Home is where the heart is...

By lilapurpleread

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*** ON HOLD FOR A WHILE *** You are Y/N Stark, daughter of one of the most famous and rich men in the world:... More

Chapter 1: Who the hell is Bucky?
Chapter 2: You slap like a girl
Chapter 3: Night time madness
Chapter 4: The punishment
Chapter 5: I still hate you
Chapter 7: What the hell were we doing?
Chapter 8: The Bet
Chapter 9: Gotcha!
Chapter 10: Ready
Author's Note:)
Chapter 11: Happy... Birthday... Doll
Chapter 12: Pardon me, officer
Chapter 13: The Files
Chapter 14: The safe house
Chapter 15: Christmas Blues, Part 1
Chapter 16: Christmas Blues, Part 2
Season 2, Chapter 1

Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember

347 8 1
By lilapurpleread

A/N: Just a short warning: This story is for mature audiences, so there will be mature topics. I decided I will not put specific trigger warnings because I do not want to spoil the story line ahead of time, but please be advised that there are mature topics here.

Nat's POV:

Tony walked up and down in his office furiously. „How dare he? The audacity of that fucking..." „Tony!" I interrupted his whispered tirade of insults.

„You know, what your daughter said wasn't exactly nice as well. Which doesn't make Bucky's comment ok, but you should keep that in mind"

Tony just grunted in response and then stopped the pacing. „Did you see the look on her face? He hurt her... I..." he sighed. „I think I need to put an end to this project of them spending all of their time together... I feel like it's just making things worse. And I don't get it! In the hospital he seemed so nice, he even-"

„I know Tony" I interrupted him once again. I had an idea why Bucky was acting the way he was, but I couldn't tell Tony. At least not yet.

Tony sighed once more and started pacing again, when I caught some security footage with the corner of my eye. It was from the kitchen. Bucky with a bunch of chocolate, bananas and a muffin tray. No way! He actually started baking Y/n's absolute favorite food... My suspicions seemed to be right.

„You know, Tony, maybe you should give it a little more time."

„A little more time?? Are you crazy? Do you want them to kill each other?" he asked and looked at me with a shocked expression.

„No. Look." I said and pointed at the many screens that showed security footage from all over the tower except for the bedrooms, bathrooms and the roof.

„Is he making banana chocolate muffins?" Tony asked in disbelief.

„Yep. And there is only one person in this tower except for you who eats those and I'm sure he's not making them for you"

„...Y/n..." Tony whispered. „Maybe you're right... I will still loosen the rules though. They will get a break from each other every now and then, they can go to their rooms but whenever they leave their rooms, they have to take the other one with them. Training, food, shopping... you know, that kinda stuff. Maybe they'll start getting along then."

God this man is blind. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. „Sure, Tony."

Y/n's POV, two weeks later:

I knocked on Barnes' door. „Hey, Barnacle man! It's time to train!" I shouted.

„Cooming!" I heard him shout back from inside and just seconds later the door flew open. Barnes was wearing dark shorts and a white t-shirt, his hair was pulled up in a bun. I had to admit, he looked really hot like that...

„Take a picture, it'll probably last longer" he said with a knowing smirk. I punched him playfully and responded „The camera would break from your uglyness, old man"

Barnes grabbed his chest, pretending to feel hurt, but then we both started laughing.

Over the last few weeks, Barnes and I had been starting to get along well. We were still bickering from time to time, but it was more of a friendly banter rather than us saying truly hurtful things. I even called him Bucky twice on accident... It's starting to feel hard not to, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me accepting him as a friend just yet.

When we entered the gym, we started warming up individually, like we had done in the past two weeks. Then Barnes started lifting weights, while I did a short high intensity work out.

After a short break, Barnes and I decided to go sparing.

„I'll go easy on you!" I joked. We were both of about the same strength and skill, because Natasha had taught me all of her tricks while he still had a good muscle memory from his fights as the winter soldier.

„Sure! Like I need that!" Bucky responded. „Good luck, Banana Muffin" he said. Ever since he found out I like banana chocolate muffins, he occasionally called me that. I didn't like when he did, but he wouldn't be Barnes if he wouldn't call me nicknames.

Then we started fighting. We dodged each others bunches and twirled around, but after a while, I had him in a tight grip and I already though I had him, because I only had to pull his legs to have him pinned to the ground, but then Bucky flipped me and pinned me to the ground. While flipping me around, he tripped and fell, and was then laying on top of me. Our faces were just a few inches away from each other and it felt like the world stopped turning for a second.

