-up artist helps her with finishing touches and to secure her vale. Maura gasps again when she sees her reflection in the corner of the room. "It's a lot like the one I imagined growing up" ."You look stunning, even if it isn't real." Amy says.

Maura walks out to see Jane in a tailored suit. All white trousers, jacket and underneath she is wearing a corset/lingerie looking thing. Her hair is gorgeously tamed and in big curls over her shoulders. Her makeup is perfect even if the detective thinks so herself.

Maura gasps. "Maur" is all Jane could manage when she sees the vision that is Maura Isles in a wedding gown. Before either woman could say anything Chuck skips toward them.

"What do we think gals. Do you like my wedding selection? I think you both look stunning. Hm, I love me a gay wedding!" he says as he adjusts Maura's vale and takes in the sight of her."Gorgeous. Both of you. Ok stand over here, so the greenscreen will project a huge grass field and a venue in the background. So hold each other and look happy. Happy like the best day of your life, happy... like you got to marry the love of your life."

Chuck is snapping away but for Jane and Maura, they might as well be standing alone in that warehouse. They look into each other eyes, now and then taking glances at their attires. The world fades as Jane imagines marrying this woman for real.

She's so beautiful. Does she even know how she makes me feel every day that I am with her? How am I gonna survive living with her as my wife every day without ravishing her? Fuck. Breathe Jane, breathe. The detective coaches to herself as Chuck snaps away.

"Gorgeous. Big smiles. Now Lauren I want you to dip Sarah and kiss her ok?" Jane doesn't hesitate this time. She places her hand on Maura's lower back and Maura responds by wrapping her arms around Janes's neck. Maura leans back and Jane moves in for her reward.

Their kisses become even more heated with time and it's becoming harder for either one to stop. Maura nibbles Jane's lip this time and breaks the kiss, causing Jane to moan slightly in response. If we didn't have work to do I would take you right in the dressing room a-

Janes thoughts are cut off as Chuck continues "-Perfect laddies. We only have the honeymoon left so go put on your bathing suits and I'll meet you at the beach set.

The duo comes out of their respective dressers. Jane can't help but speed walk to where she can meet Maura. The doctor comes out in an orange plaid bikini, barefoot and her hair down. This day has been so long. Jane is openly gawking at Maura at this point. Taking in the sight of Maura's full, firm breasts just slightly threatening to spill out of the fabric.

Janes eyes slowly wander up her toned legs to where they meet soft alabaster mounds. Whatever she is doing in yoga is working for that ass. Jane thinks as she wets her lips. Her mouth is suddenly dry. She asks Amy for another water, barely moving her gaze from the doctor.

God, she's gorgeous. Maura thinks as she takes in the sight. Jane is wearing a navy blue bikini with a matching shawl wrapped around her lower waist. The two women stand in the set on cosmetic sand.

"Are we ready for the last one?!" Chuck's chipper energy is now starting to irk the detective. No one should be that happy taking this many pictures this late in the night.

"Ok, Maura I want you on the beach chair with the shades on. Just relax and have your arms maybe crossed above your head. Now Jane I want you to look at me for one, two there now look at Maura"

Jane looks at Maura. Blissful Maura with her alabaster arms stretched above her head. How much more of this can I take before I lose control? Jane asks herself. All she wants to do. All that plays in her mind every day is how she wants to kiss every inch of the honey blonde's body and just devour her until they are both forced to stop due to exhaustion.

Jane is snapped from her haze as Chuck concludes. "Excellent work you two. Can I just say, you are both just so beautiful. I really hope you guys catch the killer. You know what they say, good things come to beautiful people" Chuck says before greeting them and leaving the set, hips swinging, camera in hand.

"The van will take you back to the Academy campus. Thank you for taking the time to come in and I also hope you can bring the killer or killers to justice. I remember hearing about it on the news. It's just a travesty, she was so young." Amy says with her hand on her chest.

"Thank you. We will certainly give our all. Take care" Jane says warmly as they leave the warehouse. "These people were so nice" Maura says as she gets cozy in the van, removing her heels and bringing her legs up.

"Yeah, they were. Man is it one in the morning already?!" jane says as she tries to stiffen a yawn. "Yes, I am feeling exhausted, defusing bombs and picking locks for 6 hours will do that... oh Jane!" Jane jumps at Maura's exclamation "-What!? What is it Maur?" "That wedding dress was beautiful wasn't it?" Jane rolls her eyes. Sometimes the love of fashion can make the doctor a little dramatic.

"It sure was Maur. how about you close your eyes for a bit and I will wake you when we're there?" Maura snuggles up to Jane, placing her head in the crook of her neck. "Hmmm-k" the doctor hums in content.

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