I felt his warm, soft breath on my face and soaked up his scent while we looked each other deep in the eyes. I got lost in the deep blue of his eyes wondering how anyone could have eyes as blue as his. He had gotten so close, that just one tiny lift of my head could lead to us...

„O shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you guys!" someone said and Bucky quickly jumped off of me. I jumped up myself, only to find Scott standing in the doorway with a surprised look on his face.

„You weren't... nothing happened" I said and saw Bucky quickly rush past Scott leaving the gym.

„You sure? That didn't look like nothing to me!" Scott chuckled.

„Whatever" I whispered and grabbed my stuff to run after Bucky. When I rushed past Scott he yelled „Go get your man!" but I just flipped him off in response. Bucky Barnes might be a lot, but NOT my man.

When I turned around the corner to stop for a minute. Why was I even running after Bucky? I should give him some space. It was odd he just ran off without saying anything, but it was an awkward situation, so I couldn't really blame him, right?

I decided to go upstairs to take a shower hoping I wouldn't see Bucky on my way up. And luckily, I didn't. But when I entered my room, I found Wanda and Nat sitting on my bed.

„Surpriseeee" Wanda shouted and Nat smiled suspiciously.

„What are you doing?" I asked with a bit of concern. When they acted like that they usually have something planned I might not like.

„Us?" Nat asked and pointed at herself and Wanda. „We're not doing anything! You, on the other hand, are going out on a date tonight!"

„A date? Why?? And with whom would you two want me to out on a date with anyway??" I asked. Why would they set me up?

„Well, you haven't been laid in quite a-„ Wanda started, but I interrupted her. „Hold up, my love life, my decisions!" „Sorry dear, but I'm afraid we have to disagree. Also we think it might help you to take your mind off of Bucky!" Wait what? Did Wanda read my mind again? I started feeling nervous, but I tried not to let it show. „Since the two of you need to spend so much time together, we thought it would be good if you'd be able to see a man you'd be willing to get closer to! And who is actually nice to you!" Wanda finished and winked at me.

„Scott and Steve are nice to me!" I said. I did not want to go on this date.

Nat started laughing. „You want to get laid by Scott or Steve?" she asked.

„NO! Ugh that's not how I meant it!!" I shivered in disgust. I loved them, but they were like family to me. I would never even think about... eew. No. Just no. Apart from that I knew that Nat and Steve were kind of a thing, even though they weren't exactly public yet.

„Ok, it's settled then! You're going on a date! Unless there's someone in the compound you already have your eyes on...?" Nat implied and gave me a mischevious smile. I bet she saw the security footage of this morning because I haven't told her that ever since Bucky had baked those muffins for me, he had been on my mind more and more. Involuntary, of course. I still don't like him!

„No I don't, why would you think that?" I asked. „Who would I be going on a date with anyway?" I continued.

„No reason" Nat said innocently. „The guy you'll go out with is an old friend of mine. His name is Marc and he is 29 years old. You'll go to... oh what was it called? I don't remember, I'll have to check. But you'll be going to that super fancy restaurant down in Manhattan. He'll pay of course! He's a real nice guy most of the times, just give him a chance!" Nat said.

I sighed. „Ok. I will. But you guys will drive me there and you will track my location! That man could be a serial killer!"

„Honey, Nat knows him. He is NOT a serial killer!" Wanda chuckled. „But we can do that. And you know what else we can do? We can help you get ready!"

So they did. They had bought me a nice and short dress that complimented my curves and made me look super hot, but not like I'm some whore one had picked off the streets. When Nat and Wanda where done „working" on me, they looked at me and approved the look.

„You look gorgeous girl!" Wanda squeaked. When she checked the time, she gasped. „We gotta get going now or you'll be late!" and then they drove me to the most expensive restaurant I had ever been to, and that must mean something considering my dad's wealth.

„Go look for him. He's tall, blond and is wearing a red suit. Have fun Y/n!" Nat said when I opened the door. „Thank you." I said and then walked towards the restaurant. A red suit? Great... But as I ugly as I imagined it, it was helpful to find who I assumed to be Marc. I walked up to the man who was standing next to the door looking like he was waiting for someone. And I noticed that red suits don't necessarily need to look ugly.

„Marc?" I asked.

„Yeppers, that's my name. You must be Y/n!" he said with a big smile on his face. „Shall we?" he offered me his arm and led me inside. I don't know why, but something felt off about this man, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. He was friendly and good looking... even though he was wearing that red suit, but something seemed wrong.

We sat and ate for a while and I enjoyed talking to him. Marc turned out to be nice actually. He was a surgeon who had lived in Sokovia for a while, where he had met Nat after she had gotten injured in a fight. My previous worries had vanished during our nice conversations, but when he ordered a bottle of Whiskey to take home, it resurfaced for a second.

„Don't worry gorgeous, I won't drink and drive. I just know they have really good Whiskey and I want to take it home later. Do we wan't to go back to your place for a while to continue chatting?" he asked.

„Uhm, sure. Is it ok if we take a taxi?"

„Of course dear! I don't have my car here anyway. What do you say, we have another drink and then we'll call a taxi?" he asked and smiled at me.

„Sure." I responded and waved the waiter to us. „I'll have a vodka with passion fruit juice, please"

„And I'll have a gin tonic please. And the receipt please"

„Very well, sir." The waiter said, quickly bowed and then left towards the kitchen.

„I have to go use the restroom real quick, I'll be back in a minute" I said and get up.

„Oh no, please don't run off just yet! We were having such a good time!" he said and chuckled.

„Don't worry, I won't" I said and laughed.

Before going back, I checked myself in the mirror. Wanda and Nat had outdone themselves once more, I looked really good tonight. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to have sex with Marc tonight, but I know I could, at least if he judges by looks.

When I returned to the table, our drinks had already been served and Marc was putting away his wallet. „There you are, gorgeous! I already payed so we can get out of here once we're done."

„Sounds good. Thank you very much for paying, but you really didn't have to do this!" I said.

„I know I didn't but I wanted to. A girl like you deserves a treat once in a while" he said and smiled a me. „Cheers, Y/n." he continued and raised his glass to take a sip, so did I. „So..." he started and slowly grabbed my left hand that I had placed on the table. „...what are our plans for when we get to your place?" He whispered.

I didn't know if I was ready for this, but you know... fuck it. I emptied my whole drink at once to gain courage and decided to just see what happens.

„Who knows..." I whispered seductively, not entirely sure what I was doing.

„Damn you want to get our of here reeeally quickly, don't ya?" Marc asked looking at my empty glass. Without emptying his he got up and said „Let's go"

I grabbed my purse, Marc helped me into my coat an then we went outside, where a cab was already waiting for us. Without asking where we need to go, the taxi driver started driving.

„I called while you were in the bathroom." Marc explained. He slowly lifted his hands and traced it down my face over my neck towards my shoulders. I started feeling a little bit tingly and like everything started getting a little blurry. That's what I get for chugging a whole glass of Vodka and juice...

Before I knew it, Marc and I where making out and I don't know how, but somehow we ended up in my room. I didn't remember getting there, but I was laying on my bed face up while he was kissing me hungrily. A soft moan escaped my lips when he started tracing kisses down towards my breasts, but suddenly I felt his hands between my legs and I felt like he was going a little too quickly.

„No...don't" I slurred in between the kisses. I tried shoving his hands away, but I couldn't move. My head was filled with fog, all I could feel was him ontop of me and the fear of him doing things I didn't want him to do.

Instead of stopping, he intensified his movements. I wanted to push him off of me, but I couldn't. I couldn't move.

„Oh you feisty litte slut... you're mine tonight wether you want to or not..." Marc whispered against my ear.

Then it dawned to me. He must have spiked my drink while I was in the bathroom... fuck. I would not be able to defend myself until it wears off, which should be fairly quickly I hoped... I need a higher dose of every medication I take for it to work long term, so why should it be different for something like this? The thought of that didn't matter, I felt panic build up inside of me.

I waited a litte bit, but then I felt the fog in my head slowly dissapearing. I realized I was completely naked... I hadn't even noticed him taking off my clothes. Then I felt his hands between my legs again. I clenched them together as hard as I could, hopefully crushing his hand in the process.

„Arghh fuck you little bitch!" he yelled. My plan must have worked, he pulled out his hand that looked... deformed. He used his other hand to smack my face brutally hard and then he run off, leaving me on my bed naked, tears started streaming down my face and I was barely able to move.

-2756 words

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